An official website of the United States government
Union affiliation data from the Current Population Survey: The Current Population Survey (CPS) is a monthly survey of households conducted by the Bureau of Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides a comprehensive body of demographic data on the labor force, employment, unemployment, and persons not in the labor force. The union membership and earnings data are tabulated from one-quarter of the CPS monthly sample and are limited to wage and salary workers. All union affiliation data series are available as annual averages only.
This tool lets users query the BLS databases for specific data series. For each survey and program, make a selection for each characteristic in the order listed. As you make your selection, the remaining characteristics will filter to show only choices where data are available. After choosing the series, click on "Add to selection." If you need more data series, repeat the steps of choosing the data series you need. After you've finished finding the data series you need, click on the "Get Data" button to retrieve the data, and an HTML table with data for the most recent 10 years will display . If you desire a different time period or format, you may modify the options on the data display page, or click on the "More Formatting Options" button for additional options on refining the data retrieval results. Note: Users may not retrieve more than 200 data series in one query.
Click on one or more of the options shown to select union membership status. The values here represent all employed persons, those who are members of unions, those who are represented by unions, and persons who are non-union. The options for the remaining characteristics will change to show you which data series are available. These data are available only annually and not monthly or quarterly. To select multiple options, hold the Ctrl/Command button, and click the desired options.
Click on one or more of the options shown to select an industry. The options for the remaining characteristics will change to show you which data series are available. To select multiple options, hold the Ctrl/Command button, and click the desired options.
Click on one or more of the options shown to select an occupation. The options for the remaining characteristics will change to show you which data series are available. To select multiple options, hold the Ctrl/Command button, and click the desired options.
Click on one or more of the options shown to select Both sexes, Men, or Women. The options for the remaining characteristics will change to show you which data series are available. To select multiple options, hold the Ctrl/Command button, and click the desired options.
Click on one or more of the options shown to select All races, White, Black or African American, or Asian. The options for the remaining characteristics will change to show you which data series are available.
Click on one or both of the options shown to select All persons, or persons of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity. The options for the remaining characteristics will change to show you which data series are available.
Click on one or more of the options shown to select age. The options for the remaining characteristics will change to show you which data series are available. To select multiple options, hold the Ctrl/Command button, and click the desired options.
Click on one or more of the options shown to select all wage and salary workers, private sector wage and salary workers, or government wage and salary workers. Choosing the option, "Wage and salary workers, excluding incorporated self employed" will result in the most series options. To select multiple options, hold the Ctrl/Command button, and click the desired options.
The type of data refers to whether the data represents counts of employed wage and salary workers or median weekly earnings data. The options for the remaining characteristics will change to show you which data series are available. To select multiple options, hold the Ctrl/Command button, and click the desired options.
Click on one or more of the options shown to select Total Employed, Employed full time, or Employed part time. To select multiple options, hold the Ctrl/Command button, and click the desired options.
You must make a selection for each of the characteristics in the order listed. Once you have selected all of the characteristics, the “Add to selection” button becomes active. Click the “Add to selection” button to list the selected data series in the “Your selection” box. You can return to the characteristics boxes and make new selections to request additional data series. Click the “Get Data” button to retrieve all the selected data series.
You must make a selection for each of the characteristics in the order listed. Once you have selected all of the characteristics, the "Get Data" button becomes active. Click to retrieve the data.
Last Modified Date: February 20, 2018