NC BL 04/00/2001 Column: Hartford, CT, Bulletin 3105-44, June 2000 POSITION DATA TYPE POSITION DATA TYPE POSITION DATA TYPE POSITION USEFUL INFO 1-85 Occupation/Occupational Group Title 157-164 Hourly Rate of Pay for 10th Decile 259-263 Weekly RSE's 90-93 00-15,99 (00 refers to roll-up of all levels/99 refers Not able to be leveled classification) 86-89 Occupational Code 165-172 Hourly Rate of Pay for 25th Percentile 264-268 Employment/worker RSE's 94-97 1-36: Sorting by Group Index followed by/in conjunction with Occupational Group allows one to reproduce original sort order. 90-93 Level 173-180 Hourly Median Rate of Pay 94-97 Group Index (internal number for use in sorting) 181-188 Hourly Rate of Pay for 75th Percentile 98-108 A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K 98-108 MOG(s) 189-196 Hourly Rate of Pay for 90th Decile 109-112 F&P/FTW/PTW 109-112 Full- and Part-time/Full-time only/Part-time only 197-204 Weekly Mean Rate of Pay 113-116 U&N/UNW/NUW 113-116 Union and Non-union/Union only/Non-union only 205-212 Weekly Median Rate of Pay 117-120 T&I/TMW/INW 117-120 Time and Incentive/Time only/Incentive only 213-221 Annual Mean Rate of Pay 127-133 All_Ind, Pri_Ind, S&L_Gov 121-126 Survey Area Code 222-230 Annual Median Rate of Pay 127-134 Sector 231-235 Mean Weekly Hours 135-137 GP = Goods Producing MF = Manufacturing WR = Wholesale and Retail NC = Non-construction 135-137 Industry Code 236-240 Mean Annual Hours MN = Mining SP = Service Producing FI = Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate " "= Rollup 138-148 Establishment Size Class by Number of Workers 241-253 Number of Workers CN = Construction TU = Transportation and Utilities SV = Services 149-156 Hourly Mean Rate of Pay 254-258 Hourly RSE's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.48 9.14 12.35 17.56 25.33 36.43 35.7 270456 2.4 3.8 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 18.71 8.50 11.51 15.65 23.39 32.09 35.9 201709 3.1 4.4 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 26.34 14.80 18.58 23.63 35.26 41.20 34.9 68747 4.0 7.4 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.80 9.81 12.71 18.00 25.51 36.54 36.2 252074 2.4 3.9 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.00 9.13 11.78 15.83 23.53 32.18 36.6 183326 3.1 4.6 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 26.34 14.80 18.58 23.63 35.26 41.20 34.9 68747 4.0 7.4 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 24.52 11.36 15.75 22.51 31.65 40.77 36.2 168687 2.5 5.0 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.83 10.63 14.52 20.68 28.19 39.23 36.6 115100 3.2 6.3 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 28.76 15.75 19.57 26.74 36.58 41.86 35.3 53586 4.4 8.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.47 12.75 16.64 23.47 32.32 41.56 37.2 150305 2.4 5.2 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.97 12.36 15.63 21.91 29.59 40.42 38.1 96718 3.1 6.7 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 28.76 15.75 19.57 26.74 36.58 41.86 35.3 53586 4.4 8.4 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 29.23 19.23 23.47 26.56 35.53 41.86 35.7 64449 2.4 7.6 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.51 18.20 21.96 25.02 31.65 35.76 36.5 36916 2.7 8.9 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 33.81 23.61 25.51 35.43 40.77 44.37 34.4 27533 4.8 13.1 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 31.11 22.34 23.99 29.38 36.58 42.82 35.2 54644 2.6 8.2 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.71 21.83 23.53 25.99 32.09 36.69 36.0 27627 2.8 9.7 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 34.15 23.61 25.51 36.58 40.77 44.90 34.3 27017 4.9 13.3 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 00 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 30.67 23.73 23.73 29.55 33.78 44.90 39.4 7608 7.4 27.3 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 00 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 32.30 24.03 25.86 30.30 35.48 44.90 40.8 5839 6.5 21.7 Industrial engineers 56 00 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.83 22.56 24.03 24.53 32.53 35.48 41.2 7.0 Industrial engineers 56 00 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.83 22.56 24.03 24.53 32.53 35.48 41.2 7.0 Mechanical engineers 57 00 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 34.45 21.96 25.86 34.10 42.82 44.90 40.8 11.7 Mechanical engineers 57 00 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 34.45 21.96 25.86 34.10 42.82 44.90 40.8 11.7 Mathematical and computer scientists 0 00 07 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 30.02 23.53 25.02 31.65 33.11 36.14 40.9 5138 2.7 28.1 Mathematical and computer scientists 0 00 07 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 30.02 23.53 25.02 31.65 33.11 36.14 40.9 5138 2.7 28.1 Computer systems analysts and scientists 64 00 07 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 28.90 23.53 23.67 25.67 33.16 36.14 41.1 4.9 Computer systems analysts and scientists 64 00 07 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.90 23.53 23.67 25.67 33.16 36.14 41.1 4.9 Health related occupations 0 00 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.87 20.68 22.25 23.97 26.59 32.09 32.0 12124 3.0 13.2 Health related occupations 0 00 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 25.04 20.68 22.25 23.97 25.04 31.56 31.6 11175 2.4 13.9 Health related occupations 0 00 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 35.07 16.73 25.09 32.84 45.34 55.02 36.9 949 15.0 39.1 Registered nurses 95 00 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 24.21 20.81 22.25 23.97 24.82 29.04 32.0 1.9 Registered nurses 95 00 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 24.15 21.50 22.25 23.60 24.70 29.04 31.8 1.9 Teachers, college and university 0 00 10 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 38.30 26.67 26.67 26.67 50.16 69.15 37.1 976 24.6 30.0 Teachers, college and university 0 00 10 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 38.30 26.67 26.67 26.67 50.16 69.15 37.1 976 24.6 30.0 Teachers, except college and university 0 00 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 36.90 26.74 32.98 39.90 41.94 45.91 31.3 17790 4.7 11.1 Teachers, except college and university 0 00 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 25.91 16.09 20.00 27.08 31.59 32.56 23.0 1340 9.2 25.9 Teachers, except college and university 0 00 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 37.58 26.74 34.00 40.55 41.94 45.91 32.0 16450 5.1 11.8 Elementary school teachers 156 00 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 39.89 34.97 37.89 41.20 41.94 45.66 34.0 2.4 Elementary school teachers 156 00 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 40.01 34.97 37.89 41.20 41.94 45.66 33.9 2.4 Secondary school teachers 157 00 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 37.49 29.87 32.01 35.43 43.16 51.73 33.6 6.2 Secondary school teachers 157 00 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.21 22.50 26.80 31.17 31.17 31.59 31.4 6.8 Secondary school teachers 157 00 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 40.68 35.40 35.43 38.14 43.68 51.73 34.5 7.5 Teachers, special education 158 00 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 40.31 32.56 32.98 40.55 44.90 49.66 33.7 5.7 Teachers, N.E.C. 159 00 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 33.71 13.50 14.06 43.58 45.91 45.91 19.0 20.7 Librarians, archivists, and curators 0 00 12 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 26.31 14.70 21.48 21.48 28.13 48.09 32.7 629 17.0 48.0 Librarians 164 00 12 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 26.31 14.70 21.48 21.48 28.13 48.09 32.7 17.0 Social, recreation, and religious workers 0 00 14 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 26.37 24.44 25.51 25.51 25.51 28.06 39.3 2958 3.5 58.7 Social workers 174 00 14 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 26.37 24.44 25.51 25.51 25.51 28.06 39.3 3.5 Writers, authors, entertainers, athletes, and professionals, N.E.C. 0 00 16 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.79 11.15 21.02 23.22 26.44 30.56 33.8 965 10.6 42.1 Writers, authors, entertainers, athletes, and professionals, N.E.C. 0 00 16 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.79 11.15 21.02 23.22 26.44 30.56 33.8 965 10.6 42.1 Technical occupations 0 00 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.43 15.12 17.47 19.39 23.63 26.75 37.8 9805 2.9 15.7 Technical occupations 0 00 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.40 15.00 17.19 19.39 25.03 26.75 37.7 9289 3.1 16.1 Licensed practical nurses 207 00 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.94 18.40 18.50 19.68 20.99 22.50 28.9 2.6 Licensed practical nurses 207 00 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.94 18.40 18.50 19.68 20.99 22.50 28.9 2.6 Health technologists and technicians, N.E.C. 208 00 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.25 9.13 9.13 16.21 21.27 34.06 39.5 3.3 Health technologists and technicians, N.E.C. 208 00 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.74 9.13 9.13 16.21 16.21 34.06 39.5 2.9 Electrical and electronic technicians 213 00 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.28 15.19 15.53 22.62 25.77 29.88 40.7 9.9 Electrical and electronic technicians 213 00 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.28 15.19 15.53 22.62 25.77 29.88 40.7 9.9 Engineering technicians, N.E.C. 216 00 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.30 17.19 18.20 20.08 22.66 23.63 39.6 5.3 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 33.05 19.29 23.97 31.35 39.23 51.44 39.8 33889 3.8 12.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 32.80 18.37 21.91 30.86 44.01 51.44 40.6 23764 4.9 11.9 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 33.69 24.64 31.23 34.16 35.26 40.22 38.1 10125 5.6 30.6 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 00 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 39.37 26.37 31.48 35.34 46.68 53.55 40.2 19859 4.1 17.6 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 00 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 40.96 23.10 31.48 42.90 51.44 54.60 40.8 12399 4.8 17.2 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 00 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 36.56 31.35 31.35 34.34 37.25 44.46 39.0 7460 5.1 37.1 Financial managers 7 00 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 35.72 21.63 31.35 31.35 38.79 50.14 40.7 9.0 Financial managers 7 00 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 39.52 21.63 30.86 46.00 50.14 55.53 40.1 12.9 Administrators, education and related fields 14 00 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 41.64 27.70 33.65 38.46 44.46 63.43 38.5 11.2 Administrators, education and related fields 14 00 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 33.91 21.01 27.70 33.65 43.59 43.59 37.7 10.0 Managers, medicine and health 15 00 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 47.64 35.04 37.34 44.23 46.68 84.99 42.5 12.6 Managers and administrators, N.E.C. 22 00 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 42.50 23.64 32.74 42.90 51.44 56.16 40.9 6.0 Managers and administrators, N.E.C. 22 00 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 42.16 23.64 32.74 42.90 51.44 54.60 40.9 6.4 Management related occupations 0 00 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 24.00 15.63 19.90 24.09 27.61 32.32 39.4 14031 3.4 16.1 Management related occupations 0 00 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.78 14.32 19.23 23.00 27.73 32.32 40.3 11365 4.0 13.3 Management related occupations 0 00 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 25.07 20.94 24.64 24.64 24.64 31.23 35.7 2666 3.2 63.1 Accountants and auditors 23 00 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.69 12.44 18.00 22.81 24.09 28.66 39.4 6.9 Accountants and auditors 23 00 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.28 12.44 18.00 22.81 24.09 26.03 39.5 7.0 Personnel, training, and labor relations specialists 27 00 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.08 16.13 19.90 20.47 20.94 27.61 40.2 5.4 Personnel, training, and labor relations specialists 27 00 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.10 16.13 18.46 20.47 23.71 27.61 40.6 6.0 Management related occupations, N.E.C. 37 00 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.63 14.04 14.04 19.29 24.64 31.73 40.0 8.9 Management related occupations, N.E.C. 37 00 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.63 14.04 14.04 19.29 24.64 31.73 40.0 8.9 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.07 6.86 7.46 9.46 19.97 29.72 29.1 18382 13.8 21.0 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.07 6.86 7.46 9.46 19.97 29.72 29.1 18382 13.8 21.0 Supervisors, sales occupations 243 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.10 13.85 15.80 29.72 39.74 39.74 39.3 13.8 Supervisors, sales occupations 243 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.10 13.85 15.80 29.72 39.74 39.74 39.3 13.8 Sales workers, other commodities 274 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.42 7.00 7.00 7.67 19.64 19.64 25.9 27.0 Sales workers, other commodities 274 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.42 7.00 7.00 7.67 19.64 19.64 25.9 27.0 Cashiers 276 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.07 6.75 7.12 7.47 9.46 9.46 23.2 4.3 Cashiers 276 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 8.07 6.75 7.12 7.47 9.46 9.46 23.2 4.3 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.79 10.87 12.71 15.65 18.08 21.87 37.1 51966 2.7 10.1 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.28 10.83 12.52 14.98 17.41 20.75 38.0 36038 2.5 10.0 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 17.14 11.63 15.21 16.64 19.57 21.87 34.8 15928 5.5 24.0 Computer operators 308 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.78 16.11 16.11 18.59 18.59 22.28 39.3 5.8 Computer operators 308 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.78 16.11 16.11 18.59 18.59 22.28 39.3 5.8 Secretaries 313 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.06 13.50 15.35 19.00 21.87 21.87 38.1 4.9 Secretaries 313 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.33 12.50 14.91 15.65 17.52 22.70 38.4 4.4 Secretaries 313 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 19.77 17.65 19.57 19.57 21.87 21.87 37.9 4.6 Transportation ticket and reservation agents 318 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.51 12.00 12.43 15.94 15.94 21.78 38.0 3.7 Transportation ticket and reservation agents 318 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.51 12.00 12.43 15.94 15.94 21.78 38.0 3.7 Receptionists 319 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.57 7.86 9.50 11.43 12.00 12.30 27.0 6.4 Receptionists 319 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.10 9.50 9.50 11.43 12.00 12.30 29.4 4.3 Records clerks, N.E.C. 336 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.74 11.05 11.05 13.20 16.79 17.41 39.3 9.0 Records clerks, N.E.C. 336 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.74 11.05 11.05 13.20 16.79 17.41 39.3 9.0 Bookkeepers, accounting and auditing clerks 337 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.52 12.52 12.77 15.80 17.70 19.59 39.5 5.1 Bookkeepers, accounting and auditing clerks 337 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.86 10.87 12.77 15.75 15.81 18.26 39.6 5.2 Dispatchers 359 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.76 10.05 13.13 15.01 16.29 19.44 35.8 8.3 Traffic, shipping and receiving clerks 364 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.95 10.12 11.07 12.05 14.30 19.09 38.7 7.1 Traffic, shipping and receiving clerks 364 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.95 10.12 11.07 12.05 14.30 19.09 38.7 7.1 Stock and inventory clerks 365 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.00 10.25 14.05 15.25 17.55 18.22 39.6 7.2 Insurance adjusters, examiners, & investigators 375 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.57 11.10 12.68 15.87 18.92 22.79 39.5 5.8 Insurance adjusters, examiners, & investigators 375 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.57 11.10 12.68 15.87 18.92 22.79 39.5 5.8 Investigators and adjusters except insurance 376 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.24 10.36 12.13 14.43 16.70 17.56 38.7 4.6 Investigators and adjusters except insurance 376 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.24 10.36 12.13 14.43 16.70 17.56 38.7 4.6 General office clerks 379 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.85 10.07 13.86 16.64 16.64 16.64 34.9 6.6 General office clerks 379 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.77 6.15 10.07 12.65 13.86 13.86 29.8 7.0 General office clerks 379 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 16.32 15.47 16.64 16.64 16.64 16.64 38.0 1.9 Teachers' aides 387 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.60 9.92 10.66 11.63 15.21 15.89 29.8 4.5 Teachers' aides 387 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 12.67 10.00 10.85 12.31 15.21 15.89 29.4 4.8 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.61 8.90 11.10 13.83 17.56 21.07 38.1 52365 3.3 9.2 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.41 8.89 11.10 13.62 17.05 20.88 38.1 49746 3.5 9.5 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 18.35 12.81 15.42 18.58 20.05 24.30 39.7 2619 6.4 31.1 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.47 12.80 16.97 19.25 22.83 25.60 39.5 14084 3.5 17.5 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.40 12.55 16.90 19.25 22.83 25.60 39.5 12903 3.8 18.6 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 20.14 17.10 18.58 19.10 24.30 24.43 39.8 1182 4.7 51.1 Machinists 637 00 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.44 12.55 14.13 18.27 18.81 21.60 40.0 5.8 Machinists 637 00 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.44 12.55 14.13 18.27 18.81 21.60 40.0 5.8 Inspectors, testers, and graders 689 00 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.57 15.60 16.30 16.43 17.53 22.56 40.0 6.4 Inspectors, testers, and graders 689 00 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.57 15.60 16.30 16.43 17.53 22.56 40.0 6.4 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 00 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.89 9.14 11.10 12.58 14.66 16.70 39.7 20666 3.7 15.4 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 00 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.89 