1 1 Diary stub parameter file HEADDI H 1 CUCHARS 1 1 Number of consumer units (in thousands) CONSUN S 1 CUCHARS 1 1 Number of sample diaries SAMPDI S 1 CUCHARS 1 1 Lower limit QUINTL S 1 CUCHARS 1 1 Consumer unit characteristics: TITLEC T 1 CUCHARS 1 2 Income before taxes INCBFT G 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Meals as pay 800700 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Rent as pay 800710 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Income before taxes 980000 D 1 CUCHARS 1 2 Age of reference person 980020 D 1 CUCHARS 1 2 Average number in consumer unit: TITLEA T 1 CUCHARS 1 3 People 980010 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Children under 18 980050 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Adults 65 and older 980060 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Earners 980030 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Vehicles (owned) 980040 D 1 CUCHARS 1 1 Percent distribution: TITLEP T 1 CUCHARS 1 2 Reference person: TITLES T 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Men 980210 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Women 980220 D 1 CUCHARS 1 2 Housing tenure: TITLEH T 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Homeowner HOMEOW G 1 CUCHARS 1 4 With mortgage 980230 D 1 CUCHARS 1 4 Without mortgage 980240 D 1 CUCHARS 1 4 Mortgage not reported 980250 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Renter 980260 D 1 CUCHARS 1 2 Race of reference person: TITLER T 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Black or African-American 980270 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 White, Asian, and all other races WHTNDO G 1 CUCHARS 1 4 White 980281 D 1 CUCHARS 1 4 Asian 980282 D 1 CUCHARS 1 4 All other races 980283 D 1 CUCHARS 1 2 Hispanic or Latino origin of reference person: TITLEH T 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Hispanic or Latino 980285 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Not Hispanic or Latino 980286 D 1 CUCHARS 1 2 Education of reference person: TITLEE T 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Elementary (1-8) 980290 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 High school (9-12) 980300 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 College 980310 D 1 CUCHARS 1 3 Never attended and other 980320 D 1 CUCHARS 1 2 At least one vehicle owned 980330 D 1 CUCHARS 1 1 Average weekly expenditures: TITLEA T 1 EXPEND 1 2 Food FOODTO G 1 EXPEND 1 3 Food at home FOODHO G 1 FOOD 1 4 Cereals and bakery products CERBAK G 1 FOOD 1 5 Cereals and cereal products CEREAL G 1 FOOD 1 6 Flour 010110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Prepared flour mixes 010120 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Ready-to-eat and cooked cereals 010210 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Rice 010310 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Pasta, cornmeal and other cereal products 010320 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Bakery products BAKERY G 1 FOOD 1 6 Bread BREAD G 1 FOOD 1 7 White bread 020110 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Bread, other than white 020210 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Cookies and crackers CRAKCO G 1 FOOD 1 7 Cookies 020510 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Crackers 020610 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Frozen and refrigerated bakery products 020810 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Other bakery products OTHBAK G 1 FOOD 1 7 Biscuits and rolls 020310 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Cakes and cupcakes 020410 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Bread and cracker products 020620 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Sweetrolls, coffee cakes, doughnuts 020710 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Pies, tarts, turnovers 020820 D 1 FOOD 1 4 Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs ANIMAL G 1 FOOD 1 5 Beef BEEF G 1 FOOD 1 6 Ground beef 030110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Roast ROAST G 1 FOOD 1 7 Chuck roast 030210 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Round roast 030310 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Other roast 030410 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Steak STEAK G 1 FOOD 1 7 Round steak 030510 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Sirloin steak 030610 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Other steak 030710 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Other beef 030810 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Pork PORK G 1 FOOD 1 6 Bacon 040110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Pork chops 040210 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Ham HAM G 1 FOOD 1 7 Ham, not canned 040310 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Canned ham 040610 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Sausage 040510 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Other pork 040410 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Other meats OTHRME G 1 FOOD 1 6 Frankfurters 050110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Lunch meats (cold cuts) LNCHME G 1 FOOD 1 7 Bologna, liverwurst, salami 050210 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Other lunchmeats 050310 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Lamb, organ meats and others LAMBOT G 1 FOOD 1 7 Lamb and organ meats 050410 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Mutton, goat and game 050900 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Poultry POULTR G 1 FOOD 1 6 Fresh and frozen chickens CHICKE G 1 FOOD 1 7 Fresh and frozen whole chicken 060110 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Fresh and frozen chicken parts 060210 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Other poultry 060310 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Fish and seafood FISHSE G 1 FOOD 1 6 Canned fish and seafood 070110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Fresh fish and shellfish 070230 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Frozen fish and shellfish 070240 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Eggs 080110 D 1 FOOD 1 4 Dairy products DAIRY G 1 FOOD 1 5 Fresh milk and cream MILKCR G 1 FOOD 1 6 Fresh milk, all types 090110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Cream 090210 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Other dairy products OTHDAI G 1 FOOD 1 6 Butter 100110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Cheese 100210 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Ice cream and related products 100410 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Miscellaneous dairy products 100510 D 1 FOOD 1 4 Fruits and vegetables FRUITV G 1 FOOD 1 5 Fresh fruits FRSHFR G 1 FOOD 1 6 Apples 110110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Bananas 110210 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Oranges 110310 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Citrus fruits, excluding oranges 110510 