An official website of the United States government
Whether you’re still exploring careers or ready to find a job, we have resources to help you along the way.
Learn about the work, education and training requirements, advancement opportunities, employment, salary, and 10-year job outlook for hundreds of occupations. The Handbook also lists related occupations and sources of more information.
Search for careers based on what interests you. Find out what people in an occupation do, what kind of education and training they need, salary information, and job outlook.
Explore articles, interviews, and charts covering a variety of topics and featuring BLS data on job outlook and wages.
Find out where an occupation is common and the pay you might expect in different areas. These data are available for the nation, states, and metropolitan areas. You can find information about occupations and industries, such as which industries have the most jobs in an occupation that interests you.
Read our latest annual report on employer-provided benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. Learn about the compensation workers receive from their employers beyond pay.
Learn about the risks of work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths by the characteristics of jobs and workers.
This is the career, training, and job search website of the U.S. Department of Labor. The website serves jobseekers, students, businesses, and career advisors with free online tools and other information and resources.
This is the official employment site of the Federal Government. It lists federal jobs across the country and allows you to search for jobs by agency, job title, salary, location, or career field. You can sign up for notifications when jobs open that match your interests. You also can save your resume and other documents for future job applications and apply to federal jobs.
Learn about working at BLS. We hire economists, mathematical statisticians, data scientists, information technology specialists, research psychologists, budget analysts, and others in our headquarters and across the country.