Table 43. Consumer units of single males by income before taxes: Average annual expenditures and characteristics, Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2000-2001 Complete reporting of income All Item single males Total Less $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 complete than to to to to to and reporting $5,000 $9,999 $14,999 $19,999 $29,999 $39,999 over Number of consumer units (in thousands)...... 14,185 11,474 1,057 1,560 1,544 1,033 1,808 1,500 2,971 Income before taxes a/ ...................... $30,492 $30,492 $2,364 $7,649 $12,114 $17,077 $24,393 $34,200 $68,554 Income after taxes a/ ....................... 27,942 27,942 2,254 6,554 11,926 16,428 22,942 31,870 61,705 Age of the reference person.................. 45.3 45.4 31.7 48.3 52.1 47.2 46.7 44.6 44.2 Average number in consumer unit: Persons..................................... 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Children under 18........................... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Persons 65 and over......................... .2 .2 .1 .3 .4 .3 .2 .1 .1 Earners..................................... .7 .8 .8 .5 .5 .7 .8 .9 1.0 Vehicles.................................... 1.3 1.3 .7 .9 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 Percent distribution: Male........................................ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Homeowner................................... 44 43 19 30 42 41 43 50 57 With mortgage.............................. 21 21 4 5 8 15 21 28 41 Without mortgage........................... 23 22 15 25 35 25 22 23 16 Renter...................................... 56 57 81 70 58 59 57 50 43 Black....................................... 12 12 11 17 11 13 14 10 8 White and other............................. 88 88 89 83 89 87 86 90 92 Elementary (1-8)............................ 6 6 4 21 8 4 4 2 1 High school (9-12).......................... 32 33 25 35 45 47 39 32 19 College..................................... 62 61 71 43 47 49 57 67 80 Never attended and other.................... b/ b/ b/ 1 b/ c/ b/ b/ c/ At least one vehicle owned or leased........ 80 81 59 61 76 80 89 93 92 Average annual expenditures.................. $25,490 $26,879 $13,657 $14,507 $18,531 $19,572 $23,445 $30,046 $45,276 Food........................................ 3,181 3,421 2,255 2,160 2,552 2,870 3,137 3,881 4,972 Food at home............................. 1,429 1,516 912 1,169 1,403 1,441 1,595 1,755 1,778 Cereals and bakery products............ 211 228 145 188 211 241 238 268 250 Cereals and cereal products.......... 70 74 46 68 69 78 91 79 71 Bakery products...................... 142 154 98 119 142 163 147 188 179 Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs......... 356 374 204 292 358 317 387 477 432 Beef................................. 103 110 56 75 106 92 114 133 137 Pork................................. 70 75 50 75 77 70 85 94 68 Other meats.......................... 50 54 33 48 51 54 55 75 55 Poultry.............................. 64 64 27 40 59 52 66 81 84 Fish and seafood..................... 52 53 27 37 45 27 48 74 74 Eggs................................. 17 18 11 17 20 22 20 20 15 Dairy products......................... 155 164 102 123 162 152 173 191 188 Fresh milk and cream................. 65 67 35 56 80 64 71 81 68 Other dairy products................. 90 96 67 67 82 88 102 110 119 Fruits and vegetables.................. 247 259 142 198 229 261 303 295 291 Fresh fruits......................... 76 81 45 67 77 70 92 78 98 Fresh vegetables..................... 73 76 35 54 65 78 90 97 84 Processed fruits..................... 