Technical Information: (202) 691-6378 USDL 05-2353 For release: 10:00 A.M. EST Media Contact: 691-5902 Thursday, December 22, 2005 WORK EXPERIENCE OF THE POPULATION IN 2004 A total of 152.2 million persons worked at some point during 2004, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. The proportion of workers who worked full time, year round was up slightly from 2003. The number of persons who experienced some unemployment in 2004 fell by 1.4 million from 2003, to 15.1 million. (See tables 1 and 3.) These data are based on information collected in the Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) to the Current Population Survey (CPS). The CPS is a monthly survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The ASEC collects information on employment and unemploy- ment experienced during the prior calendar year. Additional information a- bout the CPS and the ASEC, including concepts and definitions, is provided in the Technical Note. Highlights from the 2004 data include: --The proportion of the civilian noninstitutional population age 16 years old and over that worked at some time during the year was 67.6 percent in 2004, essentially unchanged from 2003. --The proportion of workers who worked full time, year round in 2004 (66.8 percent) was slightly higher than in 2003 (66.3 percent). --The "work-experience unemployment rate"--defined as the number unem- ployed at some time during the year as a proportion of the number who worked or looked for work during the year--fell by 1.0 percent- age point over the year to 9.7 percent in 2004. - 2 - Persons with Employment In 2004, the proportion of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years and over that worked at some point during the year was 67.6 percent, about unchanged from 2003. (See table 1.) This proportion had trended down from 2000 to 2003. In 2004, the proportions of men and women who worked at some time during the year, 74.1 and 61.5 percent, respectively, also were about unchanged from the prior year. Among those with work experience during 2004, 77.0 percent were employed year round (either full or part time), up by 0.5 percentage point from 2003. Continuing a long-term growth trend, full-year employment among women edged up to 73.7 percent from 73.3 percent in 2003. The percentage of men employed year round also was up over the year, increasing to 80.0 percent from 79.3 percent in 2003. (See table 1.) About 4 out of 5 of those who were employed at some time during 2004 usually worked full time, about the same ratio as in 2003. Among both men and women, the proportion who worked full time was little changed between 2003 and 2004. (See table 1.) Persons with Unemployment Overall, 15.1 million persons experienced some unemployment in 2004, down from 16.4 million in 2003. Declines in unemployment among men accounted for more than three-quarters of the over-the-year change. (See table 3.) At 9.7 percent in 2004, the "work-experience unemployment rate" was down by 1.0 percentage point from 2003. The rate is low by historical standards, but is above the series low of 8.6 percent reached in 2000. The rate for blacks in 2004, 14.4 percent, was higher than the rates for Hispanics or Latinos (10.9 percent), whites (9.0 percent), and Asians (8.0 percent). (See tables 3 and 4.) In 2004, the "work-experience unemployment rate" for white men (9.5 percent) was higher than that for white women (8.5 percent). In contrast, there was little difference in the rates for black men and women (14.6 and 14.1 percent, respectively), Hispanic or Latino men and women (11.0 and 10.7 percent, respectively), and Asian men and women (7.5 and 8.6 percent, respectively). (See table 4.) In 2004, among those who experienced unemployment, the median number of weeks spent looking for work was 14.9 weeks, down from 16.6 weeks in 2003. About 2.6 million individuals had looked for a job but did not work at all in 2004, down from 2.8 million a year earlier. Of the 12.5 million persons who worked during the year and also experienced unemployment, 23.1 percent had two or more spells of joblessness, compared with 22.6 percent in 2003. - 3 - Technical Note The data presented in this release were collected in the Annual Social and Economic Supplement to the Current Population Survey (CPS). The CPS is a monthly sample survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Data from the CPS are used to obtain the monthly estimates of the nation's employment and unemployment levels. The supple- ment, conducted in the months of February through April, includes questions about work activity during the prior calendar year. For instance, data col- lected in 2005 refer to the 2004 calendar