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Technical information: (202) 691-6378 USDL 08-0731 http://www.bls.gov/cps/ For release: 10:00 A.M. (EDT) Media contact: (202) 691-5902 Friday, May 30, 2008 EMPLOYMENT CHARACTERISTICS OF FAMILIES IN 2007 In 2007, the share of families with an unemployed member was 6.3 per- cent, little changed from the prior year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. The proportion of fam- ilies with an unemployed member remained lower than the recent peak of 8.1 percent in 2003. Of the nation’s 77.9 million families, the propor- tion that had at least one employed member was little changed in 2007 at 82.6 percent. These data on employment, unemployment, and family relationships are collected as part of the Current Population Survey (CPS), a monthly sam- ple survey of approximately 60,000 households. Families include married- couple families, as well as families maintained by a man or woman with no spouse present. For further information about the CPS, see the Technical Note. Families and Unemployment In 2007, 4.9 million families had at least one member who was unemployed, unchanged from 2006. The proportion of black families with an unemployed member was 10.8 percent in 2007, about twice the proportion among white (5.6 percent) and Asian (5.4 percent) families. Among Hispanic families, 8.5 percent had an unemployed member. The proportions of white and Asian families with an unemployed member showed little or no change from 2006. The proportion of black families with an unemployed member edged down in 2007, while the percentage of Hispanic families with an unemployed member in 2007 edged up over the year. (See table 1.) Among families with an unemployed member in 2007, 71.2 percent also had at least one employed member, up from 69.6 percent in 2006. Among married-cou- ple families with unemployment in 2007, 82.8 percent had an employed member, little changed over the year. For families maintained by women (no spouse present) with an unemployed member, the proportion that also contained an em- ployed member rose from 47.3 percent in 2006 to 50.5 percent in 2007. For families maintained by men (no spouse present), the proportion was 60.7 per- cent in 2007, little changed from the prior year. (See tables 1 and 3.) Families and Employment In 2007, the proportion of families with at least one employed member (82.6 percent) was little changed from the prior year. There was little or no change in the proportion of families with employed members among white (82.7 percent), Asian (89.6 percent), and Hispanic (87.6 percent) families. Among black families, the proportion with employed members edged up in 2007 to 78.9 percent. (See table 1.) - 2 - Among married-couple families, 83.7 percent had an employed member in 2007, about the same as in 2006. For families maintained by women, the proportion with an employed member increased from 76.0 percent in 2006 to 76.9 percent in 2007. In families maintained by men, the proportion was up slightly to 85.7 percent. (See table 2.) In 2007, the proportion of married-couple families in which only the hus- band worked was unchanged at 19.8 percent. The proportion of married-couple families in which only the wife worked was little changed in 2007 (6.6 per- cent), as was the proportion of married-couple families that were dual-worker families (51.7 percent). (See table 2.) Families with Children Nearly half of all families include children (sons, daughters, step-children, and adopted children) under age 18. In 2007, 90.7 percent of the 35.9 million families with children under 18 had at least one employed parent; this proportion was little changed from 2006. In 2007, the mother was employed in 72.8 percent of families maintained by women, slightly higher than in the prior year. For fami- lies maintained by men, the father was employed in 85.2 percent of those families, up from 83.5 percent in 2006. Among married-couple families, the proportion that had an employed parent was unchanged in 2007 at 97.3 percent. The proportion of married-couple families in which both parents were employed was little changed at 62.2 percent. (See table 4.) Mothers The labor force participation rate--the percent of the population that was working or looking for work--for all mothers with children under 18 was 71.0 per- cent in 2007, essentially unchanged from the prior year. The participation rate remained below the recent peak of 72.3 percent in 2000. The participation rate of married mothers in 2007, at 68.8 percent, was little changed from 2006. The pro- portion of unmarried mothers--those who were widowed, divorced, separated, or never married--who were in the labor force in 2007 was 76.5 percent, essentially unchanged from the prior year. (See table 5.) In 2007, the unemployment rate for all mothers with children under 18 was 4.6 percent. The jobless rate for married mothers was 3.0 percent, and the rate for unmarried mothers was 8.0 percent. These rates were little changed from the prior year. (See table 5.) Of the 3.3 million mothers with children under a year old, 55.1 percent were in the labor force in 2007, little changed from 2006. The labor force participation rate for unmarried mothers with children under a year old in 2007 was 56.5 percent, little changed from 2006. The participation rate for married mothers with chil- dren under a year old, at 54.6 percent in 2007, also was little changed from a year earlier. The unemployment rate for all mothers of children under age 1 continued to trend down to 6.7 percent in 2007. (See table 6.) - 3 - ___________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | Changes to Weighting Procedure in Table 5 | | | | The estimates for married men in table 5 of this news release were | |computed using a different weighting procedure than was used in past ver- | |sions of this annual release. The new procedure results in estimates