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For release 10:00 a.m. (EST) Friday, March 12, 2010 USDL-10-0285 Technical information: (202) 691-6378 * cpsinfo@bls.gov * www.bls.gov/cps Media contact: (202) 691-5902 * PressOffice@bls.gov EMPLOYMENT SITUATION OF VETERANS--2009 The unemployment rate for veterans who served in the military since September 2001--a group referred to as Gulf War-era II veterans--was 10.2 percent in 2009, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. The jobless rate for veterans of all eras combined was 8.1 percent. About 21 percent of Gulf War-era II veterans reported hav- ing a service-connected disability in August 2009, compared with about 13 percent of all veterans. This information was obtained from the Current Population Survey (CPS), a monthly sample survey of about 60,000 households that provides offi- cial statistics on employment and unemployment in the United States. Data about veterans are collected monthly in the CPS; those monthly data are the source of the 2009 annual averages presented in this re- lease. In August 2009, a supplement to the CPS collected additional information about veterans on topics such as service-connected disabil- ity. Information from the supplement also is presented in this re- lease. The supplement was co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and by the U.S. Department of Labor's Veterans' Em- ployment and Training Service. For more information, see the Techni- cal Note, which provides definitions of terms used in this release. Some highlights in this release are: -- Young male veterans (those ages 18 to 24) who served during Gulf War era II had an unemployment rate of 21.6 percent in 2009, not statistically different from the jobless rate of young male nonveterans (19.1 percent). -- Male veterans age 18 to 24 were more likely to participate in the labor force in 2009 than were their nonveteran counter- parts--79.1 percent versus 69.1 percent. -- The unemployment rate for disabled veterans from all service periods was 8.2 percent in August 2009, essentially the same as the rate for nondisabled veterans (8.3 percent). -- Nearly 1 in 3 of employed veterans with a service-connected disability worked in the public sector; 1 in 5 disabled veter- ans was employed by the federal government. -- Gulf War-era II veterans who were current or past members of the Reserve or National Guard had an unemployment rate of 10.6 percent, compared with a rate of 13.8 percent for those who had not been members. The Veteran Population In 2009, 22.2 million men and women in the civilian noninstitutional population ages 18 and over were veterans. (See table 1.) In the CPS, veterans are defined as men and women who have previously served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and who were civilians at the time they were surveyed. Veterans are more likely to be men and older than nonveterans. In part, this reflects the characteristics of veterans who served during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam era. Veterans who served during these wartime periods account for about one-half (11.4 million) of the total veteran population. A total of 4.9 million veterans served during Gulf War era I (August 1990 to August 2001) or Gulf War era II (Septem- ber 2001 forward). Another 5.9 million served outside the designated wartime periods. Because age and other demographic differences affect labor force status, the groups of veterans listed above are examined separately in the next sections. Gulf War-era II Veterans In 2009, about 1.9 million of the nation's veterans had served during Gulf War era II. About 18 percent of these veterans were women, com- pared with 3 percent of veterans from World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam era. Nearly two-thirds of all Gulf War-era II veterans were under the age of 35. (See tables 1 and 2.) In 2009, a large majority (83.5 percent) of Gulf War-era II veterans participated in the labor force, and their unemployment rate was 10.2 percent. For those ages 18 to 24, the unemployment rate was 21.1 per- cent, twice that of Gulf War-era II veterans ages 25 to 34 (10.6 per- cent). In general, Gulf War-era II veterans had unemployment rates that were not statistically different from those of nonveterans of the same age group and gender. Gulf War-era II veterans were much more likely to work in the public sector than were nonveterans--about 27 percent and 15 percent, respec- tively. Nearly 15 percent of employed veterans of the era worked for the federal government, compared with about 2 percent of nonveterans. (See table 4.) Veterans of Gulf War era II and nonveterans had similar occupational profiles. About one-third of the men in both groups worked in manage- ment and professional occupations, a higher proportion than in any other major occupational group. Among women, 45 percent of Gulf War- era II veterans and 41 percent of nonveterans were employed in these occupations. (See tables 3.) Gulf War-era I Veterans For the 2.9 million veterans who served during Gulf War era I (August 1990 to August 2001), the proportion that were men (85 percent in 2009) was similar to that of Gulf War-era II veterans. About 78 per- cent of the era's veterans were age 35 and over, compared with 35 per- cent of Gulf War-era II veterans. (See tables 1 and 2.) The labor force participation rate of veterans from Gulf War era I was 87.7 percent in 2009, somewhat higher than the rate of Gulf War-era II veterans (83.5 percent). The unemployment rate for Gulf War-era I vet- erans (7.6 percent) was lower than the rate for Gulf War-era II vet- erans (10.2 percent). These differences in labor force participation and unemployment reflect, at least in part, the older age profile of veterans who served in Gulf War era I. In general, older workers tend to have higher participation rates and lower unemployment rates than younger workers. Unemployment rates of Gulf War-era I veterans were similar to those of nonveterans of the same age group and gender; how- ever, labor force participation rates were higher for female veterans than female nonveterans. Veterans of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam Era In 2009, about 11.4 million veterans had served during World War II, the Korean War, or the Vietnam era. Nearly all of these veterans were at least 55 years old, and more than half were at least 65 years old. Virtually all (97 percent) of these veterans were men. In 2009, 38.4 percent of male veterans of these earlier wartime periods were in the labor force, and their unemployment rate was 7.6 percent. Male veter- ans of these wartime periods had lower labor force participation rates compared with male nonveterans in the same age categories. The unem- ployment rates of these veterans and nonveterans were similar, however. (See tables 1 and 2.) Veterans of Other Service Periods In 2009, nearly 6 million veterans had served on active duty during "other service periods," mainly between the Korean War and the Vietnam era, and between the Vietnam era and Gulf War era I. Because these veterans served between the major wartime periods, which span several decades, this group has a diverse age profile. About 40 percent of these veterans were 45 to 54 years old. Another 38 percent were 65 years and over, and 14 percent were 35 to 44 years old. (See tables 1 and 2.) Nine in 10 veterans of other service periods were men. Among most age groups, male veterans of service periods between the designated war- time periods had labor force participation rates and unemployment rates that were similar to those of male nonveterans. Veterans with a Service-connected Disability In August 2009, about 2.8 million veterans, or 13 percent of the total, reported having a service-connected disability. (Some veterans did not report whether they had a service-connected disability.) Veterans with a service-connected disability are assigned a disability rating by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Ratings range from 0 to 100 per- cent, in increments of 10 percentage points, depending on the severity of the condition. About 4 in 10 disabled veterans reported a disability rating of less than 30 percent, while about 1 in 4 had a rating of 60 percent or higher. (See table 5.) Among veterans who served in Gulf War era II, about 21 percent (413,000) reported having a service-connected disability. Of these, 80.5 percent were in the labor force, compared with 87.2 percent of nondisabled veterans from this period. The unemployment rate of dis- abled veterans from Gulf War era II was 11.8 percent, not statisti- cally different from the rate for nondisabled veterans (12.7 percent). About 18 percent (559,000) of veterans who served during Gulf War era I reported a service-connected disability. Their labor force partici- pation rate (77.8 percent) was lower than the rate for veterans from the era who did not have a disability (92.8 percent). Unemployment rates for the disabled and nondisabled were not statistically differ- ent (9.3 and 8.1 percent, respectively). Among the 1.4 million disabled veterans of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam era, 28.8 percent were in the labor force in August 2009, compared with 37.0 percent of veterans from these periods who did not have a service-connected disability. The unemployment rate of disabled veterans from these wartime periods was 5.1 percent; for their nondisabled peers, it was 7.9 percent. Disabled veterans from other service periods had a labor force parti- cipation rate of 51.3 percent, compared with 60.1 percent for nondis- abled veterans from these periods. The unemployment rate of disabled veterans from other service periods was 6.2 percent, essentially the same as for the nondisabled--7.5 percent. Many veterans with a service-connected disability worked in the public sector. In August 2009, 32 percent of employed disabled veterans worked in federal, state, or local government, compared with 21 percent of nondisabled veterans and 14 percent of nonveterans. About 20 percent of employed disabled veterans worked for the federal government, compared with about 8 percent of nondisabled veterans and 2 percent of nonveter- ans. (See table 6.) Reserve and National Guard Membership In both Gulf War era I and Gulf War era II, about one-third of veterans were reported to be current or past members of the Reserve or National Guard. One-half had never belonged to the Reserve or National Guard. In- formation on Reserve or National Guard status was not reported for the remainder. (See table 7.) Among Gulf War-era II veterans, those who were current or past members of the Reserve or National Guard had an unemployment rate of 10.6 percent in August 2009, compared with 13.8 percent for those who had never been members. Labor force participation rates did not differ significantly by Reserve or National Guard membership for Gulf War-era II veterans. For veterans of Gulf War era I, labor force participation rates as well as unemployment rates were similar for Reserve or National Guard members and nonmembers. --------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Upcoming Change to the Veterans Supplement Schedule | | | | In the previous news release on veterans (issued March 20, | | 2009), BLS announced that the annual releases would contain | | data from the veterans supplement in the even-numbered years, | | reflecting the biennial collection schedule for the supple- | | ment. Since that announcement, legislation was passed that | | mandates an annual veterans supplement. As a result, the | | future annual BLS news releases on veterans will feature both | | supplement and annual average data. | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------
Technical Note The data in this release were collected through the Current Population Survey (CPS), The CPS--a monthly survey of about 60,000 households con- ducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics--obtains information on employment and unemployment among the nation's civilian non- institutional population age 16 and over. Most of the data in this release are annual averages for 2009, compiled from the results of the monthly survey. Some of the data, such as those related to service-connected disability and Reserve or National Guard status, are from special questions asked as part of the latest veterans supplement to the CPS, which was conducted in August 2009. The supplement was co-spon- sored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and by the U.S. Department of Labor's Veterans' Employment and Training Service. Questions were asked of persons 17 years of age and older regarding their prior service in the U.S. Armed Forces. Data are tabulated for persons 18 years of age and older. Information in this release will be made available to sensory impaired in- dividuals upon request. Voice phone: (202) 691-5200; Federal Relay Service: (800) 877-8339. Definitions The definitions underlying the data in this release are as follows: Veterans are men and women who previously served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Members of the Reserve and National Guard are counted as veterans if they had ever been called to active duty. Persons who are on active duty at the time of the survey are outside the scope of the survey and thus not in the estimates shown here, as are persons who reside in institutions, such as nursing homes and prisons. Nonveterans are men and women who never served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. World War II, Korean War, Vietnam-era, and Gulf War-era veterans are men and women who served in the Armed Forces during these periods, regardless of where they served. Veterans who served in more than one wartime period are classified in the most recent one. Veterans of other service periods are men and women who served in the Armed Forces at any time other than World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam era, or the Gulf War era. Although U.S. Armed Forces were engaged in several armed conflicts during other service periods, these conflicts were more limited in scope and included a smaller proportion of the Armed Forces than the selected wartime periods. Veterans who served during one of the selected wartime periods and during another period are classified in the wartime period. Veteran status is obtained from responses to the question, "Did you ever serve on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces?" Period of service is obtained from answers to the question asked of veterans, "When did you serve on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces?" The following service periods are identified: Gulf War era II -- September 2001-present Gulf War era I -- August 1990-August 2001 Vietnam era -- August 1964-April 1975 Korean War -- July 1950-January 1955 World War II -- December 1941-December 1946 Other service periods -- All other time periods Period-of-service definitions are modified occasionally to reflect changes in law, regulations, and program needs of the survey sponsors. Presence of service-connected disability is determined by answers to the question, "Has the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or Department of Defense (DoD) deter- mined that you have a service-connected disability, that is, a health condition or impairment caused or made worse by any of your military service?" Service-connected disability rating is based on answers to the question, "What is your current service-connected disability rating?" Answers can range from 0 to 100 percent, in increments of 10 percentage points. Ratings are determined by the VA or DoD from a rating schedule published in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 38, "Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief," Part 4--"Schedule for Rating Disabilities." The rating schedule is "primarily a guide in the evaluation of dis- ability resulting from all types of diseases and injuries encountered as a result of or incident to military service. The percentage ratings represent as far as can practicably be determined the average impairment in earning capacity resulting from such diseases and injuries and their residual conditions in civil occupations." Part 4 contains a listing of hundreds of possible disorders and assigns ratings of 0 through 100 percent, with instructions for rating multiple disorders. Reserve or National Guard status is obtained from answers to two questions. Gulf War-era veterans were asked: "Was any of your active service the result of a call-up from the Reserve or National Guard?" If the answer was no, they were asked, "Have you ever been a member of the Reserve or National Guard?" A 'yes' response to either ques- tion classified persons as "Current or past member of the Reserve or National Guard." A 'no' response to the latter question classified persons as "Never a member of the Reserve or National Guard." These questions were asked only of Gulf War-era veterans. Reliability of the estimates Statistics based on the CPS are subject to both sampling and nonsampling error. When a sample, rather than the entire population, is surveyed, there is a chance that the sample estimates will differ from the "true" population values they represent. The exact difference, or sampling error, varies depending on the particular sample selected, and this variability is measured by the standard error of the estimate. There is about a 90-percent chance, or level of confidence, that an estimate based on a sample will differ by no more than 1.6 standard errors from the "true" population value because of sampling error. BLS analyses are generally conducted at the 90-per- cent level of confidence. The CPS data also are affected by nonsampling error. Nonsampling error can occur for many reasons, including the failure to sample a segment of the population, the inability to obtain information for all respondents in the sample, the inability or unwillingness of respondents to provide correct information, and errors made in the collection or processing of the data. For a full discussion of the reliability of data from the CPS and information on estimating standard errors, see the explanatory note for the household survey avail- able online at www.bls.gov/cps/eetech_methods.pdf.