9.14 11.10 12.58 14.66 16.70 39.7 20666 3.7 15.4 Punching and stamping press operators 706 00 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.42 8.22 10.50 10.67 12.58 15.52 38.2 6.3 Punching and stamping press operators 706 00 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.42 8.22 10.50 10.67 12.58 15.52 38.2 6.3 Fabricating machine operators, N.E.C. 717 00 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.11 13.56 14.26 14.92 18.23 19.48 40.0 5.1 Fabricating machine operators, N.E.C. 717 00 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.11 13.56 14.26 14.92 18.23 19.48 40.0 5.1 Assemblers 785 00 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.07 7.96 9.07 11.51 11.89 15.16 40.0 6.7 Assemblers 785 00 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.07 7.96 9.07 11.51 11.89 15.16 40.0 6.7 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.10 7.50 8.90 14.93 17.56 21.07 37.4 7269 8.6 21.6 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.43 7.00 8.90 13.40 16.77 18.57 37.1 6499 9.5 23.7 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 19.28 15.42 17.99 19.61 21.07 22.37 40.0 770 5.6 39.7 Truck drivers 804 00 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.48 9.41 13.00 16.65 17.56 21.07 40.3 8.3 Truck drivers 804 00 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.06 6.83 11.43 16.40 17.56 18.57 40.3 9.3 Industrial truck and tractor equipment operators 856 00 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.54 8.76 11.95 14.81 15.46 16.63 40.0 7.8 Industrial truck and tractor equipment operators 856 00 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.27 8.76 11.95 13.40 15.46 16.63 40.0 8.7 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.39 6.92 8.89 11.87 13.62 15.06 33.6 10346 4.0 19.5 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.17 6.77 8.16 11.30 13.50 15.06 33.2 9679 4.4 20.6 Stock handlers and baggers 877 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.49 6.58 6.77 8.91 11.20 12.82 30.1 8.4 Stock handlers and baggers 877 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.49 6.58 6.77 8.91 11.20 12.82 30.1 8.4 Freight, stock, and material handlers, N.E.C. 883 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.17 9.51 10.57 13.00 13.32 13.55 29.1 4.9 Freight, stock, and material handlers, N.E.C. 883 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.17 9.51 10.57 13.00 13.32 13.55 29.1 4.9 Hand packers and packagers 888 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.51 7.04 8.89 10.18 13.50 13.50 37.6 11.0 Hand packers and packagers 888 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.51 7.04 8.89 10.18 13.50 13.50 37.6 11.0 Laborers except construction, N.E.C. 889 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.33 7.60 7.60 12.25 13.11 13.83 32.9 9.7 Laborers except construction, N.E.C. 889 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.65 7.60 7.60 11.87 13.11 13.11 31.1 12.0 Service occupations 0 00 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.50 6.57 9.50 11.70 15.26 19.16 31.1 49404 5.1 11.4 Service occupations 0 00 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.56 6.50 8.00 10.69 12.35 13.72 30.8 36862 4.0 11.7 Service occupations 0 00 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 18.08 11.80 15.94 19.16 19.61 22.90 32.1 12542 3.5 28.9 Protective service occupations 0 00 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.08 9.52 12.32 19.16 20.12 22.89 34.9 10353 6.9 30.1 Protective service occupations 0 00 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.95 8.71 9.52 12.32 13.46 15.45 33.5 4005 7.9 39.5 Protective service occupations 0 00 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 20.17 18.92 19.16 19.16 22.57 23.78 35.8 6349 3.2 42.3 Firefighting occupations 417 00 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.98 18.92 18.92 22.08 22.89 22.89 41.4 3.1 Firefighting occupations 417 00 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 20.98 18.92 18.92 22.08 22.89 22.89 41.4 3.1 Police and detectives, public service 418 00 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.65 20.12 20.54 22.55 23.78 25.02 39.2 3.0 Police and detectives, public service 418 00 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 22.65 20.12 20.54 22.55 23.78 25.02 39.2 3.0 Guards and police except public service 426 00 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.97 9.52 9.52 12.32 13.46 15.45 36.7 7.8 Guards and police except public service 426 00 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.99 9.52 9.52 12.32 13.46 15.45 36.8 8.2 Food service occupations 0 00 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.94 4.74 6.61 9.81 12.00 15.38 30.5 10231 7.8 27.1 Food service occupations 0 00 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.97 4.74 6.51 10.41 12.40 15.38 30.8 9673 8.1 28.5 Supervisors, food preparation and service occupations 433 00 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.10 6.25 13.50 18.52 19.09 20.00 41.2 13.7 Supervisors, food preparation and service occupations 433 00 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.10 6.25 13.50 18.52 19.09 20.00 41.2 13.7 Cooks 436 00 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.17 8.83 11.89 14.22 15.38 15.38 31.8 7.6 Cooks 436 00 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.17 8.83 11.89 14.22 15.38 15.38 31.8 7.6 Kitchen workers, food preparation 439 00 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.75 6.61 6.61 6.61 9.14 9.81 21.2 9.3 Food preparation occupations, N.E.C. 444 00 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.00 7.21 7.60 11.37 11.54 12.40 32.8 6.0 Food preparation occupations, N.E.C. 444 00 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.00 7.21 7.60 11.37 11.54 12.40 32.8 6.0 Health service occupations 0 00 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.61 10.54 10.69 11.92 13.45 17.46 28.0 15199 4.7 19.8 Health service occupations 0 00 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.67 10.21 10.69 11.70 12.64 13.45 29.8 12277 2.3 14.0 Health aides, except nursing 446 00 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.63 9.87 10.21 11.99 12.86 13.72 25.4 4.4 Health aides, except nursing 446 00 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.63 9.87 10.21 11.99 12.86 13.72 25.4 4.4 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 00 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.70 10.61 10.71 11.92 13.45 17.46 28.2 5.0 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 00 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.68 10.58 10.69 11.70 12.35 13.45 30.3 2.3 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 00 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.70 6.50 7.10 10.48 14.28 15.80 34.9 10640 8.5 25.4 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 00 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.38 6.15 6.57 8.12 10.53 13.63 33.5 8418 8.6 31.1 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 00 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 14.90 12.74 14.28 14.80 15.94 16.72 40.0 2221 2.8 30.2 Maids and housemen 449 00 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.22 7.77 9.06 10.48 10.50 13.45 34.0 6.2 Maids and housemen 449 00 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.22 7.77 9.06 10.48 10.50 13.45 34.0 6.2 Janitors and cleaners 453 00 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.12 6.15 6.57 9.15 14.15 14.92 34.6 10.0 Janitors and cleaners 453 00 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 8.77 6.15 6.50 7.50 10.53 13.61 33.2 9.8 Janitors and cleaners 453 00 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 14.34 12.74 14.28 14.80 15.26 15.94 40.0 3.3 Personal service occupations 0 00 36 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.68 6.15 7.50 8.44 9.89 11.85 22.1 2981 6.2 33.5 Personal service occupations 0 00 36 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 8.84 6.15 7.50 8.44 10.00 12.80 21.9 2489 7.1 38.6 Waiter, waitresses, and bartenders 0 00 38 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 4.97 4.50 4.50 4.74 5.22 6.15 27.0 2120 4.8 49.7 Waiter, waitresses, and bartenders 0 00 38 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 4.97 4.50 4.50 4.74 5.22 6.15 27.0 2120 4.8 49.7 Other food service 0 00 39 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.06 6.61 7.60 11.37 12.40 15.38 31.5 8111 6.7 25.8 Other food service 0 00 39 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.16 6.61 7.60 11.45 13.12 15.38 31.8 7553 6.9 27.4 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.61 10.88 13.50 19.00 25.99 37.25 850 42995 39.3 1990 2.5 2.5 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.83 794 41067 40.0 2071 3.1 3.2 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 27.02 1008 48023 37.3 1777 4.1 4.2 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.65 11.02 13.50 19.00 25.86 37.25 850 42983 39.3 1985 2.5 2.6 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.79 792 40954 40.0 2069 3.2 3.3 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 27.02 1008 48023 37.3 1777 4.1 4.2 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.50 12.77 16.64 23.34 32.56 41.56 997 49854 39.1 1955 2.5 2.5 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.90 960 49613 40.2 2076 3.1 3.2 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 29.16 1076 50314 36.9 1725 4.4 4.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.81 13.13 16.64 23.61 32.93 41.86 1007 50221 39.0 1946 2.5 2.6 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 24.21 971 50168 40.1 2072 3.2 3.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 29.16 1076 50314 36.9 1725 4.4 4.5 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 29.62 19.39 23.61 26.74 36.19 41.94 1136 54525 38.3 1841 2.6 2.7 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.64 1070 54798 40.2 2057 3.0 3.1 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 34.17 1226 54204 35.9 1586 4.9 5.1 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 31.66 23.07 24.16 31.00 37.89 43.16 1205 56914 38.1 1798 2.8 3.0 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 29.10 1174 59769 40.3 2054 3.2 3.3 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 34.53 1236 54446 35.8 1577 5.0 5.2 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 00 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 30.67 23.73 23.73 29.55 33.78 44.90 1209 62856 39.4 2049 7.4 9.1 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 00 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 32.30 1316 68441 40.8 2119 6.5 6.2 Industrial engineers 56 00 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.83 22.56 24.03 24.53 32.53 35.48 1146 59577 41.2 2141 7.0 7.5 Industrial engineers 56 00 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.83 1146 59577 41.2 2141 7.0 7.5 Mechanical engineers 57 00 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 34.45 21.96 25.86 34.10 42.82 44.90 1406 73122 40.8 2122 11.7 11.0 Mechanical engineers 57 00 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 34.45 1406 73122 40.8 2122 11.7 11.0 Mathematical and computer scientists 0 00 07 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 30.04 23.53 25.02 31.65 33.11 36.14 1236 64262 41.1 2139 2.7 2.9 Mathematical and computer scientists 0 00 07 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 30.04 1236 64262 41.1 2139 2.7 2.9 Computer systems analysts and scientists 64 00 07 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 28.90 23.53 23.67 25.67 33.16 36.14 1199 62359 41.5 2158 5.1 4.7 Computer systems analysts and scientists 64 00 07 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.90 1199 62359 41.5 2158 5.1 4.7 Health related occupations 0 00 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.32 20.68 22.12 23.47 25.04 32.09 983 50504 38.8 1994 4.0 4.1 Health related occupations 0 00 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 24.00 939 48817 39.1 2034 2.6 3.0 Health related occupations 0 00 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 35.07 1294 61220 36.9 1745 15.0 16.5 Registered nurses 95 00 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.72 20.68 22.12 23.47 24.46 25.09 917 47344 38.7 1996 2.3 2.6 Registered nurses 95 00 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.58 919 47763 39.0 2025 2.2 2.6 Teachers, college and university 0 00 10 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 38.32 26.67 26.67 26.67 50.16 69.15 1464 59744 38.2 1559 24.7 15.9 Teachers, college and university 0 00 10 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 38.32 1464 59744 38.2 1559 24.7 15.9 Teachers, except college and university 0 00 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 38.05 26.74 34.00 40.55 41.94 45.91 1318 51019 34.6 1341 4.9 4.7 Teachers, except college and university 0 00 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.25 997 37036 36.6 1359 9.3 8.4 Teachers, except college and university 0 00 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 38.64 1335 51773 34.5 1340 5.3 5.1 Elementary school teachers 156 00 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 39.81 34.97 37.89 41.20 41.94 44.37 1376 50932 34.6 1279 2.4 2.3 Elementary school teachers 156 00 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 39.94 1379 51047 34.5 1278 2.3 2.3 Secondary school teachers 157 00 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 37.80 29.87 35.40 35.43 43.16 51.73 1326 49183 35.1 1301 6.4 5.4 Secondary school teachers 157 00 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.68 1066 37640 37.2 1312 6.8 6.5 Secondary school teachers 157 00 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 40.68 1403 52790 34.5 1298 7.5 6.5 Teachers, special education 158 00 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 40.24 32.56 32.98 40.55 44.90 49.66 1409 52566 35.0 1306 6.1 5.4 Librarians, archivists, and curators 0 00 12 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.85 14.70 17.68 21.48 29.17 48.09 916 42747 35.4 1654 21.3 20.6 Librarians 164 00 12 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.85 14.70 17.68 21.48 29.17 48.09 916 42747 35.4 1654 21.3 20.6 Social, recreation, and religious workers 0 00 14 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 26.37 24.44 25.51 25.51 25.51 28.06 1037 53189 39.3 2017 3.5 2.5 Social workers 174 00 14 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 26.37 24.44 25.51 25.51 25.51 28.06 1037 53189 39.3 2017 3.5 2.5 Writers, authors, entertainers, athletes, and professionals, N.E.C. 0 00 16 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.31 22.64 22.64 23.51 26.44 30.56 1029 53494 40.6 2113 4.6 4.5 Writers, authors, entertainers, athletes, and professionals, N.E.C. 0 00 16 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 25.31 1029 53494 40.6 2113 4.6 4.5 Technical occupations 0 00 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.44 15.12 17.19 19.39 25.03 26.75 811 42189 39.7 2064 3.1 3.1 Technical occupations 0 00 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.41 811 42160 39.7 2065 3.2 3.3 Licensed practical nurses 207 00 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.36 16.25 18.50 19.41 20.81 20.99 750 39012 38.7 2015 2.8 3.7 Licensed practical nurses 207 00 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.36 750 39012 38.7 2015 2.8 3.7 Health technologists and technicians, N.E.C. 208 00 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.23 9.13 9.13 16.21 21.27 34.06 689 35838 40.0 2080 3.5 3.5 Electrical and electronic technicians 213 00 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.28 15.19 15.53 22.62 25.77 29.88 908 47197 40.7 2119 9.9 11.1 Electrical and electronic technicians 213 00 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.28 908 47197 40.7 2119 9.9 11.1 Engineering technicians, N.E.C. 216 00 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.30 17.19 18.20 20.08 22.66 23.63 804 41797 39.6 2059 5.3 5.0 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 33.10 19.29 24.09 31.48 39.23 51.44 1333 68991 40.3 2084 3.8 4.1 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 32.87 1340 69604 40.8 2118 4.9 4.9 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 33.70 1315 67536 39.0 2004 5.6 7.0 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 00 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 39.38 26.37 31.48 35.34 46.68 53.55 1600 82597 40.6 2098 4.1 4.2 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 00 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 40.96 1673 86860 40.8 2120 4.8 4.8 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 00 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 36.57 1473 75277 40.3 2058 5.1 4.9 Financial managers 7 00 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 35.72 21.63 31.35 31.35 38.79 50.14 1453 75577 40.7 2116 9.0 9.6 Financial managers 7 00 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 39.52 1584 82349 40.1 2084 12.9 12.9 Administrators, education and related fields 14 00 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 41.64 27.70 33.65 38.46 44.46 63.43 1603 76555 38.5 1839 11.2 9.3 Administrators, education and related fields 14 00 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 33.91 1280 64987 37.7 1916 10.0 8.9 Managers, medicine and health 15 00 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 47.64 35.04 37.34 44.23 46.68 84.99 2025 104496 42.5 2193 12.6 12.5 Managers and administrators, N.E.C. 22 00 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 42.50 23.64 32.74 42.90 51.44 56.16 1736 90293 40.9 2125 6.0 5.8 Managers and administrators, N.E.C. 22 00 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 42.16 1724 89654 40.9 2127 6.4 6.2 Management related occupations 0 00 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 24.01 15.63 19.90 24.09 27.61 32.32 954 49583 39.7 2065 3.4 3.6 Management related occupations 0 00 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.79 967 50308 40.7 2115 4.1 4.1 Management related occupations 0 00 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 25.07 896 46567 35.7 1857 3.2 3.8 Accountants and auditors 23 00 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.58 12.44 18.00 24.09 24.09 28.66 904 46994 41.9 2177 7.5 7.0 Accountants and auditors 23 00 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.13 891 46357 42.2 2193 7.7 7.4 Personnel, training, and labor relations specialists 27 00 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.08 16.13 19.90 20.47 20.94 27.61 848 44097 40.2 2092 5.4 6.7 Personnel, training, and labor relations specialists 27 00 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.10 856 44498 40.6 2109 6.0 7.4 Management related occupations, N.E.C. 37 00 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.63 14.04 14.04 19.29 24.64 31.73 825 42919 40.0 2080 8.9 8.9 Management related occupations, N.E.C. 37 00 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.63 825 42919 40.0 2080 8.9 8.9 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.52 7.93 13.68 19.64 26.46 39.06 833 43306 40.6 2110 11.7 11.6 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.52 833 43306 40.6 2110 11.7 11.6 Supervisors, sales occupations 243 00 21 C FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.10 13.85 15.80 29.72 39.74 39.74 1066 55416 39.3 2045 13.8 12.5 Supervisors, sales occupations 243 00 21 C FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.10 1066 55416 39.3 2045 13.8 12.5 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.07 11.10 13.00 15.82 18.39 21.87 625 31681 38.9 1971 2.8 2.8 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.54 616 31922 39.6 2054 2.6 2.5 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 17.51 648 31121 37.0 1777 5.2 6.7 Secretaries 313 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.15 13.50 15.35 19.00 21.87 21.87 704 36561 38.8 2015 4.9 5.3 Secretaries 313 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.44 640 33262 39.0 2024 4.5 4.0 Secretaries 313 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 19.81 764 39743 38.6 2006 4.5 6.0 Records clerks, N.E.C. 336 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.83 11.05 11.05 13.20 16.79 17.41 551 28635 39.8 2070 9.6 9.2 Records clerks, N.E.C. 336 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.83 551 28635 39.8 2070 9.6 9.2 Bookkeepers, accounting and auditing clerks 337 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.52 12.52 12.77 15.80 18.26 19.59 614 31954 39.6 2060 5.2 4.9 Bookkeepers, accounting and auditing clerks 337 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.84 591 30713 39.8 2069 5.3 5.2 Dispatchers 359 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.11 10.05 13.13 16.29 16.29 19.44 595 30937 39.4 2048 8.6 7.9 Traffic, shipping and receiving clerks 364 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.05 9.81 11.28 12.36 14.30 19.09 522 27148 40.0 2080 7.0 7.0 Traffic, shipping and receiving clerks 364 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.05 522 27148 40.0 2080 7.0 7.0 Stock and inventory clerks 365 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.00 10.25 14.05 15.25 17.55 18.22 594 30877 39.6 2058 7.2 7.3 Insurance adjusters, examiners, & investigators 375 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.57 11.10 12.68 15.87 18.92 22.79 654 34028 39.5 2054 5.8 5.3 Insurance adjusters, examiners, & investigators 375 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.57 654 34028 39.5 2054 5.8 5.3 Investigators and adjusters except insurance 376 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.40 12.04 12.13 14.43 16.70 17.56 573 29819 39.8 2070 4.8 4.6 Investigators and adjusters except insurance 376 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.40 573 29819 39.8 2070 4.8 4.6 General office clerks 379 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.53 13.47 13.86 16.64 16.64 16.64 596 30662 38.4 1974 4.5 5.1 General office clerks 379 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.24 521 27098 39.4 2047 3.6 4.6 General office clerks 379 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 16.32 620 31824 38.0 1950 1.9 3.6 Teachers' aides 387 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.79 9.92 10.85 12.31 15.21 15.89 407 15106 31.9 1181 4.8 5.6 Teachers' aides 387 00 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 12.88 407 15060 31.6 1169 5.0 6.0 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.97 9.07 11.30 14.08 17.99 21.72 598 31030 40.0 2072 3.3 3.4 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.77 591 30623 40.0 2073 3.5 3.5 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 18.35 729 37914 39.7 2067 6.4 6.6 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.48 12.80 16.97 19.25 22.83 25.60 775 39954 39.8 2052 3.5 3.7 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.41 773 39797 39.8 2050 3.8 4.0 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 20.14 801 41637 39.8 2067 4.7 4.9 Machinists 637 00 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.44 12.55 14.13 18.27 18.81 21.60 698 36285 40.0 2080 5.8 5.8 Machinists 637 00 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.44 698 36285 40.0 2080 5.8 5.8 Inspectors, testers, and graders 689 00 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.57 15.60 16.30 16.43 17.53 22.56 703 36549 40.0 2080 6.4 6.4 Inspectors, testers, and graders 689 00 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.57 703 36549 40.0 2080 6.4 6.4 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 00 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.90 9.14 11.10 12.86 14.78 16.70 516 26829 40.0 2079 3.7 3.7 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 00 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.90 516 26829 40.0 2079 3.7 3.7 Punching and stamping press operators 706 00 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.39 8.22 10.50 10.67 12.58 15.52 455 23682 40.0 2080 6.7 6.7 Punching and stamping press operators 706 00 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.39 455 23682 40.0 2080 6.7 6.7 Fabricating machine operators, N.E.C. 717 00 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.11 13.56 14.26 14.92 18.23 19.48 645 33516 40.0 2080 5.1 5.1 Fabricating machine operators, N.E.C. 717 00 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.11 645 33516 40.0 2080 5.1 5.1 Assemblers 785 00 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.07 7.96 9.07 11.51 11.89 15.16 443 23027 40.0 2080 6.7 6.7 Assemblers 785 00 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.07 443 23027 40.0 2080 6.7 6.7 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.60 7.50 9.41 15.42 17.56 21.72 586 30450 40.1 2086 7.1 7.8 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.94 559 29089 40.1 2087 8.1 8.8 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 19.28 771 40113 40.0 2080 5.6 5.6 Truck drivers 804 00 29 G FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.47 9.41 13.00 16.77 17.99 21.07 635 33021 41.0 2134 8.4 8.8 Truck drivers 804 00 29 G FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.05 619 32200 41.2 2140 9.5 10.0 Industrial truck and tractor equipment operators 856 00 29 G FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.54 8.76 11.95 14.81 15.46 16.63 542 28164 40.0 2080 7.8 7.8 Industrial truck and tractor equipment operators 856 00 29 G FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.27 531 27592 40.0 2080 8.7 8.7 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.37 8.89 11.20 12.98 13.62 15.30 495 25763 40.1 2083 3.6 3.7 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.18 489 25415 40.1 2087 4.1 4.2 Stock handlers and baggers 877 00 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.05 8.00 8.91 11.20 12.67 15.30 441 22945 39.9 2076 6.7 6.7 Stock handlers and baggers 877 00 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.05 441 22945 39.9 2076 6.7 6.7 Hand packers and packagers 888 00 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.54 7.04 8.89 11.30 13.50 13.50 422 21928 40.0 2080 12.2 12.2 Hand packers and packagers 888 00 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.54 422 21928 40.0 2080 12.2 12.2 Laborers except construction, N.E.C. 889 00 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.79 11.87 12.25 12.28 13.42 13.83 502 26112 39.2 2041 2.3 1.4 Service occupations 0 00 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.68 7.60 10.62 12.78 16.72 20.00 538 27751 39.3 2029 5.7 5.3 Service occupations 0 00 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.42 452 23347 39.6 2044 4.8 4.9 Service occupations 0 00 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 18.92 731 37722 38.6 1994 3.1 3.6 Protective service occupations 0 00 32 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.49 12.32 15.45 19.16 21.57 22.90 718 37040 38.8 2003 4.6 4.5 Protective service occupations 0 00 32 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.55 542 28177 40.0 2080 4.1 4.1 Protective service occupations 0 00 32 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 20.46 786 40380 38.4 1974 3.5 5.9 Firefighting occupations 417 00 32 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.98 18.92 18.92 22.08 22.89 22.89 869 45196 41.4 2154 3.1 2.3 Firefighting occupations 417 00 32 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 20.98 869 45196 41.4 2154 3.1 2.3 Police and detectives, public service 418 00 32 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.65 20.12 20.54 22.55 23.78 25.02 888 46181 39.2 2039 3.0 2.6 Police and detectives, public service 418 00 32 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 22.65 888 46181 39.2 2039 3.0 2.6 Guards and police except public service 426 00 32 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.30 10.94 12.32 13.46 13.46 15.45 527 26624 39.6 2002 4.1 4.5 Guards and police except public service 426 00 32 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.42 537 27923 40.0 2080 4.2 4.2 Food service occupations 0 00 33 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.16 5.22 7.60 11.54 13.25 18.52 450 22935 40.4 2056 9.1 8.3 Food service occupations 0 00 33 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.16 450 22935 40.4 2056 9.1 8.3 Supervisors, food preparation and service occupations 433 00 33 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.10 6.25 13.50 18.52 19.09 20.00 621 31187 41.2 2066 13.7 13.4 Supervisors, food preparation and service occupations 433 00 33 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.10 621 31187 41.2 2066 13.7 13.4 Food preparation occupations, N.E.C. 444 00 33 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.74 7.60 10.24 11.37 12.00 12.40 444 22599 41.3 2104 6.3 9.1 Food preparation occupations, N.E.C. 444 00 33 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.74 444 22599 41.3 2104 6.3 9.1 Health service occupations 0 00 34 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.89 11.16 11.69 12.17 13.45 13.81 500 26011 38.8 2018 3.2 3.1 Health service occupations 0 00 34 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.29 481 25008 39.1 2034 2.0 2.4 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 00 34 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.94 11.16 11.69 12.17 13.45 14.44 501 26051 38.7 2013 3.5 3.3 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 00 34 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.30 480 24970 39.1 2031 2.1 2.5 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 00 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.66 6.57 8.12 11.00 14.80 15.94 459 23891 39.4 2049 6.8 7.0 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 00 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.25 401 20867 39.1 2036 7.7 7.9 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 00 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 14.90 596 30998 40.0 2080 2.8 2.9 Maids and housemen 449 00 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.01 7.77 9.06 10.33 10.50 11.60 377 19617 37.7 1959 6.2 9.0 Maids and housemen 449 00 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.01 377 19617 37.7 1959 6.2 9.0 Janitors and cleaners 453 00 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.32 6.57 7.93 11.40 14.66 15.26 451 23466 39.8 2072 8.4 8.5 Janitors and cleaners 453 00 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.86 392 20396 39.8 2068 9.9 10.0 Janitors and cleaners 453 00 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 14.34 574 29823 40.0 2080 3.3 3.3 Other food service 0 00 39 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.33 7.60 10.58 11.89 13.50 18.52 504 25569 40.9 2074 6.2 5.9 Other food service 0 00 39 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.33 504 25569 40.9 2074 6.2 5.9 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.89 6.51 7.38 9.50 12.22 22.92 20.9 5.5 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.54 21.6 5.6 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 14.71 16.5 11.5 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.97 6.50 7.50 10.58 14.59 24.22 20.9 5.7 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.69 21.8 6.2 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 14.71 16.5 11.5 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.45 6.86 7.47 10.00 22.25 26.59 20.7 8.7 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.37 21.6 9.3 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 15.25 14.4 20.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.71 9.87 11.47 19.68 24.41 29.38 20.3 6.8 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.60 22.1 7.1 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 15.25 14.4 20.5 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 24.96 12.48 21.83 24.22 28.13 33.00 20.0 5.7 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 25.52 21.4 5.2 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 20.98 14.0 29.3 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.54 11.15 22.25 24.41 29.04 33.00 20.1 6.1 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.27 21.6 5.6 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 20.98 14.0 29.3 Health related occupations 0 00 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.12 22.25 23.39 24.41 29.04 33.00 22.8 5.3 Health related occupations 0 00 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.12 22.8 5.3 Registered nurses 95 00 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.27 22.25 23.39 24.41 26.59 29.04 23.4 2.7 Registered nurses 95 00 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 25.27 23.4 2.7 Teachers, except college and university 0 00 11 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.02 9.87 9.87 13.50 20.00 41.23 12.0 27.5 Teachers, except college and university 0 00 11 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 18.80 7.7 8.6 Teachers, except college and university 0 00 11 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 17.87 13.4 33.0 Technical occupations 0 00 17 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.09 17.94 18.40 19.68 22.50 22.95 19.9 5.2 Technical occupations 0 00 17 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.09 19.9 5.2 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.82 6.75 7.00 7.47 8.63 9.46 21.1 5.1 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.82 21.1 5.1 Cashiers 276 00 21 C PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.83 6.75 7.00 7.47 8.63 9.46 21.6 5.6 Cashiers 276 00 21 C PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.83 21.6 5.6 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.09 6.78 10.00 11.47 12.43 14.13 21.5 4.0 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.26 23.5 3.9 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 10.55 16.9 9.9 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.77 6.50 6.75 7.60 9.51 13.32 21.9 7.6 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 8.77 21.9 7.6 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.37 6.46 6.75 7.43 9.51 13.30 22.4 9.9 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 8.37 22.4 9.9 Stock handlers and baggers 877 00 30 H PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 6.86 6.46 6.50 6.75 6.92 8.16 21.2 2.6 Stock handlers and baggers 877 00 30 H PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 6.86 21.2 2.6 Service occupations 0 00 31 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.76 6.15 7.18 9.52 10.85 13.72 21.0 8.8 Service occupations 0 00 31 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 8.90 21.6 5.3 Service occupations 0 00 31 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 14.34 18.3 13.9 Protective service occupations 0 00 32 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.73 8.17 8.71 9.52 9.52 11.54 22.9 3.8 Food service occupations 0 00 33 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 6.98 4.50 6.51 6.61 7.75 9.14 19.2 6.6 Food service occupations 0 00 33 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 6.70 18.6 5.8 Kitchen workers, food preparation 439 00 33 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.75 6.61 6.61 6.61 9.14 9.81 21.2 9.3 Health service occupations 0 00 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.27 9.50 10.61 10.71 13.40 17.46 21.0 10.0 Health service occupations 0 00 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.80 22.3 3.0 Health aides, except nursing 446 00 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.11 9.63 9.87 10.54 11.99 13.72 19.4 6.4 Health aides, except nursing 446 00 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.11 19.4 6.4 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 00 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.40 9.50 10.65 10.85 13.40 17.46 21.2 10.8 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 00 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.75 22.8 3.1 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 00 35 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.09 6.15 6.15 6.50 7.50 8.50 24.3 7.4 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 00 35 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.09 24.3 7.4 Janitors and cleaners 453 00 35 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 6.68 6.15 6.15 6.50 6.50 7.50 25.2 4.0 Janitors and cleaners 453 00 35 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 6.68 25.2 4.0 Personal service occupations 0 00 36 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.93 7.50 7.50 8.44 10.00 11.85 17.7 6.7 Personal service occupations 0 00 36 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.29 16.4 7.6 Other food service 0 00 39 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.68 6.51 6.61 7.02 8.83 9.81 19.5 5.4 Other food service 0 00 39 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.43 18.7 4.9 White-collar occupations 0 01 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.81 22.2 3.6 White-collar occupations 0 01 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.85 22.5 3.7 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 01 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.64 21.9 13.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 01 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.09 23.6 12.8 Sales occupations 0 01 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.64 22.3 2.6 Sales occupations 0 01 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.64 22.3 2.6 Cashiers 276 01 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.71 21.4 2.8 Cashiers 276 01 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.71 21.4 2.8 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 01 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.64 21.9 13.4 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 01 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.09 23.6 12.8 Blue-collar occupations 0 01 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.74 33.7 3.8 Blue-collar occupations 0 01 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 8.67 33.6 3.8 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 01 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.40 39.6 4.3 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 01 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.40 39.6 4.3 Assemblers 785 01 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.26 40.0 5.6 Assemblers 785 01 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.26 40.0 5.6 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 01 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.03 27.4 6.8 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 01 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.78 26.9 6.5 Stock handlers and baggers 877 01 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.86 26.0 8.3 Stock handlers and baggers 877 01 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.86 26.0 8.3 Service occupations 0 01 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.53 29.0 8.0 Service occupations 0 01 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 8.19 28.9 7.1 Food service occupations 0 01 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.98 25.4 11.3 Food service occupations 0 01 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 8.98 25.4 11.3 Food preparation occupations, N.E.C. 444 01 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.74 28.2 6.3 Food preparation occupations, N.E.C. 444 01 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.74 28.2 6.3 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 01 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.44 32.5 10.6 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 01 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.95 32.0 8.5 Maids and housemen 449 01 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.22 35.9 4.4 Maids and housemen 449 01 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.22 35.9 4.4 Janitors and cleaners 453 01 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.25 31.7 12.8 Janitors and cleaners 453 01 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.60 31.1 9.5 Other food service 0 01 39 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.32 24.6 11.5 Other food service 0 01 39 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.32 24.6 11.5 Blue-collar occupations 0 01 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.21 369 19163 40.0 2080 4.3 4.3 Blue-collar occupations 0 01 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.13 365 18991 40.0 2080 4.3 4.3 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 01 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.40 376 19544 40.0 2080 4.3 4.4 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 01 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.40 376 19544 40.0 2080 4.3 4.4 Assemblers 785 01 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.26 370 19265 40.0 2080 5.6 5.6 Assemblers 785 01 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.26 370 19265 40.0 2080 5.6 5.6 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 01 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.44 377 19627 40.0 2080 10.0 10.0 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 01 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.03 361 18779 40.0 2080 10.9 10.9 Service occupations 0 01 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.47 363 18645 38.3 1970 9.3 10.1 Service occupations 0 01 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.01 344 17665 38.2 1961 8.1 8.9 Food service occupations 0 01 33 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.39 387 19077 37.3 1836 10.6 13.1 Food service occupations 0 01 33 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.39 387 19077 37.3 1836 10.6 13.1 Food preparation occupations, N.E.C. 444 01 33 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.34 429 20875 37.8 1840 5.5 7.6 Food preparation occupations, N.E.C. 444 01 33 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.34 429 20875 37.8 1840 5.5 7.6 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 01 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.35 363 18897 38.9 2021 10.8 11.0 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 01 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 8.70 337 17522 38.7 2015 8.7 8.6 Maids and housemen 449 01 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.23 342 17805 37.1 1929 4.4 8.0 Maids and housemen 449 01 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.23 342 17805 37.1 1929 4.4 8.0 Janitors and cleaners 453 01 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.40 373 19388 39.7 2062 15.3 15.3 Janitors and cleaners 453 01 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 8.44 334 17374 39.6 2059 12.4 12.3 Other food service 0 01 39 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.34 429 20875 37.8 1840 5.5 7.6 Other food service 0 01 39 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.34 429 20875 37.8 1840 5.5 7.6 White-collar occupations 0 01 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.37 19.5 1.5 White-collar occupations 0 01 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.41 19.7 1.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 01 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.14 18.3 8.6 Sales occupations 0 01 21 C PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.41 19.7 1.0 Sales occupations 0 01 21 C PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.41 19.7 1.0 Cashiers 276 01 21 C PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.41 19.6 1.0 Cashiers 276 01 21 C PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.41 19.6 1.0 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 01 22 D PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.14 18.3 8.6 Blue-collar occupations 0 01 23 EFGH PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.20 22.2 3.8 Blue-collar occupations 0 01 23 EFGH PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.20 22.2 3.8 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 01 30 H PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 6.92 22.0 2.7 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 01 30 H PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 6.92 22.0 2.7 Service occupations 0 01 31 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 6.94 20.5 3.9 Service occupations 0 01 31 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 6.83 20.6 3.6 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 01 35 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 6.55 24.2 3.5 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 01 35 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 6.55 24.2 3.5 White-collar occupations 0 02 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.28 27.4 8.4 White-collar occupations 0 02 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.01 28.4 9.2 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 02 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.07 32.8 2.8 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 02 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.18 38.7 2.8 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 02 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.07 32.8 2.8 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 02 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.18 38.7 2.8 Blue-collar occupations 0 02 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.75 36.4 5.0 Blue-collar occupations 0 02 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.75 36.4 5.0 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 02 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.21 39.6 4.5 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 02 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.21 39.6 4.5 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 02 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.40 32.0 5.0 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 02 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.40 32.0 5.0 Service occupations 0 02 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.54 27.8 6.3 Service occupations 0 02 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.28 27.1 6.9 Service occupations 0 02 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 11.12 33.1 7.6 Food service occupations 0 02 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 6.62 26.8 8.4 Food service occupations 0 02 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 6.33 27.1 8.6 Health service occupations 0 02 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.28 28.4 2.2 Health service occupations 0 02 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.28 28.4 2.2 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 02 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.21 28.6 2.2 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 02 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.21 28.6 2.2 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 02 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.10 35.8 4.8 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 02 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.54 33.6 6.2 Janitors and cleaners 453 02 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.31 40.0 5.1 Other food service 0 02 39 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.85 26.4 3.5 Other food service 0 02 39 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 7.62 26.6 2.6 White-collar occupations 0 02 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.92 405 18643 37.1 1707 4.0 5.0 White-collar occupations 0 02 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.75 424 21356 39.4 1987 4.9 5.1 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 02 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.31 416 18976 36.8 1678 2.3 4.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 02 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.23 442 22189 39.4 1976 2.9 3.3 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 02 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.31 416 18976 36.8 1678 2.3 4.5 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 02 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.23 442 22189 39.4 1976 2.9 3.3 Blue-collar occupations 0 02 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.90 433 22490 39.7 2063 4.4 4.9 Blue-collar occupations 0 02 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.90 433 22490 39.7 2063 4.4 4.9 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 02 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.20 448 23298 40.0 2080 4.5 4.5 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 02 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.20 448 23298 40.0 2080 4.5 4.5 Service occupations 0 02 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.18 400 20795 39.3 2042 8.8 8.7 Service occupations 0 02 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.66 378 19662 39.1 2035 9.8 9.7 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 02 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.05 476 24745 39.5 2054 5.2 5.9 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 02 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.36 445 23134 39.1 2036 7.0 8.1 Janitors and cleaners 453 02 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.31 492 25609 40.0 2080 5.1 5.2 White-collar occupations 0 02 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.05 20.2 2.4 Blue-collar occupations 0 02 23 EFGH PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.48 21.6 13.1 Blue-collar occupations 0 02 23 EFGH PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.48 21.6 13.1 Service occupations 0 02 31 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 8.83 21.0 9.6 Service occupations 0 02 31 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 8.88 20.4 11.0 Health service occupations 0 02 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.05 21.5 4.1 Health service occupations 0 02 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.05 21.5 4.1 Other food service 0 02 39 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.75 21.8 4.9 White-collar occupations 0 03 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.55 31.1 3.9 White-collar occupations 0 03 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.06 31.4 4.2 White-collar occupations 0 03 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 13.58 29.9 4.7 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 03 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.32 34.0 2.6 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 03 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.87 35.7 2.9 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 03 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 13.58 29.9 4.7 Sales occupations 0 03 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.35 25.0 5.3 Sales occupations 0 03 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.35 25.0 5.3 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 03 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.31 34.1 2.6 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 03 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.87 35.8 2.9 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 03 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 13.58 29.9 4.7 General office clerks 379 03 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.84 30.8 5.4 Teachers' aides 387 03 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.70 28.2 6.2 Teachers' aides 387 03 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 13.70 28.2 6.2 Blue-collar occupations 0 03 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.82 39.4 3.8 Blue-collar occupations 0 03 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.79 39.4 3.9 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 03 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.87 40.0 4.3 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 03 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.87 40.0 4.3 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 03 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.49 36.6 4.8 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 03 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.31 36.5 5.5 Service occupations 0 03 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.32 30.5 4.1 Service occupations 0 03 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.96 30.3 4.2 Service occupations 0 03 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 14.05 32.3 4.2 Protective service occupations 0 03 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.54 27.6 6.2 Food service occupations 0 03 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.03 31.6 14.5 Food service occupations 0 03 33 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.03 31.6 14.5 Health service occupations 0 03 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.97 28.2 4.3 Health service occupations 0 03 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.97 28.2 4.3 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 03 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.99 28.2 4.4 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 03 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.99 28.2 4.4 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 03 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.18 38.5 8.4 Janitors and cleaners 453 03 35 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.23 38.4 9.0 Other food service 0 03 39 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.19 35.6 10.2 Other food service 0 03 39 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.19 35.6 10.2 White-collar occupations 0 03 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.34 470 22662 38.1 1836 2.8 2.6 White-collar occupations 0 03 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.89 474 24600 39.8 2069 3.1 3.1 White-collar occupations 0 03 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 13.88 459 18423 33.1 1327 5.3 4.