TABLE 5: Layoffs and discharges estimated rate and level changes between July 2013 and August 2013, and test of significance, seasonally adjusted Rates Levels (in thousands) ===== ===================== Estimated Minimum Pass test of Estimated Minimum Pass test of over-the-month significant significance over-the-month significant significance Industry and region change change* change change* Total 0.0 0.1 59 194 INDUSTRY Total private 0.1 0.2 65 192 Government 0.0 0.1 -6 22 REGION Northeast 0.1 0.3 23 84 South -0.2 0.2 -112 109 YES Midwest 0.5 0.3 YES 132 87 YES West 0.0 0.3 17 92 SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, October 24, 2013. *NOTE: Significant over-the-month changes are calculated at a 90 percent confidence level. The median standard error is used in testing the over-the-month change.