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Other fresh fruits 110410 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Fresh vegetables FRESHV G 1 FOOD 1 6 Potatoes 120110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Lettuce 120210 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Tomatoes 120310 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Other fresh vegetables 120410 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Processed fruits PROCFR G 1 FOOD 1 6 Frozen fruits and fruit juices FRZNFR G 1 FOOD 1 7 Frozen orange juice 130110 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Frozen fruits 130121 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Frozen fruit juices 130122 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Canned fruits 130310 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Dried fruit 130320 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Fresh fruit juice 130211 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Canned and bottled fruit juice 130212 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Processed vegetables PROCVE G 1 FOOD 1 6 Frozen vegetables 140110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Canned and dried vegetables and juices CANDVE G 1 FOOD 1 7 Canned beans 140210 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Canned corn 140220 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Canned miscellaneous vegetables 140230 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Dried peas 140320 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Dried beans 140330 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Dried miscellaneous vegetables 140340 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Dried processed vegetables 140310 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Frozen vegetable juices 140410 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Fresh and canned vegetable juices 140420 D 1 FOOD 1 4 Other food at home OTHRFO G 1 FOOD 1 5 Sugar and other sweets SWEETS G 1 FOOD 1 6 Candy and chewing gum 150110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Sugar 150211 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Artificial sweeteners 150212 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Jams, preserves, other sweets 150310 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Fats and oils FATSOI G 1 FOOD 1 6 Margarine 160110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Fats and oils 160211 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Salad dressings 160212 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Nondairy cream and imitation milk 160310 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Peanut butter 160320 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Miscellaneous foods MISCFO G 1 FOOD 1 6 Frozen prepared foods FRZNPR G 1 FOOD 1 7 Frozen meals 180210 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Other frozen prepared foods 180220 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Canned and packaged soups 180110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Potato chips, nuts, and other snacks SNACKS G 1 FOOD 1 7 Potato chips and other snacks 180310 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Nuts 180320 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Condiments and seasonings CONDMN G 1 FOOD 1 7 Salt, spices, other seasonings 180410 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Olives, pickles, relishes 180420 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Sauces and gravies 180510 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Baking needs and miscellaneous products 180520 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Other canned and packaged prepared foods OTHRPR G 1 FOOD 1 7 Prepared salads 180611 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Prepared desserts 180612 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Baby food 180620 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Miscellaneous prepared foods 180710 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Vitamin supplements 180720 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Nonalcoholic beverages NALCBE G 1 FOOD 1 6 Cola 170110 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Other carbonated drinks 170210 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Tea 170520 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Coffee COFFEE G 1 FOOD 1 7 Roasted coffee 170310 D 1 FOOD 1 7 Instant and freeze dried coffee 170410 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Noncarbonated fruit flavored drinks, including 170510 D 1 FOOD 2 non-frozen lemonade 1 6 Other noncarbonated beverages and ice 170531 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Bottled water 170532 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Sports drinks 170533 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Nonalcoholic beer 200112 D 1 FOOD 1 3 Food away from home FOODAW G 1 FOOD 1 4 Meals at restaurants (except on trips) RESTRA G 1 FOOD 1 5 Lunch LUNCH G 1 FOOD 1 6 Lunch at fast food, take-out, delivery, concession 190111 D 1 FOOD 2 stands, buffet and cafeteria (other than employe 2 and school cafeteria) 1 6 Lunch at full service restaurants 190112 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Lunch at vending machines and mobile vendors 190113 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Lunch at employer and school cafeterias 190114 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Dinner DINNER G 1 FOOD 1 6 Dinner at fast food, take-out, delivery, concessio 190211 D 1 FOOD 2 stands, buffet and cafeteria (other than employe 2 and school cafeteria) 1 6 Dinner at full service restaurants 190212 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Dinner at vending machines and mobile vendors 190213 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Dinner at employer and school cafeterias 190214 D 1 FOOD 1 5 Snacks and nonalcoholic beverages SNKNAB G 1 FOOD 1 6 Snacks and nonalcoholic beverages at fast food, 190311 D 1 FOOD 2 take-out, delivery, concession stands, buffet an 2 cafeteria (other than employer and school 2 cafeteria) 1 6 Snacks and nonalcoholic beverages at full service 190312 D 1 FOOD 2 restaurants 1 6 Snacks and nonalcoholic beverages at vending 190313 D 1 FOOD 2 machines and mobile vendors 1 6 Snacks and nonalcoholic beverages at employer and 190314 D 1 FOOD 2 school cafeterias 1 5 Breakfast and brunch BRKFBR G 1 FOOD 1 6 Breakfast and brunch at fast food, take-out, 190321 D 1 FOOD 2 delivery, concession stands, buffet and cafeteri 2 (other than employer and school cafeteria) 1 6 Breakfast and brunch at full service restaurants 190322 D 1 FOOD 1 6 Breakfast and brunch at vending machines and mobil 190323 D 1 FOOD 2 vendors 1 6 Breakfast and brunch at employer and school 190324 D 1 FOOD 2 cafeterias 1 2 Alcoholic beverages ALCBEV G 1 EXPEND 1 3 At home ALCHOM G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Beer and ale 200111 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Whiskey 200210 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Wine 200310 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Other