year. Because the reference period is a full year, the number of persons with some employment or unemployment greatly exceeds the average levels for any given month, which are based on a 1-week reference period, and the corresponding annual average of the monthly estimates. As shown below, for example, the number experiencing any unemploy- ment during 2004 was about twice the number unemployed in an average month during the year. Employed Unemployed 2004 estimates (in thousands) Annual average of monthly estimates 139,252 8,149 Annual supplement data 152,235 15,063 In addition, estimates from the supplement differ from those obtained in the basic CPS because the questions used to classify workers as either employed or unemployed are different. More important, perhaps, is that fewer questions by which to categorize respondents are asked in the sup- plement. In regard to unemployment in particular, the supplement has no questions on the type of job search activity or on the respondent's avail- ability to work. Also, individuals can be counted as both employed and unemployed in the work experience data, whereas, for a specific reference week, each person is only counted in one category and employment activity takes precedence over job search activity. Work experience data for 2004, which were collected in the 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement to the CPS, are not strictly comparable with data for 2003 and earlier years because of the introduction in January 2005" of revised population controls used in the CPS. The effect of the revised population controls on the work experience estimates is unknown. However, the effect of the new controls on the monthly CPS estimates was to decrease the December 2004 employment level by 45,000 and the unemployment level by 4,000. For additional information, see "Adjustments to Household Survey Population Estimates in January 2005" in the February 2005 issue of Employment and Earnings, available on the Internet at Information in this release will be made available to sensory impaired individuals upon request. Voice phone: 202-691-5200; TDD message referral phone: 1-800-877-8339. - 4 - Reliability of the estimates Statistics based on the CPS are subject to both sampling and nonsampling error. When a sample, rather than the entire population, is surveyed, there is a chance that the sample estimates may differ from the "true" population values they represent. The exact difference, or sampling error, varies de- pending on the particular sample selected, and this variability is measured by the standard error of the estimate. There is about a 90-percent chance, or level of confidence, that an estimate based on a sample will differ by no more than 1.6 standard errors from the "true" population value because of sampling error. BLS analyses are generally conducted at the 90-percent level of confidence. The CPS data also are affected by nonsampling error. Nonsampling error can occur for many reasons, including the failure to sample a segment of the population, inability to obtain information for all respondents in the sample, inability or unwillingness of respondents to provide correct information, and errors made in the collection or processing of the data. For a full discussion of the reliability of data from the CPS and information on estimating standard errors, see the "Explanatory Notes and Estimates of Error" section of Employment and Earnings. Concepts and definitions Persons who worked. In the 2005 supplement, persons are considered to have worked if they responded "yes" to either the question "Did you work at a job or business at any time during 2004?" or "Did you do any temporary, part-time, or seasonal work even for a few days during 2004?" Unemployed persons. Persons who worked during the year but not in every week are counted as unemployed if they also reported looking for work or being on layoff from a job during the year. Those who reported no work activity during the year are considered unemployed if they responded "yes" to the question "Even though you did not work in 2004, did you spend any time trying to find a job or on layoff?" Labor force participants. Persons who either worked or were unemployed during the year. Usual full- and part-time employment. These data refer to the number of hours a worker typically works during most weeks of the year. Workers are classified as full time if they usually worked 35 hours or more in a week; part-time employment refers to workers whose typical workweek was between 1 and 34 hours. Year-round and part-year employment. Workers are classified as year round if they worked 50 to 52 weeks. Part-year employment refers to workers who worked fewer than 50 weeks. Table 1. Work experience of the population during the year by sex and extent of employment, 2003-04 Total Men Women Extent of employment 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 Numbers (in thousands) Civilian noninstitutional population............................ 