of | |married men that are higher than those based on the previous procedure. | |The weighting procedure change was implemented to a) introduce a consist- | |ent methodology for all person-based estimates in this release; b) provide | |consistency with estimates of married men presented in other BLS publica- | |tions; and c) enable users of the public-use microdata files to replicate | |all estimates in this news release. | | | | The change also affected all totals in table 5 that include married men,| |such as total men and total married persons. Data for women and men of | |other marital statuses were not affected. The change also was applied to | |data for 2006 in table 5; therefore, 2006 estimates presented in table 5 of| |this release do not match those published in the "Employment Characteris- | |tics of Families in 2006" news release (USDL 07-0673). | | | | For further information, contact the Division of Labor Force Statistics | |at cpsinfo@bls.gov or (202) 691-6378. | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4 - Technical Note The estimates in this release are based on annual average data from the Current Population Survey (CPS), a national sample survey of about 60,000 households conducted monthly for the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the U.S. Census Bureau. The information relates to the labor force status of persons 16 years old and over in the civilian noninstitutional population during an "average" week of the year. The data for 2007 presented in this release are not strictly comparable with data for 2006 and earlier years because of the introduction in January 2007 of revised population controls used in the CPS. The effect of the revised popula- tion controls on the family estimates is unknown. However, the effect of the new controls on the monthly CPS estimates was to increase the December 2006 em- ployment level by 153,000 and the unemployment level by 10,000. The updated controls had little or no effect on unemployment rates and other ratios. For additional information, see "Adjustments to Household Survey Population Esti- mates in January 2007," available on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/cps/ cps07adj.pdf. Information in this release will be made available to sensory impaired individuals upon request: Voice phone: (202) 691-5200; TDD message referral phone number: 1-800-877-8339. Reliability of the estimates Statistics based on the CPS are subject to both sampling and nonsampling error. When a sample, rather than the entire population, is surveyed, there is a chance that the sample estimates may differ from the "true" population values they represent. The exact difference, or sampling error, varies de- pending on the particular sample selected, and this variability is measured by the standard error of the estimate. There is about a 90-percent chance, or level of confidence, that an estimate based on a sample will differ by no more than 1.6 standard errors from the "true" population value because of sampling error. BLS analyses are generally conducted at the 90-percent level of confidence. The CPS data also are affected by nonsampling error. Nonsampling error can occur for many reasons, including the failure to sample a segment of the population, inability to obtain information for all respondents in the sample, inability or unwillingness of respondents to provide correct information, and errors made in the collection or processing of the data. For a full discussion of the reliability of data from the CPS and in- formation on estimating standard errors, see the Household Data Section of "Explanatory Notes and Estimates of Error" at http://www.bls.gov/cps/eetech_ methods.pdf. - 5 - Definitions Definitions of the principal terms used in this release are presented below. Family. A family is a group of two or more persons residing together who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. The count of families is for "primary" families only, that is, the householder and all other persons re- lated to and residing with the householder. Families are classified either as married-couple families or as families maintained by women or men without spouses. Householder. The householder is the family reference person. This is the person (or one of the persons) in whose name the housing unit is owned or rented. The relationship of other individuals in the household is defined in terms of relationship to the householder. The race or ethnicity of the family is determined by that of the householder. Married, spouse present; other marital status. These terms denote the marital status of individuals at the time of interview. Married, spouse present, refers to husbands and wives living together in the same house- hold, even though one may be temporarily absent on business, on vacation, on a visit, in a hospital, or for other reasons. Other marital status includes persons who are never-married; married, spouse absent; widowed; or divorced. Married, spouse absent relates to persons who are separated due to marital problems, as well as husbands and wives who are living apart be- cause one or the other was employed elsewhere, on duty with the Armed Forces, or any other reasons. Children. Data on children refer to own children and include sons, daughters, step-children, and adopted children, of the husband, wife, or person maintaining the family. Not included are nieces, nephews, grand- children, other related children, and all unrelated children living in the household. Employed. Employed persons are (a) all those who, during the survey reference week, did any work at all as paid employees, worked in their own business, profession, or on their own farm, or who worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in a family-operated enterprise; and (b) all those who did not work but had jobs or businesses from which they were temporarily absent due to illness, bad