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Economic News Release

Green Goods and Services Summary

For release 10:00 a.m. (EDT) Tuesday, March 19, 2013       USDL-13-0476

Technical information:  (202) 691-5185 • •
Media contact:          (202) 691-5902 •


In 2011, the percentage of total employment associated with the
production of Green Goods and Services (GGS) increased by 0.1
percentage point to 2.6 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
reported today. The number of GGS jobs increased by 157,746 to
3,401,279. GGS employment accounted for 2.3 percent of private sector
jobs and 4.2 percent of public sector jobs in 2011. The private sector
had 2,515,200 GGS jobs, while the public sector had 886,080 GGS jobs.
Among private sector industries, construction had the largest
employment rate increase, from 7.0 to 8.9 percentage points, while
manufacturing had the most GGS jobs (507,168). (See table 1.) GGS jobs
are found in businesses that primarily produce goods and provide
services that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources.

|Green Goods and Services Industry Employment Data are Discontinued |
|                                                                   |
|On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-  |
|the-board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration)    |
|required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control      |
|Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics   | 
|(BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5      |
|percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013.  |
|In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs,  |
|the BLS will eliminate two programs and all "measuring green jobs" |
|products.  These products include:  data on employment by          |
|industry and occupation for businesses that produce green goods    |
|and services; data on the occupations and wages of jobs related    | 
|to green technologies and practices; and green career information  |  
|publications. This is the last scheduled release of new data on    |
|employment by industry for businesses that produce green goods     |
|and services.                                                      |

Among the states, California had the largest number of GGS jobs
(360,245), accounting for 2.5 percent of employment in the state. The
District of Columbia had the highest proportion of GGS employment, at
5.1 percent; Oregon had the second highest proportion, at 4.3 percent.
(See table 4.)

GGS employment data are compiled through the Green Goods and Services
survey under the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)
program. The QCEW includes nearly all businesses with employees
covered by state or federal unemployment insurance, which constitute
approximately 95.7 percent of civilian wage and salary employment in
the U.S. The GGS survey includes approximately 120,000 business and
government establishments within 325 industries identified as
potentially producing green goods or providing green services.
Establishments in the survey report whether they produced green goods
and services and the percentage of their revenue or employment
associated with that output. Those percentages are multiplied by their
employment to derive the number of GGS jobs for the establishment.
More information about the survey is provided in the Technical Note.

Private Industry

The private sector had 2,515,200 GGS jobs in 2011, or 2.3 percent of
private sector employment. (See tables A and 1.) Manufacturing had the
largest number of GGS jobs (507,168) among all private industry
sectors. These GGS jobs accounted for 4.3 percent of manufacturing
employment. Examples of green goods and services produced by
manufacturing industries include iron and steel from recycled inputs,
air conditioning and refrigeration equipment meeting selected
standards, hybrid cars and parts, and pollution mitigation equipment.
(See table 3.)

Table A. GGS employment by private industry sector,
2010-11 annual averages
       |                         |            |            |   Change   |
NAICS  |     Industry            |  2010 GGS  |  2011 GGS  |   in GGS   |
       |                         | employment | employment | employment,| 
       |                         |            |            |   2010-11  |
10     |Total private,           |            |	           |            |
       | all industries......... |  2,342,562 |  2,515,200 |    172,638 |
11,21  |Natural resources        |  	      |     	   |            |
       |and mining.............. |     63,344 |     64,689 |      1,345 |
22     |Utilities............... |     69,031 |     71,129 |      2,098 |
23     |Construction............ |    385,777 |    487,709 |    101,932 |
31-33  |Manufacturing........... |    492,985 |    507,168 |     14,183 |
42,    |			 |  	      |  	   |            |
44-45  |Trade................... |    205,567 |    223,079 |     17,512 |
48-49  |Transportation 	         |  	      |  	   |            |
       |and warehousing......... |    242,137 |    238,755 |     -3,382 |
51     |Information............. |     33,321 |     29,412 |     -3,909 |
52,53  |Financial activities.... |        462 |        475 |         13 |
54     |Professional, scientific,|   	      |  	   |            |
       |and technical services.. |    355,386 |    381,981 |     26,595 |
55     |Management of companies  |  	      |  	   |            |
       |and enterprises......... |     62,630 |     69,310 |      6,680 |
56     |Administrative 	         |            |  	   |            |
       |and waste services...... |    330,650 |    335,417 |      4,767 |
61,62  |Education and 		 |  	      |  	   |            |
       |health services......... |     28,789 |     26,123 |     -2,666 |
71,72  |Leisure and hospitality. |     20,642 |     23,696 |      3,054 |
81     |Other services, except   |  	      |  	   |            |
       |public administration... |     51,841 |     56,257 |      4,416 |
  NOTE: Data may not add to total due to rounding.

Construction had 487,709 GGS jobs in 2011, comprising 8.9 percent of
the sector's employment. The sector had the largest increase in GGS
employment from 2010 to 2011, up 101,932, or 26.4 percent. Among the
GGS activities performed within the sector are the construction of
plants that produce energy from renewable sources and weatherizing and
retrofitting projects that reduce household energy consumption.

The trade sector had 223,079 GGS jobs in 2011, accounting for 1.1
percent of the industry's employment. This sector's increase of 17,512
GGS jobs, or 8.5 percent over the year, was the second largest
significant change in the private sector. Industries within the trade
sector that have GGS output include recyclable material merchant
wholesalers and used merchandise stores.

Leisure and hospitality services had 23,696 GGS jobs in 2011. GGS
employment in leisure and hospitality grew by 3,054, or 14.8 percent
over the year. Nature parks and botanical gardens are examples of GGS
services within leisure and hospitality services.