222,509 225,236 107,241 108,702 115,269 116,534 Total who worked or looked for work........................... 153,448 154,785 81,023 81,768 72,425 73,018 Percent of the population................................... 69.0 68.7 75.6 75.2 62.8 62.7 Total who worked during the year (1).......................... 150,689 152,235 79,539 80,552 71,150 71,683 Percent of the population................................... 67.7 67.6 74.2 74.1 61.7 61.5 Full time (2)............................................... 120,325 121,651 69,019 70,100 51,306 51,551 50 to 52 weeks............................................ 99,904 101,707 58,064 59,445 41,841 42,262 48 to 49 weeks............................................ 1,917 2,063 1,128 1,279 789 784 40 to 47 weeks............................................ 5,269 5,336 2,762 2,800 2,508 2,537 27 to 39 weeks............................................ 4,763 4,443 2,571 2,332 2,192 2,111 14 to 26 weeks............................................ 4,909 4,913 2,614 2,528 2,295 2,385 1 to 13 weeks............................................. 3,562 3,188 1,880 1,715 1,682 1,473 Part time (3)............................................... 30,364 30,585 10,520 10,452 19,844 20,132 50 to 52 weeks............................................ 15,325 15,534 5,034 4,973 10,291 10,561 48 to 49 weeks............................................ 782 770 236 223 546 547 40 to 47 weeks............................................ 2,611 2,573 813 756 1,798 1,817 27 to 39 weeks............................................ 2,632 2,728 821 1,008 1,810 1,720 14 to 26 weeks............................................ 4,386 4,257 1,684 1,558 2,702 2,700 1 to 13 weeks............................................. 4,628 4,721 1,932 1,934 2,696 2,788 Percent distribution Total who worked during the year (1)............................ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Full time (2)................................................. 79.8 79.9 86.8 87.0 72.1 71.9 50 to 52 weeks.............................................. 66.3 66.8 73.0 73.8 58.8 59.0 48 to 49 weeks.............................................. 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.1 1.1 40 to 47 weeks.............................................. 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 27 to 39 weeks.............................................. 3.2 2.9 3.2 2.9 3.1 2.9 14 to 26 weeks.............................................. 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 1 to 13 weeks............................................... 2.4 2.1 2.4 2.1 2.4 2.1 Part time (3)................................................. 20.2 20.1 13.2 13.0 27.9 28.1 50 to 52 weeks.............................................. 10.2 10.2 6.3 6.2 14.5 14.7 48 to 49 weeks.............................................. .5 .5 .3 .3 .8 .8 40 to 47 weeks.............................................. 1.7 1.7 1.0 .9 2.5 2.5 27 to 39 weeks.............................................. 1.7 1.8 1.0 1.3 2.5 2.4 14 to 26 weeks.............................................. 2.9 2.8 2.1 1.9 3.8 3.8 1 to 13 weeks............................................... 3.1 3.1 2.4 2.4 3.8 3.9 1 Time worked includes paid vacation and sick leave. 2 Usually worked 35 hours or more per week. 3 Usually worked 1 to 34 hours per week. NOTE: Data refer to persons 16 years and over. Data for 2004, which were collected in the 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement to the Current Population Survey, are not strictly comparable with data for 2003 and earlier years because of the introduction in January 2005 of revised population controls used in the survey. For additional information, see the technical note and "Adjustments to Household Survey Population Estimates in January 2005" in the February 2005 issue of Employment and Earnings, available on the Internet at Table 2. Work experience of the population during the year by race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and sex, 2003-04 (Numbers in thousands) Total Men Women Extent of employment, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 WHITE Civilian noninstitutional population.......................... 181,964 183,737 88,600 89,572 93,364 94,166 Total who worked or looked for work......................... 126,232 127,011 67,807 68,212 58,425 58,798 Percent of the population................................. 