In this paper, we summarize the methodology and findings of a recently published report, Integrating Nonmarket Consumption into the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey, and lay out an agenda for future research. While the report focuses on the U.S.A., it provides a prototype for other national statistical agencies interested in using household survey data to improve measures of household consumption and living standards. It demonstrates construction of a synthetic data set to explore issues such as substitutability between household expenditures and household production of goods and services for own consumption. The paper is available upon request. Contact author is Jake Schild ( ). Disclaimer: This presentation provides a summary of research results. The information is being released for statistical purposes, to inform interested parties, and to encourage discussion of work in progress. The presentation does not represent an existing, or a forthcoming new, official BLS statistical data product or production series. Notice: The conference presentation is available upon request. Contact author is Jake Schild (