alcoholic beverages 200410 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Away from home ALCAWA G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Beer and ale BEERNA G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Beer and ale at fast food, take-out, delivery, 200511 D 1 EXPEND 2 concession stands, buffet and cafeteria 1 5 Beer and ale at full service restaurants 200512 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Beer and ale at vending machines and mobile vendors 200513 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Beer at employer 200514 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Beer at board 200515 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Beer and ale at catered affairs 200516 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Wine WINE G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Wine at fast food, take-out, delivery, concession 200521 D 1 EXPEND 2 stands, buffet and cafeteria 1 5 Wine at full service restaurants 200522 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Wine at vending machines and mobile vendors 200523 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Wine at employer 200524 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Wine at board 200525 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Wine at catered affairs 200526 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Other alcoholic beverages OTHALC G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Other alcoholic beverages at fast food, take-out, 200531 D 1 EXPEND 2 delivery, concession stands, buffet and cafeteria 1 5 Other alcoholic beverages at full service restaurant 200532 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Other alcoholic beverages at vending machines and 200533 D 1 EXPEND 2 mobile vendors 1 5 Other alcohol at employer 200534 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Other alcohol at board 200535 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Other alcoholic beverages at catered affairs 200536 D 1 EXPEND 1 2 Housing HOUSIN G 1 EXPEND 1 3 Fuel and utilities FUELUT G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Electricity and natural gas ELECNA G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Electricity 260110 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Natural gas 260210 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Fuel oil and other fuels OTHRFU G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Fuel oil 250110 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Bottled and tank gas 250210 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Coal 250220 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Miscellaneous fuels 250900 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Telephone services 270000 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Household operations HHOPER G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Other household expenses HHOTHX G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Repair of miscellaneous household equipment and 340913 D 1 EXPEND 2 furnishings 1 5 Household laundry and dry cleaning, sent out 340520 D 1 EXPEND 2 (nonclothing) not coin-operated 1 5 Coin-operated household laundry and dry cleaning 340530 D 1 EXPEND 2 (nonclothing) 1 3 Housekeeping supplies HKPGSU G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Laundry and cleaning supplies LAUNDR G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Soaps and detergents 330110 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Other laundry cleaning products 330210 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Other household products HKPGOT G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Cleansing and toilet tissue, paper towels and napkin 330310 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Miscellaneous household products 330510 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Lawn and garden supplies 330610 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Postage and stationery POSTAG G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Stationery, stationery supplies, giftwrap 330410 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Postage 340110 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Delivery services 340120 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Household furnishings and equipment HHFURN G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Household textiles HHTXTI G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Bathroom linens 280110 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Bedroom linens 280120 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Slipcovers, decorative pillows 280220 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Kitchen, dining room, other linens 280140 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Furniture FURNIT G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Outdoor furniture 290430 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Floor coverings FLOORC G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Room size rugs and other floor covering, nonpermanen 320110 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Major appliances MAJAPP G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Electric floor cleaning equipment 320511 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Sewing machines 320512 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Miscellaneous household appliances 300900 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Small appliances, miscellaneous housewares SMAPPH G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Housewares HOUSWA G 1 EXPEND 1 6 Nonelectric cookware 320370 D 1 EXPEND 1 6 Tableware, nonelectric kitchenware 320380 D 1 EXPEND 1 6 Dinnerware, glassware, serving pieces 320345 D 1 EXPEND 1 6 Flatware 320330 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Small appliances SMLLAP G 1 EXPEND 1 6 Portable heating and cooling equipment 320522 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Miscellaneous household equipment MISCHH G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Infants'' equipment 320130 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Laundry and cleaning equipment 320140 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Outdoor equipment 320150 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Lamps, lighting fixtures, ceiling fans 320221 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Clocks and other household decorative items 320233 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Telephones and accessories 320232 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Lawn and garden equipment 320410 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Power tools 320420 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Hand tools 320902 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Indoor plants, fresh flowers 320903 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Closet and storage items 320904 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Computer software 690119 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Computer