Upcoming Changes to the BLS Email Subscription Service
In order to make all BLS economic news releases available for email subscription, BLS will be upgrading its email subscription service effective July 24, 2011. Current subscribers’ existing subscriptions will automatically be transferred to the new platform. Furthermore, all incoming BLS subscription emails will be identified as from the Bureau of Labor Statistics instead of the BLS News Service. To ensure our emails reach your inbox, please add service@public.govdelivery.com to your address book.
Current Subscription Email Address | Upgraded Subscription Email Address |
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The upgraded email you receive will contain abstracts of the latest economic news release with links to both the HTML and PDF versions of the full news release. Selected data summaries and updates to specific web content will also be available for subscription. Below is a side-by-side comparison between the upgraded and the existing emails:
Current Subscription for News Releases | Upgraded Subscription for News Releases |
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To subscribe to the email subscription service, click on the following link: Subscribe to the BLS Email Subscription Service.
Highlights of the upgraded Email Subscription Service
- Expanded List of BLS National Economic Releases – The entire catalog of BLS National Economic Releases are now available for email subscription.
- Improved Layout – Subscription emails will be HTML-formatted versus plain text only and can display charts alongside news release text for visual enhancement.
- Better Organization – News releases or notifications are organized by topic.
- Enhanced Security – The option to password-protect your account is now available.
- Easily Updatable Subscriber Preferences – The option to update your email address, add or remove password-protection, delete an account, add or delete a subscription, and view your subscription history are now easily available.
- Quickly Subscribe or Unsubscribe – Subscribe by checking the box; unsubscribe by unchecking the box next to a news release or notification.
More Info »
- Subscription to the Commissioner’s Statement on the Employment Situation will no longer be available as a separate list. Instead, links to the Commissioner’s Statement will be available on the subscription email for the Employment Situation news release.
- Subscribers to the Mass Layoffs news releases will now have an option to subscribe to either or both the monthly and the quarterly releases.
- BLS will no longer manually insert the reference period (e.g. May 2011) on the email subject line for regional CPI Data Summaries; as a result, delivery of the data to subscribers will be accelerated.
Last Modified Date: June 22, 2011