Table 1. Northeast region by income before taxes: Average annual expenditures and characteristics, Consumer Expenditure Survey, 1990-91 Complete reporting of income Complete Less $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 Item reporting than to to to to to to and of income $5,000 $9,999 $14,999 $19,999 $29,999 $39,999 $49,999 over __________________________________________________________________________________________ Number of consumer units (in thousands)... 16761 1010 2167 1716 1380 2580 2170 1597 4143 Income before taxes 1/.................... 36243 1861 7655 12309 17389 24447 34611 44674 80716 Income after taxes 1/..................... 32809 1614 7808 12112 16701 22720 31401 41304 71171 Age of reference person................... 48.4 39.2 57 54.7 53.3 48.2 45 44.9 45.3 Average number in consumer unit:.......... Persons.................................. 2.5 1.6 1.7 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.6 3.1 3.1 Children under 18........................ 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.8 Persons 65 and over...................... 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 Earners.................................. 1.4 0.8 0.5 0.7 1 1.2 1.6 1.9 2.1 Vehicles................................. 1.7 0.7 0.7 1 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.4 2.5 Percent distribution: Male..................................... 63 39 32 42 60 65 71 83 83 Female................................... 37 61 68 58 40 35 29 17 17 Percent homeowner........................ 61 22 37 48 56 56 67 73 84 With mortgage........................... 36 9 8 14 17 26 44 52 67 Without mortgage........................ 25 13 30 33 39 30 23 21 17 Renter................................... 39 78 63 52 44 44 33 27 16 Black.................................... 9 12 12 9 10 13 11 7 5 White and other.......................... 91 88 88 91 90 87 89 93 95 Elementary (1-8)......................... 9 10 23 16 12 7 4 5 2 High school (9-12)....................... 46 36 53 58 60 50 47 50 30 College.................................. 45 52 22 25 27 43 49 45 68 Never attended and other................. 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 At least one vehicle owned............... 80 48 46 63 78 86 92 96 96 Average annual expenditures............... 31646 13624 13225 16717 20083 24485 31905 38489 57559 Food..................................... 4721 2291 2486 3015 3634 3870 4882 6117 7528 Food at home............................ 2746 1372 1813 2209 2343 2528 2849 3291 3820 Cereals and bakery products............ 438 215 296 351 375 379 465 529 614 Cereals and cereal products........... 141 74 102 120 115 126 140 185 189 Bakery products....................... 297 140 194 231 261 253 325 344 425 Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs......... 783 399 530 625 664 749 776 931 1087 Beef.................................. 241 98 147 179 205 229 255 282 351 Pork.................................. 134 73 93 119 118 141 122 177 166 Other meats........................... 115 46 73 97 87 107 131 143 156 Poultry............................... 153 96 124 133 136 144 148 148 205 Fish and seafood...................... 108 65 67 66 91 92 84 142 173 Eggs.................................. 33 22 26 31 28 35 36 39 36 Dairy products......................... 321 167 225 248 267 299 349 386 435 Fresh milk and cream.................. 145 86 120 124 122 139 159 184 171 Other dairy products.................. 176 80 105 124 145 160 191 202 264 Fruits and vegetables.................. 463 227 314 395 393 432 458 561 638 Fresh fruits.......................... 143 61 96 125 119 138 136 167 200 Fresh vegetables...................... 137 65 95 112 125 126 126 163 192 Processed fruits...................... 112 54 72 107 90 102 117 138 150 Processed vegetables.................. 72 47 51 51 59 67 79 94 96 Other food at home..................... 741 364 448 590 643 669 801 884 1046 Sugar and other sweets................ 93 36 62 86 87 77 102 101 132 Fats and oils......................... 66 29 50 60 55 63 72 84 82 Miscellaneous foods................... 318 122 184 255 267 291 348 394 454 Nonalcoholic beverages................ 227 131 144 173 219 215 240 269 303 Food prep. by cu, out-of-town trips... 37 46 8 16 14 22 39 36 75 Food away from home..................... 1976 919 673 806 1291 1342 2033 2827 3708 Alcoholic beverages...................... 