accessories 690120 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Other hardware 320430 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Miscellaneous household equipment and parts 320905 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Luggage 430130 D 1 EXPEND 1 2 Apparel and services APPARE G 1 EXPEND 1 3 Men and boys MENBOY G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Men, 16 and over MENS G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Men''s sportcoats, tailored jackets 360120 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Men''s coats and jackets 360210 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Men''s underwear 360311 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Men''s hosiery 360312 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Men''s accessories 360330 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Men''s active sportswear 360350 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Men''s shirts, sweaters, and vests 360420 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Men''s pants and shorts 360513 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Men''s uniforms 360901 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Boys, 2 to 15 BOYS G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Boy''s shirts and sweaters 370125 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Boys'' underwear 370211 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Boys'' nightwear 370212 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Boys'' hosiery 370213 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Boys'' accessories 370220 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Boys'' suits, sportcoats, vests 370311 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Boys'' uniforms and active sportswear 370901 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Women and girls WMNSGR G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Women, 16 and over WOMENS G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Women''s coats and jackets 380110 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Women''s dresses 380210 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Women''s sportcoats, tailored jackets 380311 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Women''s sweaters, shirts, tops, vests 380315 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Women''s skirts 380320 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Women''s pants and shorts 380333 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Women''s active sportswear 380340 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Women''s sleepwear 380410 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Women''s undergarments 380420 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Women''s hosiery 380430 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Women''s accessories 380901 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Women''s uniforms 380902 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Girls, 2 to 15 GIRLS G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Girls'' coats and jackets 390110 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Girls'' dresses and suits 390120 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Girls'' shirts, blouses, sweaters, vests 390210 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Girls'' active sportswear 390230 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Girls'' underwear and sleepwear 390310 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Girls'' hosiery 390321 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Girls'' accessories 390322 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Children under 2 INFANT G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Infant dresses, outerwear 410120 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Infant underwear 410130 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Infant nightwear, loungewear 410140 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Infant accessories 410901 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Footwear FOOTWE G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Men''s footwear 400110 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Boys'' footwear 400210 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Women''s footwear 400310 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Girls'' footwear 400220 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Other apparel products and services OTHAPP G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Material and supplies for sewing, needlework, quilting 420115 D 1 EXPEND 2 (includes household items) 1 4 Watches 430110 D 1 EXPEND 1 2 Transportation TRANS G 1 EXPEND 1 3 Gasoline, motor oil, and additives GASMOT G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Gasoline and diesel fuel GASHDE G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Gasoline 470111 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Diesel fuel 470112 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Alternative fuels 470114 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Motor oil, coolants and other additives MOTCOL G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Motor oil 470211 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Coolant, brake fluid, transmission fluid, and other 470220 D 1 EXPEND 2 additives 1 3 Other vehicle expenses VEHOTH G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Maintenance and repairs CAREPA G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Vehicle products and cleaning services 480212 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Misc. auto repair, servicing 490000 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Gas tank repair, replacement 490316 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Vehicle insurance 500110 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Vehicle rental, leases, licenses, and other charges VEHRNT G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Tolls or electronic toll passes 520541 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Public and other transportation PUBTRA G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Taxi fares and limousine services 530412 D 1 EXPEND 1 2 Healthcare HEALTH G 1 EXPEND 1 3 Medical services MEDSER G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Repair of medical equipment 570902 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Drugs DRUGS G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Nonprescription drugs 550210 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Nonprescription vitamins 550410 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Medical supplies MEDSUP G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Topicals and dressings 550310 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Adult diapers 640430 D 1 EXPEND 1 2 Entertainment ENTRTA G 1 EXPEND 1 3 Fees and admissions FEESAD G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Fees for participant sports 620121 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Fees for