weather, vacation, child-care problems, labor disputes, or personal reasons, whether or not they were paid for the time off and whether or not they were seeking other jobs. Unemployed. The unemployed are persons who had no employment during the reference week, were available for work at that time, and had made specific efforts to find employment sometime during the 4-week period ending with the reference week. Persons who were waiting to be recalled to a job from which they had been laid off need not be looking for work to be classified as unemployed. Civilian labor force. The civilian labor force comprises all persons classified as employed or unemployed. Unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is the number unemployed as a percent of the civilian labor force. Labor force participation rate. The labor force participation rate is the labor force as a percent of the population.
Table 1. Employment and unemployment in families by race and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, 2006-07 annual averages (Numbers in thousands) Characteristic 2006 2007 TOTAL Total families...................................................... 77,017 77,894 With employed member(s)........................................... 63,492 64,330 As percent of total families................................ 82.4 82.6 Some usually work full time (1).......................... 58,918 59,616 With no employed member .......................................... 13,525 13,564 As percent of total families................................ 17.6 17.4 With unemployed member(s) ........................................ 4,913 4,914 As percent of total families................................ 6.4 6.3 Some member(s) employed ........................................ 3,419 3,497 As percent of families with unemployed member(s)......... 69.6 71.2 Some usually work full time (1)............................... 3,049 3,096 As percent of families with unemployed member(s)...... 62.1 63.0 White Total families...................................................... 62,977 63,667 With employed member(s)........................................... 52,054 52,669 As percent of total families................................ 82.7 82.7 Some usually work full time (1).......................... 48,395 48,879 With no employed member .......................................... 10,923 10,997 As percent of total families................................ 17.3 17.3 With unemployed member(s) ........................................ 3,556 3,587 As percent of total families................................ 5.6 5.6 Some member(s) employed ........................................ 2,582 2,653 As percent of families with unemployed member(s)......... 72.6 73.9 Some usually work full time (1)............................... 2,306 2,350 As percent of families with unemployed member(s)...... 64.8 65.5 Black or African American Total families...................................................... 9,058 9,184 With employed member(s)........................................... 7,078 7,249 As percent of total families................................ 78.1 78.9 Some usually work full time (1).......................... 6,437 6,608 With no employed member .......................................... 1,980 1,935 As percent of total families................................ 21.9 21.1 With unemployed member(s) ........................................ 1,036 990 As percent of total families................................ 11.4 10.8 Some member(s) employed ........................................ 596 591 As percent of families with unemployed member(s)......... 57.6 59.7 Some usually work full time (1)............................... 526 519 As percent of families with unemployed member(s)...... 50.8 52.4 Asian Total families...................................................... 3,251 3,320 With employed member(s)........................................... 2,924 2,974 As percent of total families................................ 89.9 89.6 Some usually work full time (1).......................... 2,772 2,818 With no employed member .......................................... 327 347 As percent of total families................................ 10.1 10.4 With unemployed member(s) ........................................ 171 179 As percent of total families................................ 5.2 5.4 Some member(s) employed ........................................ 137 144 As percent of families with unemployed member(s)......... 80.4 80.5 Some usually work full time (1)............................... 123 133 As percent of families with unemployed member(s)...... 72.2 74.4 Hispanic or Latino ethnicity Total families...................................................... 9,905 10,332 With employed member(s)........................................... 8,641 9,048 As percent of total families................................ 87.2 87.6 Some usually work full time (1).......................... 8,129 8,492 With no employed member .......................................... 1,264 1,285 As percent of total families................................ 12.8 12.4 With unemployed member(s) ........................................ 793 876 As percent of total families................................ 8.0 8.5 Some member(s) employed ........................................ 544 619 As percent of families with unemployed member(s)......... 68.6 70.6 Some usually work full time (1)............................... 491 554 As percent of families with unemployed member(s)...... 61.9 63.2 1 Usually work 35 hours or more a week at all jobs. NOTE: The race or ethnicity of the family is determined by that of the householder. Estimates for the above race groups (white, black or African American, and Asian) do not sum to totals because data are not presented for all races. Persons whose ethnicity is identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.