383 224 89 195 350 263 331 513 723 Housing.................................. 10080 4827 5243 6107 6850 8147 10313 11096 17338 Shelter................................. 6008 3087 3150 3572 3878 4753 6279 6605 10343 Owned dwellings........................ 3650 1215 1047 1419 1648 2154 3774 4425 7762 Mortgage interest and charges......... 1996 647 214 411 461 866 2119 2647 4811 Property taxes........................ 1048 406 553 661 754 781 1057 1132 1850 Maintenance, rep., ins., oth. exp..... 606 162 280 347 434 507 598 645 1101 Rented dwellings....................... 1836 1645 1979 2035 1998 2320 2071 1779 1268 Other lodging.......................... 523 227 123 118 232 279 435 401 1313 Utilities, fuels, and public services... 2044 1043 1229 1596 1747 1947 2145 2276 2918 Natural gas............................ 278 135 197 227 245 266 276 295 391 Electricity............................ 719 331 411 548 590 677 770 839 1042 Fuel oil and other fuels............... 272 96 175 220 240 270 310 320 359 Telephone.............................. 600 436 367 476 531 558 612 601 857 Water and other public services........ 175 46 78 125 142 175 176 221 269 Household operations.................... 401 108 244 181 225 263 268 344 880 Personal services...................... 194 30 158 63 131 113 130 207 405 Other household expenses............... 207 77 87 117 94 150 138 137 475 Housekeeping supplies................... 450 201 236 294 342 365 479 494 754 Laundry and cleaning supplies.......... 124 59 71 88 110 110 144 154 174 Other household products............... 186 51 95 113 123 129 188 202 349 Postage and stationery................. 141 91 70 94 109 126 147 137 231 Household furnishings and equipment..... 1177 389 385 464 657 818 1142 1376 2443 Household textiles..................... 109 17 49 19 33 131 102 122 214 Furniture.............................. 290 59 73 113 204 145 345 358 599 Floor coverings........................ 122 10 3 16 36 63 93 84 359 Major appliances....................... 135 90 44 79 129 141 132 132 217 Small appliances, misc. housewares..... 75 22 14 50 43 59 85 78 147 Miscellaneous household equipment...... 446 190 202 189 212 279 385 602 906 Apparel and services..................... 1933 737 751 1026 1253 1459 1755 2241 3749 Men and boys............................ 441 151 120 210 196 319 400 571 915 Men, 16 and over....................... 368 108 65 180 176 256 330 464 795 Boys, 2 to 15.......................... 72 43 55 31 20 62 70 107 120 Women and girls......................... 803 312 353 386 546 610 724 951 1542 Women, 16 and over..................... 704 293 324 348 495 519 629 798 1357 Girls, 2 to 15......................... 99 18 29 38 50 92 95 153 185 Children under 2........................ 82 37 48 72 21 81 71 122 127 Footwear................................ 316 94 137 179 367 265 298 280 560 Other apparel products and services..... 291 143 94 179 123 184 262 317 605 Transportation........................... 5058 1859 1345 2174 3048 3997 5386 7365 9247 Vehicle purchases (net outlay).......... 1977 605 295 642 1174 1469 1986 3288 3819 Cars and trucks, new................... 1197 390 73 224 845 684 1214 1926 2531 Cars and trucks, used.................. 767 209 221 406 326 777 772 1351 1249 Other vehicles......................... 14 5 1 11 3 7 0 12 39 Gasoline and motor oil.................. 893 433 319 453 639 795 1027 1225 1433 Other vehicle expenses.................. 1727 564 491 821 996 1436 1931 2432 3083 Vehicle finance charges................ 231 50 37 75 137 184 271 395 417 Maintenance and repairs................ 579 223 178 298 334 477 701 789 996 Vehicle insurance...................... 688 223 241 359 422 614 760 1005 1144 Veh. rent., leas., licen., oth. chges.. 229 68 35 89 103 161 198 242 525 Public transportation................... 461 257 240 258 239 297 443 420 912 Health care.............................. 1485 772 990 1304 1402 1522 1483 1464 2005 Health insurance........................ 618 351 518 589 745 634 605 613 703 Medical services........................ 555 293 222 439 335 535 541 576 926 Drugs................................... 224 81 192 238 262 260 237 182 244 Medical supplies........................ 88 47 57 38 59 93 100 94 132 Entertainment............................ 1471 583 463 606 787 1023 1403 1769 3005 Fees and admissions..................... 420 188 113 119 224 284 384 449 921 Television, radios, sound equipment..... 