Construction made up smaller share of foreign-born Hispanic or Latino deaths in California
In California, 29 foreign-born Hispanic or Latino workers were fatally injured in the construction industry in 2021—more than in any other industry. However, this industry accounted for a smaller share of all deaths to this group of workers in California than it did nationwide. The construction industry accounted for 21.5 percent of foreign-born Hispanic or Latino deaths in the state. Nationally, the construction industry made up 37.7 percent of fatalities to these workers.
Conversely, the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting industry and the manufacturing industry made up higher-than-average shares of the foreign-born Hispanic or Latino deaths in California. Of the state’s 135 fatalities to foreign-born Hispanic or Latino workers, 16.3 percent (22 fatalities) occurred in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting industry, while 13.3 percent (18 fatalities) happened in the manufacturing industry. Nationally, these industries made up less than 10 percent of all fatalities to foreign-born Hispanic or Latino workers.