61 63 41 48 51 67 79 76 66 Processed vegetables................. 37 39 21 28 35 46 42 44 43 Other food at home..................... 460 492 320 367 443 470 494 525 617 Sugar and other sweets............... 52 57 36 42 48 76 50 45 80 Fats and oils........................ 35 36 19 28 37 33 43 38 38 Miscellaneous foods.................. 213 227 152 162 212 211 223 251 284 Nonalcoholic beverages............... 137 146 93 113 135 134 158 157 176 Food prepared by consumer unit on out-of-town trips................... 24 26 20 22 11 16 21 33 40 Food away from home.................... 1,751 1,905 1,343 992 1,149 1,430 1,543 2,126 3,194 Alcoholic beverages......................... 504 569 422 437 460 375 449 660 837 Housing..................................... 8,320 8,360 4,689 4,759 6,028 6,583 7,706 8,817 13,530 Shelter.................................. 5,433 5,396 2,907 3,126 3,618 4,295 4,771 5,761 8,977 Owned dwellings........................ 2,352 2,291 693 920 1,166 1,466 1,654 2,489 4,736 Mortgage interest and charges........ 1,203 1,177 232 261 253 685 689 1,238 2,911 Property taxes....................... 656 604 252 309 454 339 453 662 1,115 Maintenance, repairs, insurance,other expenses............................ 493 510 208 350 459 442 513 590 710 Rented dwellings....................... 2,767 2,782 1,628 1,997 2,275 2,709 2,960 3,021 3,665 Other lodging.......................... 313 324 587 209 177 120 156 251 576 Utilities, fuels, and public services.... 1,598 1,611 795 1,096 1,449 1,504 1,668 1,777 2,175 Natural gas............................ 211 212 99 123 166 182 214 261 309 Electricity............................ 569 562 292 393 545 581 614 574 712 Fuel oil and other fuels............... 68 70 d/ 48 80 96 68 82 36 70 Telephone services..................... 593 606 293 399 489 534 606 701 861 Water and other public services........ 157 161 63 101 153 140 153 205 222 Household operations..................... 277 272 182 97 157 121 299 368 443 Personal services...................... 58 65 d/ 119 b/ d/ 9 c/ d/ 113 d/ 168 52 Other household expenses............... 219 206 63 97 148 121 186 200 390 Housekeeping supplies.................... 179 200 98 126 140 164 233 222 280 Laundry and cleaning supplies.......... 50 55 32 47 41 48 68 62 67 Other household products............... 81 90 36 57 68 69 88 107 135 Postage and stationery................. 49 55 d/ 31 23 32 47 78 52 78 Household furnishings and equipment...... 833 880 706 314 662 498 735 688 1,656 Household textiles..................... 42 41 d/ 8 d/ 12 d/ 25 d/ 16 28 42 90 Furniture.............................. 186 201 109 41 123 102 171 153 434 Floor coverings........................ 7 7 d/ 1 d/ 2 d/ 1 d/ 2 d/ 14 d/ 5 12 Major appliances....................... 84 94 46 26 76 85 79 109 160 Small appliances, miscellaneous housewares............................ 41 44 14 16 27 58 42 26 80 Miscellaneous household equipment...... 473 494 528 217 411 235 401 353 881 Apparel and services........................ 824 919 691 619 549 620 865 916 1,487 Men and boys............................. 394 457 422 258 268 317 534 419 685 Men, 16 and over....................... 384 447 421 253 265 313 519 412 665 Boys, 2 to 15.......................... 10 10 d/ 1 d/ 5 d/ 3 d/ 5 15 8 20 Women and girls.......................... 43 49 d/ 50 d/ 28 d/ 24 d/ 33 28 43 94 Women, 16 and over..................... 26 31 c/ d/ 27 d/ 1 d/ 30 d/ 19 d/ 28 68 Girls, 2 to 15......................... 17 18 d/ 50 d/ 1 d/ 23 d/ 3 8 d/ 14 26 Children under 2......................... 9 11 d/ 2 d/ 31 d/ 2 d/ 2 d/ 9 d/ 19 12 Footwear................................. 