Chart 1. Response rates at the data collection stage, by major group in the Consumer Price Index, 2002–20 (in percent)
Major group 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


91.51 90.81 91.82 91.91 91.69 91.02 91.37 91.53 91.31 91.43 91.30 89.16 89.83 88.60 88.50 87.70 86.50 88.00 69.41


89.37 89.20 90.19 89.93 89.76 89.95 89.87 87.82 89.62 89.67 87.49 84.48 85.55 86.80 87.20 85.50 81.60 81.70 73.02


76.80 75.94 74.23 73.41 72.99 72.55 73.62 73.92 75.96 77.99 77.52 75.18 73.42 71.80 70.00 69.20 63.45 62.46 65.96


53.30 52.26 52.46 53.85 53.12 53.20 53.60 50.72 55.30 55.78 51.93 52.75 55.24 59.80 60.70 59.00 56.10 60.60 56.46


92.17 92.61 93.94 92.26 92.33 91.77 90.47 86.75 89.88 90.60 90.55 88.62 90.14 90.90 90.30 88.40 85.40 86.00 76.60

Medical care

90.38 88.90 88.53 82.03 80.16 76.99 75.91 70.34 69.09 65.36 62.72 58.51 53.30 48.00 47.40 49.70 48.10 47.20 40.81


85.21 85.12 85.68 85.76 85.32 84.14 84.47 78.47 83.53 82.64 82.42 80.73 81.24 81.20 79.80 79.10 77.20 76.80 62.64

Education and communication

81.85 82.08 82.19 81.43 80.61 81.21 82.76 83.61 88.00 91.04 89.13 87.89 88.11 87.40 85.60 85.70 85.80 87.10 82.24

Other goods and services

92.07 91.84 92.26 92.04 92.66 91.57 91.72 89.68 90.83 90.52 90.72 88.74 87.85 85.90 87.50 87.50 83.10 82.30 65.21

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.