BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS 2008 CONSUMER EXPENDITURE SURVEY (CE) Re-RELEASE OF MICRODATA ONLINE--Previously released on CD-ROM for purchase (SAS, STATA, SPSS, and ASCII comma-delimited data sets) Original Release: October 15, 2009 V2 Release: December 2, 2009 Posted online: July 2, 2013 You should find the following information hyperlinked from the CE website at https://www.bls.gov/cex/pumd_2008.htm: Description Location Documentation ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This read me file */documentation/2008readme1st.txt 2008Readme1st.txt Diary Survey SAS microdata(zipped) */data/sas/diary08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\diary08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Diary User's documentation - 2008.pdf Interview Survey SAS microdata(zipped) */data/sas/intrvw08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\intrvw08 **X:\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Interview User's documentation - 2008.pdf EXPN (Interview) SAS microdata(zipped) */data/sas/expn08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\expn08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Interview User's documentation - 2008.pdf Paradata (Intrvw) SAS microdata(zipped) */data/sas/intrvw08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\intrvw08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Interview User's documentation - 2008.pdf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Diary Survey Comma-delimited microdata(zipped) */data/comma/diary08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\diary08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Diary User's documentation - 2008.pdf Interview Survey Comma-delimited microdata(zipped) */data/comma/intrvw08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\intrvw08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Interview User's documentation - 2008.pdf EXPN (Interview) Comma-delimited microdata(zipped) */data/comma/expn08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\expn08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Interview User's documentation - 2008.pdf Paradata (Intrvw) Comma-delimited microdata(zipped) */data/comma/intrvw08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\intrvw08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Interview User's documentation - 2008.pdf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Diary Survey STATA microdata(zipped) */data/stata/diary08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\diary08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Diary User's documentation - 2008.pdf Interview Survey STATA microdata(zipped) */data/stata/intrvw08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\intrvw08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Interview User's documentation - 2008.pdf EXPN (Interview) STATA microdata(zipped) */data/stata/expn08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\expn08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Interview User's documentation - 2008.pdf Paradata (Intrvw) STATA microdata(zipped) */data/stata/intrvw08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\intrvw08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Interview User's documentation - 2008.pdf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Diary Survey SPSS microdata(zipped) */data/spss/diary08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\diary08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Diary User's documentation - 2008.pdf Interview Survey SPSS microdata(zipped) */data/spss/intrvw08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\intrvw08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Interview User's documentation - 2008.pdf EXPN (Interview) SPSS microdata(zipped) */data/spss/expn08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\expn08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Interview User's documentation - 2008.pdf Paradata (Intrvw) SPSS microdata(zipped) */data/spss/intrvw08.zip */documentation/documentation08.zip **X:\intrvw08 **X:\documentation08\User documentations and data dictionaries 2008\Interview User's documentation - 2008.pdf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SAS Sample programs */documentation/documentation08.zip 2008Readme1st.txt **X:\documentation08\Programs 2008\SAS COMMA-Delimited Sample programs */documentation/documentation08.zip 2008Readme1st.txt **X:\documentation08\Programs 2008\Comma STATA Sample program */documentation/documentation08.zip 2008Readme1st.txt **X:\documentation08\Programs 2008\STATA ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Denotes the online file directory: https://www.bls.gov/cex/pumd ** Once the files have been extracted from the zip file, the "X" references the drive in which the files are stored. The Diary and Interview/EXPN microdata documentation files are provided in Acrobat-Portable Document Format (PDF). Microdata Files: Beginning with the 1996 release, the microdata are available in both SAS for P.C.(.sas7bdat files), STATA, SPSS, ASCII column-parametered (this format is no longer available online), and ASCII comma-delimited format. You can find the characteristics of each microdata file within their respective documentation files. (See "FILE INFORMATION" within each survey documentation.) All data files are compressed so the data can be stored online. These files can be uncompressed using most unzip utilities. Sample programs: A selection of programs are included to assist in verifying the data. These programs along with their log files and output files are included in the "SAMPLE PROGRAMS" directory and are categorized by relevant input data type. More information about the programs follows. SAS sample programs use the SAS datasets to generate means and standard errors. These programs utilize the MTAB or EXPN data files. The Intrvw Mean and SE and Diary Mean and SE programs generate tables of means and standard errors that replicate the item structures of Consumer Expenditure Survey at the most detailed level. The Integrated Mean and SE program replicates integrated expenditures by drawing from both the interview and diary survey data according to the source that is used for CE publications. The Interview Sumvars program calculates expenditures using the main level summary variables as a demonstration on how to use the summary variables. The CE_MACROS program is a series of macros that can be used for more general analysis, using the appropriate methods for calculation of standard errors for expenditures and income. Documentation on this program is in the same folder under "CE macros program documentation.doc" SAS programs that use the ASCII comma-delimited format is included in the respective Programs folder as well. These include the Intrvw, Diary, and Integretaed Mean and SE programs, but not the Interview Sumvars program. A STATA program to create the Diary Means is available in the \STATA\Programs folder. Each of the programs uses input files in "Programs 2008" folder. Documentation: The documentation for the Interview and Diary surveys is split into 2 parts as follows: Interview Data Dictionary - this is a report with all the variable names, descriptions, start positions, and formats, organized by file and section. (Prior to 2007 included in section III.G. "Detailed Variable Description" in the Interview documentation.) Interview User's Documentation - the remaining portions of the Interview documentation including (but not limited to) changes to the previous year's release, information on topcoding and non-disclosure requirments, file and record lengths, definitions of flags, information on estimation methodology, and an explanation of calendar year versus collection year. The Diary Documentation will follow the same structure as the Interview documentation: Diary Data Dictionary and Diary User's Documentation. Also available is an ACCESS database data dictionary. This database is comprised of 4 tables, one each for Diary (D_) and Interview (I_), with all the variable and file information. The Header information table is used to link the Variable information with details on it's section information in the survey. The Header and Variable information tables are linked by the variable RECTYPE. Also Included in the Access data base are pre-made queries. (1) "Diary Query" - used to generate the PDF version of the Diary Data Dictionary, (2)"Interview Query" - used to generate the PDF version of the Interview Data Dictionary, (3) "Search by RECTYPE (Interview)" - allows users to enter the Intervieiw RECTYPE (a 4-letter designation in all CAPS) to pull all variables within a section, and (4) "Search by VARIABLE (Interview)" - allows users to search for a particular variable in the Interview Survey (in all CAPS). (5) "Search by VARIABLE (Diary)" - allows users to search for a particular variable in the Diary Survey (in all CAPS). (6) "Search by key word in variable description (Interview)" - allows users to search interview variable descriptions for key words. (7) "Search by key word in variable description (Diary)" - allows users to search diary variable descriptions for key words. Additional documentation includes a guide to income imputation that describes how to appropriately use the multiple imputed numbers to calulate estimates accurately ("User's Guide to Income Imputation in the CE.pdf"). Survey questionnaires: The most current Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) survey instrument, Diary survey form, and information booklets can be found on the CEX website at https://www.bls.gov/cex/#forms . Please address any questions or comments to: Division of Consumer Expenditure Survey Branch of Information and Analysis Bureau of Labor Statistics, Room 3985 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20212-0001 phone: (202) 691-6900. email: cexinfo@bls.gov