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 03 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.39 471 22587 38.0 1822 2.8 2.6 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 03 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.92 475 24675 39.9 2071 3.1 3.1 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 03 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 13.88 459 18423 33.1 1327 5.3 4.5 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 03 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.39 471 22587 38.0 1822 2.8 2.6 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 03 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.92 475 24675 39.9 2071 3.1 3.1 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 03 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 13.88 459 18423 33.1 1327 5.3 4.5 Teachers' aides 387 03 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.28 457 17106 32.0 1198 5.5 6.5 Teachers' aides 387 03 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 14.28 457 17106 32.0 1198 5.5 6.5 Blue-collar occupations 0 03 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.89 517 26880 40.1 2085 3.8 3.6 Blue-collar occupations 0 03 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.87 517 26877 40.2 2089 3.9 3.7 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 03 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.87 515 26764 40.0 2080 4.3 4.3 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 03 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.87 515 26764 40.0 2080 4.3 4.3 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 03 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.83 507 26379 39.5 2056 3.9 3.9 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 03 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.69 506 26291 39.8 2072 4.5 4.6 Service occupations 0 03 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.06 475 24388 39.4 2023 4.9 5.2 Service occupations 0 03 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.64 459 23803 39.4 2046 5.3 5.7 Food service occupations 0 03 33 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.22 401 20827 39.2 2037 16.4 18.0 Food service occupations 0 03 33 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.22 401 20827 39.2 2037 16.4 18.0 Health service occupations 0 03 34 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.85 502 26091 39.1 2031 3.9 5.0 Health service occupations 0 03 34 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.85 502 26091 39.1 2031 3.9 5.0 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 03 34 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.85 502 26091 39.1 2031 3.9 5.0 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 03 34 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.85 502 26091 39.1 2031 3.9 5.0 Cleaning and building service occupations 0 03 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.82 513 26666 40.0 2080 7.5 7.5 Janitors and cleaners 453 03 35 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.93 517 26891 40.0 2080 8.1 8.1 White-collar occupations 0 03 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.74 22.0 4.6 White-collar occupations 0 03 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.41 22.1 3.8 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 03 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.78 19.7 5.0 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 03 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.50 19.0 4.2 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 03 22 D PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.75 19.5 5.3 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 03 22 D PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.42 18.7 4.4 Service occupations 0 03 31 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 9.90 21.3 4.4 Service occupations 0 03 31 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 9.82 21.7 4.5 Health service occupations 0 03 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.81 20.6 6.2 Health service occupations 0 03 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.81 20.6 6.2 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 03 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.84 20.5 6.3 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 03 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 10.84 20.5 6.3 White-collar occupations 0 04 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.14 37.5 3.3 White-collar occupations 0 04 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.58 38.2 2.9 White-collar occupations 0 04 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 15.82 35.7 3.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 04 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.25 37.4 3.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 04 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.68 38.1 3.1 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 04 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 15.82 35.7 3.3 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 04 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.34 37.3 3.2 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 04 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.76 38.0 2.7 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 04 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 15.82 35.7 3.3 Secretaries 313 04 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.88 35.5 6.0 Secretaries 313 04 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.78 37.7 7.4 Bookkeepers, accounting and auditing clerks 337 04 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.05 39.7 6.2 Bookkeepers, accounting and auditing clerks 337 04 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.01 39.7 7.1 Traffic, shipping and receiving clerks 364 04 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.99 37.8 4.5 Traffic, shipping and receiving clerks 364 04 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.99 37.8 4.5 General office clerks 379 04 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.22 38.7 2.5 Blue-collar occupations 0 04 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.17 39.3 3.1 Blue-collar occupations 0 04 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.03 39.3 3.3 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 04 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.88 39.3 8.0 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 04 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.67 39.3 8.5 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 04 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.50 39.5 2.9 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 04 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.50 39.5 2.9 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 04 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.07 39.8 7.5 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 04 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.95 39.8 8.5 Truck drivers 804 04 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.71 39.7 6.2 Truck drivers 804 04 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 18.87 39.7 7.4 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 04 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.18 38.8 3.3 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 04 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.96 38.7 3.6 Service occupations 0 04 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.09 29.9 7.4 Service occupations 0 04 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.05 36.0 3.6 Health service occupations 0 04 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.09 27.7 9.7 Health service occupations 0 04 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.59 34.5 3.5 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 04 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.18 27.4 10.3 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 04 34 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 11.55 35.0 3.5 White-collar occupations 0 04 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.30 558 28599 39.0 1999 3.4 3.3 White-collar occupations 0 04 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.72 543 28106 39.6 2049 3.0 3.0 White-collar occupations 0 04 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 15.94 597 29855 37.5 1872 3.0 5.1 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 04 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.42 561 28762 38.9 1995 3.4 3.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 04 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.83 547 28300 39.5 2047 3.2 3.2 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 04 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 15.94 597 29855 37.5 1872 3.0 5.1 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 04 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.54 566 28963 38.9 1992 3.1 3.1 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 04 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.93 551 28541 39.6 2049 2.7 2.8 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 04 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 15.94 597 29855 37.5 1872 3.0 5.1 Secretaries 313 04 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.98 539 27907 38.5 1996 6.3 7.5 Secretaries 313 04 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.91 546 28261 39.3 2032 7.6 8.3 Bookkeepers, accounting and auditing clerks 337 04 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.03 601 31270 40.0 2080 6.5 6.5 Bookkeepers, accounting and auditing clerks 337 04 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.99 600 31175 40.0 2080 7.4 7.4 General office clerks 379 04 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.22 629 32684 38.7 2015 2.5 2.4 Blue-collar occupations 0 04 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.23 569 29583 40.0 2079 3.1 3.4 Blue-collar occupations 0 04 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.09 564 29316 40.0 2080 3.3 3.6 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 04 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.88 584 30381 39.3 2041 8.0 9.0 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 04 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.67 577 30015 39.3 2046 8.5 9.6 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 04 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.53 541 28144 40.0 2080 3.0 3.0 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 04 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.53 541 28144 40.0 2080 3.0 3.0 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 04 29 G FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.12 708 36802 41.3 2150 7.7 10.2 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 04 29 G FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.00 706 36713 41.5 2160 8.8 11.7 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 04 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.31 532 27657 39.9 2077 2.9 2.9 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 04 30 H FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 13.10 523 27212 39.9 2077 3.1 3.1 Service occupations 0 04 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.56 499 25669 39.8 2044 2.8 2.8 Service occupations 0 04 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.56 499 25669 39.8 2044 2.8 2.8 Health service occupations 0 04 34 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.18 482 25065 39.6 2058 3.0 3.1 Health service occupations 0 04 34 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.18 482 25065 39.6 2058 3.0 3.1 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 04 34 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.10 478 24878 39.5 2056 3.1 3.0 Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants 447 04 34 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.10 478 24878 39.5 2056 3.1 3.0 White-collar occupations 0 04 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.25 26.2 4.1 White-collar occupations 0 04 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.31 28.7 4.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 04 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.32 26.2 4.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 04 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.39 28.9 4.5 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 04 22 D PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.32 26.2 4.3 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 04 22 D PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 12.39 28.9 4.5 Service occupations 0 04 31 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.87 22.0 15.5 Health service occupations 0 04 34 K PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.87 22.0 15.5 White-collar occupations 0 05 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.05 35.5 4.6 White-collar occupations 0 05 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.19 38.0 5.2 White-collar occupations 0 05 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 15.27 26.2 7.6 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 05 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.34 34.0 2.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 05 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.35 36.6 2.1 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 05 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 15.27 26.2 7.6 Professional specialty occupations 0 05 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.24 14.6 8.1 Professional specialty occupations 0 05 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 12.37 15.3 10.4 Teachers, except college and university 0 05 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.45 11.8 7.6 Teachers, except college and university 0 05 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 11.15 13.1 8.5 Technical occupations 0 05 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.12 31.9 4.1 Technical occupations 0 05 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.12 31.9 4.1 Licensed practical nurses 207 05 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.76 23.9 3.3 Licensed practical nurses 207 05 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.76 23.9 3.3 Sales occupations 0 05 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.30 44.0 15.8 Sales occupations 0 05 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.30 44.0 15.8 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 05 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.55 38.7 2.8 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 05 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.35 39.7 2.7 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 05 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 16.32 35.3 7.9 Secretaries 313 05 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.74 37.9 2.7 Secretaries 313 05 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.89 39.1 2.2 Blue-collar occupations 0 05 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.60 39.8 4.2 Blue-collar occupations 0 05 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.48 39.8 4.4 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 05 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.49 39.6 8.3 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 05 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.27 39.5 9.5 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 05 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.96 40.0 4.1 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 05 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.96 40.0 4.1 Service occupations 0 05 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.74 38.0 5.7 Service occupations 0 05 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 19.14 36.4 1.6 Protective service occupations 0 05 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.39 36.2 1.4 Protective service occupations 0 05 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 19.52 36.0 1.6 White-collar occupations 0 05 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.18 648 33085 40.1 2044 4.8 5.8 White-collar occupations 0 05 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.16 661 34345 40.9 2126 5.4 6.5 White-collar occupations 0 05 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 16.35 579 26862 35.4 1643 7.3 9.6 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 05 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.44 605 30768 39.2 1993 2.2 2.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 05 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.25 611 31766 40.1 2082 2.1 2.1 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 05 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 16.35 579 26862 35.4 1643 7.3 9.6 Technical occupations 0 05 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.29 651 33875 40.0 2080 3.3 3.3 Technical occupations 0 05 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.29 651 33875 40.0 2080 3.3 3.3 Sales occupations 0 05 21 C FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.30 850 44197 44.0 2290 15.8 18.7 Sales occupations 0 05 21 C FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.30 850 44197 44.0 2290 15.8 18.7 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 05 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.55 604 30684 38.9 1973 2.8 3.2 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 05 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.35 613 31824 39.9 2073 2.7 2.7 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 05 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 16.32 576 27161 35.3 1664 7.9 10.4 Secretaries 313 05 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.79 642 33390 38.3 1989 2.8 2.0 Secretaries 313 05 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.93 633 32917 39.7 2067 2.2 2.2 Blue-collar occupations 0 05 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.60 661 33611 39.8 2024 4.2 4.7 Blue-collar occupations 0 05 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.48 656 33318 39.8 2022 4.4 4.9 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 05 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.49 692 34033 39.6 1946 8.3 9.9 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 05 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.27 682 33326 39.5 1929 9.5 11.3 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 05 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.96 639 33207 40.0 2080 4.1 4.1 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 05 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.96 639 33207 40.0 2080 4.1 4.1 Service occupations 0 05 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.69 689 35850 39.0 2026 5.8 2.3 Service occupations 0 05 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 19.09 719 37371 37.6 1957 1.6 2.4 Protective service occupations 0 05 32 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.33 727 37810 37.6 1956 1.3 3.3 White-collar occupations 0 05 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.31 14.4 10.0 White-collar occupations 0 05 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.90 15.7 13.2 White-collar occupations 0 05 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 11.15 13.1 8.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 05 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.31 14.4 10.0 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 05 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.90 15.7 13.2 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 05 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 11.15 13.1 8.5 Professional specialty occupations 0 05 05 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.38 13.1 5.8 Professional specialty occupations 0 05 05 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 11.15 13.1 8.5 Teachers, except college and university 0 05 11 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.45 11.8 7.6 Teachers, except college and university 0 05 11 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 11.15 13.1 8.5 White-collar occupations 0 06 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.55 37.9 4.4 White-collar occupations 0 06 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.91 38.4 4.1 White-collar occupations 0 06 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 21.17 37.1 5.8 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 06 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.63 37.7 4.