Table 1. Employment status of persons 18 years and over by veteran status, period of service, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, 2009 annual averages (Numbers in thousands) Civilian labor force Civilian Veteran status, period of service, noninsti- Employed Unemployed Not in sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino tutional Percent labor ethnicity population Total of force population Percent Percent Total of Total of population labor force TOTAL Total, 18 years and over................ 226,857 151,915 67.0 138,227 60.9 13,688 9.0 74,942 Veterans............................... 22,182 12,102 54.6 11,119 50.1 983 8.1 10,080 Gulf War era, total................... 4,855 4,177 86.0 3,817 78.6 360 8.6 678 Gulf War era I....................... 2,915 2,556 87.7 2,361 81.0 195 7.6 358 Gulf War era II...................... 1,940 1,620 83.5 1,455 75.0 165 10.2 319 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era.... 11,390 4,356 38.2 4,029 35.4 327 7.5 7,034 Other service periods................. 5,937 3,569 60.1 3,273 55.1 296 8.3 2,368 Nonveterans............................ 204,676 139,813 68.3 127,108 62.1 12,706 9.1 64,862 Men Total, 18 years and over................ 109,588 81,020 73.9 72,884 66.5 8,136 10.0 28,568 Veterans............................... 20,425 10,968 53.7 10,076 49.3 892 8.1 9,457 Gulf War era, total................... 4,057 3,558 87.7 3,254 80.2 305 8.6 499 Gulf War era I....................... 2,464 2,195 89.1 2,026 82.2 169 7.7 269 Gulf War era II...................... 1,593 1,363 85.6 1,228 77.1 136 9.9 230 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era.... 11,008 4,223 38.4 3,903 35.5 320 7.6 6,785 Other service periods................. 5,360 3,187 59.5 2,919 54.5 267 8.4 2,173 Nonveterans............................ 89,163 70,052 78.6 62,807 70.4 7,245 10.3 19,111 Women Total, 18 years and over................ 117,269 70,895 60.5 65,343 55.7 5,552 7.8 46,374 Veterans............................... 1,757 1,134 64.5 1,042 59.3 91 8.0 623 Gulf War era, total................... 797 618 77.5 563 70.6 55 9.0 179 Gulf War era I....................... 451 361 80.1 335 74.4 26 7.1 90 Gulf War era II...................... 347 257 74.2 228 65.6 30 11.5 89 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era.... 382 133 34.8 126 32.9 7 5.4 249 Other service periods................. 577 382 66.2 354 61.3 29 7.5 195 Nonveterans............................ 115,512 69,761 60.4 64,301 55.7 5,461 7.8 45,751 White Total, 18 years and over................ 184,127 123,761 67.2 113,554 61.7 10,208 8.2 60,366 Veterans............................... 19,075 10,202 53.5 9,418 49.4 784 7.7 8,873 Gulf War era, total................... 3,856 3,347 86.8 3,082 79.9 265 7.9 510 Gulf War era I....................... 2,326 2,065 88.8 1,920 82.6 145 7.0 261 Gulf War era II...................... 1,530 1,282 83.8 1,162 75.9 120 9.4 248 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era.... 10,243 3,935 38.4 3,647 35.6 288 7.3 6,308 Other service periods................. 4,976 2,920 58.7 2,689 54.0 231 7.9 2,056 Nonveterans............................ 165,052 113,559 68.8 104,136 63.1 9,424 8.3 51,493 Black or African American Total, 18 years and over................ 26,812 17,432 65.0 14,923 55.7 2,509 14.4 9,380 Veterans............................... 2,326 1,422 61.1 1,262 54.2 160 11.3 905 Gulf War era, total................... 747 619 82.9 541 72.5 78 12.6 128 Gulf War era I....................... 459 382 83.2 336 73.2 46 12.0 77 Gulf War era II...................... 288 238 82.4 205 71.2 32 13.5 51 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era.... 838 303 36.2 276 32.9 28 9.1 534 Other service periods................. 742 499 67.3 445 60.0 55 10.9 242 Nonveterans............................ 24,486 16,011 65.4 13,661 55.8 2,349 14.7 8,475 Asian Total, 18 years and over................ 10,464 7,076 67.6 6,571 62.8 505 7.1 3,388 Veterans............................... 258 152 59.0 146 56.4 7 4.4 106 Gulf War era, total................... 80 66 83.0 64 79.9 2 3.8 14 Gulf War era I....................... 41 35 85.2 34 82.9 1 2.7 6 Gulf War era II...................... 39 32 80.6 30 76.7 2 (1) 8 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era.... 111 36 32.7 34 30.6 2 6.4 74 Other service periods................. 68 50 73.6 48 70.9 2 3.7 18 Nonveterans............................ 10,205 6,923 67.8 6,425 63.0 498 7.2 3,282 Hispanic or Latino ethnicity Total, 18 years and over................ 31,201 21,961 70.4 19,378 62.1 2,584 11.8 9,240 Veterans............................... 1,225 804 65.7 742 60.6 62 7.7 420 Gulf War era, total................... 446 375 84.2 342 76.6 34 9.0 70 Gulf War era I....................... 256 225 87.8 207 80.9 18 7.9 31 Gulf War era II...................... 190 151 79.4 135 70.9 16 10.7 39 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era.... 452 204 45.0 188 41.5 16 7.8 249 Other service periods................. 327 225 69.0 213 65.2 12 5.5 101 Nonveterans............................ 29,976 21,157 70.6 18,635 62.2 2,522 11.9 8,819 1 Rates are not shown where base is less than 35,000. NOTE: Veterans are men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam era, the Gulf War era, and all other service periods. Nonveterans are men and women who never served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Other service periods include the periods between World War II and the Korean War, between the Korean War and the Vietnam era, and between the Vietnam era and the Gulf War era. More detailed information appears in the Technical Note of this release. Estimates for the above race groups (white, black or African American, and Asian) do not sum to totals because data are not presented for all races. Persons whose ethnicity is identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race
Table 2. Employment status of persons 18 years and over by veteran status, age, period of service, and sex, 2009 annual averages (Numbers in thousands) Civilian labor force Civilian Veteran status, age, period of service, noninsti- Employed Unemployed Not in and sex tutional Percent labor population Total of force population Percent Percent Total of Total of population labor force TOTAL VETERANS Total, 18 years and over................ 22,182 12,102 54.6 11,119 50.1 983 8.1 10,080 18 to 24 years...................... 309 238 77.0 188 60.7 50 21.1 71 25 to 34 years...................... 1,602 1,373 85.7 1,221 76.2 152 11.1 229 35 to 44 years...................... 2,519 2,273 90.3 2,106 83.6 167 7.3 245 45 to 54 years...................... 3,673 3,068 83.5 2,815 76.6 254 8.3 605 55 to 64 years...................... 5,481 3,521 64.2 3,269 59.6 252 7.2 1,960 65 years and over................... 8,597 1,628 18.9 1,520 17.7 108 6.6 6,969 Gulf War era, total Total, 18 years and over................ 4,855 4,177 86.0 3,817 78.6 360 8.6 678 18 to 24 years...................... 309 238 77.0 188 60.7 50 21.1 71 25 to 34 years...................... 1,602 1,373 85.7 1,221 76.2 152 11.1 229 35 to 44 years...................... 1,681 1,535 91.3 1,434 85.3 101 6.6 146 45 to 54 years...................... 856 751 87.7 711 83.0 40 5.3 105 55 to 64 years...................... 343 256 74.6 241 70.1 15 6.0 87 65 years and over................... 62 23 37.2 22 35.2 1 (1) 39 Gulf War era I Total, 25 years and over................ 2,915 2,556 87.7 2,361 81.0 195 7.6 358 25 to 34 years...................... 655 575 87.7 507 77.4 67 11.7 81 35 to 44 years...................... 1,371 1,264 92.2 1,180 86.0 85 6.7 107 45 to 54 years...................... 575 505 87.8 474 82.4 31 6.2 70 55 to 64 years...................... 259 192 74.4 181 70.2 11 5.7 66 65 years and over................... 55 20 37.4 19 35.5 1 (1) 34 Gulf War era II Total, 18 years and over................ 1,940 1,620 83.5 1,455 75.0 165 10.2 319 18 to 24 years...................... 309 238 77.0 188 60.7 50 21.1 71 25 to 34 years...................... 947 799 84.4 714 75.4 85 10.6 148 35 to 44 years...................... 310 271 87.5 255 82.2 16 6.0 39 45 to 54 years...................... 281 246 87.5 237 84.3 9 3.6 35 55 to 64 years...................... 85 64 75.1 59 69.9 4 7.0 21 65 years and over................... 8 3 (1) 3 (1) - (1) 5 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era Total, 45 years and over................ 11,390 4,356 38.2 4,029 35.4 327 7.5 7,034 45 to 54 years...................... 