Table 3830. Consumer units with reference person age 45 to 54 by region of residence: Average annual expenditures and characteristics, Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2002-2003 Item Total Northeast Midwest South West 45-54 Number of consumer units (in thousands)...... 22,911 4,356 5,607 8,184 4,764 Income before taxes a/ ...................... $66,549 $73,999 $66,273 $60,624 $70,385 Income after taxes a/ ....................... 62,551 70,479 61,296 57,503 65,550 Age of the reference person.................. 49.3 49.4 49.3 49.3 49.3 Average number in consumer unit: Persons..................................... 2.7 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.8 Children under 18........................... .6 .6 .5 .5 .6 Persons 65 and over......................... b/ b/ b/ b/ b/ Earners..................................... 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.8 Vehicles.................................... 2.4 2.2 2.7 2.3 2.5 Percent distribution: Male........................................ 52 55 54 50 53 Female...................................... 48 45 46 50 47 Homeowner................................... 76 74 79 77 71 With mortgage.............................. 56 54 58 54 58 Without mortgage........................... 20 20 22 22 13 Renter...................................... 24 26 21 23 29 Black or African American................... 12 10 10 20 4 White, Asian, and All Other Races........... 88 90 90 80 96 Elementary (1-8)............................ 4 2 2 5 5 High school (9-12).......................... 35 36 38 37 27 College..................................... 61 62 60 58 68 Never attended and other.................... c/ c/ c/ c/ 1 At least one vehicle owned or leased........ 92 86 94 92 94 Average annual expenditures.................. $49,431 $53,072 $49,303 $44,524 $54,652 Food........................................ 6,307 7,002 6,353 5,780 6,487 Food at home............................. 3,613 3,952 3,537 3,386 3,758 Cereals and bakery products............ 505 580 487 467 515 Cereals and cereal products.......... 168 190 161 156 176 Bakery products...................... 337 390 327 312 339 Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs......... 966 1,120 907 943 925 Beef................................. 297 328 289 299 274 Pork................................. 198 212 192 205 180 Other meats.......................... 120 147 130 108 102 Poultry.............................. 170 201 158 161 167 Fish and seafood..................... 143 190 105 132 160 Eggs................................. 39 42 33 38 42 Dairy products......................... 373 407 394 331 386 Fresh milk and cream................. 137 140 142 128 142 Other dairy products................. 236 267 252 202 244 Fruits and vegetables.................. 624 662 583 583 701 Fresh fruits......................... 204 219 180 191 239 Fresh vegetables..................... 202 214 181 189 236 Processed fruits..................... 124 140 121 109 138 Processed vegetables................. 94 90 101 94 88 Other food at home..................... 1,146 1,183 1,165 1,062 1,230 Sugar and other sweets............... 136 141 138 126 144 Fats and oils........................ 100 114 97 94 100 Miscellaneous foods.................. 551 548 566 524 582 Nonalcoholic beverages............... 313 329 323 281 339 Food prepared by consumer unit on out-of-town trips................... 46 51 40 37 65 Food away from home.................... 2,694 3,049 2,815 2,394 2,729 Alcoholic beverages......................... 471 541 519 398 476 Housing..................................... 15,550 17,116 14,535 13,622 18,644 Shelter.................................. 9,230 10,618 8,111 7,566 12,138 Owned dwellings........................ 6,840 7,827 6,149 5,625 8,840 Mortgage interest and charges........ 4,075 4,055 3,404 3,453 5,951 Property taxes....................... 1,591 2,479 1,587 1,168 1,511 Maintenance, repairs, insurance,other expenses............................ 1,174 1,293 1,158 1,004 1,378 Rented dwellings....................... 1,694 1,946 1,242 1,376 2,544 Other lodging.......................... 696 845 719 566 754 Utilities, fuels, and public services.... 3,222 3,373 3,206 3,268 3,022 Natural gas............................ 426 537 629 267 357 Electricity............................ 1,169 1,114 1,050 1,386 984 Fuel oil and other fuels............... 110 294 81 60 61 Telephone services..................... 1,133 1,136 1,065 1,178 1,131 Water and other public services........ 385 291 380 378 489 Household operations..................... 623 792 482 539 779 Personal services...................... 143 255 94 109 157 Other household expenses............... 480 538 387 430 622 Housekeeping supplies.................... 625 556 753 590 608 Laundry and cleaning supplies.......... 151 131 177 148 145 Other household products............... 323 282 393 315 295 Postage and stationery................. 152 142 183 127 168 Household furnishings and equipment...... 1,850 1,777 1,985 1,658 2,096 Household textiles..................... 154 161 178 124 169 Furniture.............................. 451 453 470 425 473 Floor coverings........................ 60 61 61 60 61 Major appliances....................... 218 238 220 188 251 Small appliances, miscellaneous housewares............................ 117 108 121 112 130 Miscellaneous household equipment...... 849 757 934 749 1,012 Apparel and services........................ 1,991 2,365 1,844 1,757 2,204 Men and boys............................. 472 559 490 404 490 Men, 16 and over....................... 382 447 412 319 396 Boys, 2 to 15.......................... 90 112 78 85 94 Women and girls.......................... 829 968 803 710 929 Women, 16 and over..................... 720 821 692 624 818 Girls, 2 to 15......................... 109 148 111 86 112 Children under 2......................... 