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 06 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.94 38.2 4.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 06 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 21.17 37.1 5.8 Professional specialty occupations 0 06 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.99 32.9 2.9 Professional specialty occupations 0 06 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.13 19.1 5.6 Technical occupations 0 06 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.37 37.2 4.4 Technical occupations 0 06 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 18.37 37.2 4.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 06 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.41 40.6 7.3 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 06 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.50 41.1 4.7 Management related occupations 0 06 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.41 40.6 7.3 Management related occupations 0 06 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.50 41.1 4.7 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 06 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.08 38.9 4.4 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 06 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.18 39.0 6.0 Secretaries 313 06 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.40 38.2 2.7 Secretaries 313 06 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.05 37.1 8.8 Blue-collar occupations 0 06 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.07 39.7 2.4 Blue-collar occupations 0 06 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.48 39.7 2.1 Blue-collar occupations 0 06 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 19.49 40.0 5.0 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 06 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.16 39.0 3.3 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 06 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.89 38.8 3.3 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 06 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.92 40.0 3.1 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 06 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.92 40.0 3.1 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 06 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.41 40.0 6.3 Service occupations 0 06 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.50 37.9 5.9 Service occupations 0 06 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.18 35.5 4.4 Service occupations 0 06 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 22.11 40.0 2.4 Protective service occupations 0 06 32 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.98 40.5 7.5 White-collar occupations 0 06 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.52 714 37104 38.6 2004 4.5 3.2 White-collar occupations 0 06 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.81 665 34521 39.6 2054 4.2 3.3 White-collar occupations 0 06 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 21.17 786 40870 37.1 1930 5.8 2.8 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 06 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.59 715 37144 38.5 1998 4.6 3.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 06 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.83 664 34441 39.4 2046 4.4 3.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 06 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 21.17 786 40870 37.1 1930 5.8 2.8 Professional specialty occupations 0 06 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.11 810 41870 35.1 1812 2.5 2.3 Technical occupations 0 06 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.94 718 37318 40.0 2080 4.4 4.4 Technical occupations 0 06 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.94 718 37318 40.0 2080 4.4 4.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 06 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.41 625 32511 40.6 2110 7.3 5.8 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 06 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.50 597 31019 41.1 2139 4.7 3.5 Management related occupations 0 06 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.41 625 32511 40.6 2110 7.3 5.8 Management related occupations 0 06 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.50 597 31019 41.1 2139 4.7 3.5 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 06 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.08 703 36551 38.9 2021 4.4 3.8 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 06 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.18 670 34822 39.0 2027 6.0 4.9 Secretaries 313 06 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.40 742 38563 38.2 1987 2.7 2.2 Secretaries 313 06 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.05 707 36788 37.1 1931 8.8 6.5 Blue-collar occupations 0 06 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.07 686 35647 40.2 2089 2.5 2.5 Blue-collar occupations 0 06 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.47 662 34438 40.2 2091 2.1 2.2 Blue-collar occupations 0 06 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 19.49 780 40535 40.0 2080 5.0 5.0 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 06 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.16 686 35684 40.0 2080 3.4 3.4 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 06 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.87 675 35086 40.0 2080 3.4 3.4 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 06 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.92 637 33117 40.0 2080 3.1 3.1 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 06 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 15.92 637 33117 40.0 2080 3.1 3.1 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 06 29 G FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.41 737 38298 40.0 2080 6.3 6.3 Service occupations 0 06 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.71 788 40986 40.0 2079 5.9 5.9 Service occupations 0 06 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 16.43 657 34174 40.0 2080 4.4 4.4 Service occupations 0 06 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 22.11 884 45967 40.0 2079 2.4 2.5 Protective service occupations 0 06 32 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.98 810 42121 40.5 2108 7.5 7.6 White-collar occupations 0 06 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.39 18.5 7.2 White-collar occupations 0 06 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.39 18.5 7.2 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 06 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.39 18.5 7.2 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 06 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.39 18.5 7.2 White-collar occupations 0 07 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.98 36.8 3.5 White-collar occupations 0 07 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.52 37.2 2.4 White-collar occupations 0 07 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 24.68 36.1 7.6 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 07 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.03 36.8 3.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 07 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.57 37.2 2.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 07 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 24.68 36.1 7.6 Professional specialty occupations 0 07 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.75 33.7 7.6 Professional specialty occupations 0 07 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.23 31.9 1.2 Health related occupations 0 07 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.65 32.3 2.1 Health related occupations 0 07 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.10 31.8 1.2 Registered nurses 95 07 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.30 32.0 1.2 Registered nurses 95 07 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.20 31.8 1.2 Technical occupations 0 07 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.00 39.6 4.6 Technical occupations 0 07 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.32 39.6 4.8 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 07 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.37 33.9 3.9 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 07 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.26 37.5 5.0 Management related occupations 0 07 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.50 35.7 4.4 Management related occupations 0 07 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.17 36.7 6.4 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 07 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.50 39.7 4.2 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 07 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 18.68 39.6 3.9 Secretaries 313 07 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.35 39.8 5.7 Secretaries 313 07 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.57 39.3 7.7 Blue-collar occupations 0 07 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.54 39.7 3.9 Blue-collar occupations 0 07 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.59 39.6 4.2 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 07 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.42 39.6 3.6 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 07 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.57 39.6 3.8 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 07 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.09 39.7 8.0 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 07 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 18.09 39.7 8.0 Service occupations 0 07 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.59 41.0 11.0 White-collar occupations 0 07 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.90 849 43407 38.8 1982 3.7 3.2 White-collar occupations 0 07 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.24 804 41688 39.7 2060 2.6 2.7 White-collar occupations 0 07 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 24.69 920 46014 37.3 1864 7.6 6.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 07 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.95 851 43490 38.8 1981 3.7 3.2 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 07 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.30 806 41805 39.7 2059 2.6 2.7 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 07 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 24.69 920 46014 37.3 1864 7.6 6.4 Professional specialty occupations 0 07 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 26.31 986 48010 37.5 1825 9.2 8.8 Professional specialty occupations 0 07 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.20 917 47002 39.5 2026 1.4 1.6 Health related occupations 0 07 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.83 937 48739 39.3 2045 2.9 2.9 Health related occupations 0 07 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.00 915 47592 39.8 2070 1.6 1.8 Registered nurses 95 07 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.16 912 47424 39.4 2048 1.5 1.7 Registered nurses 95 07 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.00 915 47592 39.8 2070 1.6 1.8 Technical occupations 0 07 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.00 840 43698 40.0 2081 4.7 4.1 Technical occupations 0 07 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.32 853 44353 40.0 2081 4.9 4.2 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 07 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.41 875 45503 37.4 1943 4.1 2.7 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 07 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.20 890 46264 40.1 2084 5.5 5.5 Management related occupations 0 07 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.55 870 45251 37.0 1922 4.6 2.9 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 07 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.50 773 40211 39.7 2062 4.2 4.4 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 07 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 18.68 739 38444 39.6 2059 3.9 4.0 Secretaries 313 07 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.35 809 42064 39.8 2068 5.7 6.2 Secretaries 313 07 22 D FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.57 691 35935 39.3 2045 7.7 8.2 Blue-collar occupations 0 07 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.58 864 44918 40.0 2082 3.9 3.9 Blue-collar occupations 0 07 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.63 866 45022 40.0 2082 4.2 4.1 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 07 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.44 897 46670 40.0 2080 3.6 3.6 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 07 24 E FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.60 904 47002 40.0 2080 3.8 3.8 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 07 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.09 719 37366 39.7 2066 8.0 7.8 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 07 28 F FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 18.09 719 37366 39.7 2066 8.0 7.8 Service occupations 0 07 31 K FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.59 844 43029 41.0 2090 11.0 8.1 White-collar occupations 0 07 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.16 20.8 1.9 White-collar occupations 0 07 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.19 23.3 1.8 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 07 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.16 20.8 1.9 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 07 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.19 23.3 1.8 Professional specialty occupations 0 07 05 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.29 23.2 2.2 Professional specialty occupations 0 07 05 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.29 23.2 2.2 Health related occupations 0 07 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.29 23.7 2.2 Health related occupations 0 07 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.29 23.7 2.2 Registered nurses 95 07 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.59 23.2 1.9 Registered nurses 95 07 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.59 23.2 1.9 White-collar occupations 0 08 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.63 36.8 5.4 White-collar occupations 0 08 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.26 37.0 2.5 White-collar occupations 0 08 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 34.41 34.9 12.7 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 08 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.81 36.5 5.7 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 08 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.31 36.7 2.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 08 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 34.41 34.9 12.7 Professional specialty occupations 0 08 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.55 31.7 11.0 Professional specialty occupations 0 08 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 24.02 31.1 4.7 Health related occupations 0 08 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.54 30.1 5.0 Health related occupations 0 08 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.54 30.1 5.0 Registered nurses 95 08 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.62 29.8 5.3 Registered nurses 95 08 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.62 29.8 5.3 Teachers, except college and university 0 08 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 35.97 35.0 8.0 Teachers, except college and university 0 08 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.14 35.1 9.1 Secondary school teachers 157 08 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 32.03 34.7 11.1 Technical occupations 0 08 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.16 39.5 4.1 Technical occupations 0 08 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.98 39.6 4.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 08 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.51 40.3 3.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 08 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.34 40.5 3.6 Management related occupations 0 08 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.03 40.1 3.2 Management related occupations 0 08 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.77 40.4 3.3 Blue-collar occupations 0 08 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.91 40.0 4.7 Blue-collar occupations 0 08 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.91 40.0 4.7 White-collar occupations 0 08 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.24 911 45256 39.2 1947 5.5 4.7 White-collar occupations 0 08 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.83 867 44234 39.7 2026 2.5 2.6 White-collar occupations 0 08 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 33.67 1205 50891 35.8 1511 12.5 10.9 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 08 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.40 916 45268 39.1 1934 5.8 5.0 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 08 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.84 867 44121 39.7 2020 2.4 2.