153 165 d/ 129 d/ 173 d/ 116 d/ 128 151 234 188 Other apparel products and services...... 225 237 87 129 138 140 144 202 507 Transportation.............................. 4,920 5,074 2,007 2,865 4,289 3,957 4,644 6,832 7,489 Vehicle purchases (net outlay)........... 2,299 2,368 d/ 762 1,415 2,451 1,925 2,089 3,576 3,111 Cars and trucks, new................... 1,088 1,121 c/ d/ 389 1,161 d/ 635 875 2,187 1,662 Cars and trucks, used.................. 1,129 1,153 762 1,019 1,274 1,127 1,173 1,245 1,248 Other vehicles......................... 82 95 c/ d/ 8 d/ 15 d/ 162 d/ 42 d/ 145 200 Gasoline and motor oil................... 837 855 569 531 675 767 897 1,046 1,130 Other vehicle expenses................... 1,501 1,572 522 771 973 1,142 1,438 1,942 2,715 Vehicle finance charges................ 171 189 49 58 86 111 225 256 332 Maintenance and repairs................ 493 546 194 336 431 457 423 559 933 Vehicle insurance...................... 488 505 140 226 325 424 583 701 759 Vehicle rental, leases, licenses, other charges.............................. 349 332 139 150 132 150 207 428 691 Public transportation.................... 283 279 154 149 190 122 220 268 533 Health care................................. 1,167 1,220 411 881 1,526 1,054 1,245 1,158 1,599 Health insurance......................... 519 533 170 380 619 526 583 541 665 Medical services......................... 378 410 125 246 492 227 396 359 651 Drugs.................................... 220 226 102 214 376 276 217 198 198 Medical supplies......................... 50 52 d/ 14 42 39 25 49 61 84 Entertainment............................... 1,252 1,323 838 634 840 865 1,146 1,485 2,280 Fees and admissions...................... 352 363 208 170 182 197 254 367 734 Television, radios, sound equipment...... 520 543 394 319 412 430 490 623 814 Pets, toys, and playground equipment..... 165 183 70 52 124 121 238 226 282 Other entertainment supplies, equipment,and services.................. 215 234 165 93 122 116 164 269 450 Personal care products and services......... 222 236 179 136 137 223 199 412 297 Reading..................................... 104 113 47 69 66 76 107 118 198 Education................................... 528 511 1,276 777 502 355 245 194 482 Tobacco products and smoking supplies....... 269 280 224 284 293 290 321 259 272 Miscellaneous............................... 638 681 177 265 325 457 550 967 1,274 Cash contributions.......................... 1,165 1,258 265 227 444 666 948 1,286 2,954 Personal insurance and pensions............. 2,396 2,913 176 394 522 1,183 1,884 3,060 7,605 Life and other personal insurance........ 181 195 32 73 72 257 150 184 393 Pensions and Social Security............. 2,215 2,717 144 321 449 926 1,734 2,876 7,212 Sources of income and personal taxes: a/ Money income before taxes.................. 30,492 30,492 2,364 7,649 12,114 17,077 24,393 34,200 68,554 Wages and salaries....................... 23,001 23,001 1,644 2,384 4,789 9,678 17,407 28,039 56,389 Self-employment income................... 2,063 2,063 -182 166 206 935 819 979 6,520 Social Security, private and government retirement................... 3,985 3,985 286 3,607 5,849 5,020 5,056 4,107 3,458 Interest, dividends, rental income, other property income................... 672 672 26 110 302 311 385 685 1,684 Unemployment and workers'' compensation, veterans'' benefits..................... 143 143 d/ 72 d/ 105 d/ 78 327 306 d/ 40 110 Public assistance, supplemental security, income, food stamps..................... 203 203 126 685 273 d/ 296 d/ 19 d/ 30 d/ 107 Regular contributions for support........ 