TABLE 2: Hires estimated rate and level changes between November 2022 and December 2022, and test of significance, seasonally adjusted Rates Levels (in thousands) ===== ===================== Estimated Minimum Pass test of Estimated Minimum Pass test of over-the-month significant significance over-the-month significant significance Industry and region change change* change change* Total nonfarm 0.1 0.2 131 296 INDUSTRY Total private 0.1 0.2 129 293 Mining and logging 0.1 1.2 1 8 Construction 0.4 1.0 34 72 Manufacturing 0.0 0.4 0 52 Durable goods 0.2 0.4 16 34 Nondurable goods -0.3 0.8 -16 36 Trade, transportation, and utilities 0.1 0.4 30 124 Wholesale trade 0.0 0.6 2 36 Retail trade 0.3 0.7 45 108 Transportation, warehousing, and utilities -0.2 0.7 -17 43 Information -0.7 0.9 -22 26 Financial activities -0.4 0.5 -38 43 Finance and insurance -0.5 0.5 -31 33 Real estate and rental and leasing -0.3 0.8 -6 19 Professional and business services 0.1 0.7 19 136 Education and health services 0.3 0.3 64 74 Educational services 0.0 0.5 0 20 Health care and social assistance 0.3 0.4 64 71 Leisure and hospitality 0.1 0.7 7 106 Arts, entertainment, and recreation 0.1 1.7 5 36 Accommodation and food services 0.0 0.7 2 93 Other services 0.6 1.2 35 68 Government 0.0 0.2 1 39 Federal 0.2 0.2 7 7 State and local 0.0 0.2 -5 38 State and local education -0.1 0.2 -8 24 State and local, excluding education 0.0 0.3 2 24 REGION Northeast 0.0 0.4 -5 110 South 0.1 0.3 22 178 Midwest 0.5 0.4 YES 152 123 YES West -0.1 0.4 -38 137 SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, February 1, 2023. *NOTE: Significant over-the-month changes are calculated at a 90-percent confidence level. The median standard error is used in testing the over-the-month change.