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 08 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 33.67 1205 50891 35.8 1511 12.5 10.9 Professional specialty occupations 0 08 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.65 1033 45850 37.3 1658 13.7 11.8 Professional specialty occupations 0 08 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.91 882 42120 38.5 1839 4.9 5.3 Teachers, except college and university 0 08 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 36.21 1286 47315 35.5 1307 7.8 6.7 Teachers, except college and university 0 08 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.46 1042 37447 36.6 1316 9.5 8.4 Technical occupations 0 08 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.16 835 43438 39.5 2053 4.1 4.4 Technical occupations 0 08 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 20.98 831 43237 39.6 2061 4.4 4.7 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 08 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.51 907 47035 40.3 2089 3.4 3.3 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 08 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.34 904 46911 40.5 2100 3.6 3.6 Management related occupations 0 08 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.03 884 45980 40.1 2087 3.2 2.7 Management related occupations 0 08 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.77 879 45723 40.4 2100 3.3 2.9 Blue-collar occupations 0 08 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.91 876 45575 40.0 2080 4.7 4.7 Blue-collar occupations 0 08 23 EFGH FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 21.91 876 45575 40.0 2080 4.7 4.7 White-collar occupations 0 08 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.31 23.1 5.8 White-collar occupations 0 08 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.02 23.1 4.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 08 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.31 23.1 5.8 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 08 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.02 23.1 4.4 Professional specialty occupations 0 08 05 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.31 23.1 5.8 Professional specialty occupations 0 08 05 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.02 23.1 4.4 Health related occupations 0 08 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 26.06 23.5 4.4 Health related occupations 0 08 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.06 23.5 4.4 Registered nurses 95 08 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 26.06 23.5 4.4 Registered nurses 95 08 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.06 23.5 4.4 White-collar occupations 0 09 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 30.88 36.7 2.7 White-collar occupations 0 09 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.17 38.1 3.0 White-collar occupations 0 09 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 36.77 35.0 5.8 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 09 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 30.97 36.6 2.8 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 09 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.07 38.1 3.1 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 09 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 36.77 35.0 5.8 Professional specialty occupations 0 09 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 33.19 35.6 3.3 Professional specialty occupations 0 09 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.37 36.7 3.3 Professional specialty occupations 0 09 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 37.46 34.9 6.2 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 09 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.84 39.4 5.1 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 09 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 24.96 40.0 4.6 Computer systems analysts and scientists 64 09 07 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.89 39.9 2.7 Computer systems analysts and scientists 64 09 07 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.89 39.9 2.7 Health related occupations 0 09 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 28.45 33.1 4.1 Health related occupations 0 09 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.58 32.9 4.3 Registered nurses 95 09 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 26.03 33.4 3.5 Registered nurses 95 09 09 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 25.57 33.3 3.3 Teachers, except college and university 0 09 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 40.70 33.7 2.5 Teachers, except college and university 0 09 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 40.88 33.7 2.6 Elementary school teachers 156 09 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 40.06 33.7 2.9 Elementary school teachers 156 09 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 40.06 33.7 2.9 Secondary school teachers 157 09 11 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 39.39 34.7 7.7 Technical occupations 0 09 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.19 40.7 6.5 Technical occupations 0 09 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.02 40.8 6.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 09 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.61 39.3 3.7 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 09 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.98 39.9 3.1 Management related occupations 0 09 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.61 39.2 4.4 Management related occupations 0 09 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.77 39.9 3.7 White-collar occupations 0 09 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 30.81 1163 52854 37.8 1716 2.8 2.3 White-collar occupations 0 09 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 25.80 1029 53237 39.9 2064 3.2 3.2 White-collar occupations 0 09 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 36.69 1304 52541 35.5 1432 5.8 4.1 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 09 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 30.90 1166 52777 37.7 1708 2.9 2.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 09 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 25.66 1026 53086 40.0 2069 3.3 3.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 09 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 36.69 1304 52541 35.5 1432 5.8 4.1 Professional specialty occupations 0 09 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 33.23 1231 53401 37.0 1607 3.6 2.7 Professional specialty occupations 0 09 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.82 1066 55062 39.7 2053 3.9 4.1 Professional specialty occupations 0 09 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 37.38 1326 52664 35.5 1409 6.2 4.4 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 09 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.84 1017 52889 39.4 2047 5.1 4.3 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 09 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 24.96 999 51923 40.0 2080 4.6 4.6 Computer systems analysts and scientists 64 09 07 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.33 956 49730 41.0 2131 1.5 2.4 Computer systems analysts and scientists 64 09 07 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 23.33 956 49730 41.0 2131 1.5 2.4 Health related occupations 0 09 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.38 1056 53848 38.6 1967 5.5 5.6 Health related occupations 0 09 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.05 1016 52811 39.0 2028 4.9 5.6 Registered nurses 95 09 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.90 995 51714 38.4 1997 5.1 5.4 Registered nurses 95 09 09 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 25.29 979 50930 38.7 2014 5.0 5.7 Teachers, except college and university 0 09 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 40.68 1399 51890 34.4 1276 2.6 2.6 Teachers, except college and university 0 09 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 40.82 1403 52026 34.4 1275 2.6 2.6 Elementary school teachers 156 09 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 39.97 1376 50955 34.4 1275 2.8 2.8 Elementary school teachers 156 09 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 39.97 1376 50955 34.4 1275 2.8 2.8 Secondary school teachers 157 09 11 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 39.39 1367 51286 34.7 1302 7.7 6.5 Technical occupations 0 09 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.19 1107 57587 40.7 2118 6.5 7.1 Technical occupations 0 09 17 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.02 1144 59487 40.8 2123 6.4 6.9 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 09 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.61 929 48107 39.3 2037 3.7 3.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 09 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.98 917 47476 39.9 2066 3.1 3.1 Management related occupations 0 09 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.61 925 48092 39.2 2037 4.4 4.0 Management related occupations 0 09 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 22.77 909 47248 39.9 2075 3.7 3.6 White-collar occupations 0 09 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 32.58 22.5 9.7 White-collar occupations 0 09 02 ABCD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.18 23.9 11.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 09 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 32.58 22.5 9.7 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 09 03 ABD PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.18 23.9 11.5 Professional specialty occupations 0 09 05 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 32.58 22.5 9.7 Professional specialty occupations 0 09 05 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.18 23.9 11.5 Health related occupations 0 09 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 31.64 23.3 12.4 Health related occupations 0 09 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.64 23.3 12.4 Registered nurses 95 09 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 26.49 22.7 7.9 Registered nurses 95 09 09 A PTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.49 22.7 7.9 White-collar occupations 0 10 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 28.96 38.5 4.3 White-collar occupations 0 10 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.61 38.5 4.7 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 10 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 28.01 38.6 3.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 10 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.50 38.6 3.5 Professional specialty occupations 0 10 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.39 37.8 4.0 Professional specialty occupations 0 10 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.24 37.9 4.1 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 10 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 28.32 41.0 4.6 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 10 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.32 41.0 4.6 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 10 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 29.00 40.4 6.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 10 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.69 40.6 7.0 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 10 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 32.33 39.7 4.7 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 10 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.06 39.5 4.7 White-collar occupations 0 10 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 28.73 1146 59475 39.9 2070 4.3 3.9 White-collar occupations 0 10 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.36 1135 58901 40.0 2077 4.7 4.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 10 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.75 1113 57748 40.1 2081 3.3 3.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 10 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.21 1097 56868 40.3 2090 3.4 3.5 Professional specialty occupations 0 10 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.00 1080 55949 40.0 2072 3.9 4.1 Professional specialty occupations 0 10 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 26.83 1079 55899 40.2 2083 4.0 4.3 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 10 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 28.32 1162 60412 41.0 2134 4.6 3.8 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 10 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 28.32 1162 60412 41.0 2134 4.6 3.8 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 10 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 29.00 1171 60898 40.4 2100 6.4 5.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 10 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 27.69 1125 58515 40.6 2113 7.0 5.9 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 10 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 32.33 1285 66811 39.7 2067 4.7 4.1 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 10 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.06 1226 63763 39.5 2053 4.7 5.1 White-collar occupations 0 11 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 33.66 39.5 3.4 White-collar occupations 0 11 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.40 40.2 2.0 White-collar occupations 0 11 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 40.09 37.7 8.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 11 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 33.60 39.5 3.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 11 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.24 40.2 2.0 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 11 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 40.09 37.7 8.4 Professional specialty occupations 0 11 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 32.07 38.7 4.2 Professional specialty occupations 0 11 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 30.50 40.1 2.7 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 11 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 31.22 42.3 3.6 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 11 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.22 42.3 3.6 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 11 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 36.67 41.3 6.8 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 11 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 32.91 41.2 3.0 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 11 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 44.36 41.6 12.3 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 11 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 41.06 41.5 9.4 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 11 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 35.51 41.3 4.0 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 11 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 44.36 41.6 12.3 Management related occupations 0 11 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 31.85 41.1 2.9 Management related occupations 0 11 20 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.85 41.1 2.9 White-collar occupations 0 11 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 33.89 1365 68923 40.3 2034 3.4 3.1 White-collar occupations 0 11 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.61 1306 66345 41.3 2099 2.0 2.2 White-collar occupations 0 11 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 40.09 1511 75187 37.7 1876 8.4 11.0 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 11 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 33.84 1363 68775 40.3 2032 3.5 3.2 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 11 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.45 1301 66028 41.4 2100 2.0 2.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 11 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 40.09 1511 75187 37.7 1876 8.4 11.0 Professional specialty occupations 0 11 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 32.40 1297 65417 40.0 2019 4.1 2.0 Professional specialty occupations 0 11 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 30.82 1304 64910 42.3 2106 2.8 2.9 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 11 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 31.22 1319 68614 42.3 2197 3.6 3.7 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 11 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.22 1319 68614 42.3 2197 3.6 3.7 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 11 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 36.67 1515 76031 41.3 2074 6.8 5.7 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 11 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 32.91 1355 70452 41.2 2141 3.0 2.6 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 11 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 44.36 1845 86427 41.6 1948 12.3 7.7 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 11 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 41.06 1703 82840 41.5 2017 9.4 6.8 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 11 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 35.51 1465 76183 41.3 2146 4.0 2.3 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 11 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 44.36 1845 86427 41.6 1948 12.3 7.7 Management related occupations 0 11 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 31.85 1310 68121 41.1 2139 2.9 2.3 Management related occupations 0 11 20 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 31.85 1310 68121 41.1 2139 2.9 2.3 White-collar occupations 0 12 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 37.48 40.4 3.2 White-collar occupations 0 12 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 39.36 40.9 3.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 12 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 37.42 40.4 3.2 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 12 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 39.27 40.9 3.5 Professional specialty occupations 0 12 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 39.89 40.3 3.6 Professional specialty occupations 0 12 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 39.14 40.6 6.5 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 12 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 37.23 40.0 4.2 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 12 06 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 37.23 40.0 4.2 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 12 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 36.55 40.5 3.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 12 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 39.33 41.0 3.9 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 12 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 36.75 40.5 3.8 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 12 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 40.61 41.3 3.9 Managers and administrators, N.E.C. 22 12 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 41.00 40.5 7.0 Managers and administrators, N.E.C. 22 12 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 41.00 40.5 7.0 White-collar occupations 0 12 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 37.48 1515 78549 40.4 2096 3.2 3.3 White-collar occupations 0 12 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 39.36 1609 83134 40.9 2112 3.4 3.