Table 2. Families by presence and relationship of employed members and family type, 2006-07 annual averages (Numbers in thousands) Number Percent distribution Characteristic 2006 2007 2006 2007 MARRIED-COUPLE FAMILIES Total.................. 57,509 58,145 100.0 100.0 Member(s) employed, total.... 48,196 48,676 83.8 83.7 Husband only............. 11,399 11,509 19.8 19.8 Wife only................ 3,754 3,858 6.5 6.6 Husband and wife......... 29,799 30,055 51.8 51.7 Other employment combinations............ 3,244 3,254 5.6 5.6 No member(s) employed ...... 9,313 9,469 16.2 16.3 FAMILIES MAINTAINED BY WOMEN (1) Total.................. 14,208 14,423 100.0 100.0 Member(s) employed, total.... 10,796 11,087 76.0 76.9 Householder only......... 6,103 6,307 43.0 43.7 Householder and other member(s)............... 2,955 2,994 20.8 20.8 Other member(s), not householder............. 1,738 1,785 12.2 12.4 No member(s) employed ...... 3,412 3,336 24.0 23.1 FAMILIES MAINTAINED BY MEN (1) Total.................. 5,300 5,327 100.0 100.0 Member(s) employed, total.... 4,500 4,568 84.9 85.7 Householder only......... 2,089 2,170 39.4 40.7 Householder and other member(s)............... 1,715 1,696 32.4 31.8 Other member(s), not householder............. 696 701 13.1 13.2 No member(s) employed ...... 800 759 15.1 14.3 1 No spouse present. NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.
Table 3. Unemployment in families by presence and relationship of employed members and family type, 2006-07 annual averages (Numbers in thousands) Number Percent distribution Characteristic 2006 2007 2006 2007 MARRIED-COUPLE FAMILIES With unemployed member(s), total. 2,968 2,978 100.0 100.0 No member employed............. 526 512 17.7 17.2 Some member(s) employed........ 2,442 2,467 82.3 82.8 Husband unemployed.......... 1,061 1,110 35.7 37.3 Wife employed............. 679 725 22.9 24.3 Wife unemployed............. 898 902 30.3 30.3 Husband employed.......... 772 783 26.0 26.3 Other family member unemployed................. 1,010 966 34.0 32.4 FAMILIES MAINTAINED BY WOMEN (1) With unemployed member(s), total. 1,429 1,416 100.0 100.0 No member employed............. 753 701 52.7 49.5 Some member(s) employed........ 675 714 47.3 50.5 Householder unemployed...... 688 650 48.2 45.9 Other member(s) employed.... 132 144 9.3 10.2 Other member(s) unemployed.. 740 766 51.8 54.1 FAMILIES MAINTAINED BY MEN (1) With unemployed member(s), total. 516 520 100.0 100.0 No member employed............. 215 205 41.7 39.3 Some member(s) employed........ 301 316 58.3 60.7 Householder unemployed...... 284 294 55.0 56.6 Other member(s) employed.... 118 137 22.8 26.3 Other member(s) unemployed.. 232 226 45.0 43.4 1 No spouse present. NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.