69.4 69.1 76.5 76.2 62.6 62.4 Total who worked during the year(1)......................... 124,362 125,360 66,803 67,428 57,560 57,932 Percent of the population................................. 68.3 68.2 75.4 75.3 61.7 61.5 Percent who worked during the year(1)....................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Full time(2).............................................. 79.3 79.3 86.9 87.0 70.6 70.3 50 to 52 weeks.......................................... 66.1 66.4 73.4 73.9 57.6 57.7 27 to 49 weeks.......................................... 7.9 7.8 8.1 8.1 7.7 7.6 1 to 26 weeks........................................... 5.3 5.1 5.4 5.1 5.3 5.1 Part time(3).............................................. 20.7 20.7 13.1 13.0 29.4 29.7 50 to 52 weeks.......................................... 10.6 10.6 6.3 6.2 15.5 15.7 27 to 49 weeks.......................................... 4.2 4.2 2.4 2.5 6.2 6.1 1 to 26 weeks........................................... 5.9 6.0 4.4 4.3 7.7 7.9 BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN Civilian noninstitutional population.......................... 25,931 26,377 11,589 11,812 14,343 14,565 Total who worked or looked for work......................... 17,161 17,441 7,829 8,025 9,331 9,416 Percent of the population................................. 66.2 66.1 67.6 67.9 65.1 64.6 Total who worked during the year(1)......................... 16,520 16,737 7,488 7,677 9,032 9,060 Percent of the population................................. 63.7 63.5 64.6 65.0 63.0 62.2 Percent who worked during the year(1)....................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Full time(2).............................................. 82.8 83.6 86.1 87.6 80.1 80.2 50 to 52 weeks.......................................... 67.9 68.9 70.7 72.8 65.6 65.6 27 to 49 weeks.......................................... 7.8 7.6 8.0 7.8 7.7 7.5 1 to 26 weeks........................................... 7.1 7.1 7.4 7.0 6.8 7.2 Part time(3).............................................. 17.2 16.4 13.9 12.4 19.9 19.8 50 to 52 weeks.......................................... 7.9 7.9 6.5 5.9 9.2 9.5 27 to 49 weeks.......................................... 3.1 2.9 2.1 2.3 3.9 3.4 1 to 26 weeks........................................... 6.1 5.6 5.3 4.2 6.9 6.9 ASIAN Civilian noninstitutional population.......................... 9,429 9,738 4,516 4,629 4,913 5,108 Total who worked or looked for work......................... 6,411 6,551 3,457 3,519 2,954 3,032 Percent of the population................................. 68.0 67.3 76.6 76.0 60.1 59.3 Total who worked during the year(1)......................... 6,273 6,451 3,378 3,475 2,895 2,976 Percent of the population................................. 66.5 66.2 74.8 75.1 58.9 58.2 Percent who worked during the year(1)....................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Full time(2).............................................. 83.0 83.0 87.4 88.2 77.8 76.8 50 to 52 weeks.......................................... 70.5 72.2 75.3 78.4 65.0 65.0 27 to 49 weeks.......................................... 6.5 6.1 6.7 5.3 6.2 7.0 1 to 26 weeks........................................... 5.9 4.7 5.4 4.5 6.5 4.8 Part time(3).............................................. 17.0 17.0 12.6 11.8 22.2 23.2 50 to 52 weeks.......................................... 8.4 9.6 5.6 6.7 11.8 12.9 27 to 49 weeks.......................................... 2.9 3.1 1.8 1.6 4.1 5.0 1 to 26 weeks........................................... 5.7 4.4 5.2 3.5 6.3 5.4 HISPANIC OR LATINO ETHNICITY Civilian noninstitutional population.......................... 27,783 28,814 14,240 14,791 13,543 14,023 Total who worked or looked for work......................... 19,357 19,903 11,445 11,817 7,912 8,086 Percent of the population................................. 69.7 69.1 80.4 79.9 58.4 57.7 Total who worked during the year(1)......................... 18,969 19,571 11,246 11,665 7,723 7,906 Percent of the population................................. 68.3 67.9 79.0 78.9 57.0 56.4 Percent who worked during the year(1)....................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Full time(2).............................................. 83.7 84.4 89.4 90.8 75.4 74.9 50 to 52 weeks.......................................... 67.7 69.3 73.5 75.7 59.3 59.8 27 to 49 weeks.......................................... 9.2 9.0 9.6 9.9 8.7 7.7 1 to 26 weeks........................................... 6.7 6.1 6.3 5.2 7.4 7.4 Part time(3).............................................. 16.3 15.6 10.6 9.2 24.6 25.1 50 to 52 weeks.......................................... 