414 309 74.7 273 65.9 36 11.7 105 55 to 64 years...................... 4,713 2,986 63.4 2,764 58.6 223 7.5 1,727 65 years and over................... 6,263 1,061 16.9 993 15.9 68 6.4 5,203 Other service periods Total, 35 years and over................ 5,937 3,569 60.1 3,273 55.1 296 8.3 2,368 35 to 44 years...................... 838 738 88.1 672 80.2 66 8.9 100 45 to 54 years...................... 2,404 2,009 83.6 1,831 76.2 177 8.8 395 55 to 64 years...................... 424 279 65.6 265 62.4 14 4.9 146 65 years and over................... 2,271 544 23.9 505 22.2 39 7.2 1,728 NONVETERANS Total, 18 years and over................ 204,676 139,813 68.3 127,108 62.1 12,706 9.1 64,862 18 to 24 years...................... 28,315 18,896 66.7 15,762 55.7 3,133 16.6 9,419 25 to 34 years...................... 38,678 31,925 82.5 28,793 74.4 3,131 9.8 6,753 35 to 44 years...................... 38,401 31,965 83.2 29,410 76.6 2,555 8.0 6,436 45 to 54 years...................... 40,694 33,139 81.4 30,798 75.7 2,341 7.1 7,555 55 to 64 years...................... 29,192 18,986 65.0 17,749 60.8 1,237 6.5 10,205 65 years and over................... 29,397 4,902 16.7 4,594 15.6 308 6.3 24,494 MEN VETERANS Total, 18 years and over................ 20,425 10,968 53.7 10,076 49.3 892 8.1 9,457 18 to 24 years...................... 243 193 79.1 151 62.0 42 21.6 51 25 to 34 years...................... 1,296 1,146 88.4 1,018 78.5 129 11.2 150 35 to 44 years...................... 2,160 1,982 91.8 1,836 85.0 146 7.3 178 45 to 54 years...................... 3,186 2,682 84.2 2,453 77.0 229 8.5 504 55 to 64 years...................... 5,213 3,366 64.6 3,125 59.9 241 7.2 1,847 65 years and over................... 8,326 1,599 19.2 1,494 17.9 105 6.6 6,727 Gulf War era, total Total, 18 years and over................ 4,057 3,558 87.7 3,254 80.2 305 8.6 499 18 to 24 years...................... 243 193 79.1 151 62.0 42 21.6 51 25 to 34 years...................... 1,296 1,146 88.4 1,018 78.5 129 11.2 150 35 to 44 years...................... 1,432 1,328 92.8 1,242 86.7 87 6.5 103 45 to 54 years...................... 713 630 88.4 595 83.5 35 5.6 83 55 to 64 years...................... 314 238 75.8 226 71.9 12 5.1 76 65 years and over................... 59 23 38.5 22 37.6 1 (1) 36 Gulf War era I Total, 25 years and over................ 2,464 2,195 89.1 2,026 82.2 169 7.7 269 25 to 34 years...................... 532 479 90.0 420 78.9 59 12.3 53 35 to 44 years...................... 1,169 1,096 93.7 1,022 87.4 74 6.7 73 45 to 54 years...................... 473 422 89.1 395 83.4 27 6.4 51 55 to 64 years...................... 238 179 75.4 170 71.7 9 4.9 59 65 years and over................... 52 20 38.1 19 37.5 - (1) 32 Gulf War era II Total, 18 years and over................ 1,593 1,363 85.6 1,228 77.1 136 9.9 230 18 to 24 years...................... 243 193 79.1 151 62.0 42 21.6 51 25 to 34 years...................... 764 668 87.4 598 78.2 70 10.5 97 35 to 44 years...................... 262 233 88.6 220 83.8 13 5.5 30 45 to 54 years...................... 239 208 87.0 200 83.8 8 3.8 31 55 to 64 years...................... 77 59 77.2 56 72.7 3 5.7 18 65 years and over................... 7 3 (1) 3 (1) - (1) 4 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era Total, 45 years and over................ 11,008 4,223 38.4 3,903 35.5 320 7.6 6,785 45 to 54 years...................... 386 292 75.7 256 66.4 36 12.3 94 55 to 64 years...................... 4,543 2,886 63.5 2,669 58.7 217 7.5 1,658 65 years and over................... 6,079 1,046 17.2 979 16.1 67 6.4 5,034 Other service periods Total, 35 years and over................ 5,360 3,187 59.5 2,919 54.5 267 8.4 2,173 35 to 44 years...................... 728 653 89.7 594 81.6 59 9.0 75 45 to 54 years...................... 2,088 1,761 84.3 1,602 76.7 159 9.0 328 55 to 64 years...................... 355 242 68.1 230 64.6 12 5.1 114 65 years and over................... 2,188 531 24.3 493 22.5 38 7.1 1,658 NONVETERANS Total, 18 years and over................ 89,163 70,052 78.6 62,807 70.4 7,245 10.3 19,111 18 to 24 years...................... 14,136 9,770 69.1 7,901 55.9 1,869 19.1 4,366 25 to 34 years...................... 18,870 17,064 90.4 15,206 80.6 1,859 10.9 1,806 35 to 44 years...................... 18,039 16,536 91.7 15,082 83.6 1,455 8.8 1,503 45 to 54 years...................... 18,547 16,320 88.0 14,990 80.8 1,331 8.2 2,227 55 to 64 years...................... 11,487 8,366 72.8 7,766 67.6 601 7.2 3,121 65 years and over................... 8,084 1,994 24.7 1,863 23.0 131 6.6 6,089 WOMEN VETERANS Total, 18 years and over................ 1,757 1,134 64.5 1,042 59.3 91 8.0 623 18 to 24 years...................... 66 45 69.1 37 55.8 9 19.2 20 25 to 34 years...................... 306 227 74.2 203 66.5 23 10.3 79 35 to 44 years...................... 359 291 81.1 270 75.2 21 7.3 68 45 to 54 years...................... 487 386 79.2 362 74.3 24 6.3 101 55 to 64 years...................... 268 155 57.9 145 53.9 11 7.0 113 65 years and over................... 271 29 10.5 26 9.5 3 (1) 242 Gulf War era, total Total, 18 years and over................ 797 618 77.5 563 70.6 55 9.0 179 18 to 24 years...................... 66 45 69.1 37 55.8 9 19.2 20 25 to 34 years...................... 306 227 74.2 203 66.5 23 10.3 79 35 to 44 years...................... 250 207 82.8 192 77.1 14 6.9 43 45 to 54 years...................... 143 121 84.2 116 80.7 5 4.2 23 55 to 64 years...................... 29 18 (1) 14 (1) 3 (1) 11 65 years and over................... 4 1 (1) - (1) 1 (1) 3 Gulf War era I Total, 25 years and over................ 451 361 80.1 335 74.4 26 7.1 90 25 to 34 years...................... 123 96 77.7 88 71.1 8 8.5 27 35 to 44 years...................... 202 168 83.3 158 78.0 11 6.4 34 45 to 54 years...................... 101 83 81.7 79 77.8 4 4.7 19 55 to 64 years...................... 21 13 (1) 11 (1) 2 (1) 8 65 years and over................... 3 1 (1) - - 1 (1) 2 Gulf War era II Total, 18 years and over................ 347 257 74.2 228 65.6 30 11.5 89 18 to 24 years...................... 66 45 69.1 37 55.8 9 19.2 20 25 to 34 years...................... 183 131 71.8 116 63.5 15 11.6 52 35 to 44 years...................... 47 38 81.0 35 73.5 4 9.3 9 45 to 54 years...................... 42 38 90.4 37 87.7 1 3.0 4 55 to 64 years...................... 8 4 (1) 3 (1) 1 (1) 4 65 years and over................... 1 - - - - - - 1 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era Total, 45 years and over................ 382 133 34.8 126 32.9 7 5.4 249 45 to 54 years...................... 28 17 (1) 17 (1) - (1) 11 55 to 64 years...................... 170 101 59.3 95 55.7 6 6.1 69 65 years and over................... 184 15 8.1 14 7.8 1 (1) 169 Other service periods Total, 35 years and over................ 577 382 66.2 354 61.3 29 7.5 195 35 to 44 years...................... 109 85 77.3 78 70.9 7 8.2 25 45 to 54 years...................... 315 248 78.6 229 72.7 19 7.5 67 55 to 64 years...................... 69 37 53.1 35 50.9 1 4.0 32 65 years and over................... 83 13 15.6 12 13.9 1 (1) 70 NONVETERANS Total, 18 years and over................ 115,512 69,761 60.4 64,301 55.7 5,461 7.8 45,751 18 to 24 years...................... 14,179 9,125 64.4 7,861 55.4 1,265 13.9 5,054 25 to 34 years...................... 19,808 14,860 75.0 13,588 68.6 1,273 8.6 4,947 35 to 44 years...................... 20,362 15,429 75.8 14,329 70.4 1,100 7.1 4,933 45 to 54 years...................... 22,147 16,819 75.9 15,809 71.4 1,010 6.0 5,328 55 to 64 years...................... 17,704 10,620 60.0 9,984 56.4 636 6.0 7,084 65 years and over................... 21,313 2,908 13.6 2,731 12.8 177 6.1 18,405 1 Rates are not shown where base is less than 35,000. NOTE: Veterans are men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam era, the Gulf War era, and all other service periods. Nonveterans are men and women who never served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Other service periods include the periods between World War II and the Korean War, between the Korean War and the Vietnam era, and between the Vietnam era and the Gulf War era. More detailed information appears in the Technical Note of this release. Dash represents or rounds to zero.