Table 4. Families with own children: Employment status of parents by age of youngest child and family type, 2006-07 annual averages (Numbers in thousands) Number Percent distribution Characteristic 2006 2007 2006 2007 WITH OWN CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS Total.......................... 35,605 35,856 100.0 100.0 Parent(s) employed............... 32,216 32,538 90.5 90.7 No parent employed............... 3,388 3,318 9.5 9.3 Married-couple families.......... 25,022 25,125 100.0 100.0 Parent(s) employed.............. 24,344 24,459 97.3 97.3 Mother employed................ 16,721 16,855 66.8 67.1 Both parents employed......... 15,516 15,627 62.0 62.2 Mother employed, not father.. 1,205 1,228 4.8 4.9 Father employed, not mother.. 7,623 7,604 30.5 30.3 Neither parent employed......... 678 666 2.7 2.7 Families maintained by women (1) 8,407 8,554 100.0 100.0 Mother employed................ 6,054 6,224 72.0 72.8 Mother not employed............ 2,352 2,330 28.0 27.2 Families maintained by men (1)... 2,176 2,177 100.0 100.0 Father employed................ 1,818 1,855 83.5 85.2 Father not employed............ 359 322 16.5 14.8 WITH OWN CHILDREN 6 TO 17 YEARS, NONE YOUNGER Total.......................... 20,283 20,361 100.0 100.0 Parent(s) employed............... 18,446 18,619 90.9 91.4 No parent employed............... 1,837 1,742 9.1 8.6 Married-couple families.......... 13,752 13,823 100.0 100.0 Parent(s) employed.............. 13,356 13,435 97.1 97.2 Mother employed................ 10,016 10,126 72.8 73.3 Both parents employed......... 9,245 9,341 67.2 67.6 Mother employed, not father.. 771 785 5.6 5.7 Father employed, not mother.. 3,339 3,309 24.3 23.9 Neither parent employed......... 396 388 2.9 2.8 Families maintained by women (1) 5,195 5,224 100.0 100.0 Mother employed................ 3,976 4,070 76.5 77.9 Mother not employed............ 1,219 1,155 23.5 22.1 Families maintained by men (1)... 1,336 1,314 100.0 100.0 Father employed................ 1,114 1,115 83.4 84.9 Father not employed............ 222 199 16.6 15.1 WITH OWN CHILDREN UNDER 6 YEARS Total.......................... 15,322 15,495 100.0 100.0 Parent(s) employed............... 13,770 13,918 89.9 89.8 No parent employed............... 1,551 1,576 10.1 10.2 Married-couple families.......... 11,270 11,302 100.0 100.0 Parent(s) employed.............. 10,989 11,024 97.5 97.5 Mother employed................ 6,705 6,729 59.5 59.5 Both parents employed......... 6,271 6,287 55.6 55.6 Mother employed, not father.. 434 442 3.8 3.9 Father employed, not mother.. 4,284 4,295 38.0 38.0 Neither parent employed......... 281 278 2.5 2.5 Families maintained by women (1) 3,212 3,329 100.0 100.0 Mother employed................ 2,078 2,154 64.7 64.7 Mother not employed............ 1,133 1,175 35.3 35.3 Families maintained by men (1)... 840 863 100.0 100.0 Father employed................ 704 740 83.8 85.7 Father employed................ 136 123 16.2 14.3 1 No spouse present. NOTE: Own children include sons, daughters, step-children, and adopted children. Not included are nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and other related and unrelated children. Data may not sum to totals due to rounding. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.