recreational lessons 620310 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Movies, parks, museums 620214 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Audio and visual equipment and services TVAUDI G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Stereos, radios, speakers, and sound components 310316 D 1 EXPEND 2 including those in vehicles 1 4 Cable and satellite television services 270310 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Phonographs 310312 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Digital media players and recorders 310315 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Miscellaneous sound equipment 310331 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Miscellaneous video equipment 310335 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Sound equipment accessories 310332 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Video cassettes, tapes, and discs 310220 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Video game software 310231 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Online gaming services 620930 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Video game hardware and accessories 310232 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Rental of video cassettes, tapes, films, and discs 620912 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Pets, toys, hobbies, and playground equipment PETSPL G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Pets PETS G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Pet food 610310 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Pet purchase, supplies, medicine 610320 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Vet services 620420 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Toys, games, arts and crafts, and tricycles 610110 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Playground equipment 610120 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Other entertainment supplies, equipment, and services ENTERO G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Sports, recreation and exercise equipment RECEQU G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Athletic gear, game tables, and exercise equipment 600210 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Camping equipment 600410 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Hunting and fishing equipment 600420 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Global positioning system devices 600903 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Photographic equipment, supplies and services PHOTOE G 1 EXPEND 1 5 Other photographic supplies 610220 D 1 EXPEND 1 5 Photographer fees 620320 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Fireworks 610901 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Souvenirs 610902 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Visual goods 610903 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Pinball, electronic video games 620913 D 1 EXPEND 1 2 Personal care products and services PERSCA G 1 EXPEND 1 3 Personal care products PERSPR G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Hair care products 640110 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Nonelectric articles for the hair 640120 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Oral hygiene products, articles 640210 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Shaving needs 640220 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Cosmetics, perfume, bath preparations 640310 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Deodorants, feminine hygiene, miscellaneous personal 640410 D 1 EXPEND 2 care 1 4 Electric personal care appliances 640420 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Personal care services PERSSE G 1 EXPEND 1 4 Personal care service for females 650110 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Personal care service for males 650210 D 1 EXPEND 1 4 Repair of personal care appliances 650900 D 1 EXPEND 1 2 Reading READIN G 1 EXPEND 1 3 Newspapers 590110 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Magazines 590210 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Books thru book clubs 590220 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Newsletters 590900 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Digital book readers 690118 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Encyclopedia and other sets of reference books 660310 D 1 EXPEND 1 2 Education EDUCAT G 1 EXPEND 1 3 School supplies, etc. - unspecified 660000 D 1 EXPEND 1 2 Tobacco products and smoking supplies TOBACC G 1 EXPEND 1 3 Smoking accessories 630220 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Marijuana 630900 D 1 EXPEND 1 2 Miscellaneous MISC G 1 EXPEND 1 3 Miscellaneous fees 620925 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Lotteries and pari-mutuel losses 620926 D 1 EXPEND 1 3 Miscellaneous personal services 680903 D 1 EXPEND 1 1 Sources of income and personal taxes: TITLES T 1 INCOME 1 2 Money income before taxes INCBEF G 1 INCOME 1 3 Wages and salaries 900000 D 1 INCOME 1 3 Self-employment income SFEMPI G 1 INCOME 1 4 Self-employment income 900160 D 1 INCOME 1 3 Social Security, private and government retirement RETIRI G 1 INCOME 1 4 Social Security and railroad retirement income 900030 D 1 INCOME 1 4 Retirement, survivors, disability income 900170 D 1 INCOME 1 3 Interest, dividends, rental income, other property incom INDIVR G 1 INCOME 1 4 Interest and dividends 900180 D 1 INCOME 1 4 Net room/rental income 900190 D 1 INCOME 1 4 Royalty, estate, trust income 900200 D 1 INCOME 1 3 Public assistance, Supplemental Security Income, WELFAR G 1 INCOME 2 Supplementary Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 1 4 Supplemental Security Income 900090 D 1 INCOME 1 4 Public assistance 900120 D 1 INCOME 1 4 Supplementary Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 900150 D 1 INCOME 1 3 Unemployment and workers'' compensation, veterans'' OTHREG G 1 INCOME 2 benefits, and regular contributions for support 1 4 Other regular income 900210 D 1 INCOME 1 3 Other income OTHRIN G 1 INCOME 1 4 Meals as pay 800700 D 1 INCOME 1 4 Rent as pay 800710 D 1 INCOME 1 4 Other income 900140 D 1 INCOME 1 1 Gifts of goods and services, total GFTTOT G 1 ADDENDA 1 2 Food GFTFOO G 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Flour 010110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Prepared flour mixes 010120 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Ready-to-eat and cooked cereals 010210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Rice 010310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Pasta, cornmeal and other cereal products 010320 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 White bread 020110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Bread, other than white 020210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Cookies 020510 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Crackers 020610 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Frozen and refrigerated bakery products 020810 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Biscuits