463 229 216 286 301 362 476 586 784 Pets, toys, and playground equipment.... 279 93 90 122 184 241 315 327 510 Other supplies, equip., and services.... 309 74 45 79 78 137 229 407 790 Personal care products and services...... 413 144 182 260 276 334 452 548 693 Reading.................................. 188 105 74 120 130 170 189 217 314 Education................................ 593 691 537 132 193 329 402 426 1253 Tobacco products and smoking supplies.... 293 193 213 261 266 311 307 390 325 Miscellaneous............................ 902 678 259 358 531 616 911 1256 1680 Cash contributions....................... 871 258 351 558 367 478 733 800 1935 Personal insurance and pensions.......... 3255 261 240 600 998 1965 3357 4287 7765 Life and other personal insurance....... 374 80 83 149 182 262 385 444 790 Pensions and Social Security............ 2882 181 157 451 816 1702 2972 3843 6975 Money income before taxes 1/.............. 36243 1861 7655 12309 17389 24447 34611 44674 80716 Wages and salaries....................... 27602 1478 1552 4705 8834 16983 27737 38573 65641 Self-employment income................... 2798 -983 166 344 587 1133 1770 1884 8777 Soc. Sec., priv. and gov. retirement..... 3653 741 4065 5206 6316 4710 3353 2358 2613 Int., divid., rent. inc., property inc... 1162 62 90 345 723 856 833 864 2952 Unemp. and workers' compen., vet. ben.... 307 17 150 246 310 290 412 594 329 Pub. ass., supp. sec. inc., foodstamps... 379 340 1352 1060 328 139 76 133 16 Regular contributions for support........ 208 118 145 314 211 204 315 186 171 Other income............................. 135 88 136 89 80 132 114 81 216 Personal taxes 1/......................... 3434 247 -153 198 688 1727 3210 3370 9545 Federal income taxes..................... 2594 135 -163 57 472 1128 2363 2426 7490 State and local income taxes............. 728 41 -4 101 166 422 724 836 1876 Other taxes.............................. 112 70 14 40 50 177 123 107 178 Income after taxes 1/..................... 32809 1614 7808 12112 16701 22720 31401 41304 71171 Net change in total assets and liabilities 111 -2091 -840 -13 -684 426 -2668 1319 2256 Net change in total assets............... 2573 -426 -474 97 -755 1184 2937 1822 7994 Net change in total liabilities.......... 2461 1664 366 110 -71 758 5605 503 5737 Other money receipts...................... 315 305 102 61 101 245 396 381 579 Mortgage principal paid, owned property... -584 -155 -113 -189 -173 -328 -619 -635 -1357 Estimated market value of owned home...... 85010 24763 45000 47358 53681 58475 81486 85605 164787 Est. monthly rental value of owned home... 478 158 239 294 363 374 465 569 830 Gifts of goods and services............... 1222 620 605 440 631 788 1129 923 2667 Food.................................... 131 26 24 28 78 71 138 101 321 Housing................................. 308 183 122 128 185 216 234 296 661 Housekeeping supplies................. 43 23 12 19 32 40 43 72 70 Household textiles.................... 13 0 9 3 9 10 18 9 25 Appliances and misc. housewares....... 25 6 7 15 16 19 21 35 50 Major appliances.................... 7 0 4 1 3 6 7 17 11 Small appl. and misc. housewares.... 19 6 4 13 12 13 15 18 39 Miscellaneous household equipment..... 87 56 17 39 8 46 73 121 202 Other housing......................... 140 97 76 52 120 101 79 59 314 Apparel and services.................... 302 164 144 137 227 185 368 260 576 Males 2 and over...................... 75 47 23 58 74 44 117 53 124 Females 2 and over.................... 128 73 79 29 110 75 137 83 264 Children under 2...................... 41 17 23 21 9 35 42 57 75 Other apparel products and services... 58 27 19 29 35 31 72 66 113 Jewelry and watches................. 28 20 18 6 9 17 33 36 50 All other apparel products and serv. 30 8 1 23 25 14 38 31 63 Transportation.......................... 68 9 1 8 16 26 31 22 222 Health care............................. 33 43 1 17 12 9 18 4 93 Entertainment........................... 76 31 19 31 39 83 87 87 135 Toys, games, hobbies, and tricycles... 29 7 8 12 16 37 29 46 44 Other entertainment................... 48 25 11 18 23 46 58 41 91 Education............................... 164 72 118 1 19 131 90 27 439 All other gifts......................... 140 91 176 92 55 68 164 127 220 __________________________________________ 1/ Components of income and taxes are derived from "Complete income reporters" only; see glossary