226 226 238 349 418 d/ 251 279 d/ 168 d/ 44 Other income............................. 200 200 154 242 200 260 122 153 243 Personal taxes............................. 2,550 2,550 110 1,095 188 649 1,451 2,331 6,849 Federal income taxes..................... 2,041 2,041 81 912 124 459 1,103 1,740 5,601 State and local income taxes............. 436 436 8 162 35 130 269 509 1,113 Other taxes.............................. 72 72 d/ 20 21 29 60 78 82 135 Income after taxes......................... 27,942 27,942 2,254 6,554 11,926 16,428 22,942 31,870 61,705 Net change in total assets and liabilities... -1,712 -2,156 -1 651 -348 1,014 -6,478 -2,392 -3,690 Net change in total assets............... 805 472 427 2,551 1,241 1,360 -4,075 3,377 -12 Net change in total liabilities.......... 2,517 2,628 428 1,900 1,590 346 2,403 5,769 3,678 Other financial information: Other money receipts..................... 580 706 350 135 102 87 164 195 2,248 Mortgage principal paid on owned property................................ -611 -620 -79 -111 -586 -275 -326 -525 -1,446 Estimated market value of owned home..... 54,820 52,774 19,448 37,112 39,931 36,372 38,714 55,785 92,271 Estimated monthly rental value of owned home.................................... 387 370 133 190 316 272 316 431 613 Gifts of goods and services................. 790 863 510 448 490 520 618 799 1,696 Food..................................... 22 26 d/ 13 d/ 23 14 d/ 18 15 29 46 Alcoholic beverages...................... 11 12 d/ 22 17 d/ 7 d/ 10 10 9 12 Housing.................................. 157 167 78 86 95 145 179 110 303 Housekeeping supplies.................. 14 16 d/ 8 d/ 3 d/ 9 d/ 10 17 19 28 Household textiles..................... 3 d/ 2 b/ c/ b/ b/ d/ 6 d/ 1 d/ 4 Appliances and miscellaneous housewares........................... 12 15 d/ 1 d/ 2 d/ 10 d/ 16 d/ 11 d/ 6 33 Major appliances..................... 4 5 c/ c/ d/ 3 d/ 1 d/ 6 d/ 5 10 Small appliances and miscellaneous housewares......................... 8 10 d/ 1 d/ 2 d/ 7 d/ 16 d/ 5 d/ 1 23 Miscellaneous household equipment...... 44 49 13 11 20 81 51 29 92 Other housing.......................... 84 85 56 68 56 37 94 55 146 Apparel and services..................... 152 175 109 125 74 123 130 145 337 Males, 2 and over...................... 31 37 d/ 16 d/ 22 d/ 7 d/ 53 50 33 53 Females, 2 and over.................... 43 49 d/ 50 d/ 28 d/ 24 d/ 33 28 43 93 Children under 2....................... 9 11 d/ 2 d/ 31 d/ 2 d/ 2 9 19 12 Other apparel products and services.... 68 78 d/ 41 d/ 44 d/ 41 d/ 36 44 50 179 Jewelry and watches.................. 50 60 d/ 25 d/ 29 d/ 10 d/ 34 27 37 157 All other apparel products and services............................ 18 18 d/ 16 d/ 15 d/ 31 d/ 3 d/ 16 d/ 13 d/ 22 Transportation........................... 70 73 117 88 13 11 27 52 144 Health care.............................. 79 92 d/ 1 d/ 2 d/ 188 d/ 54 89 d/ 10 177 Entertainment............................ 77 83 24 19 32 48 79 127 154 Toys, games, hobbies, and tricycles.... 25 27 d/ 4 d/ 3 d/ 14 d/ 19 38 36 47 Other entertainment.................... 52 55 20 15 17 29 41 91 108 Personal care products and services...... 24 31 d/ 30 d/ 5 d/ 6 d/ 26 d/ 6 145 17 Reading.................................. 1 1 c/ b/ c/ b/ 1 d/ 1 3 Education................................ 106 109 90 d/ 32 d/ 39 d/ 48 d/ 8 33 311 All other gifts.......................... 92 95 25 50 21 36 76 139 191 a Components of income and taxes are derived from "complete income reporters" only; see glossary. b Value less than 0.5. c No data reported. d Data are likely to have large sampling errors. n.a. Not applicable.