Table 3. Employed persons 18 years and over by occupation, sex, veteran status, and period of service, 2009 annual averages (Percent distribution) Gulf War era WW II, Korean War, Other Non- Occupation Veterans and Vietnam service veterans Total Gulf War Gulf War era periods era I era II TOTAL Total, 18 years and over (thousands)................... 11,119 3,817 2,361 1,455 4,029 3,273 127,108 Percent................................................ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Management, professional, and related occupations.......... 37.6 36.5 37.8 34.5 40.2 35.5 37.7 Management, business, and financial operations occupations.............................................. 18.4 15.8 16.6 14.5 21.7 17.3 15.3 Professional and related occupations..................... 19.2 20.7 21.1 20.0 18.5 18.3 22.4 Service occupations........................................ 13.6 16.1 14.8 18.3 11.0 13.9 17.6 Sales and office occupations............................... 17.5 16.9 16.6 17.4 18.6 16.8 24.6 Sales and related occupations............................ 9.2 7.3 7.1 7.5 11.2 8.9 11.2 Office and administrative support occupations............ 8.3 9.6 9.4 9.9 7.4 7.8 13.4 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations.............................................. 14.6 15.4 15.5 15.2 13.4 15.3 9.1 Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations............... .4 .2 .2 .2 .4 .4 .7 Construction and extraction occupations.................. 7.0 6.7 7.3 5.8 7.0 7.5 5.2 Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations........ 7.2 8.5 8.0 9.2 6.0 7.3 3.3 Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 16.7 15.1 15.4 14.6 16.8 18.5 11.0 Production occupations................................... 6.6 6.3 6.5 6.0 6.3 7.3 5.4 Transportation and material moving occupations........... 10.1 8.8 8.9 8.6 10.5 11.3 5.6 MEN Total, 18 years and over (thousands)................... 10,076 3,254 2,026 1,228 3,903 2,919 62,807 Percent................................................ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Management, professional, and related occupations.......... 36.3 34.3 35.4 32.5 39.8 33.7 34.5 Management, business, and financial operations occupations.............................................. 18.4 15.6 16.3 14.6 21.9 16.8 16.6 Professional and related occupations..................... 17.9 18.7 19.1 18.0 17.9 16.9 17.9 Service occupations........................................ 13.5 16.1 15.0 17.8 11.0 13.9 14.1 Sales and office occupations............................... 16.5 15.1 15.0 15.3 18.2 15.7 16.9 Sales and related occupations............................ 9.3 7.3 7.2 7.4 11.3 9.1 10.8 Office and administrative support occupations............ 7.1 7.8 7.8 7.9 6.9 6.6 6.1 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations.............................................. 16.0 17.8 17.8 17.7 13.8 16.8 17.6 Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations............... .4 .2 .3 .2 .5 .4 1.0 Construction and extraction occupations.................. 7.7 7.7 8.3 6.8 7.2 8.3 10.2 Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations........ 7.9 9.8 9.3 10.7 6.2 8.0 6.3 Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 17.8 16.7 16.9 16.6 17.2 19.9 16.9 Production occupations................................... 7.0 7.0 7.2 6.7 6.4 7.8 7.6 Transportation and material moving occupations........... 10.8 9.7 9.6 9.8 10.7 12.1 9.3 WOMEN Total, 18 years and over (thousands)................... 1,042 563 335 228 126 354 64,301 Percent................................................ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Management, professional, and related occupations.......... 50.0 49.2 52.1 45.0 52.2 50.5 40.9 Management, business, and financial operations occupations.............................................. 18.1 16.8 18.4 14.3 16.0 20.9 14.0 Professional and related occupations..................... 31.9 32.5 33.7 30.7 36.2 29.6 26.8 Service occupations........................................ 14.9 16.6 13.6 21.0 9.4 14.2 21.0 Sales and office occupations............................... 26.9 27.2 26.3 28.5 30.4 25.3 32.1 Sales and related occupations............................ 7.6 7.3 6.9 7.9 9.5 7.4 11.5 Office and administrative support occupations............ 19.3 19.8 19.4 20.6 20.9 17.9 20.6 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations.............................................. 1.9 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.3 2.6 .9 Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations............... - - - - - .1 .3 Construction and extraction occupations.................. .8 .8 1.2 .4 .5 .9 .3 Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations........ 1.0 .7 .5 1.0 .8 1.6 .3 Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 6.3 5.4 6.4 4.1 6.7 7.5 5.2 Production occupations................................... 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.1 3.4 2.9 3.3 Transportation and material moving occupations........... 3.8 3.4 4.3 2.0 3.3 4.6 1.9 NOTE: Veterans are men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam era, the Gulf War era, and all other service periods. Nonveterans are men and women who never served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Other service periods include the periods between World War II and the Korean War, between the Korean War and the Vietnam era, and between the Vietnam era and the Gulf War era. More detailed information appears in the Technical Note of this release. Dash represents or rounds to zero.
