Table 3600. Consumer units of one person by age of reference person: Average annual expenditures and characteristics, Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2003-2004 Total Under 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 years 65-74 75 years Item one 25 years years years years and older years and older person years Number of consumer units (in thousands)........... 33,808 4,824 4,388 4,114 5,157 4,758 10,566 4,023 6,543 Consumer unit characteristics: Income before taxes a/ .......................... $27,665 $11,700 $34,067 $40,333 $38,747 $32,353 $19,760 $21,253 $18,840 Income after taxes a/ ........................... 26,204 11,344 32,140 37,744 35,697 30,573 19,351 20,663 18,542 Age of reference person.......................... 51.7 21.0 29.2 39.7 49.6 59.4 77.2 69.5 81.9 Average number in consumer unit: Persons......................................... 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Children under 18............................... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Persons 65 and over............................. .3 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.0 1.0 1.0 Earners......................................... .6 .9 .9 .9 .8 .7 .2 .3 .1 Vehicles........................................ 1.0 .7 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 .9 1.0 .8 Percent distribution: Sex of reference person: Male............................................ 45 53 65 64 49 40 27 29 25 Female.......................................... 55 47 35 36 51 60 73 71 75 Housing tenure: Homeowner....................................... 50 6 28 50 57 66 70 70 70 With mortgage.................................. 22 3 23 39 38 31 11 19 6 Without mortgage............................... 29 4 6 11 18 35 59 51 64 Renter.......................................... 50 94 72 50 43 34 30 30 30 Race of reference person: Black or African-American....................... 12 7 13 14 17 13 10 12 9 White, Asian, and All Other Races............... 88 93 87 86 83 87 90 88 91 Education of reference person: Elementary (1-8)................................ 7 1 3 2 3 9 15 10 19 High school (9-12).............................. 34 15 20 30 33 36 50 49 50 College......................................... 59 84 78 68 64 55 34 41 30 Never attended and other........................ b/ c/ c/ b/ b/ 1 b/ b/ 1 At least one vehicle owned or leased............. 75 59 83 83 82 81 70 77 66 Average annual expenditures....................... $24,559 $16,248 $28,291 $30,488 $30,081 $27,384 $20,478 $22,365 $19,215 Food............................................. 2,963 2,196 3,370 3,439 3,511 3,134 2,587 2,948 2,317 Food at home.................................... 1,603 866 1,416 1,599 1,967 1,818 1,727 1,871 1,616 Cereals and bakery products.................... 223 126 186 195 255 241 268 275 263 Cereals and cereal products................... 72 44 69 60 79 74 86 88 84 Bakery products............................... 151 81 117 135 176 167 182 187 179 Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs................. 385 181 323 418 503 447 400 451 361 Beef.......................................... 105 50 91 111 153 122 103 127 84 Pork.......................................... 78 34 50 76 97 94 95 103 89 Other meats................................... 48 21 42 55 63 51 50 54 47 Poultry....................................... 71 41 72 80 78 84 69 75 65 Fish and seafood.............................. 61 25 52 74 85 73 58 66 52 Eggs.......................................... 22 10 17 22 28 24 26 27 25 Dairy products................................. 172 102 155 167 194 188 194 214 178 Fresh milk and cream.......................... 66 38 56 58 72 71 79 84 74 Other dairy products.......................... 107 65 99 109 121 117 115 130 103 Fruits and vegetables.......................... 289 127 240 270 330 345 342 354 333 Fresh fruits.................................. 94 38 75 95 105 111 114 119 110 Fresh vegetables.............................. 91 36 77 86 101 118 105 114 98 Processed fruits.............................. 61 32 58 53 71 66 71 64 76 Processed vegetables.......................... 43 22 30 36 53 50 52 56 48 Other food at home............................. 534 330 511 548 685 596 523 578 481 Sugar and other sweets........................ 61 34 49 59 79 70 67 73 62 Fats and oils................................. 45 19 35 43 55 57 51 55 49 Miscellaneous foods........................... 265 183 250 272 342 277 261 293 236 Nonalcoholic beverages........................ 143 78 157 149 191 164 130 140 122 Food prepared by consumer unit on out-of-town trips............................ 19 15 20 25 18 29 14 17 12 Food away from home............................. 1,360 1,329 1,954 1,841 1,544 1,316 860 1,076 701 Alcoholic beverages.............................. 319 454 571 461 305 281 123 158 97 Housing.......................................... 9,005 4,879 10,240 11,487 10,916 9,718 8,147 8,344 8,013 Shelter......................................... 5,727 3,508 7,122 7,905 7,020 5,821 4,639 4,834 4,519 Owned dwellings................................ 2,804 311 2,254 4,328 4,065 3,697 2,559 3,059 2,252 Mortgage interest and charges................. 