Table 5. Employment status of the population by sex, marital status, and presence and age of own children under 18, 2006-07 annual averages (Numbers in thousands) 2006 2007 Characteristic Total Men Women Total Men Women WITH OWN CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS Civilian noninstitutional population............ 65,941 29,449 36,492 66,801 29,684 37,117 Civilian labor force........................... 53,590 27,730 25,861 54,370 28,002 26,368 Participation rate....................... 81.3 94.2 70.9 81.4 94.3 71.0 Employed..................................... 51,561 26,948 24,614 52,373 27,216 25,157 Employment-population ratio.............. 78.2 91.5 67.4 78.4 91.7 67.8 Full-time workers (1)..................... 44,634 26,033 18,601 45,336 26,282 19,053 Part-time workers (2)..................... 6,927 914 6,013 7,037 933 6,104 Unemployed................................... 2,029 782 1,247 1,998 786 1,211 Unemployment rate........................ 3.8 2.8 4.8 3.7 2.8 4.6 Married, spouse present Civilian noninstitutional population............ 52,930 26,908 26,022 53,432 27,205 26,227 Civilian labor force........................... 43,336 25,494 17,842 43,824 25,784 18,041 Participation rate....................... 81.9 94.7 68.6 82.0 94.8 68.8 Employed..................................... 42,134 24,854 17,280 42,625 25,134 17,492 Employment-population ratio.............. 79.6 92.4 66.4 79.8 92.4 66.7 Full-time workers (1)..................... 36,649 24,074 12,575 37,120 24,332 12,788 Part-time workers (2)..................... 5,485 780 4,705 5,505 802 4,704 Unemployed................................... 1,202 640 562 1,199 650 549 Unemployment rate........................ 2.8 2.5 3.1 2.7 2.5 3.0 Other marital status (3) Civilian noninstitutional population............ 13,010 2,541 10,470 13,369 2,479 10,890 Civilian labor force........................... 10,255 2,236 8,019 10,546 2,219 8,328 Participation rate....................... 78.8 88.0 76.6 78.9 89.5 76.5 Employed..................................... 9,427 2,094 7,333 9,747 2,082 7,665 Employment-population ratio.............. 72.5 82.4 70.0 72.9 84.0 70.4 Full-time workers (1)..................... 7,985 1,960 6,026 8,216 1,950 6,266 Part-time workers (2)..................... 1,442 134 1,308 1,531 132 1,400 Unemployed................................... 827 142 686 799 137 662 Unemployment rate........................ 8.1 6.3 8.5 7.6 6.2 8.0 WITH OWN CHILDREN 6 TO 17 YEARS, NONE YOUNGER Civilian noninstitutional population............ 36,530 16,212 20,318 36,983 16,384 20,599 Civilian labor force........................... 30,675 15,091 15,585 31,179 15,269 15,910 Participation rate....................... 84.0 93.1 76.7 84.3 93.2 77.2 Employed..................................... 29,643 14,690 14,952 30,176 14,866 15,310 Employment-population ratio.............. 81.1 90.6 73.6 81.6 90.7 74.3 Full-time workers (1)..................... 25,835 14,206 11,629 26,288 14,378 11,910 Part-time workers (2)..................... 3,808 485 3,323 3,888 488 3,400 Unemployed................................... 1,032 400 632 1,003 403 600 Unemployment rate........................ 3.4 2.7 4.1 3.2 2.6 3.8 WITH OWN CHILDREN UNDER 6 YEARS Civilian noninstitutional population............ 29,411 13,237 16,174 29,818 13,299 16,518 Civilian labor force........................... 22,915 12,639 10,276 23,192 12,733 10,458 Participation rate....................... 77.9 95.5 63.5 77.8 95.7 63.3 Employed..................................... 21,919 12,257 9,661 22,197 12,350 9,847 Employment-population ratio.............. 74.5 92.6 59.7 74.4 92.9 59.6 Full-time workers (1)..................... 18,800 11,828 6,972 19,048 11,904 7,143 Part-time workers (2)..................... 3,119 430 2,689 3,149 446 2,704 Unemployed................................... 997 382 615 995 383 611 Unemployment rate........................ 4.3 3.0 6.0 4.3 3.0 5.8 WITH NO OWN CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS Civilian noninstitutional population............ 162,874 81,156 81,718 165,066 82,489 82,577 Civilian labor force........................... 97,837 53,525 44,312 98,754 54,134 44,620 Participation rate....................... 60.1 66.0 54.2 59.8 65.6 54.0 Employed..................................... 92,866 50,554 42,312 93,674 51,039 42,635 Employment-population ratio.............. 57.0 62.3 51.8 56.7 61.9 51.6 Full-time workers (1)..................... 75,054 43,274 31,780 75,755 43,752 32,003 Part-time workers (2)..................... 17,812 7,280 10,532 17,919 7,286 10,632 Unemployed................................... 4,971 2,971 2,000 5,080 3,095 1,984 Unemployment rate........................ 5.1 5.6 4.5 5.1 5.7 4.4 1 Usually work 35 hours or more a week at all jobs. 2 Usually work less than 35 hours a week at all jobs. 3 Includes never married, divorced, separated, and widowed persons. NOTE: 2006 estimates for total and for men differ from those published in the "Employment Characteristics of Families in 2006" news release (USDL 07-0673) due to a change in the weights for the estimates of married men. Own children include sons, daughters, step-children, and adopted children. Not included are nieces, nephews, grand- children, and other related and unrelated children. Data may not sum to totals due to rounding. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.
