TABLE 7: Job openings estimated rate and level changes between August 2020 and August 2021, and test of significance, not seasonally adjusted Rates Levels (in thousands) ===== ===================== Estimated Minimum Pass test of Estimated Minimum Pass test of over-the-year significant significance over-the-year significant significance Industry and region change change* change change* Total nonfarm 2.3 0.2 YES 4088 326 YES INDUSTRY Total private 2.6 0.2 YES 3999 313 YES Mining and logging 2.8 1.2 YES 21 9 YES Construction 1.1 0.9 YES 94 70 YES Manufacturing 2.8 0.4 YES 406 51 YES Durable goods 2.6 0.4 YES 235 32 YES Nondurable goods 3.0 0.7 YES 170 35 YES Trade, transportation, and utilities 2.5 0.5 YES 824 139 YES Wholesale trade 1.1 0.7 YES 75 44 YES Retail trade 2.7 0.7 YES 482 113 YES Transportation, warehousing, and utilities 3.5 0.9 YES 265 55 YES Information 2.5 0.9 YES 79 27 YES Financial activities 2.0 0.7 YES 196 63 YES Finance and insurance 1.3 0.8 YES 98 53 YES Real estate and rental and leasing 3.7 1.1 YES 98 25 YES Professional and business services 2.5 0.8 YES 664 162 YES Education and health services 2.0 0.4 YES 559 101 YES Educational services 2.2 0.6 YES 82 21 YES Health care and social assistance 2.0 0.4 YES 477 98 YES Leisure and hospitality 4.2 0.6 YES 913 102 YES Arts, entertainment, and recreation 4.0 1.2 YES 129 28 YES Accommodation and food services 4.2 0.7 YES 784 96 YES Other services 3.4 1.0 YES 243 60 YES Government 0.4 0.2 YES 89 57 YES Federal 1.2 0.5 YES 28 14 YES State and local 0.3 0.3 61 56 YES State and local education 0.3 0.2 YES 38 21 YES State and local, excluding education 0.2 0.5 23 48 REGION Northeast 2.5 0.4 YES 770 125 YES South 2.4 0.3 YES 1569 191 YES Midwest 2.0 0.4 YES 776 152 YES West 2.3 0.4 YES 975 143 YES SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, October 12, 2021. *NOTE: Significant over-the-year changes are calculated at a 90-percent confidence level. The median standard error is used in testing the over-the-year change.