Table 4. Employed persons 18 years and over by industry, class of worker, sex, veteran status, and period of service, 2009 annual averages (Percent distribution) Gulf War era WW II, Korean War, Other Non- Industry and class of worker Veterans and Vietnam service veterans Total Gulf War Gulf War era periods era I era II TOTAL Total, 18 years and over (in thousands)..................... 11,119 3,817 2,361 1,455 4,029 3,273 127,108 Percent..................................................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Agriculture and related industries......................... 1.9 .7 .7 .8 3.1 1.7 1.4 Wage and salary workers.................................. .7 .5 .4 .5 .8 .8 .9 Self-employed workers.................................... 1.2 .3 .3 .3 2.2 .9 .5 Nonagricultural industries................................. 98.1 99.3 99.3 99.2 96.9 98.3 98.6 Wage and salary workers.................................. 90.9 95.8 95.2 96.7 86.0 91.0 92.1 Private industries..................................... 69.5 70.1 70.4 69.5 67.9 70.7 77.3 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction........ .8 1.0 1.2 .7 .6 .7 .5 Construction......................................... 6.3 6.4 6.6 6.0 6.0 6.8 5.3 Manufacturing........................................ 13.1 12.0 12.7 10.9 12.8 14.6 9.7 Wholesale trade...................................... 3.1 2.7 2.8 2.5 3.4 3.1 2.6 Retail trade......................................... 8.2 7.9 7.6 8.3 8.9 7.8 10.7 Transportation and utilities......................... 7.0 6.7 7.2 6.0 6.7 7.7 3.6 Information.......................................... 2.2 2.6 2.7 2.5 1.6 2.5 2.1 Financial activities................................. 4.5 4.5 4.9 3.8 4.5 4.6 6.4 Professional and business services................... 9.1 10.3 9.4 11.8 8.8 8.0 9.1 Education and health services........................ 8.0 8.5 8.5 8.4 7.4 8.1 14.8 Leisure and hospitality.............................. 4.0 4.8 4.5 5.4 3.3 3.9 8.3 Other services....................................... 3.2 2.7 2.3 3.3 3.8 2.9 4.3 Government............................................. 21.4 25.7 24.8 27.2 18.2 20.4 14.8 Federal.............................................. 8.5 11.9 10.2 14.7 5.9 7.6 2.1 State................................................ 4.4 4.7 5.1 4.1 4.3 4.2 4.6 Local................................................ 8.5 9.0 9.5 8.3 8.0 8.5 8.1 Self-employed workers.................................... 7.2 3.4 4.1 2.4 10.9 7.2 6.4 Unpaid family workers.................................... - - - - - - - MEN Total, 18 years and over (in thousands)..................... 10,076 3,254 2,026 1,228 3,903 2,919 62,807 Percent..................................................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Agriculture and related industries......................... 2.0 .8 .7 .9 3.1 1.9 2.2 Wage and salary workers.................................. .7 .5 .4 .5 .8 .9 1.4 Self-employed workers.................................... 1.3 .3 .3 .4 2.3 1.0 .8 Nonagricultural industries................................. 98.0 99.2 99.3 99.1 96.9 98.1 97.8 Wage and salary workers.................................. 90.4 95.6 95.0 96.5 85.9 90.7 90.3 Private industries..................................... 70.0 70.9 71.1 70.7 68.0 71.8 79.1 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction........ .8 1.1 1.3 .8 .6 .7 .8 Construction......................................... 6.9 7.3 7.5 6.8 6.1 7.5 9.6 Manufacturing........................................ 13.8 13.3 14.1 11.9 13.0 15.3 13.4 Wholesale trade...................................... 3.2 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.3 3.5 Retail trade......................................... 8.2 7.7 7.4 8.2 8.9 7.9 10.5 Transportation and utilities......................... 7.5 7.5 7.9 6.9 6.8 8.4 5.6 Information.......................................... 2.4 2.8 2.9 2.7 1.7 2.8 2.4 Financial activities................................. 4.4 4.3 4.6 3.6 4.5 4.3 5.5 Professional and business services................... 9.2 10.5 9.7 11.9 9.0 8.2 10.1 Education and health services........................ 6.5 6.1 6.1 6.0 6.8 6.6 6.2 Leisure and hospitality.............................. 3.9 4.7 4.3 5.3 3.3 3.9 7.8 Other services....................................... 3.2 2.8 2.3 3.6 3.8 2.8 3.9 Government............................................. 20.4 24.6 23.9 25.8 18.0 18.9 11.2 Federal.............................................. 7.9 11.2 9.6 13.8 5.9 6.9 2.0 State................................................ 4.3 4.6 4.9 4.0 4.2 4.0 3.4 Local................................................ 8.3 8.9 9.3 8.1 7.9 8.1 5.8 Self-employed workers.................................... 7.6 3.6 4.3 2.6 11.0 7.4 7.5 Unpaid family workers.................................... - - - - - - - WOMEN Total, 18 years and over (in thousands)..................... 1,042 563 335 228 126 354 64,301 Percent..................................................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Agriculture and related industries......................... .7 .4 .3 .6 2.4 .6 .7 Wage and salary workers.................................. .3 .4 .3 .6 .8 - .4 Self-employed workers.................................... .4 - - - 1.6 .5 .3 Nonagricultural industries................................. 99.3 99.6 99.7 99.4 97.6 99.4 99.3 Wage and salary workers.................................. 95.1 97.1 96.7 97.8 89.5 93.8 93.9 Private industries..................................... 63.9 65.3 66.6 63.3 64.9 61.5 75.5 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction........ .5 .6 1.0 .1 - .6 .1 Construction......................................... 1.2 1.3 1.0 1.7 .7 1.2 1.2 Manufacturing........................................ 6.4 4.7 4.2 5.5 8.5 8.3 6.0 Wholesale trade...................................... 1.6 1.4 2.1 .4 1.9 1.7 1.6 Retail trade......................................... 8.0 8.6 8.7 8.6 8.5 6.7 11.0 Transportation and utilities......................... 2.4 2.2 2.8 1.3 5.2 1.9 1.7 Information.......................................... 1.0 1.6 1.6 1.7 - .5 1.8 Financial activities................................. 5.8 5.6 6.4 4.4 3.6 6.9 7.4 Professional and business services................... 7.8 9.0 7.8 10.9 5.1 6.7 8.0 Education and health services........................ 21.9 22.2 23.0 21.0 25.2 20.1 23.3 Leisure and hospitality.............................. 4.7 5.8 5.7 5.8 4.1 3.1 8.7 Other services....................................... 2.7 2.2 2.3 2.0 2.3 3.8 4.6 Government............................................. 31.2 31.9 30.1 34.6 24.6 32.3 18.4 Federal.............................................. 14.4 16.3 13.9 19.9 6.6 14.1 2.3 State................................................ 6.0 5.7 6.0 5.2 7.2 6.1 5.7 Local................................................ 10.8 9.9 10.2 9.5 10.8 12.2 10.4 Self-employed workers.................................... 4.2 2.4 3.0 1.6 8.1 5.6 5.3 Unpaid family workers.................................... - - - - - - .1 NOTE: Veterans are men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam era, the Gulf War era, and all other service periods. Nonveterans are men and women who never served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Other service periods include the periods between World War II and the Korean War, between the Korean War and the Vietnam era, and between the Vietnam era and the Gulf War era. More detailed information appears in the Technical Note of this release. Effective with January 2009 data, industries reflect the introduction of the 2007 Census industry classification system is derived from the 2007 North American Classification System. The self employed refer to the unincorporated self employed. The incorporated self employed are considered wage and salary workers. Dash represents or rounds to zero.
