List of Factoid
Did you know that in 2017, families with the oldest child between ages of 6 to 17 spent over $809 on pets?
Visit CEX page Did you know that families whose oldest child is between ages 6 and 17 spent over $59 on tickets to parks and museums in 2017?
Visit CEX page Did you know that in 2017, people who live in the West spent the most on sugar and other sweets?
Visit CEX page Did you know that the median annual wage for dentists was $156,240 in 2018?
Visit OOH page Did you know that most electricians learn their job skills through an apprenticeship, and some start out by attending a technical school?
Visit OOH page Did you know that veterinarians must have a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from an accredited veterinary college and a state license?
Visit TUS page Did you know that the median hourly wage for cooks was $12.12 in 2018?
Visit OOH page Did you know that high school students spend 6 hours and 25 minutes on educational activities on an average school day?
Visit TUS page Did you know that high school students sleep an average of 8 hours and 56 minutes on an average school day?
Visit TUS page Did you know that high school students spend 3 hours and 20 minutes in leisure activities on an average school day?
Visit TUS page Did you know that high school students spend 34 minutes participating in sports and exercise on an average school day?
Visit TUS page Did you know that high school students who are employed spend 1 hour and 30 minutes working on an average school day?
Visit TUS page Did you know that of the 41.3 million eldercare providers, 56 percent are women?
Visit TUS page Did you know that married mothers with children under 18 who were not employed spent an average of 3.89 hours on leisure and sports per day?
Visit TUS page Did you know that 16 to 19 year olds had a relatively high volunteer rate of 26.4 percent in 2015?
Visit CPS page Did you know that the most common volunteer activity in 2015 was collecting, distributing, and preparing of food?
Visit CPS page Did you know that families whose oldest child is between ages 6 and 17 spent over $92 on cola in 2017?
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