and rolls 020310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Cakes and cupcakes 020410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Bread and cracker products 020620 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Sweetrolls, coffee cakes, doughnuts 020710 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Pies, tarts, turnovers 020820 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Ground beef 030110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Chuck roast 030210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Round roast 030310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other roast 030410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Round steak 030510 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Sirloin steak 030610 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other steak 030710 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other beef 030810 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Bacon 040110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Pork chops 040210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Ham, not canned 040310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Canned ham 040610 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Sausage 040510 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other pork 040410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Frankfurters 050110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Bologna, liverwurst, salami 050210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other lunchmeats 050310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Lamb and organ meats 050410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Mutton, goat and game 050900 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Fresh and frozen whole chicken 060110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Fresh and frozen chicken parts 060210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other poultry 060310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Canned fish and seafood 070110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Fresh fish and shellfish 070230 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Frozen fish and shellfish 070240 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Eggs 080110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Fresh milk, all types 090110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Cream 090210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Butter 100110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Cheese 100210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Ice cream and related products 100410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Miscellaneous dairy products 100510 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Apples 110110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Bananas 110210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Oranges 110310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Citrus fruits, excluding oranges 110510 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other fresh fruits 110410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Potatoes 120110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Lettuce 120210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Tomatoes 120310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other fresh vegetables 120410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Frozen orange juice 130110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Frozen fruits 130121 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Frozen fruit juices 130122 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Canned fruits 130310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Dried fruit 130320 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Fresh fruit juice 130211 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Canned and bottled fruit juice 130212 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Frozen vegetables 140110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Canned beans 140210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Canned corn 140220 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Canned miscellaneous vegetables 140230 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Dried peas 140320 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Dried beans 140330 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Dried miscellaneous vegetables 140340 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Dried processed vegetables 140310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Frozen vegetable juices 140410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Fresh and canned vegetable juices 140420 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Candy and chewing gum 150110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Sugar 150211 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Artificial sweeteners 150212 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Jams, preserves, other sweets 150310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Margarine 160110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Fats and oils 160211 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Salad dressings 160212 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Nondairy cream and imitation milk 160310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Peanut butter 160320 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Frozen meals 180210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other frozen prepared foods 180220 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Canned and packaged soups 180110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Potato chips and other snacks 180310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Nuts 180320 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Salt, spices, other seasonings 180410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Olives, pickles, relishes 180420 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Sauces and gravies 180510 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Baking needs and miscellaneous products 180520 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Prepared salads 180611 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Vitamin supplements 180720 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Prepared desserts 180612 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Baby food 180620 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Miscellaneous prepared foods 180710 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Cola 170110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other carbonated drinks 170210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Roasted coffee 170310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Instant and freeze dried coffee 170410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Tea 170520 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Noncarbonated fruit flavored drinks, including non-froze 170510 D 1 ADDENDA 2 lemonade 1 3 Other