1,295 175 1,542 2,843 2,342 1,637 436 797 214 Property taxes................................ 817 107 412 869 1,002 1,110 1,067 1,013 1,100 Maintenance, repairs, insurance, other expenses..................................... 692 29 300 616 721 951 1,056 1,249 938 Rented dwellings............................... 2,669 2,882 4,696 3,327 2,610 1,825 1,884 1,565 2,080 Other lodging.................................. 254 315 173 250 345 299 196 211 187 Utilities, fuels, and public services........... 1,794 728 1,677 1,974 2,127 2,165 1,929 2,046 1,858 Natural gas.................................... 264 52 198 279 318 319 331 336 327 Electricity.................................... 635 241 583 672 753 781 699 750 667 Fuel oil and other fuels....................... 77 6 18 47 75 114 131 105 147 Telephone services............................. 629 394 741 787 755 711 528 610 478 Water and other public services................ 189 34 137 189 226 240 241 246 237 Household operations............................ 393 75 239 300 307 363 693 387 882 Personal services.............................. 109 d/ 3 d/ 19 d/ 17 d/ 9 d/ 19 320 d/ 9 510 Other household expenses....................... 284 72 220 283 298 344 374 378 371 Housekeeping supplies........................... 299 113 246 310 374 381 324 348 306 Laundry and cleaning supplies.................. 70 29 63 77 88 87 72 79 67 Other household products....................... 135 51 106 133 171 179 147 162 136 Postage and stationery......................... 94 32 78 100 115 115 105 107 103 Household furnishings and equipment............. 792 456 954 998 1,088 987 562 729 449 Household textiles............................. 69 23 50 65 89 104 74 94 59 Furniture...................................... 184 99 324 268 202 249 93 126 73 Floor coverings................................ 25 5 12 24 29 40 31 31 31 Major appliances............................... 90 26 102 101 103 113 92 135 63 Small appliances, miscellaneous housewares.................................... 53 36 42 55 59 75 53 71 39 Miscellaneous household equipment.............. 371 267 424 485 606 407 218 271 183 Apparel and services............................. 893 737 1,195 1,056 1,084 1,037 614 841 448 Men and boys.................................... 173 165 288 258 213 132 94 131 67 Men, 16 and over............................... 159 163 276 244 187 108 82 110 61 Boys, 2 to 15.................................. 15 3 12 14 26 24 12 21 5 Women and girls................................. 373 308 334 348 498 449 334 455 241 Women, 16 and over............................. 359 305 324 328 484 427 316 422 234 Girls, 2 to 15................................. 15 d/ 2 9 21 13 21 18 33 7 Children under 2................................ 14 8 19 8 19 31 8 11 7 Footwear........................................ 171 131 269 235 189 214 93 117 75 Other apparel products and services............. 161 125 285 206 165 211 85 127 59 Transportation................................... 3,890 3,084 5,214 4,685 4,939 4,578 2,575 3,331 2,113 Vehicle purchases (net outlay).................. 1,646 1,416 2,215 1,737 2,159 2,028 1,057 1,355 873 Cars and trucks, new........................... 912 768 1,145 806 1,078 1,155 731 893 631 Cars and trucks, used.......................... 698 608 970 842 1,062 844 326 462 242 Other vehicles................................. 36 d/ 40 d/ 99 d/ 89 d/ 18 d/ 29 b/ c/ b/ Gasoline and motor oil.......................... 740 692 973 987 878 814 467 635 364 Other vehicle expenses.......................... 1,249 802 1,661 1,614 1,636 1,455 859 1,046 747 Vehicle finance charges........................ 135 79 251 243 183 135 48 86 24 Maintenance and repairs........................ 383 305 477 446 425 510 277 326 251 Vehicle insurance.............................. 515 270 659 600 691 564 426 479 394 Vehicle rental, leases, licenses, other charges....................................... 216 148 273 325 338 246 107 155 78 Public transportation........................... 255 175 365 348 267 282 192 295 129 Health care...................................... 1,627 284 776 1,052 1,433 1,838 2,815 2,286 3,138 Health insurance................................ 814 139 394 562 619 876 1,463 1,312 1,555 Medical services................................ 375 56 224 246 455 464 556 333 692 Drugs........................................... 370 64 121 187 295 419 696 557 781 Medical supplies................................ 68 25 38 57 65 79 100 84 110 Entertainment.................................... 1,102 846 1,366 1,479 1,338 1,317 746 895 650 Fees and admissions............................. 268 265 366 393 293 256 172 197 157 Television, radios, sound equipment............. 495 335 649 619 602 551 380 419 355 Pets, toys, hobbies, and playground equipment... 186 93 189 255 257 258 133 183 99 Other entertainment supplies, equipment, and services................................... 152 153 162 212 186 252 62 96 39 Personal care products and services.............. 336 249 380 355 345 388 320 330 312 Reading.......................................... 95 50 84 93 101 125 105 116 98 Education........................................ 564 2,242 841 204 363 237 67 82 56 Tobacco products and smoking supplies............ 