8.3 8.2 5.4 4.6 12.7 13.5 27 to 49 weeks.......................................... 2.8 2.9 1.7 1.7 4.3 4.7 1 to 26 weeks........................................... 5.2 4.6 3.5 3.0 7.6 6.9 1 Time worked includes paid vacation and sick leave. 2 Usually worked 35 hours or more per week. 3 Usually worked 1 to 34 hours per week. NOTE: Estimates for the above race groups (white, black or African American, and Asian) do not sum to totals shown in table 1 because data are not presented for all races. In addition, persons whose ethnicity is identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race and, therefore, are classified by ethnicity as well as by race. Data refer to persons 16 years and over. Also, see Note, table 1. Table 3. Extent of unemployment during the year by sex, 2003-04 Total Men Women Extent of unemployment 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 Numbers (in thousands) Total who worked or looked for work............................. 153,448 154,785 81,023 81,768 72,425 73,018 Percent with unemployment..................................... 10.7 9.7 11.5 10.1 9.8 9.3 Total with unemployment....................................... 16,444 15,063 9,321 8,245 7,122 6,818 Did not work but looked for work............................ 2,759 2,550 1,484 1,216 1,275 1,334 1 to 14 weeks............................................. 1,014 986 463 396 550 590 15 weeks or more.......................................... 1,745 1,564 1,021 820 725 744 Worked during the year...................................... 13,684 12,513 7,837 7,029 5,847 5,484 Year-round workers(1) with 1 or 2 weeks of unemployment... 530 464 354 287 176 177 Part-year workers(2) with unemployment.................... 13,154 12,049 7,483 6,742 5,671 5,307 1 to 4 weeks............................................ 1,836 1,983 954 1,026 882 957 5 to 10 weeks........................................... 2,263 2,099 1,313 1,169 950 929 11 to 14 weeks.......................................... 1,748 1,773 1,038 1,021 710 752 15 to 26 weeks.......................................... 3,777 3,445 2,177 2,061 1,600 1,384 27 weeks or more........................................ 3,530 2,750 2,001 1,465 1,530 1,285 Median weeks of unemployment for all workers........ 16.6 14.9 16.5 15.1 16.6 14.6 With 2 spells or more of unemployment............... 3,088 2,895 1,877 1,826 1,211 1,069 2 spells.......................................... 1,584 1,344 945 808 639 537 3 spells or more.................................. 1,504 1,550 932 1,018 572 532 Percent distribution Did not work but looked for work................................ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 to 14 weeks................................................. 36.7 38.7 31.2 32.6 43.2 44.2 15 weeks or more.............................................. 63.3 61.3 68.8 67.4 56.8 55.8 Worked during the year.......................................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Year-round workers(1) with 1 or 2 weeks of unemployment....... 3.9 3.7 4.5 4.1 3.0 3.2 Part-year workers(2) with unemployment........................ 96.1 96.3 95.5 95.9 97.0 96.8 1 to 4 weeks................................................ 13.4 15.8 12.2 14.6 15.1 17.4 5 to 10 weeks............................................... 16.5 16.8 16.8 16.6 16.3 16.9 11 to 14 weeks.............................................. 12.8 14.2 13.2 14.5 12.1 13.7 15 to 26 weeks.............................................. 27.6 27.5 27.8 29.3 27.4 25.2 27 weeks or more............................................ 25.8 22.0 25.5 20.8 26.2 23.4 With 2 spells or more of unemployment............. 22.6 23.1 24.0 26.0 20.7 19.5 2 spells........................................ 11.6 10.7 12.1 11.5 10.9 9.8 3 spells or more................................ 11.0 12.4 11.9 14.5 9.8 9.7 1 Worked 50 or 51 weeks. 2 Worked less than 50 weeks. NOTE: Data refer to persons 16 years and over. Also, see Note, table 1. Table 4. Extent of unemployment during the year by race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and sex, 2003-04 (Numbers in thousands) Total Men Women Extent of unemployment, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 WHITE Total who worked or looked for work........................... 126,232 127,011 67,807 68,212 58,425 58,798 Percent with unemployment................................... 10.1 9.0 10.8 9.5 9.1 8.5 Total with unemployment..................................... 12,691 11,471 7,348 6,499 5,342 4,972 Did not work but looked for work.......................... 1,870 1,651 1,004 784 866 867 Worked during the year.................................... 10,821 9,819 6,344 5,714 4,477 4,105 Median weeks of unemployment for all workers............ 