In the transportation and warehousing sector, the number of GGS jobs
decreased by 3,382 to 238,755, a decline of about 1.4 percent.
Commuter rail systems and charter bus services are examples of GGS
services within transportation and warehousing.


Utilities had 71,129 GGS jobs in 2011, or 12.9 percent of total
private utilities employment. The private utilities sector added 2,098
GGS jobs in 2011, a 3.0 percent increase. Among the industries
involved in private sector electric power generation, nuclear electric
power generation had the highest GGS employment, with 44,054 jobs in
2011. Hydroelectric power generation had the second largest GGS
employment, with 3,780 GGS jobs. Wind electric power generation was
third with 2,724 GGS jobs, followed by biomass electric power
generation (1,166), geothermal electric power generation (1,017), and
solar electric power generation (522). Other electric power generation
had 525 GGS jobs in 2011. (See table 2 for public sector utilities
data and table 3 for private sector utilities data.)


The public sector had 886,080 GGS jobs in 2011, accounting for 4.2
percent of employment in the sector. Over the year, government GGS
employment decreased by 14,890 (-1.7 percent). Local government had
424,201 GGS jobs in 2011, the most in the public sector, representing
3.1 percent of local government employment. The transportation and
warehousing sector had the largest GGS employment in local government
with 209,063 jobs. (See table 2.)

In 2011, state government had 248,539 GGS jobs, or 5.5 percent of
state government employment. Public administration led GGS employment
in state government with 164,952 GGS jobs. The enforcement of
environmental regulations and the administration of environmental
programs are examples of GGS services within public administration.

The federal government had 213,340 GGS jobs representing 7.5 percent
of federal government employment in 2011. The public administration
sector had 139,884 GGS jobs, the most within federal government. The
professional, scientific, and technical services sector followed with
39,714 GGS jobs.

Geographic Detail

Ten states had over 100,000 GGS jobs in 2011: California (360,245),
New York (266,308), Texas (227,532), Pennsylvania (167,397), Ohio
(137,143), Illinois (136,447), Florida (117,433), North Carolina
(108,094), Virginia (107,773), and Washington (101,593). (See table

The District of Columbia had the highest percentage of GGS total
employment of any jurisdiction (5.1 percent) in 2011. Oregon had the
next highest proportion of its employment in GGS jobs (4.3 percent).
California experienced the largest increase in GGS employment, with an
additional 17,366 GGS jobs, or 5.1 percent added, over the year.
Maryland had the second largest increase in GGS employment, with
14,143 GGS jobs, or 18.3 percent added between 2010 and 2011.

GGS employment by percentage of revenue or employment from green goods
and services

GGS employment is determined based on the percentage of revenue (or
percentage of employment, in the absence of revenue) associated with
the production of green goods and services. The GGS survey scope is
defined as 325 6-digit NAICS industries that potentially produce green
goods and services. Any establishment within that scope could fall
into one of three categories: no revenue or employment from green
goods or services, some revenue or employment from green goods or
services, or all revenue or employment from green goods and services.

Table B. Employment by frame, 2010-11 annual averages
                     |                   2010                 |
    Revenue or       |-----------------------------------------
    employment       | GGS in-scope |    GGS     |   Percent  |
     from GGS        |  employment* | employment |    of GGS  |
                     |              |            | employment |
0%                   |   17,696,984 |          0 |          0 |
between 0% and 100%  |    6,207,622 |  1,416,620 |       43.7 |
100%                 |    1,826,913 |  1,826,913 |       56.3 |
Total                |   25,731,519 |  3,243,533 |      100.0 |
                     |                      2011              |
    Revenue or       |-----------------------------------------
    employment       | GGS in-scope |    GGS     |   Percent  |
     from GGS        |  employment* | employment |    of GGS  |
                     |              |            | employment |
0%                   |   17,497,369 |          0 |          0 |
between 0% and 100%  |    6,637,244 |  1,478,029 |       43.5 |
100%                 |    1,923,251 |  1,923,251 |       56.5 |
Total                |   26,057,864 |  3,401,279 |      100.0 |
  *GGS in-scope employment is the total employment within
    industries that potentially produce green goods or
    provide green services, based on the Quarterly Census of
    Employment and Wages.
  NOTE: GGS Data for 2010 have been revised to incorporate
    methodological changes as explained in the Technical
    Note. Please also note data may not add to total due to

In 2011, the majority (56.5 percent) of GGS employment was found in
establishments that exclusively produced green goods and services;
these establishments had 1,923,251 GGS jobs. Establishments that
produced a mix of green and non-green goods and services had 1,478,029
GGS jobs in the same time period. Establishments that produced no
green goods or services (i.e., no revenue or employment was associated
with green goods and services in those establishments) accounted for
67.1 percent of employment within the GGS scope. (See table B.)

For More Information

The tables and charts included in this release contain data for the
nation and for the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Data for
2011 green employment levels and percents for all states are provided
in tables 4, 5, and 6 of this release. For additional information
about the Green Goods and Services data, please read the Technical
Note. Further information about the GGS data may be obtained by
calling (202) 691-5185 or by accessing the GGS web page at

|        Revisions to the Green Goods and Services Data           |
|                                                                 |      
|Effective with this release, the Bureau of Labor Statistics made |
|improvements to the Green Goods and Services (GGS) estimation    |
|procedures. The estimates for 2010 have been revised to include  |
|these improvements. In addition, the 2010 GGS data have been     |
|revised to reflect the 2012 version of the North American        |
|Industry Classification System (NAICS). These revisions enable   |
|comparisons between GGS series from 2010 to those for 2011. For  |
|more information, please see the Technical Note and              |
|                 |

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Last Modified Date: March 19, 2013