51 43 43 65 47 Footwear................................. 349 455 269 334 364 Other apparel products and services...... 288 339 239 245 374 Transportation.............................. 9,473 9,282 10,017 8,904 9,978 Vehicle purchases (net outlay)........... 4,420 4,070 4,809 4,382 4,345 Cars and trucks, new................... 2,270 2,264 2,151 2,457 2,096 Cars and trucks, used.................. 2,029 1,688 2,545 1,827 2,079 Other vehicles......................... 120 d/ 118 d/ 113 98 170 Gasoline and motor oil................... 1,570 1,457 1,606 1,550 1,667 Other vehicle expenses................... 3,034 3,070 3,136 2,693 3,466 Vehicle finance charges................ 482 369 479 539 492 Maintenance and repairs................ 815 761 835 688 1,057 Vehicle insurance...................... 1,161 1,252 1,137 1,109 1,197 Vehicle rental, leases, licenses, other charges.............................. 576 688 685 357 720 Public transportation.................... 449 685 466 280 500 Health care................................. 2,515 2,317 2,465 2,542 2,708 Health insurance......................... 1,173 1,172 1,149 1,172 1,204 Medical services......................... 742 625 673 743 932 Drugs.................................... 474 417 500 520 419 Medical supplies......................... 125 103 144 107 153 Entertainment............................... 2,485 2,713 2,405 2,174 2,910 Fees and admissions...................... 643 868 634 474 738 Television, radios, sound equipment...... 836 883 805 807 879 Pets, toys, and playground equipment..... 458 447 492 397 534 Other entertainment supplies, equipment,and services.................. 549 515 475 496 758 Personal care products and services......... 602 607 589 563 682 Reading..................................... 158 180 177 119 186 Education................................... 1,293 2,209 1,261 885 1,197 Tobacco products and smoking supplies....... 400 441 480 369 320 Miscellaneous............................... 909 828 1,019 858 940 Cash contributions.......................... 1,612 1,512 1,723 1,412 1,915 Personal insurance and pensions............. 5,666 5,961 5,916 5,140 6,006 Life and other personal insurance........ 580 716 599 507 559 Pensions and Social Security............. 5,086 5,245 5,317 4,633 5,448 Sources of income and personal taxes: a/ Money income before taxes.................. 66,549 73,999 66,273 60,624 70,385 Wages and salaries....................... 58,529 66,417 58,737 53,986 59,006 Self-employment income................... 3,456 3,939 2,610 2,504 5,642 Social Security, private and government retirement................... 2,232 1,665 1,846 2,328 3,027 Interest, dividends, rental income, other property income................... 1,139 833 1,552 807 1,519 Unemployment and workers'' compensation, veterans'' benefits..................... 345 441 427 234 353 Public assistance, supplemental security, income, food stamps..................... 325 332 189 350 429 Regular contributions for support........ 413 245 819 319 263 Other income............................. 111 126 93 96 145 Personal taxes............................. 3,998 3,519 4,977 3,121 4,835 Federal income taxes..................... 2,981 2,540 3,578 2,432 3,651 State and local income taxes............. 806 755 1,134 548 924 Other taxes.............................. 211 224 265 141 260 Income after taxes......................... 62,551 70,479 61,296 57,503 65,550 Net change in total assets and liabilities... -14,521 -15,536 -10,786 -8,557 -28,234 Net change in total assets............... 5,973 7,492 5,352 4,944 7,082 Net change in total liabilities.......... 20,494 23,028 16,138 13,501 35,316 Other financial information: Other money receipts..................... 595 261 517 732 757 Mortgage principal paid on owned property................................ -2,246 -2,689 -2,207 -1,801 -2,653 Estimated market value of owned home..... 139,129 164,757 124,869 105,012 191,086 Estimated monthly rental value of owned home.................................... 882 984 822 764 1,062 Gifts of goods and services................. 1,596 1,981 1,838 1,351 1,379 Food..................................... 146 176 158 135 124 Alcoholic beverages...................... 18 16 19 14 24 Housing.................................. 354 346 436 339 293 Housekeeping supplies.................. 50 57 67 36 47 Household textiles..................... 17 17 35 10 11 Appliances and miscellaneous housewares........................... 30 22 28 31 37 Major appliances..................... 8 d/ 3 9 6 16 Small appliances and miscellaneous housewares......................... 21 19 19 25 20 Miscellaneous household equipment...... 88 81 106 89 71 Other housing.......................... 169 169 200 173 127 Apparel and services..................... 253 313 254 235 227 Males, 2 and over...................... 70 80 68 71 61 Females, 2 and over.................... 86 113 95 64 85 Children under 2....................... 41 35 37 47 38 Other apparel products and services.... 57 85 54 53 43 Jewelry and watches.................. 23 38 18 18 26 All other apparel products and services............................ 34 46 35 35 18 Transportation........................... 93 21 127 112 87 Health care.............................. 52 39 56 49 64 Entertainment............................ 93 87 113 93 77 Toys, games, hobbies, and tricycles.... 33 25 41 36 26 Other entertainment.................... 60 62 72 56 51 Personal care products and services...... 24 30 24 20 27 Reading.................................. 1 1 1 1 2 Education................................ 463 816 537 282 362 All other gifts.......................... 98 135 113 72 93 a Components of income and taxes are derived from "complete income reporters" only; see glossary. b Value less than 0.05. c Value less than 0.5. d Data are likely to have large sampling errors. n.a. Not applicable.