180 129 169 276 281 224 103 156 70 Miscellaneous.................................... 470 138 481 660 552 589 449 571 371 Cash contributions............................... 1,029 183 646 1,468 1,296 1,145 1,222 1,401 1,112 Personal insurance and pensions.................. 2,085 777 2,960 3,772 3,616 2,773 605 903 421 Life and other personal insurance............... 152 17 82 141 238 204 182 195 174 Pensions and Social Security.................... 1,933 760 2,878 3,631 3,378 2,569 423 709 247 Sources of income and personal taxes: a/ Money income before taxes........................ 27,665 11,700 34,067 40,333 38,747 32,353 19,760 21,253 18,840 Wages and salaries.............................. 18,883 9,497 31,307 36,695 33,075 21,863 2,722 5,520 997 Self-employment income.......................... 1,290 145 1,500 1,673 1,556 2,290 987 813 1,094 Social Security, private and government retirement..................................... 5,460 d/ 74 154 498 1,515 5,813 13,826 13,230 14,194 Interest, dividends, rental income, other property income................................ 1,125 191 260 601 1,592 1,197 1,858 1,281 2,214 Unemployment and workers' compensation, veterans' benefits............................. 143 d/ 19 182 243 272 210 50 d/ 90 d/ 26 Public assistance, supplemental security income, food stamps............................ 190 32 79 171 333 412 144 201 110 Regular contributions for support............... 331 1,043 306 166 271 451 56 d/ 43 63 Other income.................................... 244 700 279 286 133 117 117 75 143 Personal taxes................................... 1,461 357 1,927 2,589 3,049 1,781 409 589 298 Federal income taxes............................ 1,064 257 1,438 2,007 2,243 1,295 227 382 132 State and local income taxes.................... 288 97 435 494 646 337 37 46 31 Other taxes..................................... 109 3 54 88 160 148 145 162 135 Income after taxes............................... 26,204 11,344 32,140 37,744 35,697 30,573 19,351 20,663 18,542 Addenda: Net change in total assets and liabilities....... -3,937 -1,389 -6,293 -4,009 -7,119 -6,808 -1,249 -1,737 -949 Net change in total assets...................... 3,973 1,863 10,716 9,544 4,625 3,639 -201 780 -805 Net change in total liabilities................. 7,910 3,252 17,009 13,553 11,744 10,447 1,048 2,517 145 Other financial information: Other money receipts............................ 416 85 191 274 386 1,063 439 535 380 Mortgage principal paid on owned property....... -655 -46 -589 -1,136 -1,161 -1,128 -314 -545 -172 Estimated market value of owned home............ 77,889 7,831 45,041 84,626 88,381 109,627 101,486 106,214 98,579 Estimated monthly rental value of owned home.... 480 59 283 529 568 669 607 622 598 Gifts of goods and services...................... 797 306 675 760 1,129 934 858 701 945 Food............................................ 30 14 18 23 60 23 33 52 20 Alcoholic beverages............................. 14 10 26 21 15 13 7 10 5 Housing......................................... 168 65 115 166 224 196 198 141 232 Housekeeping supplies.......................... 32 11 23 58 44 31 28 35 22 Household textiles............................. 7 d/ 1 d/ 7 d/ 4 6 9 11 15 7 Appliances and miscellaneous housewares.................................... 13 12 8 17 12 15 14 8 19 Major appliances.............................. 4 d/ 1 d/ 1 d/ 7 d/ 2 4 8 d/ 2 12 Small appliances and miscellaneous housewares................................... 9 11 d/ 8 9 10 11 7 6 7 Miscellaneous household equipment.............. 38 17 34 43 62 54 27 24 29 Other housing.................................. 79 24 42 44 100 86 118 59 155 Apparel and services............................ 192 132 217 214 241 248 151 225 99 Males, 2 and over.............................. 44 29 21 56 72 56 35 50 24 Females, 2 and over............................ 67 36 49 71 86 71 77 110 52 Children under 2............................... 14 8 19 8 19 31 8 11 7 Other apparel products and services............ 67 60 127 79 64 90 32 54 17 Jewelry and watches........................... 42 39 112 34 19 67 18 34 8 All other apparel products and services....... 25 d/ 21 d/ 15 45 44 23 14 20 d/ 9 Transportation.................................. 60 4 67 57 115 70 54 29 69 Health care..................................... 86 d/ 2 d/ 18 30 48 38 214 d/ 24 330 Entertainment................................... 56 31 68 64 84 67 42 51 36 Toys, games, arts and crafts, and tricycles.... 22 8 32 30 21 30 18 28 13 Other entertainment............................ 34 23 36 33 63 38 23 24 23 Personal care products and services............. 16 11 25 26 15 11 12 10 14 Reading......................................... 1 b/ 1 b/ 1 2 2 3 2 Education....................................... 96 18 61 70 249 162 52 61 45 All other gifts................................. 77 17 60 89 77 105 94 94 93 a Components of income and taxes are derived from "complete income reporters" only through 2003; (see glossary). Beginning in 2004 income imputation was implemented. As a result, all consumer units are considered to be complete income reporters. b Value less than 0.5. c No data reported. d Data are likely to have large sampling errors. n.a. Not applicable.