An official website of the United States government
On June 26, 2002, the Bureau of Labor Statistics launched the latest upgrade to its website. This upgrade was much less extensive than the one that took place in October 2001. However, the appearance of the BLS website has changed so that it has much the same "look and feel" as the site of our parent agency, the Department of Labor. Also, BLS web pages now have a set of global navigation links near the top of each page, and local navigation links have been moved to a drop-down box on the right.
In addition to the change in appearance, there are some new functions available on our website. Line graphs are now an output option when you use the tools "Most Requested Series" and "Create Customized Tables (One Screen)." You can access these tools from our Get Detailed Statistics page. Line graphs also are provided when historical data are accessed through Economy at a Glance tables and Latest Numbers boxes.
Last Modified Date: June 26, 2002