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The Current Employment Statistics (CES) program discovered processing errors in estimates for women employees (WE) and production and nonsupervisory employees (PE) series in five smaller industries within financial activities, professional and business services, and leisure and hospitality, noted below. The timeframe of the errant data ranges from November 2012 until May 2017; however, not all data during this timeframe are errant. In some months, errors in WE impacted higher aggregate WE employment estimates up through total nonfarm, and errors in PE impacted higher aggregate PE employment estimates up through total private. The errors in PE also resulted in minor errors in hours and earnings for aggregated PE, because hours and earnings are weighted by PE employment in the aggregation process. All industries and data types impacted by the errors are listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
Errors were relatively small in nature and tended to offset from month to month and, therefore, did not change the underlying trends over the period. At the highest level, the following table shows the maximum absolute error in any one month for each basic data type.
Data type | Maximum Absolute Error |
Women employees, total nonfarm | 23,000 or 0.03 percent |
Production and nonsupervisory employees, total private | 29,000 or 0.03 percent |
Average weekly hours for production and nonsupervisory employees, total private | 0.1 hour or 0.3 percent |
Average hourly earnings for production and nonsupervisory employees, total private | 2 cents or 0.6 percent |
Corrected data were published February 2, 2018, in the CES public database.
CES Industry Code | CES Industry Title |
Basic industries | |
55-524110 |
Direct life and health insurance carriers |
60-541200 |
Accounting and bookkeeping services |
60-541600 |
Management and technical consulting services |
60-562900 |
Remediation and other waste services |
70-721200 |
RV parks and recreational camps |
Industries affected through aggregation | |
00-000000 |
Total nonfarm |
05-000000 |
Total private |
07-000000 |
Service providing |
08-000000 |
Private service-providing |
55-000000 |
Financial activities |
55-524000 |
Insurance carriers and related activities |
55-524100 |
Insurance carriers |
60-000000 |
Professional and business services |
60-540000 |
Professional and technical services |
60-560000 |
Administrative and waste services |
60-562000 |
Waste management and remediation services |
70-000000 |
Leisure and hospitality services |
70-720000 |
Accommodation and food services |
70-721000 |
Accommodation |
Data Type Code | Data Type Name |
6 | Employment of production and nonsupervisory employees |
7 | Average weekly hours of production and nonsupervisory employees |
8 | Average hourly earnings of production and nonsupervisory employees |
10 | Employment of women |
30 | Average weekly earnings of production and nonsupervisory employees |
31 | Average weekly earnings of production and nonsupervisory employees, 1982-1984 dollars |
32 | Average hourly earnings of production and nonsupervisory employees, 1982-1984 dollars |
34 | Indexes of aggregate weekly hours of production and nonsupervisory employees, 2002=100 |
35 | Indexes of aggregate weekly payrolls of production and nonsupervisory employees, 2002=100 |
36 | Average weekly hours of production and nonsupervisory employees, quarterly averages, seasonally adjusted |
81 | Aggregate weekly hours of production and nonsupervisory employees, thousands |
82 | Aggregate weekly payrolls of production and nonsupervisory employees, thousands |