noncarbonated beverages and ice 170531 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Bottled water 170532 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Sports drinks 170533 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Nonalcoholic beer 200112 D 1 ADDENDA 1 2 Housing GFTHOU G 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Housekeeping supplies GFTHKP G 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Laundry and cleaning supplies GFTLAU G 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Soaps and detergents 330110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Other laundry cleaning products 330210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Other household products GFTOHK G 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Cleansing and toilet tissue, paper towels and napkin 330310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Miscellaneous household products 330510 D 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Lawn and garden supplies 330610 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Postage and stationery GFTPOS G 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Stationery, stationery supplies, giftwrap 330410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Postage 340110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Delivery services 340120 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Household textiles GFTHHT G 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Bathroom linens 280110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Bedroom linens 280120 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Kitchen, dining room, other linens 280140 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Slipcovers, decorative pillows 280220 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Appliances and miscellaneous housewares GFTHWA G 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Major appliances GFTMAP G 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Electric floor cleaning equipment 320511 D 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Sewing machines 320512 D 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Miscellaneous household appliances 300900 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Small appliances and miscellaneous housewares GFTSAP G 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Dinnerware, glassware, serving pieces 320345 D 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Flatware 320330 D 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Nonelectric cookware 320370 D 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Tableware, nonelectric kitchenware 320380 D 1 ADDENDA 1 5 Portable heating and cooling equipment 320522 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Miscellaneous household equipment GFTMIS G 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Infants'' equipment 320130 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Laundry and cleaning equipment 320140 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Outdoor equipment 320150 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Lamps, lighting fixtures, ceiling fans 320221 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Clocks and other household decorative items 320233 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Telephones and accessories 320232 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Lawn and garden equipment 320410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Power tools 320420 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Hand tools 320902 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Indoor plants, fresh flowers 320903 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Closet and storage items 320904 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Miscellaneous household equipment and parts 320905 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Computer software 690119 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Computer accessories 690120 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Other hardware 320430 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Luggage 430130 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other housing GFTOTH G 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Repair of miscellaneous household equipment and 340913 D 1 ADDENDA 2 furnishings 1 4 Outdoor furniture 290430 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Room size rugs and other floor covering, nonpermanent 320110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 2 Apparel and services GFTCLO G 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Males, 2 and over GFTMAL G 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Men''s sportcoats, tailored jackets 360120 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Men''s coats and jackets 360210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Men''s underwear 360311 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Men''s hosiery 360312 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Men''s accessories 360330 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Men''s active sportswear 360350 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Men''s shirts, sweaters, and vests 360420 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Men''s pants and shorts 360513 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Men''s uniforms 360901 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Boy''s shirts and sweaters 370125 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Boys'' underwear 370211 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Boys'' nightwear 370212 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Boys'' hosiery 370213 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Boys'' accessories 370220 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Boys'' suits, sportcoats, vests 370311 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Boys'' uniforms and active sportswear 370901 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Females, 2 and over GFTFEM G 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s coats and jackets 380110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s dresses 380210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s sportcoats, tailored jackets 380311 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s sweaters, shirts, tops, vests 380315 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s skirts 380320 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s pants and shorts 380333 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s active sportswear 380340 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s sleepwear 380410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s undergarments 380420 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s hosiery 380430 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s accessories 380901 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s uniforms 380902 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Girls'' coats and jackets 390110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Girls'' dresses