State | Percent applied | Percent received | Success rate | Unemployment rate |
AL |
17.33 | 11.37 | 66.45 | 6.46 |
AK |
21.13 | 15.94 | 75.72 | 8.33 |
AZ |
17.93 | 12.57 | 70.70 | 8.55 |
AR |
16.73 | 10.55 | 63.87 | 6.44 |
CA |
25.26 | 20.70 | 82.99 | 11.33 |
CO |
17.30 | 13.97 | 81.26 | 8.15 |
CT |
21.80 | 17.29 | 80.37 | 8.68 |
DE |
19.37 | 13.47 | 70.31 | 8.49 |
DC |
18.04 | 12.28 | 69.14 | 8.67 |
FL |
18.84 | 13.44 | 72.15 | 8.67 |
GA |
21.09 | 15.01 | 72.29 | 7.16 |
HI |
27.93 | 21.24 | 77.31 | 13.68 |
ID |
14.47 | 10.80 | 75.73 | 5.80 |
IL |
19.03 | 14.27 | 75.63 | 10.61 |
IN |
19.02 | 14.83 | 78.59 | 7.85 |
IA |
17.97 | 13.74 | 77.46 | 5.65 |
KS |
14.30 | 10.38 | 73.22 | 6.40 |
KY |
21.86 | 15.90 | 73.60 | 7.10 |
LA |
23.50 | 17.53 | 75.64 | 8.99 |
ME |
17.76 | 14.53 | 82.94 | 5.86 |
MD |
19.06 | 14.71 | 77.79 | 7.43 |
MA |
23.36 | 19.52 | 84.51 | 10.02 |
MI |
30.25 | 25.51 | 85.23 | 11.08 |
MN |
22.36 | 18.04 | 81.57 | 6.67 |
MS |
21.47 | 16.56 | 78.11 | 8.62 |
MO |
17.46 | 12.75 | 74.05 | 6.52 |
MT |
18.48 | 13.75 | 74.80 | 6.18 |
NE |
13.19 | 10.01 | 76.20 | 4.45 |
NV |
30.31 | 21.71 | 72.31 | 14.76 |
NH |
19.73 | 15.65 | 80.34 | 7.43 |
NJ |
25.31 | 20.57 | 82.25 | 10.97 |
NM |
20.06 | 15.19 | 76.75 | 9.09 |
NY |
27.14 | 23.29 | 86.97 | 11.20 |
NC |
19.05 | 12.85 | 68.79 | 8.13 |
ND |
14.66 | 11.13 | 76.96 | 5.56 |
OH |
19.95 | 13.71 | 69.66 | 8.77 |
OK |
14.64 | 9.76 | 67.38 | 6.73 |
OR |
21.80 | 15.63 | 72.37 | 8.36 |
PA |
23.46 | 16.96 | 73.07 | 9.91 |
RI |
25.28 | 21.72 | 87.08 | 10.44 |
SC |
18.34 | 12.86 | 70.89 | 6.79 |
SD |
12.11 | 8.33 | 69.11 | 4.92 |
TN |
17.12 | 12.83 | 75.78 | 8.19 |
TX |
18.43 | 13.44 | 73.73 | 8.46 |
UT |
11.39 | 7.63 | 67.42 | 5.09 |
VT |
21.74 | 18.08 | 83.79 | 6.16 |
VA |
17.51 | 12.89 | 74.78 | 6.99 |
WA |
21.59 | 16.23 | 76.11 | 9.20 |
WV |
16.82 | 11.68 | 70.03 | 8.89 |
WI |
18.09 | 12.55 | 70.05 | 6.85 |
WY |
12.47 | 9.70 | 78.66 | 6.04 |
Note: Each UI outcome has a separate color, and for each UI outcome, each state (50 states and the District of Columbia) has one point. UI outcomes are based on the period March 13–December 21, 2020. Percentage who applied for UI benefits, percentage who received UI benefits, and success rate of UI applicants are for people 18 years and older. Unemployment rate is the average unemployment rate for March through December 2020. UI = unemployment insurance. Source: Household Pulse Survey, August 19–December 21, 2020; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population, not seasonally adjusted, statewide data,” monthly series, |