{ "Telework": [ "Increased", "Increased and expect increase to continue", "All of the time", "Some of the time", "Rarely or never" ], "Workplace flexibilities": [ "Flexible hours", "Alternative schedules", "Voluntary reduced hours", "Job-sharing", "Paid leave for dependent care", "At least one flexibility" ], "Changes in pay": [ "Increased base wages", "Paid wage premium", "Paid monetary awards/bonuses", "Paid signing bonuses", "Paid recruitment bonuses", "At lease one change in pay" ], "COVID-19 workplace requirements": [ "Face coverings or protective gear", "Temperature screening", "Required COVID-19 vaccination to work on-site", "Offered financial incentives for vaccination", "Offered financial incentives that required vaccination", "Did NOT offer financial incentives that required vaccination", "Required vaccination that offered financial incentives", "Did not require vaccination that offered financial incentives" ], "Establishment space size": [ "Decreased", "Increased", "Remained the same", "Expect to decrease", "Expect to increase", "Expect to remain the same" ], "Relocation": [ "Moved within the same city or county", "Did not move", "Expect to move within the same city or county", "Do not expect to move" ], "Supplementing workforce": [ "Started or increased the use of independent contractors", "Started or increased the use of temporary help agency workers", "Started or increased the use of contracting companies", "Did not start or increase the use of any of these types of workers", "Started or increased the use of at least one type of workers", "Expect to use independent contractors", "Expect to use temporary help agency workers", "Expect to use contracting companies", "Expect to use at least one of these types of workers", "Do not expect to use at any of these types of workers" ], "Automation": [ "Self-service kiosks", "Automated document analysis and review", "Use at least one type of automation", "Not using any of these types of automation", "Started or increased the use of any type of automation" ], "Drug and alcohol testing": [ "Currently testing", "Reduced or delayed testing", "Currently testing and reduced or delayed testing" ], "COVID-19 loans or grants": [ "Loans received after Jan 1, 2021", "Loans received after Jan 1, 2020 and converted to grants" ] }