Table 5. Employment status of veterans 18 years and over by presence of service-connected disability, reported disability rating, period of service, and sex, August 2009, not seasonally adjusted (Numbers in thousands) Civilian labor force Presence of disability, reported disability Civilian Employed Unemployed Not in rating, noninsti- labor period of service, and sex tutional Percent force population Total of Percent Percent population Total of Total of population labor force TOTAL VETERANS Total........................................... 22,137 12,063 54.5 11,130 50.3 933 7.7 10,074 With service-connected disability................. 2,824 1,397 49.5 1,283 45.4 114 8.2 1,427 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 1,163 682 58.6 638 54.8 45 6.5 481 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 685 416 60.6 377 54.9 39 9.4 270 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 747 198 26.5 180 24.1 18 8.9 549 Disability rating not reported.................. 228 101 44.4 88 38.7 13 13.0 127 Without service-connected disability.............. 16,215 8,749 54.0 8,020 49.5 729 8.3 7,465 Presence of disability not reported............... 3,098 1,916 61.9 1,827 59.0 89 4.7 1,182 Gulf War era, total Total........................................... 4,974 4,327 87.0 3,948 79.4 379 8.8 647 With service-connected disability................. 972 767 78.9 687 70.7 80 10.4 205 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 429 365 85.1 332 77.3 33 9.1 64 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 299 255 85.4 226 75.7 29 11.4 44 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 187 115 61.4 105 55.8 10 9.1 72 Disability rating not reported.................. 56 32 (1) 25 (1) 7 (1) 25 Without service-connected disability.............. 3,147 2,856 90.7 2,578 81.9 277 9.7 292 Presence of disability not reported............... 855 704 82.4 682 79.8 22 3.1 150 Gulf War era I Total........................................... 3,027 2,683 88.6 2,490 82.2 193 7.2 344 With service-connected disability................. 559 434 77.8 394 70.5 41 9.3 124 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 285 237 83.2 219 77.0 18 7.4 48 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 145 125 86.3 109 74.9 16 13.1 20 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 100 52 52.3 48 48.6 4 (1) 48 Disability rating not reported.................. 29 20 (1) 18 (1) 3 (1) 9 Without service-connected disability.............. 2,003 1,858 92.8 1,708 85.3 150 8.1 145 Presence of disability not reported............... 465 390 83.9 388 83.3 3 .6 75 Gulf War era II Total........................................... 1,947 1,644 84.5 1,459 74.9 185 11.3 302 With service-connected disability................. 413 333 80.5 293 71.0 39 11.8 80 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 144 128 88.7 112 77.9 16 12.2 16 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 154 131 84.6 118 76.3 13 9.8 24 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 88 63 71.7 56 64.1 7 (1) 25 Disability rating not reported.................. 27 11 (1) 7 (1) 4 (1) 16 Without service-connected disability.............. 1,144 997 87.2 871 76.1 127 12.7 147 Presence of disability not reported............... 389 314 80.7 295 75.7 19 6.2 75 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era Total........................................... 11,338 4,239 37.4 3,930 34.7 309 7.3 7,099 With service-connected disability................. 1,421 409 28.8 388 27.3 21 5.1 1,012 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 544 209 38.5 201 37.0 8 3.8 335 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 276 90 32.6 85 30.8 5 5.6 186 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 476 64 13.4 59 12.4 4 (1) 412 Disability rating not reported.................. 125 46 36.6 42 34.0 3 (1) 79 Without service-connected disability.............. 8,509 3,152 37.0 2,905 34.1 248 7.9 5,357 Presence of disability not reported............... 1,408 678 48.1 637 45.2 41 6.0 730 Other service periods Total........................................... 5,825 3,497 60.0 3,252 55.8 245 7.0 2,328 With service-connected disability................. 432 221 51.3 208 48.1 14 6.2 210 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 191 108 56.7 105 54.9 3 3.1 83 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 110 70 63.6 65 59.3 5 (1) 40 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 84 19 23.1 17 19.8 3 (1) 65 Disability rating not reported.................. 47 24 (1) 21 (1) 3 (1) 23 Without service-connected disability.............. 4,558 2,741 60.1 2,537 55.7 204 7.5 1,817 Presence of disability not reported............... 835 534 63.9 508 60.8 26 5.0 301 MEN VETERANS Total........................................... 20,378 10,916 53.6 10,065 49.4 851 7.8 9,462 With service-connected disability................. 2,568 1,234 48.1 1,133 44.1 101 8.2 1,334 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 1,075 621 57.8 583 54.2 38 6.2 454 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 613 363 59.3 324 53.0 39 10.7 249 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 680 161 23.7 147 21.6 15 9.1 519 Disability rating not reported.................. 200 88 44.1 79 39.5 9 10.2 112 Without service-connected disability.............. 14,996 7,946 53.0 7,285 48.6 661 8.3 7,050 Presence of disability not reported............... 2,814 1,736 61.7 1,647 58.5 89 5.1 1,078 Gulf War era, total Total........................................... 4,127 3,651 88.5 3,332 80.7 319 8.7 476 With service-connected disability................. 806 639 79.3 572 71.0 67 10.5 167 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 375 314 83.9 287 76.5 28 8.8 60 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 254 224 88.1 194 76.6 29 13.0 30 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 149 82 55.3 75 50.3 7 9.0 67 Disability rating not reported.................. 28 18 (1) 15 (1) 3 (1) 10 Without service-connected disability.............. 2,607 2,413 92.6 2,183 83.7 230 9.5 193 Presence of disability not reported............... 714 599 83.9 577 80.8 22 3.6 115 Gulf War era I Total........................................... 2,546 2,297 90.2 2,131 83.7 166 7.2 249 With service-connected disability................. 461 356 77.1 324 70.2 32 9.0 106 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 248 203 81.8 191 77.0 12 5.9 45 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 119 100 84.4 84 70.5 16 16.4 19 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 82 40 48.6 39 47.7 1 (1) 42 Disability rating not reported.................. 13 13 (1) 10 (1) 3 (1) - Without service-connected disability.............. 1,700 1,605 94.4 1,473 86.7 132 8.2 95 Presence of disability not reported............... 384 337 87.5 334 86.9 3 .7 48 Gulf War era II Total........................................... 1,581 1,354 85.7 1,201 76.0 153 11.3 227 With service-connected disability................. 344 283 82.2 248 72.0 35 12.4 61 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 126 111 88.1 96 75.7 16 14.0 15 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 135 124 91.3 111 81.9 13 10.3 12 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 68 43 (1) 36 (1) 7 (1) 25 Disability rating not reported.................. 15 5 (1) 5 (1) - - 10 Without service-connected disability.............. 907 809 89.2 710 78.3 99 12.2 98 Presence of disability not reported............... 330 262 79.6 243 73.7 19 7.4 67 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era Total........................................... 10,952 4,115 37.6 3,817 34.9 298 7.2 6,837 With service-connected disability................. 1,383 399 28.8 378 27.3 21 5.2 985 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 524 206 39.3 198 37.8 8 3.9 318 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 264 83 31.4 78 29.5 5 6.1 181 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 470 64 13.6 59 12.6 4 (1) 406 Disability rating not reported.................. 125 46 36.6 42 34.0 3 (1) 79 Without service-connected disability.............. 8,222 3,056 37.2 2,820 34.3 236 7.7 5,167 Presence of disability not reported............... 1,346 661 49.1 620 46.1 41 6.2 685 Other service periods Total........................................... 5,300 3,150 59.4 2,916 55.0 235 7.4 2,149 With service-connected disability................. 