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 12 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 37.42 1513 78434 40.4 2096 3.2 3.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 12 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 39.27 1606 82970 40.9 2113 3.5 3.3 Professional specialty occupations 0 12 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 39.89 1609 82672 40.3 2072 3.6 2.5 Professional specialty occupations 0 12 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 39.14 1589 80847 40.6 2066 6.5 4.7 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 12 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 37.23 1489 77430 40.0 2080 4.2 4.2 Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors 0 12 06 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 37.23 1489 77430 40.0 2080 4.2 4.2 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 12 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 36.55 1479 76919 40.5 2104 3.4 3.7 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 12 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 39.33 1613 83865 41.0 2133 3.9 4.1 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 12 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 36.75 1489 77445 40.5 2107 3.8 4.1 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 12 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 40.61 1677 87207 41.3 2148 3.9 4.1 Managers and administrators, N.E.C. 22 12 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 41.00 1662 86428 40.5 2108 7.0 6.1 Managers and administrators, N.E.C. 22 12 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 41.00 1662 86428 40.5 2108 7.0 6.1 White-collar occupations 0 13 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 48.17 40.1 3.4 White-collar occupations 0 13 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 48.17 40.1 3.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 13 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 48.14 40.1 3.6 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 13 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 48.14 40.1 3.6 White-collar occupations 0 13 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 48.17 1932 100443 40.1 2085 3.4 3.4 White-collar occupations 0 13 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 48.17 1932 100443 40.1 2085 3.4 3.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 13 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 48.14 1931 100390 40.1 2085 3.6 3.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 13 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 48.14 1931 100390 40.1 2085 3.6 3.5 White-collar occupations 0 14 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 56.74 40.0 4.6 White-collar occupations 0 14 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 56.98 40.0 5.7 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 14 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 56.74 40.0 4.6 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 14 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 56.98 40.0 5.7 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 14 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 58.90 40.0 5.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 14 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 59.42 40.0 6.4 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 14 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 58.90 40.0 5.4 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 14 19 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 59.42 40.0 6.4 White-collar occupations 0 14 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 56.74 2270 118020 40.0 2080 4.6 4.6 White-collar occupations 0 14 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 56.98 2279 118522 40.0 2080 5.7 5.7 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 14 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 56.74 2270 118020 40.0 2080 4.6 4.6 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 14 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 56.98 2279 118522 40.0 2080 5.7 5.7 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 14 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 58.90 2356 122510 40.0 2080 5.4 5.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 14 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 59.42 2377 123587 40.0 2080 6.4 6.4 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 14 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 58.90 2356 122510 40.0 2080 5.4 5.4 Executives, administrators, and managers 0 14 19 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 59.42 2377 123587 40.0 2080 6.4 6.4 White-collar occupations 0 99 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 28.69 40.0 10.8 White-collar occupations 0 99 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 29.46 42.4 13.8 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 99 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 29.09 40.0 10.7 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 99 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 30.06 42.5 13.5 Professional specialty occupations 0 99 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.81 37.9 4.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 99 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 38.52 44.6 13.9 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 99 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 38.52 44.6 13.9 White-collar occupations 0 99 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 28.69 1147 59664 40.0 2080 10.8 14.3 White-collar occupations 0 99 02 ABCD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 29.46 1249 64939 42.4 2204 13.8 15.9 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 99 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 29.09 1163 60494 40.0 2080 10.7 14.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 99 03 ABD FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 30.06 1278 66431 42.5 2210 13.5 15.6 Professional specialty occupations 0 99 05 A FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.81 1054 54808 37.9 1971 4.4 9.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 99 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 38.52 1717 89286 44.6 2318 13.9 14.3 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 99 18 B FTW U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 38.52 1717 89286 44.6 2318 13.9 14.3 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N INW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.82 38.3 13.4 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.52 35.9 3.2 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.53 35.6 2.5 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.44 35.1 4.1 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK F&P U&N INW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.86 38.0 11.9 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.72 36.3 3.3 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.84 36.1 2.5 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 22.95 36.0 4.1 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD F&P U&N INW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.40 38.3 16.2 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 23.37 37.0 3.2 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 24.67 36.2 2.6 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 27.26 34.6 4.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 24.13 37.7 3.0 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 25.54 37.2 2.5 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 28.51 36.1 4.5 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 26.47 36.0 2.7 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 29.23 35.7 2.4 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 33.75 35.1 4.7 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 28.54 35.4 2.9 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 31.11 35.2 2.6 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 34.40 35.0 4.8 Technical occupations 0 00 17 A F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.42 38.1 3.4 Technical occupations 0 00 17 A F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.43 37.8 2.9 Technical occupations 0 00 17 A F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 20.47 35.5 4.9 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 32.96 40.2 4.7 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 33.08 39.8 3.8 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 33.36 38.6 6.2 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C F&P U&N INW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 18.66 38.6 17.2 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.82 32.1 14.8 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.36 27.7 15.6 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 7.97 21.1 5.6 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.30 37.5 2.5 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.83 37.1 2.7 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.10 36.2 5.6 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.53 38.3 3.9 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.51 38.1 3.4 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 16.37 37.8 5.8 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.91 39.4 5.2 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 19.41 39.5 3.7 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 21.55 39.7 3.2 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 00 28 F F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.47 39.6 4.1 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 00 28 F F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.88 39.7 3.7 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 00 28 F F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 13.78 40.0 7.8 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.32 35.3 11.5 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 14.05 37.5 8.8 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 17.67 40.6 5.4 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.30 36.1 5.0 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.39 33.7 4.0 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 11.52 30.6 7.7 Service occupations 0 00 31 K F&P NUW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 10.35 29.8 4.1 Service occupations 0 00 31 K F&P U&N TMW 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 12.50 31.1 5.1 Service occupations 0 00 31 K F&P UNW T&I 0324 All_Ind All_sizes 15.96 33.5 6.2 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind WR All_sizes 13.87 32.4 8.5 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind WR All_sizes 14.45 34.7 9.3 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind WR All_sizes 16.55 32.2 10.8 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind WR All_sizes 21.44 39.8 9.8 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind WR All_sizes 36.23 40.0 4.0 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind WR All_sizes 12.45 27.7 15.9 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind WR All_sizes 14.48 39.6 4.7 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind WR All_sizes 11.93 34.6 7.7 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind WR All_sizes 17.40 37.6 13.4 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind WR All_sizes 12.38 38.9 13.2 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind WR All_sizes 9.95 31.0 5.8 Service occupations 0 00 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind WR All_sizes 9.21 30.0 8.1 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 15.77 35.1 7.9 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 16.49 35.2 3.6 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 23.83 37.6 4.9 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 19.44 36.1 3.4 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 15.79 36.4 7.1 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 16.74 36.0 3.7 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 23.80 37.6 5.0 All occupations excluding sales 0 00 01 ABDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 19.70 36.6 3.4 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 18.85 34.5 10.3 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 20.21 36.0 3.1 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 27.18 38.3 4.4 White-collar occupations 0 00 02 ABCD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 23.63 37.1 3.3 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 20.62 37.6 8.0 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 21.37 38.0 2.8 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 27.19 38.3 4.4 White-collar occupations excluding sales 0 00 03 ABD F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 24.43 38.1 3.3 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 22.89 33.8 6.2 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 25.52 36.1 3.0 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 27.79 37.2 3.8 Professional specialty and technical occupations 0 00 04 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 26.82 36.7 2.7 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 25.64 31.5 8.4 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 27.70 35.8 3.5 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 29.67 36.7 3.9 Professional specialty occupations 0 00 05 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 28.92 36.4 2.9 Technical occupations 0 00 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 21.25 36.6 4.4 Technical occupations 0 00 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 19.75 39.2 4.5 Technical occupations 0 00 17 A F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 20.61 37.7 3.3 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 29.97 40.3 11.2 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 28.93 40.8 6.6 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 35.38 40.5 6.4 Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations 0 00 18 B F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 33.13 40.6 5.3 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 15.72 30.1 25.0 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 13.45 27.7 15.4 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 26.12 36.5 26.7 Sales occupations 0 00 21 C F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 14.50 28.3 13.6 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 15.79 38.3 4.8 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 15.00 38.3 4.4 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 15.46 37.5 3.2 Administrative support occupations, including clerical 0 00 22 D F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 15.18 38.0 2.9 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 14.61 38.6 9.5 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 13.41 37.6 4.3 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 17.21 38.7 3.8 Blue-collar occupations 0 00 23 EFGH F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 14.34 37.9 3.5 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 20.09 39.4 5.5 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 17.17 39.2 8.6 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 22.05 40.2 2.7 Precision production, craft, and repair occupations 0 00 24 E F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 18.89 39.6 5.4 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 00 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 10.89 38.9 7.7 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 00 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 13.02 40.0 4.6 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 00 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 14.97 39.4 3.7 Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors 0 00 28 F F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 13.36 39.9 4.1 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 13.12 36.0 12.8 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 18.68 40.3 5.1 Transportation and material moving occupations 0 00 29 G F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 14.68 37.1 10.1 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 10.21 36.7 7.5 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 10.92 31.5 7.1 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 12.79 34.7 1.3 Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers 0 00 30 H F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 11.44 32.3 5.0 Service occupations 0 00 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 50-99 9.20 31.0 8.3 Service occupations 0 00 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100-499 11.01 30.0 4.7 Service occupations 0 00 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 500+ 10.74 32.5 10.1 Service occupations 0 00 31 K F&P U&N T&I 0324 Pri_Ind 100+ 10.93 30.7 4.3 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N INW 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 17.82 38.3 13.4 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P NUW T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 19.44 36.3 3.3 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P NUW T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 23.04 25.7 11.9 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N TMW 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 18.73 35.9 3.1 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N TMW 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 26.34 34.9 4.0 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P UNW T&I 0324 Pri_Ind All_sizes 14.46 34.0 5.5 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P UNW T&I 0324 S&L_Gov All_sizes 26.56 35.7 4.2 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind 50-99 15.95 35.1 7.6 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind 100-499 17.23 34.8 3.4 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov 100-499 25.10 30.6 6.3 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 All_Ind 500+ 25.05 36.7 3.3 All occupations 0 00 00 ABCDEFGHK F&P U&N T&I 0324 S&L_Gov 500+ 26.62 35.7 4.7