15.7 14.2 15.9 14.7 15.5 13.6 Percent who worked during the year (1).................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Year-round workers (2) with 1 or 2 weeks of unemployment 4.3 4.1 4.9 4.3 3.3 3.7 Part-year workers (3) with unemployment................. 95.7 95.9 95.1 95.7 96.7 96.3 1 to 4 weeks.......................................... 13.9 17.0 12.3 15.2 16.2 19.6 5 to 14 weeks......................................... 30.3 31.7 30.9 31.6 29.4 31.8 15 weeks or more...................................... 51.5 47.2 51.8 48.9 51.1 44.8 With 2 spells or more of unemployment........... 22.6 23.0 24.3 25.6 20.2 19.2 BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN Total who worked or looked for work........................... 17,161 17,441 7,829 8,025 9,331 9,416 Percent with unemployment................................... 14.7 14.4 16.3 14.6 13.3 14.1 Total with unemployment..................................... 2,520 2,506 1,279 1,175 1,240 1,331 Did not work but looked for work.......................... 641 704 341 348 299 356 Worked during the year.................................... 1,879 1,802 938 827 941 975 Median weeks of unemployment for all workers............ 21.2 19.7 21.2 18.5 21.1 20.6 Percent who worked during the year (1).................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Year-round workers (2) with 1 or 2 weeks of unemployment 2.5 1.8 3.2 2.0 1.9 1.7 Part-year workers (3) with unemployment................. 97.5 98.2 96.8 98.0 98.1 98.3 1 to 4 weeks.......................................... 10.1 10.2 10.4 11.1 9.7 9.5 5 to 14 weeks......................................... 24.2 27.0 23.2 29.4 25.2 25.0 15 weeks or more...................................... 63.2 60.9 63.2 57.5 63.2 63.9 With 2 spells or more of unemployment........... 22.8 24.0 23.7 29.1 22.0 19.7 ASIAN Total who worked or looked for work........................... 6,411 6,551 3,457 3,519 2,954 3,032 Percent with unemployment................................... 10.2 8.0 10.8 7.5 9.7 8.6 Total with unemployment..................................... 657 526 372 264 285 262 Did not work but looked for work.......................... 138 100 79 44 59 56 Worked during the year.................................... 519 426 293 220 226 206 Median weeks of unemployment for all workers............ 17.0 14.9 15.3 17.0 18.4 13.5 Percent who worked during the year (1).................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Year-round workers (2) with 1 or 2 weeks of unemployment 2.4 3.6 1.5 4.3 3.4 3.0 Part-year workers (3) with unemployment................. 97.6 96.4 98.5 95.7 96.6 97.0 1 to 4 weeks.......................................... 14.6 12.4 16.7 9.0 11.9 16.1 5 to 14 weeks......................................... 28.4 34.2 31.3 32.6 24.6 36.0 15 weeks or more...................................... 54.6 49.7 50.5 54.2 60.0 45.0 With 2 spells or more of unemployment........... 15.9 22.4 14.3 22.9 18.0 21.9 HISPANIC OR LATINO ETHNICITY Total who worked or looked for work........................... 19,357 19,903 11,445 11,817 7,912 8,086 Percent with unemployment................................... 12.9 10.9 13.1 11.0 12.5 10.7 Total with unemployment..................................... 2,494 2,164 1,502 1,295 991 869 Did not work but looked for work.......................... 388 331 199 152 189 179 Worked during the year.................................... 2,106 1,833 1,303 1,143 803 689 Median weeks of unemployment for all workers............ 17.6 16.0 16.9 15.8 18.5 16.6 Percent who worked during the year (1).................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Year-round workers (2) with 1 or 2 weeks of unemployment 3.7 3.9 4.2 4.8 2.9 2.3 Part-year workers (3) with unemployment................. 96.3 96.1 95.8 95.2 97.1 97.7 1 to 4 weeks.......................................... 13.0 13.7 12.2 13.4 14.4 14.2 5 to 14 weeks......................................... 27.4 29.9 29.6 29.7 24.0 30.2 15 weeks or more...................................... 55.9 52.5 54.1 52.1 58.7 53.2 With 2 spells or more of unemployment........... 23.9 23.8 25.3 27.5 21.8 17.8 1 Time worked includes paid vacation and sick leave. 2 Worked 50 or 51 weeks. 3 Worked less than 50 weeks. NOTE: Estimates for the above race groups (white, black or African American, and Asian) do not sum to totals shown in table 3 because data are not presented for all races. In addition, persons whose ethnicity is identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race and, therefore, are classified by ethnicity as well as by race. Data refer to persons 16 years and over. Also, see Note, table 1.