379 197 52.0 184 48.5 13 6.7 182 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 177 101 57.3 98 55.7 3 2.7 75 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 94 57 60.3 52 55.3 5 (1) 37 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 61 15 (1) 12 (1) 3 (1) 46 Disability rating not reported.................. 47 24 (1) 21 (1) 3 (1) 23 Without service-connected disability.............. 4,167 2,477 59.4 2,282 54.8 195 7.9 1,690 Presence of disability not reported............... 754 476 63.1 450 59.6 26 5.6 278 WOMEN VETERANS Total........................................... 1,759 1,147 65.2 1,065 60.5 82 7.1 612 With service-connected disability................. 256 163 63.6 149 58.3 13 8.2 93 Less than 30 percent disability rating.......... 88 61 69.0 54 61.9 6 (1) 27 30 to 50 percent disability rating.............. 73 52 (1) 52 (1) - - 21 60 percent or higher disability rating.......... 67 37 (1) 34 (1) 3 (1) 30 Disability rating not reported.................. 28 13 (1) 9 (1) 4 (1) 15 Without service-connected disability.............. 1,219 803 65.9 735 60.3 68 8.5 416 Presence of disability not reported............... 284 180 63.5 180 63.5 - - 103 Gulf War era, total Total........................................... 847 676 79.8 616 72.7 60 8.9 171 With service-connected disability................. 166 128 77.3 115 69.6 13 10.0 38 Without service-connected disability.............. 540 442 81.8 395 73.1 47 10.6 98 Presence of disability not reported............... 140 105 75.0 105 75.0 - - 35 Gulf War era I Total........................................... 481 386 80.2 358 74.5 27 7.1 95 With service-connected disability................. 97 79 81.1 70 72.2 9 11.0 18 Without service-connected disability.............. 303 253 83.6 235 77.4 19 7.4 50 Presence of disability not reported............... 81 54 66.4 54 66.4 - - 27 Gulf War era II Total........................................... 366 290 79.3 257 70.4 33 11.2 76 With service-connected disability................. 69 50 (1) 45 (1) 4 (1) 19 Without service-connected disability.............. 237 189 79.6 161 67.7 28 15.0 48 Presence of disability not reported............... 60 52 (1) 52 (1) - - 8 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era Total........................................... 387 124 32.1 113 29.1 12 9.3 263 With service-connected disability................. 38 10 (1) 10 (1) - - 28 Without service-connected disability.............. 287 97 33.7 85 29.7 12 11.9 190 Presence of disability not reported............... 62 17 (1) 17 (1) - - 45 Other service periods Total........................................... 525 347 66.0 337 64.1 10 2.9 179 With service-connected disability................. 53 24 (1) 24 (1) 1 (1) 28 Without service-connected disability.............. 391 264 67.5 255 65.1 10 3.6 127 Presence of disability not reported............... 81 58 71.3 58 71.3 - - 23 1 Rates not shown where the base is less than 75,000. Small estimated levels are based on a small number of survey responses and, thus, are subject to relatively large standard errors. NOTE: Veterans are men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam era, the Gulf War era, and all other service periods. Nonveterans are men and women who never served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Other service periods include the periods between World War II and the Korean War, between the Korean War and the Vietnam era, and between the Vietnam era and the Gulf War era. A service-connected disability is a health condition or impairment caused or made worse by military service. The associated disability rating, which can range from 0 to 100 percent, is determined from a rating schedule published in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, "Title 38." More detailed information appears in the Technical Note of this release. Dash represents or rounds to zero.
Table 6. Employed persons 18 years and over by veteran status, presence of service-connected disability, period of service, and class of worker, August 2009, not seasonally adjusted Percent distribution by class of worker Nonagricultural industries Total Veteran status, presence of disability, and employed Wage and salary workers period of service (thou- Agricul- sands) Total ture and Self- related Government employed industries Total and unpaid Private family sector State workers Total Federal and local Veterans, total (1).......................... 11,130 100.0 1.9 98.1 68.5 22.3 9.0 13.3 7.3 With service-connected disability.......... 1,283 100.0 .8 99.2 61.1 32.3 19.9 12.4 5.8 Without service-connected disability....... 8,020 100.0 2.3 97.7 68.9 21.4 7.6 13.8 7.5 Gulf War era, total (1).................... 3,948 100.0 .9 99.1 68.4 27.2 12.5 14.7 3.6 With service-connected disability........ 687 100.0 .4 99.6 60.9 34.6 23.2 11.4 4.1 Without service-connected disability..... 2,578 100.0 .9 99.1 70.1 25.7 10.1 15.6 3.3 Gulf War era I (1)....................... 2,490 100.0 1.1 98.9 67.7 26.4 12.4 14.0 4.8 With service-connected disability...... 394 100.0 .1 99.9 58.0 36.7 28.1 8.7 5.2 Without service-connected disability... 1,708 100.0 1.1 98.9 69.5 24.9 9.2 15.7 4.5 Gulf War era II (1)...................... 1,459 100.0 .5 99.5 69.5 28.4 12.6 15.8 1.5 With service-connected disability...... 293 100.0 .8 99.2 64.7 31.8 16.7 15.1 2.7 Without service-connected disability... 871 100.0 .6 99.4 71.4 27.2 11.8 15.3 .9 WW II, Korean War, and Vietnam era (1)..... 3,930 100.0 2.7 97.3 68.8 17.6 6.1 11.5 10.9 With service-connected disability........ 388 100.0 1.4 98.6 63.5 25.5 11.2 14.4 9.6 Without service-connected disability..... 2,905 100.0 3.3 96.7 68.5 17.2 5.6 11.6 10.9 Other service periods (1).................. 3,252 100.0 2.2 97.8 68.4 22.0 8.3 13.7 7.4 With service-connected disability........ 208 100.0 1.1 98.9 57.4 37.5 25.4 12.1 4.0 Without service-connected disability..... 2,537 100.0 2.4 97.6 68.0 21.8 7.2 14.5 7.8 Nonveterans.................................. 126,995 100.0 1.5 98.5 77.5 14.3 2.1 12.2 6.6 1 Includes veterans who did not report presence of disability. NOTE: Veterans are men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam era, the Gulf War era, and all other service periods. Nonveterans are men and women who never served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Other service periods include the periods between World War II and the Korean War, between the Korean War and the Vietnam era, and between the Vietnam era and the Gulf War era. A service-connected disability is a health condition or impairment caused or made worse by military service. The associated disability rating, which can range from 0 to 100 percent, is determined from a rating schedule published in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, "Title 38." More detailed information appears in the Technical Note of this release.
Table 7. Employment status of Gulf War era veterans by Reserve or National Guard status, August 2009, not seasonally adjusted (Numbers in thousands) Civilian labor force Civilian Employed Unemployed Not in Period of service and noninsti- labor Reserve or National Guard status tutional Percent force population Total of Percent Percent population Total of Total of population labor force VETERANS Gulf War era, total Total............................................... 4,974 4,327 87.0 3,948 79.4 379 8.8 647 Current or past member of Reserve or National Guard... 1,628 1,428 87.7 1,304 80.1 124 8.7 199 Never a member of Reserve or National Guard .......... 2,487 2,198 88.4 1,966 79.1 232 10.5 289 Reserve or National Guard membership not reported..... 859 701 81.6 678 78.9 23 3.3 158 Gulf War era I Total............................................... 3,027 2,683 88.6 2,490 82.2 193 7.2 344 Current or past member of Reserve or National Guard... 960 852 88.7 789 82.2 63 7.4 108 Never a member of Reserve or National Guard .......... 1,588 1,435 90.3 1,308 82.4 127 8.8 153 Reserve or National Guard membership not reported..... 478 396 82.7 392 82.0 3 .9 83 Gulf War era II Total............................................... 1,947 1,644 84.5 1,459 74.9 185 11.3 302 Current or past member of Reserve or National Guard... 667 576 86.3 515 77.2 61 10.6 91 Never a member of Reserve or National Guard .......... 898 763 84.9 658 73.2 105 13.8 136 Reserve or National Guard membership not reported..... 381 305 80.2 286 75.1 19 6.3 75 NOTE: Veterans are men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam era, the Gulf War era, and all other service periods. The Gulf War era began in August 1990 and continues to the present day. More detailed information appears in the Technical Note of this release.