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With the release of January 2025 data in March 2025, the Current Employment Statistics (CES) metropolitan statistical area (MSA) estimates will be updated to reflect the delineations based on the 2020 Census, available at https://www.bls.gov/bls/omb-bulletin-23-01-revised-delineations-of-metropolitan-statistical-areas.pdf. As a result of this update, new MSAs will be added to publication, some existing MSAs will undergo name and/or compositional changes, and other existing areas will be dropped from publication. For the six New England states, New England City and Town Areas (NECTAs) will be discontinued, and CES will publish the areas and divisions made up of counties or equivalent entities. Details of these changes will be published in the annual CES State and Area benchmark article in March 2025.
More information about MSA definitions in the CES program, including current and previous definitions used, is available at https://www.bls.gov/sae/additional-resources/metropolitan-statistical-area-definitions.htm.