and suits 390120 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Girls'' shirts, blouses, sweaters, vests 390210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Girls'' active sportswear 390230 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Girls'' underwear and sleepwear 390310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Girls'' hosiery 390321 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Girls'' accessories 390322 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Children under 2 GFTINF G 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Infant dresses, outerwear 410120 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Infant underwear 410130 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Infant nightwear, loungewear 410140 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Infant accessories 410901 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other apparel products and services GFTOTH G 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Men''s footwear 400110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Boys'' footwear 400210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Women''s footwear 400310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Girls'' footwear 400220 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Material and supplies for sewing, needlework, quilting 420115 D 1 ADDENDA 2 (includes household items) 1 4 Watches 430110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 2 Transportation GFTTRA G 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Alternative fuels 470114 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Vehicle products and cleaning services 480212 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Misc. auto repair, servicing 490000 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Gas tank repair, replacement 490316 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Tolls or electronic toll passes 520541 D 1 ADDENDA 1 2 Healthcare GFTHEA G 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Repair of medical equipment 570902 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Nonprescription drugs 550210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Nonprescription vitamins 550410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Topicals and dressings 550310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Adult diapers 640430 D 1 ADDENDA 1 2 Entertainment GFTENT G 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other entertainment GFTOEN G 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Fees for recreational lessons 620310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Movies, parks, museums 620214 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Cable and satellite television services 270310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Stereos, radios, speakers, and sound components 310316 D 1 ADDENDA 2 including those in vehicles 1 4 Phonographs 310312 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Digital media players and recorders 310315 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Miscellaneous sound equipment 310331 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Miscellaneous video equipment 310335 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Sound equipment accessories 310332 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Video cassettes, tapes, and discs 310220 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Video game software 310231 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Online gaming services 620930 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Video game hardware and accessories 310232 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 CDs, records, audio tapes 310340 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Pet food 610310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Pet purchase, supplies, medicine 610320 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Playground equipment 610120 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Vet services 620420 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Athletic gear, game tables, and exercise equipment 600210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Camping equipment 600410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Hunting and fishing equipment 600420 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Global positioning system devices 600903 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Other photographic supplies 610220 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Photographer fees 620320 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Fireworks 610901 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Souvenirs 610902 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Visual goods 610903 D 1 ADDENDA 1 4 Pinball, electronic video games 620913 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Toys, games, arts and crafts, and tricycles 610110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 2 Education GFTEDU G 1 ADDENDA 1 3 School supplies, etc. - unspecified 660000 D 1 ADDENDA 1 2 All other gifts GIFTSO G 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Other alcoholic beverages 200410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Electricity 260110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Natural gas 260210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Fuel oil 250110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Bottled and tank gas 250210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Coal 250220 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Miscellaneous fuels 250900 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Telephone services 270000 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Diesel fuel 470112 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Gasoline 470111 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Motor oil 470211 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Coolant, brake fluid, transmission fluid, and other 470220 D 1 ADDENDA 2 additives 1 3 Hair care products 640110 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Nonelectric articles for the hair 640120 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Oral hygiene products, articles 640210 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Cosmetics, perfume, bath preparations 640310 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Deodorants, feminine hygiene, miscellaneous personal car 640410 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Books thru book clubs 590220 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Newsletters 590900 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Smoking accessories 630220 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Marijuana 630900 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Miscellaneous fees 620925 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Lotteries and pari-mutuel losses 620926 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Miscellaneous personal services 680903 D 1 ADDENDA 1 3 Shaving needs 640220 D 1 ADDENDA