An official website of the United States government
The Bureau of Labor Statistics annually reports on the number of workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. Such information is useful in identifying industries with high rates or large numbers of injuries, illnesses, and fatalities, both nationwide and separately for those states participating in this program.
Nonfatal injuries and illnesses
Summary data identifying the total number and rate of injuries and illnesses by industry are released first. After more analysis is completed, case and demographic data are released next—these data provide additional details on the worker injured, the nature of the disabling condition, and the event and source producing that condition for those cases that involve one or more days away from work.
Fatality data provide information on 28 separate data elements, including information on the worker, the fatal incident, and the machinery or equipment involved.
Business Costs | Demographic Data | Employment | Geography | Industry | Inflation and Prices | International Data and Technical Cooperation | Occupation | Pay and Benefits | Productivity | Research Programs | Spending and Time Use | Unemployment | Wages by Area and Occupation | Women Workers | Worker Safety and Health
Last Modified Date: December 16, 2013