Table 6. Employment status of mothers with own children under 3 years old by single year of age of youngest child and marital status, 2006-07 annual averages (Numbers in thousands) Civilian labor force Civilian Employed Unemployed noninsti- Percent tutional of population Total popula- Percent Full-time Part-time Percent tion Total of workers workers Number of popula- (1) (2) labor tion force 2006 TOTAL MOTHERS With own children under 3 years old.... 9,431 5,675 60.2 5,315 56.4 3,751 1,564 360 6.3 2 years ............................. 2,864 1,847 64.5 1,746 61.0 1,280 466 101 5.5 1 year .............................. 3,318 2,006 60.5 1,883 56.7 1,305 577 123 6.1 Under 1 year......................... 3,248 1,822 56.1 1,686 51.9 1,166 520 136 7.4 Married, spouse present With own children under 3 years old.... 6,998 4,076 58.2 3,933 56.2 2,756 1,177 143 3.5 2 years ............................. 2,114 1,305 61.7 1,265 59.8 910 354 40 3.1 1 year .............................. 2,494 1,456 58.4 1,404 56.3 962 442 52 3.6 Under 1 year......................... 2,390 1,315 55.0 1,264 52.9 883 381 51 3.9 Other marital status (3) With own children under 3 years old.... 2,433 1,600 65.7 1,382 56.8 996 386 217 13.6 2 years ............................. 750 543 72.3 481 64.2 369 112 61 11.3 1 year .............................. 824 550 66.7 479 58.1 344 135 71 13.0 Under 1 year......................... 859 507 59.0 422 49.2 283 139 85 16.7 2007 TOTAL MOTHERS With own children under 3 years old.... 9,659 5,721 59.2 5,354 55.4 3,783 1,571 367 6.4 2 years ............................. 2,812 1,808 64.3 1,694 60.2 1,225 469 114 6.3 1 year .............................. 3,501 2,068 59.1 1,938 55.4 1,350 589 130 6.3 Under 1 year......................... 3,346 1,845 55.1 1,721 51.4 1,208 513 123 6.7 Married, spouse present With own children under 3 years old.... 7,018 4,027 57.4 3,888 55.4 2,730 1,157 140 3.5 2 years ............................. 2,076 1,281 61.7 1,230 59.2 881 349 51 4.0 1 year .............................. 2,536 1,433 56.5 1,388 54.7 954 434 46 3.2 Under 1 year......................... 2,406 1,313 54.6 1,270 52.8 896 374 43 3.3 Other marital status (3) With own children under 3 years old.... 2,641 1,694 64.1 1,466 55.5 1,052 414 227 13.4 2 years ............................. 736 528 71.6 464 63.1 344 120 63 12.0 1 year .............................. 965 635 65.8 551 57.1 396 155 84 13.2 Under 1 year......................... 940 531 56.5 451 48.0 312 139 80 15.1 1 Usually work 35 hours or more a week at all jobs. 2 Usually work less than 35 hours a week at all jobs. 3 Includes never married, divorced, separated, and widowed persons. NOTE: Own children include sons, daughters, step-children, and adopted children. Not included are nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and other related and unrelated children. Data may not sum to totals due to rounding. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.