Number of jobs held by individuals aged 18 to 32 in 1978-95: Individuals aged 31 to 38 in 1995 by educational attainment, sex, and age Age in 1995 and Average number of jobs for persons 18 to 32 in 1978-95 characteristic Total 18 to 22 years 23 to 27 years 28 to 32 years Total, 31 to 38 years 8.6 4.4 3.3 2.6 Men, 31 to 38 years 8.9 4.5 3.4 2.8 Women, 31 to 38 years 8.3 4.3 3.1 2.4 NOTE: Jobs that were held in more than one of the 5-year age periods were counted in each column but only once in the total column.