Figure 5. Age distribution by area of residence, averages for the combined years 2016–18
Age American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Total population
Total AIAN Residing in AIAN area Not residing in AIAN area

16 to 24 years

19.6 21.1 19.1 15.0

25 to 54 years

55.3 49.2 57.8 49.3

55 years and over

25.0 29.8 23.2 35.7

Note: American Indian and Alaska Native areas include federal American Indian reservations and off-reservation trust lands, joint-use federal American Indian reservations, Oklahoma tribal statistical areas, joint-use Oklahoma tribal statistical areas, Alaska Native village statistical areas, tribal-designated statistical areas, state American Indian reservations, and state-designated tribal statistical areas.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey.