An official website of the United States government
The Current Employment Statistics (CES) survey, like other sample surveys, is subject to two types of error—sampling and nonsampling. The magnitude of sampling error, or variance, is directly related to the size of the sample and the percentage of universe coverage achieved by the sample. Measurements of error associated with sample estimates for Statewide industries are provided below in Table 1 and for total nonfarm at the area level in Table 2.
Estimates for states and areas are produced using two methods. The majority of state and area estimates are produced using direct sample based estimation. However, published area and industry combinations (domains) that do not have a large enough sample to support estimation using only sample responses have been estimated using a small area model.
Variance of the CES estimates. The sampling errors provided in this technical note are based on Generalized Variance Functions (GVFs).The Generalized Variance Function (GVF) connects the variance of an estimator to a set of variables the variance depends on, such as, the size of employment, the number of respondents, and the fraction of the population represented by the sample. Variances estimated directly from the sample may be unstable, especially in smaller domains. A model-based GVF is a way to stabilize direct estimates of variances.
The parameters of the model used for GVF are estimated by fitting the model to a set of direct replication-based variances obtained from the Repeatedly Grouped Balanced Half Samples (RGBHS) procedure. RGBHS is a modification of the Balanced Half Samples (BHS) technique used for the National estimates (see the Variance Estimation section in Chapter 2 of the Handbook of Methods). This modified technique involves the repeated calculation of BHS estimates R times. After each calculation, the sample units are randomly assigned to two groups in order to produce new BHS estimates. More information on the Generalized Variance Function can be found at https://www.bls.gov/osmr/research-papers/2013/pdf/st130050.pdf.
Under normal circumstances, where the average response rates are met and there are no reporting anomalies, the sampling errors represent a good indication of the magnitude of error in the estimates from sampling only. They do not represent components of error in the estimates that are due to reasons other than sampling; nonsampling error is captured in the benchmark revision.
The CES State and Area benchmark revision. To help control both sampling and nonsampling error, CES estimates are benchmarked annually to universe employment counts. These counts are derived primarily from employment data reported on unemployment insurance (UI) tax reports that nearly all employers are required to file with state employment security agencies. Benchmark levels replace the original sample-based estimates usually from April of the previous benchmark year to September of the current benchmark year for each month.
Once the new September level for the current benchmark level is made, the appropriate sample links are applied to the new level, and the estimates are recalculated from October forward. These sample links capture the over-the-month change of sample estimates, and are calculated by dividing employment reported by survey respondents for that month by employment reported by those same respondents for the previous month. The links used during the benchmark process may differ slightly from those used to derive original estimates, because they include data from respondents who reported too late for inclusion in the previously published estimates.
Appropriate uses of sampling variances in CES. Variance statistics are useful for comparison purposes, but they do have some limitations. Variances reflect the error component of the estimates that is due to surveying only a subset of the population, rather than conducting a complete count of the entire population. However, they do not reflect nonsampling errors, such as reporting errors, bias due to nonresponse, or the model error for series denoted as model-based. The overall performance of the all-employee estimates is still measured in terms of the benchmark revisions. Benchmark revisions are discussed in the last section of this technical note. For other data types published by the CES program, average hourly earnings and average weekly hours, variances are the best measure of accuracy. The variances of the over-the-month change estimates are very useful in determining when changes are significant at some level of confidence.
Illustration of the use of standard error tables. Tables 1 and 2 provide a reference for standard errors of CES State and area employment estimates. The standard errors of differences between estimates in 2 non-overlapping industries are calculated as
The errors are presented as standard errors.
Table 1 provides a reference for the standard errors of 1-, 3-, and 12-month changes in employment for NAICS supersectors by state. The errors are presented as standard errors of the changes.
Table 2 provides a reference for standard errors of CES area employment estimates for the total nonfarm industry. For all states and areas, the total nonfarm series is not estimated directly but is rather a sum of multiple detailed industries. The stratification of these industries varies across areas depending on the size and sample composition of each area. The column marked “Sample Based %” is an approximation of the composition of the total private employment that was estimated with sample rather than a modeled component in the previous year. Total private employment is used in the sample based percent calculation instead of total nonfarm due to sampling differences in all government series.
Suppose that the over-the-month change in manufacturing employment from January to February in a given state is 1,500. The table indicates that the standard error for a 1-month change in employment for manufacturing is 1,200. The interval estimate of the over-the-month change in employment that will include the true over-the-month change with 90-percent confidence is calculated:
1,500 +/- 1.645(1,200) = 1,500 +/- 1,974 = [-474, 3,474]
The true value of the over-the-month change is in the interval -474 to 3,474. Because this interval includes 0 (no change), the change of 1,500 shown is not significant at the 90-percent confidence level. Alternatively, the estimated change of 1,500 does not exceed 1,974 (1.645 x 1,200); therefore, one could conclude from these data that the change is not significant at the 90-percent confidence level.
State | Industry Title | Industry Code | Standard Error 1-Month Change | Standard Error 3-Month Change | Standard Error 12-Month Change |
Alabama |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 4802 | 8066 | 14607 |
Alabama |
Total Private | 05000000 | 4716 | 7917 | 14325 |
Alabama |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2058 | 3531 | 6843 |
Alabama |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 4243 | 7086 | 12584 |
Alabama |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 382 | 709 | 1545 |
Alabama |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1238 | 2110 | 4037 |
Alabama |
Construction | 20000000 | 1178 | 1987 | 3730 |
Alabama |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1644 | 2832 | 5526 |
Alabama |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1334 | 2291 | 4499 |
Alabama |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 961 | 1664 | 3208 |
Alabama |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1859 | 3188 | 5815 |
Alabama |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 751 | 1258 | 2437 |
Alabama |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1109 | 1767 | 3102 |
Alabama |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1289 | 2336 | 4273 |
Alabama |
Information | 50000000 | 422 | 739 | 1378 |
Alabama |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 753 | 1294 | 2657 |
Alabama |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1883 | 3216 | 5678 |
Alabama |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1058 | 1797 | 3357 |
Alabama |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 145 | 273 | 616 |
Alabama |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1551 | 2653 | 4538 |
Alabama |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1822 | 2984 | 5120 |
Alabama |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 1077 | 1843 | 2388 |
Alabama |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1469 | 2347 | 4529 |
Alabama |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1954 | 3303 | 6194 |
Alabama |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 788 | 1519 | 2873 |
Alabama |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1788 | 2933 | 5487 |
Alabama |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1766 | 2769 | 4332 |
Alaska |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 1116 | 1907 | 3540 |
Alaska |
Total Private | 05000000 | 1049 | 1792 | 3330 |
Alaska |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 462 | 814 | 1641 |
Alaska |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 941 | 1596 | 2897 |
Alaska |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 285 | 529 | 1151 |
Alaska |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 428 | 755 | 1533 |
Alaska |
Construction | 20000000 | 319 | 539 | 1012 |
Alaska |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 176 | 304 | 587 |
Alaska |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 54 | 92 | 181 |
Alaska |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 167 | 290 | 558 |
Alaska |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 410 | 707 | 1279 |
Alaska |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 81 | 136 | 264 |
Alaska |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 257 | 410 | 719 |
Alaska |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 309 | 560 | 1024 |
Alaska |
Information | 50000000 | 86 | 150 | 280 |
Alaska |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 102 | 175 | 359 |
Alaska |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 390 | 656 | 1150 |
Alaska |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 235 | 399 | 745 |
Alaska |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000[1] | 46 | 86 | 195 |
Alaska |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 244 | 418 | 715 |
Alaska |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 347 | 566 | 995 |
Alaska |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 185 | 316 | 410 |
Alaska |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 294 | 470 | 907 |
Alaska |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 610 | 1052 | 1976 |
Alaska |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 326 | 628 | 1188 |
Alaska |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 515 | 844 | 1579 |
Alaska |
Other Services | 80000000 | 236 | 370 | 578 |
Arizona |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 6681 | 11287 | 20316 |
Arizona |
Total Private | 05000000 | 6567 | 11093 | 19948 |
Arizona |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2607 | 4423 | 8405 |
Arizona |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 6028 | 10173 | 18091 |
Arizona |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 300 | 556 | 1211 |
Arizona |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 2303 | 3890 | 7329 |
Arizona |
Construction | 20000000 | 2283 | 3850 | 7228 |
Arizona |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1223 | 2106 | 4114 |
Arizona |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1040 | 1786 | 3507 |
Arizona |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 644 | 1116 | 2151 |
Arizona |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 2456 | 4147 | 7634 |
Arizona |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1399 | 2344 | 4542 |
Arizona |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1504 | 2396 | 4207 |
Arizona |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1347 | 2442 | 4467 |
Arizona |
Information | 50000000 | 1015 | 1779 | 3318 |
Arizona |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1302 | 2236 | 4593 |
Arizona |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 3347 | 5727 | 10043 |
Arizona |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1506 | 2558 | 4778 |
Arizona |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 401 | 752 | 1701 |
Arizona |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2962 | 5068 | 8668 |
Arizona |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 2693 | 4459 | 7241 |
Arizona |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 1901 | 3254 | 4217 |
Arizona |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1908 | 3049 | 5886 |
Arizona |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 2617 | 4458 | 8364 |
Arizona |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1187 | 2289 | 4329 |
Arizona |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2332 | 3825 | 7156 |
Arizona |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1506 | 2362 | 3696 |
Arkansas |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 3609 | 6073 | 11001 |
Arkansas |
Total Private | 05000000 | 3508 | 5899 | 10672 |
Arkansas |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1459 | 2493 | 4778 |
Arkansas |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 3190 | 5346 | 9542 |
Arkansas |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 116 | 215 | 468 |
Arkansas |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 989 | 1670 | 3145 |
Arkansas |
Construction | 20000000 | 982 | 1656 | 3110 |
Arkansas |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1073 | 1851 | 3597 |
Arkansas |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 714 | 1225 | 2406 |
Arkansas |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 801 | 1387 | 2674 |
Arkansas |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1332 | 2262 | 4177 |
Arkansas |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 780 | 1307 | 2533 |
Arkansas |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 746 | 1188 | 2086 |
Arkansas |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 780 | 1413 | 2584 |
Arkansas |
Information | 50000000 | 215 | 377 | 702 |
Arkansas |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 541 | 930 | 1909 |
Arkansas |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1397 | 2388 | 4182 |
Arkansas |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 657 | 1116 | 2085 |
Arkansas |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 113 | 211 | 477 |
Arkansas |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1228 | 2101 | 3594 |
Arkansas |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1296 | 2122 | 3645 |
Arkansas |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 765 | 1308 | 1696 |
Arkansas |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1046 | 1671 | 3226 |
Arkansas |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1579 | 2736 | 5199 |
Arkansas |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 484 | 934 | 1767 |
Arkansas |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1334 | 2188 | 4092 |
Arkansas |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1392 | 2183 | 3416 |
California |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 22287 | 38074 | 69320 |
California |
Total Private | 05000000 | 21711 | 37100 | 67490 |
California |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 7374 | 12563 | 23988 |
California |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 20420 | 34909 | 63083 |
California |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 445 | 826 | 1798 |
California |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 5568 | 9397 | 17667 |
California |
Construction | 20000000 | 5550 | 9361 | 17575 |
California |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 4835 | 8337 | 16227 |
California |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 3485 | 5983 | 11750 |
California |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 3352 | 5806 | 11192 |
California |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 9335 | 16234 | 29676 |
California |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 3480 | 5831 | 11300 |
California |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 4754 | 7570 | 13292 |
California |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 7241 | 13124 | 24006 |
California |
Information | 50000000 | 5397 | 9459 | 17640 |
California |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 3670 | 6305 | 12949 |
California |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 8989 | 15355 | 27212 |
California |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 5277 | 8965 | 16746 |
California |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 843 | 1580 | 3572 |
California |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 7228 | 12366 | 21150 |
California |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 9329 | 15295 | 26170 |
California |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 5582 | 9553 | 12382 |
California |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 7475 | 11945 | 23056 |
California |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 9747 | 17208 | 32368 |
California |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 6273 | 12098 | 22881 |
California |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 7460 | 12238 | 22894 |
California |
Other Services | 80000000 | 4940 | 7746 | 12118 |
Colorado |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 6963 | 11803 | 21465 |
Colorado |
Total Private | 05000000 | 6662 | 11292 | 20503 |
Colorado |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2382 | 4052 | 7725 |
Colorado |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 6222 | 10539 | 18992 |
Colorado |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 489 | 907 | 1977 |
Colorado |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 2156 | 3656 | 6937 |
Colorado |
Construction | 20000000 | 2100 | 3542 | 6649 |
Colorado |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1013 | 1747 | 3401 |
Colorado |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 710 | 1219 | 2395 |
Colorado |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 723 | 1252 | 2414 |
Colorado |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 2283 | 3928 | 7225 |
Colorado |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1142 | 1914 | 3710 |
Colorado |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1192 | 1899 | 3334 |
Colorado |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1577 | 2857 | 5227 |
Colorado |
Information | 50000000 | 1194 | 2092 | 3901 |
Colorado |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1235 | 2121 | 4356 |
Colorado |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 3460 | 5912 | 10519 |
Colorado |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 2113 | 3590 | 6706 |
Colorado |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 386 | 724 | 1636 |
Colorado |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2713 | 4641 | 7937 |
Colorado |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 2456 | 4017 | 6947 |
Colorado |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 1408 | 2409 | 3123 |
Colorado |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 2012 | 3214 | 6205 |
Colorado |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 2927 | 5090 | 9564 |
Colorado |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1666 | 3212 | 6075 |
Colorado |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2407 | 3949 | 7387 |
Colorado |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1994 | 3127 | 4892 |
Connecticut |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 4329 | 7334 | 13092 |
Connecticut |
Total Private | 05000000 | 4124 | 6984 | 12420 |
Connecticut |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1291 | 2200 | 4221 |
Connecticut |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 3917 | 6629 | 11681 |
Connecticut |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 17 | 32 | 69 |
Connecticut |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 889 | 1500 | 2817 |
Connecticut |
Construction | 20000000 | 889 | 1500 | 2816 |
Connecticut |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 935 | 1609 | 3144 |
Connecticut |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 801 | 1374 | 2699 |
Connecticut |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 483 | 837 | 1613 |
Connecticut |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1387 | 2344 | 4303 |
Connecticut |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 745 | 1249 | 2420 |
Connecticut |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 865 | 1377 | 2418 |
Connecticut |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 787 | 1427 | 2610 |
Connecticut |
Information | 50000000 | 496 | 870 | 1622 |
Connecticut |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 875 | 1503 | 3087 |
Connecticut |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1997 | 3414 | 6038 |
Connecticut |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1080 | 1835 | 3427 |
Connecticut |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 248 | 465 | 1050 |
Connecticut |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1661 | 2841 | 4859 |
Connecticut |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1949 | 3248 | 5068 |
Connecticut |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 1508 | 2580 | 3344 |
Connecticut |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1235 | 1973 | 3808 |
Connecticut |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1862 | 3224 | 6057 |
Connecticut |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1019 | 1964 | 3715 |
Connecticut |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1559 | 2557 | 4784 |
Connecticut |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1074 | 1684 | 2634 |
Delaware |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 1738 | 2941 | 5357 |
Delaware |
Total Private | 05000000 | 1730 | 2929 | 5334 |
Delaware |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 524 | 895 | 1713 |
Delaware |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 1649 | 2789 | 5051 |
Delaware |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 416 | 706 | 1343 |
Delaware |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 319 | 551 | 1064 |
Delaware |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 132 | 226 | 444 |
Delaware |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 290 | 502 | 967 |
Delaware |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 651 | 1128 | 2063 |
Delaware |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 255 | 428 | 829 |
Delaware |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 340 | 541 | 949 |
Delaware |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000[1] | 493 | 893 | 1634 |
Delaware |
Information | 50000000 | 73 | 129 | 240 |
Delaware |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 438 | 753 | 1546 |
Delaware |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 813 | 1365 | 2395 |
Delaware |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 414 | 704 | 1315 |
Delaware |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000[1] | 120 | 226 | 510 |
Delaware |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 535 | 915 | 1565 |
Delaware |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 554 | 912 | 1522 |
Delaware |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 362 | 620 | 804 |
Delaware |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 419 | 669 | 1292 |
Delaware |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 905 | 1568 | 2980 |
Delaware |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 426 | 822 | 1555 |
Delaware |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 693 | 1138 | 2128 |
Delaware |
Other Services | 80000000 | 559 | 876 | 1371 |
District of Columbia |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 2855 | 4806 | 8295 |
District of Columbia |
Total Private | 05000000 | 2747 | 4620 | 7925 |
District of Columbia |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 394 | 668 | 1272 |
District of Columbia |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 2718 | 4572 | 7823 |
District of Columbia |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000[1] | 393 | 667 | 1270 |
District of Columbia |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 22 | 37 | 71 |
District of Columbia |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 236 | 395 | 723 |
District of Columbia |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000[1] | 118 | 197 | 382 |
District of Columbia |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 157 | 249 | 438 |
District of Columbia |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000[1] | 130 | 235 | 430 |
District of Columbia |
Information | 50000000[1] | 464 | 814 | 1517 |
District of Columbia |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 320 | 550 | 1130 |
District of Columbia |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1731 | 2906 | 5100 |
District of Columbia |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 990 | 1682 | 3143 |
District of Columbia |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1217 | 2082 | 3560 |
District of Columbia |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1316 | 2218 | 3221 |
District of Columbia |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 1152 | 1971 | 2554 |
District of Columbia |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 636 | 1017 | 1963 |
District of Columbia |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1198 | 2077 | 3946 |
District of Columbia |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 440 | 849 | 1605 |
District of Columbia |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1042 | 1710 | 3199 |
District of Columbia |
Other Services | 80000000 | 924 | 1449 | 2266 |
Florida |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 16143 | 27518 | 49706 |
Florida |
Total Private | 05000000 | 15973 | 27231 | 49162 |
Florida |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 5236 | 8869 | 16778 |
Florida |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 15091 | 25746 | 46210 |
Florida |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 143 | 266 | 579 |
Florida |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 4717 | 7957 | 14941 |
Florida |
Construction | 20000000 | 4715 | 7953 | 14930 |
Florida |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 2273 | 3916 | 7634 |
Florida |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1770 | 3039 | 5968 |
Florida |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1426 | 2469 | 4760 |
Florida |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 6337 | 10964 | 20010 |
Florida |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 2344 | 3928 | 7611 |
Florida |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 3489 | 5556 | 9756 |
Florida |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 4743 | 8597 | 15725 |
Florida |
Information | 50000000 | 2123 | 3721 | 6939 |
Florida |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 3110 | 5344 | 10976 |
Florida |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 8115 | 13875 | 24341 |
Florida |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 3877 | 6587 | 12304 |
Florida |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 795 | 1490 | 3368 |
Florida |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 7084 | 12120 | 20730 |
Florida |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 6251 | 10263 | 17418 |
Florida |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 3856 | 6598 | 8552 |
Florida |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 4920 | 7861 | 15174 |
Florida |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 7173 | 12672 | 23835 |
Florida |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 4639 | 8946 | 16919 |
Florida |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 5471 | 8975 | 16789 |
Florida |
Other Services | 80000000 | 4125 | 6468 | 10119 |
Georgia |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 8812 | 14974 | 27112 |
Georgia |
Total Private | 05000000 | 8601 | 14617 | 26437 |
Georgia |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 3045 | 5192 | 9926 |
Georgia |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 8045 | 13664 | 24503 |
Georgia |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 132 | 246 | 535 |
Georgia |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 2193 | 3700 | 6951 |
Georgia |
Construction | 20000000 | 2189 | 3692 | 6930 |
Georgia |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 2112 | 3642 | 7086 |
Georgia |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1491 | 2559 | 5026 |
Georgia |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1496 | 2591 | 4995 |
Georgia |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 3768 | 6539 | 11959 |
Georgia |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1479 | 2479 | 4804 |
Georgia |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1952 | 3109 | 5458 |
Georgia |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 2864 | 5191 | 9495 |
Georgia |
Information | 50000000 | 1436 | 2516 | 4693 |
Georgia |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1665 | 2860 | 5875 |
Georgia |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 4258 | 7282 | 12854 |
Georgia |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 2218 | 3768 | 7038 |
Georgia |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 523 | 981 | 2217 |
Georgia |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 3597 | 6154 | 10525 |
Georgia |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 3166 | 5219 | 8678 |
Georgia |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 2089 | 3576 | 4635 |
Georgia |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 2379 | 3801 | 7336 |
Georgia |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 3555 | 6095 | 11441 |
Georgia |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1745 | 3366 | 6366 |
Georgia |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 3097 | 5081 | 9506 |
Georgia |
Other Services | 80000000 | 2211 | 3467 | 5424 |
Hawaii |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 2116 | 3542 | 6435 |
Hawaii |
Total Private | 05000000 | 2046 | 3422 | 6209 |
Hawaii |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 743 | 1264 | 2407 |
Hawaii |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 1906 | 3180 | 5724 |
Hawaii |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 714 | 1212 | 2306 |
Hawaii |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 207 | 357 | 690 |
Hawaii |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 66 | 113 | 222 |
Hawaii |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 196 | 339 | 653 |
Hawaii |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 593 | 1004 | 1822 |
Hawaii |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 228 | 383 | 741 |
Hawaii |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 405 | 645 | 1133 |
Hawaii |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 368 | 667 | 1220 |
Hawaii |
Information | 50000000 | 90 | 157 | 293 |
Hawaii |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 282 | 485 | 996 |
Hawaii |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 973 | 1633 | 2866 |
Hawaii |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000[1] | 443 | 753 | 1406 |
Hawaii |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000[1] | 102 | 191 | 432 |
Hawaii |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 893 | 1528 | 2613 |
Hawaii |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 853 | 1392 | 2433 |
Hawaii |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 466 | 798 | 1034 |
Hawaii |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 714 | 1141 | 2202 |
Hawaii |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1121 | 1895 | 3555 |
Hawaii |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 452 | 872 | 1650 |
Hawaii |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1026 | 1683 | 3149 |
Hawaii |
Other Services | 80000000[1] | 514 | 806 | 1261 |
Idaho |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 2652 | 4478 | 8227 |
Idaho |
Total Private | 05000000 | 2608 | 4403 | 8087 |
Idaho |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1157 | 1966 | 3742 |
Idaho |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 2337 | 3940 | 7169 |
Idaho |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 112 | 207 | 452 |
Idaho |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 965 | 1629 | 3067 |
Idaho |
Construction | 20000000 | 958 | 1616 | 3034 |
Idaho |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 639 | 1100 | 2144 |
Idaho |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 497 | 853 | 1675 |
Idaho |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 401 | 694 | 1338 |
Idaho |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 967 | 1640 | 3019 |
Idaho |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 535 | 896 | 1736 |
Idaho |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 570 | 907 | 1593 |
Idaho |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 570 | 1032 | 1888 |
Idaho |
Information | 50000000[1] | 206 | 362 | 674 |
Idaho |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 394 | 677 | 1390 |
Idaho |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1146 | 1923 | 3375 |
Idaho |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 594 | 1010 | 1886 |
Idaho |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000[1] | 96 | 179 | 405 |
Idaho |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 846 | 1447 | 2475 |
Idaho |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 951 | 1551 | 2725 |
Idaho |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 508 | 869 | 1127 |
Idaho |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 804 | 1285 | 2481 |
Idaho |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1316 | 2281 | 4335 |
Idaho |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 640 | 1235 | 2336 |
Idaho |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1021 | 1675 | 3134 |
Idaho |
Other Services | 80000000 | 616 | 966 | 1512 |
Illinois |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 10052 | 17218 | 31252 |
Illinois |
Total Private | 05000000 | 9858 | 16892 | 30637 |
Illinois |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 3555 | 6087 | 11715 |
Illinois |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 9195 | 15758 | 28309 |
Illinois |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 150 | 277 | 604 |
Illinois |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 2044 | 3449 | 6483 |
Illinois |
Construction | 20000000 | 2038 | 3438 | 6455 |
Illinois |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 2908 | 5015 | 9758 |
Illinois |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 2046 | 3513 | 6900 |
Illinois |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 2067 | 3579 | 6900 |
Illinois |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 4592 | 8022 | 14700 |
Illinois |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1794 | 3006 | 5825 |
Illinois |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 2118 | 3373 | 5923 |
Illinois |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 3658 | 6629 | 12127 |
Illinois |
Information | 50000000 | 1493 | 2616 | 4879 |
Illinois |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1997 | 3431 | 7047 |
Illinois |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 4121 | 7044 | 12498 |
Illinois |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 2359 | 4007 | 7485 |
Illinois |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 505 | 946 | 2139 |
Illinois |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 3341 | 5716 | 9777 |
Illinois |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 3582 | 5944 | 9507 |
Illinois |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 2625 | 4491 | 5821 |
Illinois |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 2437 | 3894 | 7516 |
Illinois |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 4513 | 7937 | 14925 |
Illinois |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 2823 | 5445 | 10297 |
Illinois |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 3521 | 5775 | 10804 |
Illinois |
Other Services | 80000000 | 2659 | 4169 | 6522 |
Indiana |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 6854 | 11625 | 21164 |
Indiana |
Total Private | 05000000 | 6739 | 11429 | 20797 |
Indiana |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 3105 | 5302 | 10195 |
Indiana |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 5981 | 10125 | 18126 |
Indiana |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 121 | 225 | 490 |
Indiana |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1999 | 3373 | 6337 |
Indiana |
Construction | 20000000 | 1995 | 3365 | 6318 |
Indiana |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 2376 | 4091 | 7986 |
Indiana |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1961 | 3367 | 6613 |
Indiana |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1341 | 2323 | 4477 |
Indiana |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 2714 | 4658 | 8570 |
Indiana |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1398 | 2343 | 4541 |
Indiana |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1447 | 2304 | 4045 |
Indiana |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1821 | 3301 | 6039 |
Indiana |
Information | 50000000 | 501 | 878 | 1638 |
Indiana |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1184 | 2034 | 4178 |
Indiana |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 3250 | 5556 | 9737 |
Indiana |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1535 | 2607 | 4871 |
Indiana |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 293 | 548 | 1240 |
Indiana |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2850 | 4876 | 8339 |
Indiana |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 2362 | 3888 | 6510 |
Indiana |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 1525 | 2609 | 3382 |
Indiana |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1804 | 2882 | 5563 |
Indiana |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 2649 | 4592 | 8725 |
Indiana |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 1458 | 2813 | 5320 |
Indiana |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2283 | 3746 | 7007 |
Indiana |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1897 | 2975 | 4654 |
Iowa |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 3883 | 6599 | 11951 |
Iowa |
Total Private | 05000000 | 3831 | 6511 | 11785 |
Iowa |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1736 | 2971 | 5698 |
Iowa |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 3415 | 5794 | 10315 |
Iowa |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 36 | 67 | 147 |
Iowa |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1086 | 1832 | 3440 |
Iowa |
Construction | 20000000 | 1085 | 1831 | 3437 |
Iowa |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1355 | 2338 | 4542 |
Iowa |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 881 | 1513 | 2971 |
Iowa |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1029 | 1783 | 3436 |
Iowa |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1506 | 2578 | 4721 |
Iowa |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 700 | 1174 | 2275 |
Iowa |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 875 | 1394 | 2447 |
Iowa |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1006 | 1824 | 3336 |
Iowa |
Information | 50000000 | 323 | 566 | 1056 |
Iowa |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 712 | 1223 | 2513 |
Iowa |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1345 | 2300 | 4094 |
Iowa |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 792 | 1346 | 2514 |
Iowa |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 182 | 341 | 771 |
Iowa |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1072 | 1834 | 3138 |
Iowa |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1532 | 2551 | 4003 |
Iowa |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 1172 | 2005 | 2599 |
Iowa |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 987 | 1578 | 3045 |
Iowa |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1865 | 3238 | 6083 |
Iowa |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1044 | 2013 | 3808 |
Iowa |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1546 | 2536 | 4744 |
Iowa |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1070 | 1678 | 2625 |
Kansas |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 3478 | 5924 | 10914 |
Kansas |
Total Private | 05000000 | 3418 | 5823 | 10726 |
Kansas |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1423 | 2434 | 4675 |
Kansas |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 3108 | 5290 | 9654 |
Kansas |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 164 | 305 | 664 |
Kansas |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 945 | 1599 | 3021 |
Kansas |
Construction | 20000000 | 931 | 1570 | 2947 |
Kansas |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1064 | 1835 | 3568 |
Kansas |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 717 | 1231 | 2417 |
Kansas |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 786 | 1361 | 2624 |
Kansas |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1536 | 2655 | 4868 |
Kansas |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 683 | 1145 | 2219 |
Kansas |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 804 | 1280 | 2247 |
Kansas |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1117 | 2025 | 3704 |
Kansas |
Information | 50000000 | 351 | 615 | 1147 |
Kansas |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 711 | 1222 | 2509 |
Kansas |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1442 | 2469 | 4394 |
Kansas |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 801 | 1361 | 2542 |
Kansas |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 237 | 444 | 1004 |
Kansas |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1176 | 2011 | 3440 |
Kansas |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1069 | 1750 | 3019 |
Kansas |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 619 | 1060 | 1373 |
Kansas |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 872 | 1393 | 2689 |
Kansas |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1626 | 2818 | 5354 |
Kansas |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 560 | 1080 | 2043 |
Kansas |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1359 | 2230 | 4172 |
Kansas |
Other Services | 80000000 | 894 | 1402 | 2193 |
Kentucky |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 4749 | 8017 | 14571 |
Kentucky |
Total Private | 05000000 | 4657 | 7859 | 14274 |
Kentucky |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1913 | 3270 | 6284 |
Kentucky |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 4246 | 7147 | 12817 |
Kentucky |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 150 | 279 | 607 |
Kentucky |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1235 | 2087 | 3929 |
Kentucky |
Construction | 20000000 | 1226 | 2068 | 3882 |
Kentucky |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1461 | 2517 | 4904 |
Kentucky |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1107 | 1900 | 3731 |
Kentucky |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 953 | 1651 | 3183 |
Kentucky |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1755 | 2982 | 5476 |
Kentucky |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 913 | 1530 | 2965 |
Kentucky |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1047 | 1667 | 2927 |
Kentucky |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1072 | 1942 | 3553 |
Kentucky |
Information | 50000000 | 359 | 629 | 1172 |
Kentucky |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 668 | 1148 | 2359 |
Kentucky |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 2213 | 3785 | 6629 |
Kentucky |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1011 | 1717 | 3207 |
Kentucky |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 226 | 423 | 957 |
Kentucky |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1956 | 3346 | 5722 |
Kentucky |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1712 | 2798 | 4869 |
Kentucky |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 954 | 1633 | 2116 |
Kentucky |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1422 | 2272 | 4385 |
Kentucky |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 2171 | 3718 | 6977 |
Kentucky |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1052 | 2028 | 3836 |
Kentucky |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1899 | 3116 | 5828 |
Kentucky |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1353 | 2122 | 3319 |
Louisiana |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 5038 | 8565 | 15571 |
Louisiana |
Total Private | 05000000 | 4913 | 8352 | 15171 |
Louisiana |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1919 | 3285 | 6326 |
Louisiana |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 4523 | 7679 | 13789 |
Louisiana |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 554 | 1027 | 2238 |
Louisiana |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1655 | 2823 | 5421 |
Louisiana |
Construction | 20000000 | 1559 | 2630 | 4938 |
Louisiana |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 973 | 1679 | 3260 |
Louisiana |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 611 | 1049 | 2060 |
Louisiana |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 757 | 1311 | 2527 |
Louisiana |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1844 | 3148 | 5774 |
Louisiana |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 907 | 1520 | 2946 |
Louisiana |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1076 | 1713 | 3008 |
Louisiana |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1192 | 2160 | 3951 |
Louisiana |
Information | 50000000 | 300 | 525 | 979 |
Louisiana |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1051 | 1805 | 3708 |
Louisiana |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 2109 | 3604 | 6335 |
Louisiana |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1074 | 1825 | 3409 |
Louisiana |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 179 | 336 | 761 |
Louisiana |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1806 | 3090 | 5285 |
Louisiana |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1823 | 3034 | 4776 |
Louisiana |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 1384 | 2369 | 3070 |
Louisiana |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1186 | 1895 | 3659 |
Louisiana |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 2513 | 4355 | 8274 |
Louisiana |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 1057 | 2038 | 3855 |
Louisiana |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2019 | 3313 | 6197 |
Louisiana |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1333 | 2090 | 3269 |
Maine |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 2052 | 3485 | 6277 |
Maine |
Total Private | 05000000 | 2009 | 3413 | 6140 |
Maine |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 775 | 1322 | 2528 |
Maine |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 1854 | 3147 | 5596 |
Maine |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 54 | 100 | 218 |
Maine |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 564 | 952 | 1790 |
Maine |
Construction | 20000000 | 561 | 947 | 1777 |
Maine |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 532 | 917 | 1785 |
Maine |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 378 | 649 | 1275 |
Maine |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 374 | 648 | 1249 |
Maine |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 637 | 1050 | 1894 |
Maine |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 260 | 436 | 845 |
Maine |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 515 | 820 | 1440 |
Maine |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 270 | 489 | 894 |
Maine |
Information | 50000000 | 148 | 259 | 484 |
Maine |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 309 | 530 | 1089 |
Maine |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 718 | 1232 | 2203 |
Maine |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 395 | 672 | 1255 |
Maine |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 142 | 267 | 604 |
Maine |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 583 | 998 | 1707 |
Maine |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 883 | 1481 | 2222 |
Maine |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 734 | 1256 | 1628 |
Maine |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 490 | 784 | 1512 |
Maine |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1186 | 2055 | 3904 |
Maine |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 518 | 999 | 1889 |
Maine |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 827 | 1355 | 2536 |
Maine |
Other Services | 80000000 | 460 | 721 | 1129 |
Maryland |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 7103 | 12022 | 21586 |
Maryland |
Total Private | 05000000 | 6382 | 10792 | 19235 |
Maryland |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2040 | 3458 | 6545 |
Maryland |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 6047 | 10223 | 18088 |
Maryland |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 25 | 46 | 100 |
Maryland |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1799 | 3034 | 5697 |
Maryland |
Construction | 20000000 | 1799 | 3034 | 5696 |
Maryland |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 961 | 1658 | 3222 |
Maryland |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 645 | 1107 | 2174 |
Maryland |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 712 | 1234 | 2378 |
Maryland |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 2336 | 4016 | 7371 |
Maryland |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1117 | 1872 | 3628 |
Maryland |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1270 | 2022 | 3550 |
Maryland |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1612 | 2922 | 5345 |
Maryland |
Information | 50000000 | 679 | 1190 | 2219 |
Maryland |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1108 | 1904 | 3910 |
Maryland |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 3506 | 5988 | 10553 |
Maryland |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1909 | 3243 | 6059 |
Maryland |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 257 | 482 | 1089 |
Maryland |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2929 | 5011 | 8571 |
Maryland |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 2547 | 4217 | 6844 |
Maryland |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 1800 | 3081 | 3994 |
Maryland |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1802 | 2879 | 5558 |
Maryland |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 2598 | 4486 | 8425 |
Maryland |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1383 | 2667 | 5045 |
Maryland |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2199 | 3607 | 6747 |
Maryland |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1974 | 3095 | 4842 |
Massachusetts |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 7351 | 12543 | 22310 |
Massachusetts |
Total Private | 05000000 | 7217 | 12316 | 21873 |
Massachusetts |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2461 | 4192 | 8017 |
Massachusetts |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 6785 | 11580 | 20351 |
Massachusetts |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 29 | 53 | 115 |
Massachusetts |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1784 | 3008 | 5649 |
Massachusetts |
Construction | 20000000 | 1784 | 3008 | 5648 |
Massachusetts |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1694 | 2919 | 5688 |
Massachusetts |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1281 | 2199 | 4319 |
Massachusetts |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1109 | 1920 | 3701 |
Massachusetts |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 2130 | 3605 | 6595 |
Massachusetts |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1041 | 1744 | 3379 |
Massachusetts |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1359 | 2164 | 3800 |
Massachusetts |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1267 | 2296 | 4200 |
Massachusetts |
Information | 50000000 | 1298 | 2275 | 4243 |
Massachusetts |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1527 | 2624 | 5390 |
Massachusetts |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 3294 | 5629 | 10060 |
Massachusetts |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 2106 | 3578 | 6684 |
Massachusetts |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 408 | 766 | 1731 |
Massachusetts |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2500 | 4277 | 7316 |
Massachusetts |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 3456 | 5802 | 8673 |
Massachusetts |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 2894 | 4953 | 6420 |
Massachusetts |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1890 | 3021 | 5831 |
Massachusetts |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 3454 | 6078 | 11430 |
Massachusetts |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 2172 | 4189 | 7923 |
Massachusetts |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2685 | 4404 | 8239 |
Massachusetts |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1659 | 2601 | 4069 |
Michigan |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 8192 | 13956 | 25479 |
Michigan |
Total Private | 05000000 | 8001 | 13632 | 24873 |
Michigan |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 3356 | 5739 | 11078 |
Michigan |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 7263 | 12366 | 22270 |
Michigan |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 125 | 232 | 505 |
Michigan |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1927 | 3251 | 6109 |
Michigan |
Construction | 20000000 | 1923 | 3243 | 6088 |
Michigan |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 2748 | 4729 | 9242 |
Michigan |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 2357 | 4046 | 7946 |
Michigan |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1413 | 2448 | 4719 |
Michigan |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 2975 | 5054 | 9219 |
Michigan |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1298 | 2176 | 4216 |
Michigan |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1905 | 3034 | 5327 |
Michigan |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1880 | 3407 | 6232 |
Michigan |
Information | 50000000 | 950 | 1665 | 3105 |
Michigan |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1464 | 2515 | 5166 |
Michigan |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 3411 | 5833 | 10314 |
Michigan |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1850 | 3143 | 5871 |
Michigan |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 408 | 765 | 1730 |
Michigan |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2837 | 4854 | 8302 |
Michigan |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 2989 | 4905 | 8349 |
Michigan |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 1824 | 3121 | 4045 |
Michigan |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 2368 | 3784 | 7304 |
Michigan |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 3857 | 6848 | 12886 |
Michigan |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 2583 | 4981 | 9420 |
Michigan |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2865 | 4700 | 8793 |
Michigan |
Other Services | 80000000 | 2324 | 3644 | 5700 |
Minnesota |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 6769 | 11534 | 20886 |
Minnesota |
Total Private | 05000000 | 6604 | 11256 | 20360 |
Minnesota |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2504 | 4271 | 8182 |
Minnesota |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 6111 | 10415 | 18644 |
Minnesota |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 95 | 176 | 382 |
Minnesota |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1751 | 2953 | 5547 |
Minnesota |
Construction | 20000000 | 1748 | 2948 | 5534 |
Minnesota |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1791 | 3085 | 6014 |
Minnesota |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1403 | 2408 | 4729 |
Minnesota |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1113 | 1928 | 3716 |
Minnesota |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 2317 | 3960 | 7262 |
Minnesota |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1132 | 1897 | 3676 |
Minnesota |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1341 | 2135 | 3749 |
Minnesota |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1513 | 2743 | 5017 |
Minnesota |
Information | 50000000 | 916 | 1605 | 2993 |
Minnesota |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1065 | 1830 | 3759 |
Minnesota |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 2802 | 4806 | 8630 |
Minnesota |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1573 | 2672 | 4991 |
Minnesota |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 613 | 1150 | 2599 |
Minnesota |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2236 | 3826 | 6543 |
Minnesota |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 2805 | 4634 | 7615 |
Minnesota |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 1917 | 3281 | 4253 |
Minnesota |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 2048 | 3273 | 6317 |
Minnesota |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 3230 | 5728 | 10776 |
Minnesota |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 2143 | 4133 | 7816 |
Minnesota |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2417 | 3966 | 7418 |
Minnesota |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1962 | 3077 | 4814 |
Mississippi |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 3147 | 5346 | 9792 |
Mississippi |
Total Private | 05000000 | 3018 | 5126 | 9383 |
Mississippi |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1205 | 2067 | 3994 |
Mississippi |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 2767 | 4691 | 8491 |
Mississippi |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 210 | 390 | 848 |
Mississippi |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 740 | 1260 | 2403 |
Mississippi |
Construction | 20000000 | 710 | 1198 | 2248 |
Mississippi |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 951 | 1639 | 3190 |
Mississippi |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 687 | 1179 | 2316 |
Mississippi |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 657 | 1138 | 2194 |
Mississippi |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1314 | 2262 | 4133 |
Mississippi |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 548 | 919 | 1781 |
Mississippi |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 750 | 1195 | 2097 |
Mississippi |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 930 | 1686 | 3084 |
Mississippi |
Information | 50000000[1] | 156 | 274 | 510 |
Mississippi |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 503 | 864 | 1775 |
Mississippi |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1237 | 2115 | 3709 |
Mississippi |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 596 | 1013 | 1892 |
Mississippi |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 106 | 199 | 450 |
Mississippi |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1079 | 1846 | 3158 |
Mississippi |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 970 | 1586 | 2749 |
Mississippi |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 551 | 943 | 1223 |
Mississippi |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 798 | 1275 | 2462 |
Mississippi |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1519 | 2633 | 5003 |
Mississippi |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 634 | 1223 | 2313 |
Mississippi |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1232 | 2022 | 3783 |
Mississippi |
Other Services | 80000000 | 935 | 1466 | 2293 |
Missouri |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 6560 | 11109 | 19993 |
Missouri |
Total Private | 05000000 | 6453 | 10927 | 19647 |
Missouri |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2337 | 3983 | 7596 |
Missouri |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 6015 | 10175 | 18119 |
Missouri |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 78 | 145 | 316 |
Missouri |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1755 | 2962 | 5561 |
Missouri |
Construction | 20000000 | 1753 | 2958 | 5552 |
Missouri |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1543 | 2663 | 5175 |
Missouri |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 998 | 1713 | 3365 |
Missouri |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1177 | 2039 | 3931 |
Missouri |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 2476 | 4225 | 7743 |
Missouri |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1199 | 2010 | 3895 |
Missouri |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1465 | 2334 | 4098 |
Missouri |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1596 | 2892 | 5290 |
Missouri |
Information | 50000000 | 760 | 1331 | 2483 |
Missouri |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1134 | 1948 | 4001 |
Missouri |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 3075 | 5262 | 9293 |
Missouri |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1580 | 2685 | 5015 |
Missouri |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 412 | 772 | 1745 |
Missouri |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2606 | 4459 | 7627 |
Missouri |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 2498 | 4126 | 6777 |
Missouri |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 1709 | 2924 | 3790 |
Missouri |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1822 | 2911 | 5618 |
Missouri |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 2885 | 5017 | 9426 |
Missouri |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1641 | 3164 | 5985 |
Missouri |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2373 | 3893 | 7282 |
Missouri |
Other Services | 80000000 | 2040 | 3199 | 5004 |
Montana |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 1857 | 3154 | 5718 |
Montana |
Total Private | 05000000 | 1756 | 2984 | 5395 |
Montana |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 635 | 1081 | 2064 |
Montana |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 1637 | 2781 | 4984 |
Montana |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 139 | 257 | 560 |
Montana |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 569 | 967 | 1836 |
Montana |
Construction | 20000000 | 552 | 932 | 1749 |
Montana |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 281 | 484 | 943 |
Montana |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 207 | 355 | 698 |
Montana |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 190 | 329 | 634 |
Montana |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 567 | 945 | 1724 |
Montana |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 286 | 479 | 928 |
Montana |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 407 | 648 | 1138 |
Montana |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 273 | 494 | 904 |
Montana |
Information | 50000000[1] | 94 | 166 | 309 |
Montana |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 263 | 452 | 929 |
Montana |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 671 | 1126 | 1976 |
Montana |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 408 | 692 | 1293 |
Montana |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 469 | 802 | 1372 |
Montana |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 663 | 1106 | 1729 |
Montana |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 512 | 877 | 1137 |
Montana |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 422 | 674 | 1302 |
Montana |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1093 | 1907 | 3583 |
Montana |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 639 | 1232 | 2331 |
Montana |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 887 | 1455 | 2721 |
Montana |
Other Services | 80000000 | 442 | 694 | 1085 |
Nebraska |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 2907 | 4932 | 8945 |
Nebraska |
Total Private | 05000000 | 2880 | 4885 | 8857 |
Nebraska |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1209 | 2060 | 3926 |
Nebraska |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 2613 | 4429 | 7940 |
Nebraska |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 25 | 46 | 100 |
Nebraska |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 899 | 1517 | 2847 |
Nebraska |
Construction | 20000000 | 899 | 1516 | 2845 |
Nebraska |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 808 | 1395 | 2704 |
Nebraska |
Durable Goods | 31000000[1] | 453 | 777 | 1526 |
Nebraska |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 669 | 1158 | 2232 |
Nebraska |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1181 | 2046 | 3748 |
Nebraska |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 490 | 820 | 1590 |
Nebraska |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 610 | 972 | 1707 |
Nebraska |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 885 | 1603 | 2933 |
Nebraska |
Information | 50000000[1] | 360 | 631 | 1177 |
Nebraska |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 511 | 877 | 1802 |
Nebraska |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1158 | 1982 | 3509 |
Nebraska |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 595 | 1010 | 1887 |
Nebraska |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 181 | 339 | 766 |
Nebraska |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 977 | 1671 | 2858 |
Nebraska |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1172 | 1931 | 3223 |
Nebraska |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 765 | 1309 | 1697 |
Nebraska |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 888 | 1419 | 2740 |
Nebraska |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1304 | 2251 | 4228 |
Nebraska |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 692 | 1335 | 2525 |
Nebraska |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1105 | 1812 | 3391 |
Nebraska |
Other Services | 80000000 | 793 | 1243 | 1945 |
Nevada |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 5535 | 9569 | 17407 |
Nevada |
Total Private | 05000000 | 5482 | 9481 | 17240 |
Nevada |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1798 | 3044 | 5752 |
Nevada |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 5178 | 8979 | 16252 |
Nevada |
Mining and Logging | 10000000 | 125 | 233 | 507 |
Nevada |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1672 | 2822 | 5302 |
Nevada |
Construction | 20000000 | 1667 | 2812 | 5278 |
Nevada |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 663 | 1142 | 2230 |
Nevada |
Durable Goods | 31000000[1] | 551 | 946 | 1858 |
Nevada |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 369 | 640 | 1234 |
Nevada |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1956 | 3447 | 6293 |
Nevada |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 540 | 905 | 1753 |
Nevada |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 860 | 1370 | 2406 |
Nevada |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1672 | 3031 | 5544 |
Nevada |
Information | 50000000[1] | 496 | 869 | 1620 |
Nevada |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 700 | 1203 | 2472 |
Nevada |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 3014 | 5157 | 8945 |
Nevada |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 981 | 1667 | 3114 |
Nevada |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 285 | 534 | 1208 |
Nevada |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2836 | 4851 | 8298 |
Nevada |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1580 | 2565 | 4604 |
Nevada |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 743 | 1272 | 1649 |
Nevada |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1394 | 2227 | 4299 |
Nevada |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 3050 | 5478 | 10314 |
Nevada |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 2196 | 4235 | 8010 |
Nevada |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2117 | 3474 | 6498 |
Nevada |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1168 | 1831 | 2864 |
New Hampshire |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 2304 | 3913 | 7038 |
New Hampshire |
Total Private | 05000000 | 2264 | 3844 | 6907 |
New Hampshire |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 794 | 1353 | 2594 |
New Hampshire |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 2120 | 3598 | 6401 |
New Hampshire |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 22 | 41 | 88 |
New Hampshire |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 564 | 952 | 1788 |
New Hampshire |
Construction | 20000000 | 564 | 951 | 1786 |
New Hampshire |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 559 | 961 | 1879 |
New Hampshire |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 475 | 815 | 1602 |
New Hampshire |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 294 | 510 | 982 |
New Hampshire |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 797 | 1318 | 2448 |
New Hampshire |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 560 | 939 | 1819 |
New Hampshire |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 514 | 819 | 1437 |
New Hampshire |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 238 | 430 | 787 |
New Hampshire |
Information | 50000000 | 247 | 432 | 806 |
New Hampshire |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 427 | 734 | 1508 |
New Hampshire |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1137 | 1942 | 3455 |
New Hampshire |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 709 | 1204 | 2249 |
New Hampshire |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 107 | 201 | 454 |
New Hampshire |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 883 | 1510 | 2583 |
New Hampshire |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 943 | 1585 | 2350 |
New Hampshire |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 800 | 1369 | 1775 |
New Hampshire |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 499 | 798 | 1540 |
New Hampshire |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1112 | 1928 | 3663 |
New Hampshire |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 665 | 1282 | 2425 |
New Hampshire |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 810 | 1330 | 2488 |
New Hampshire |
Other Services | 80000000 | 443 | 695 | 1087 |
New Jersey |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 8710 | 14890 | 26688 |
New Jersey |
Total Private | 05000000 | 8549 | 14618 | 26168 |
New Jersey |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2613 | 4466 | 8533 |
New Jersey |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 8140 | 13919 | 24738 |
New Jersey |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 28 | 52 | 114 |
New Jersey |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1767 | 2981 | 5597 |
New Jersey |
Construction | 20000000 | 1767 | 2981 | 5596 |
New Jersey |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1924 | 3325 | 6441 |
New Jersey |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 980 | 1683 | 3304 |
New Jersey |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1656 | 2868 | 5529 |
New Jersey |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 3843 | 6674 | 12264 |
New Jersey |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1764 | 2955 | 5727 |
New Jersey |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1821 | 2900 | 5091 |
New Jersey |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 2888 | 5234 | 9575 |
New Jersey |
Information | 50000000 | 1121 | 1964 | 3663 |
New Jersey |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1526 | 2621 | 5384 |
New Jersey |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 4139 | 7081 | 12573 |
New Jersey |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 2335 | 3967 | 7410 |
New Jersey |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 577 | 1081 | 2444 |
New Jersey |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 3369 | 5765 | 9859 |
New Jersey |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 3504 | 5835 | 9143 |
New Jersey |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 2688 | 4599 | 5961 |
New Jersey |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 2248 | 3591 | 6932 |
New Jersey |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 3610 | 6394 | 12028 |
New Jersey |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 2376 | 4582 | 8666 |
New Jersey |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2718 | 4459 | 8341 |
New Jersey |
Other Services | 80000000 | 2335 | 3661 | 5728 |
New Mexico |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 2637 | 4485 | 8131 |
New Mexico |
Total Private | 05000000 | 2569 | 4369 | 7913 |
New Mexico |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1063 | 1867 | 3764 |
New Mexico |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 2338 | 3950 | 6961 |
New Mexico |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 654 | 1213 | 2643 |
New Mexico |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1014 | 1784 | 3607 |
New Mexico |
Construction | 20000000 | 775 | 1308 | 2455 |
New Mexico |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 320 | 552 | 1073 |
New Mexico |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 225 | 385 | 757 |
New Mexico |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 228 | 395 | 761 |
New Mexico |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 783 | 1318 | 2391 |
New Mexico |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 310 | 520 | 1008 |
New Mexico |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 557 | 888 | 1559 |
New Mexico |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 454 | 823 | 1506 |
New Mexico |
Information | 50000000[1] | 188 | 330 | 615 |
New Mexico |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 418 | 719 | 1476 |
New Mexico |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1259 | 2114 | 3710 |
New Mexico |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1080 | 1807 | 2744 |
New Mexico |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 881 | 1507 | 1953 |
New Mexico |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 625 | 998 | 1927 |
New Mexico |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1245 | 2159 | 4101 |
New Mexico |
Other Services | 80000000 | 586 | 919 | 1438 |
New York |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 15054 | 25715 | 45256 |
New York |
Total Private | 05000000 | 14653 | 25036 | 43936 |
New York |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 3916 | 6662 | 12688 |
New York |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 14120 | 24134 | 42064 |
New York |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 116 | 215 | 468 |
New York |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 3084 | 5202 | 9769 |
New York |
Construction | 20000000 | 3082 | 5198 | 9758 |
New York |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 2413 | 4162 | 8096 |
New York |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1698 | 2915 | 5725 |
New York |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1715 | 2970 | 5725 |
New York |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 4901 | 8335 | 15158 |
New York |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1909 | 3199 | 6200 |
New York |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 3208 | 5109 | 8971 |
New York |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 3176 | 5756 | 10529 |
New York |
Information | 50000000 | 2983 | 5228 | 9748 |
New York |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 3517 | 6043 | 12411 |
New York |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 6406 | 10950 | 19263 |
New York |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 3246 | 5514 | 10301 |
New York |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 636 | 1193 | 2697 |
New York |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 5486 | 9385 | 16052 |
New York |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 7306 | 12292 | 18066 |
New York |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 6284 | 10754 | 13939 |
New York |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 3726 | 5954 | 11493 |
New York |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 6764 | 11995 | 22569 |
New York |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 4493 | 8665 | 16388 |
New York |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 5056 | 8295 | 15517 |
New York |
Other Services | 80000000 | 3731 | 5850 | 9153 |
North Carolina |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 9353 | 15844 | 28443 |
North Carolina |
Total Private | 05000000 | 9103 | 15419 | 27633 |
North Carolina |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 3528 | 6012 | 11481 |
North Carolina |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 8392 | 14198 | 25135 |
North Carolina |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 102 | 188 | 410 |
North Carolina |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 2609 | 4401 | 8265 |
North Carolina |
Construction | 20000000 | 2607 | 4397 | 8255 |
North Carolina |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 2374 | 4096 | 7969 |
North Carolina |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1687 | 2897 | 5689 |
North Carolina |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1671 | 2895 | 5580 |
North Carolina |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 3769 | 6446 | 11853 |
North Carolina |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1955 | 3275 | 6347 |
North Carolina |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 2098 | 3341 | 5866 |
North Carolina |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 2446 | 4434 | 8111 |
North Carolina |
Information | 50000000 | 1033 | 1811 | 3377 |
North Carolina |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1375 | 2362 | 4851 |
North Carolina |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 4883 | 8351 | 14641 |
North Carolina |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 2251 | 3825 | 7145 |
North Carolina |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 521 | 977 | 2209 |
North Carolina |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 4302 | 7359 | 12587 |
North Carolina |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 3125 | 5185 | 8321 |
North Carolina |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 2271 | 3887 | 5038 |
North Carolina |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 2147 | 3431 | 6623 |
North Carolina |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 3497 | 6027 | 11317 |
North Carolina |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1821 | 3511 | 6641 |
North Carolina |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2986 | 4899 | 9164 |
North Carolina |
Other Services | 80000000 | 2723 | 4270 | 6681 |
North Dakota |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 1551 | 2641 | 4945 |
North Dakota |
Total Private | 05000000 | 1502 | 2558 | 4793 |
North Dakota |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 729 | 1284 | 2605 |
North Dakota |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 1313 | 2212 | 4022 |
North Dakota |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 465 | 861 | 1876 |
North Dakota |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 671 | 1187 | 2423 |
North Dakota |
Construction | 20000000 | 484 | 817 | 1534 |
North Dakota |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 285 | 490 | 957 |
North Dakota |
Durable Goods | 31000000[1] | 229 | 394 | 774 |
North Dakota |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 169 | 292 | 563 |
North Dakota |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 557 | 947 | 1743 |
North Dakota |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 312 | 523 | 1013 |
North Dakota |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 322 | 513 | 900 |
North Dakota |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 331 | 600 | 1097 |
North Dakota |
Information | 50000000[1] | 78 | 136 | 254 |
North Dakota |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 257 | 441 | 907 |
North Dakota |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 529 | 888 | 1559 |
North Dakota |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 289 | 492 | 918 |
North Dakota |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000[1] | 57 | 107 | 242 |
North Dakota |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 433 | 741 | 1268 |
North Dakota |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 490 | 801 | 1379 |
North Dakota |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 287 | 490 | 636 |
North Dakota |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 397 | 634 | 1224 |
North Dakota |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 787 | 1363 | 2590 |
North Dakota |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 300 | 579 | 1095 |
North Dakota |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 599 | 983 | 1839 |
North Dakota |
Other Services | 80000000 | 449 | 704 | 1101 |
Ohio |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 10358 | 17628 | 32041 |
Ohio |
Total Private | 05000000 | 10162 | 17296 | 31416 |
Ohio |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 4159 | 7113 | 13698 |
Ohio |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 9272 | 15766 | 28272 |
Ohio |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 200 | 371 | 809 |
Ohio |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 2492 | 4205 | 7906 |
Ohio |
Construction | 20000000 | 2484 | 4189 | 7864 |
Ohio |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 3330 | 5737 | 11187 |
Ohio |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 2621 | 4500 | 8837 |
Ohio |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 2054 | 3558 | 6859 |
Ohio |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 4381 | 7581 | 13901 |
Ohio |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1942 | 3254 | 6306 |
Ohio |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 2253 | 3589 | 6301 |
Ohio |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 3217 | 5831 | 10666 |
Ohio |
Information | 50000000 | 954 | 1672 | 3119 |
Ohio |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1775 | 3050 | 6265 |
Ohio |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 4640 | 7951 | 14069 |
Ohio |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 2171 | 3687 | 6888 |
Ohio |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 837 | 1569 | 3546 |
Ohio |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 4014 | 6867 | 11744 |
Ohio |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 3856 | 6354 | 10575 |
Ohio |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 2539 | 4344 | 5631 |
Ohio |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 2902 | 4637 | 8951 |
Ohio |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 4388 | 7619 | 14313 |
Ohio |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 2462 | 4749 | 8981 |
Ohio |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 3632 | 5958 | 11145 |
Ohio |
Other Services | 80000000 | 2657 | 4166 | 6518 |
Oklahoma |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 4468 | 7569 | 13918 |
Oklahoma |
Total Private | 05000000 | 4300 | 7283 | 13384 |
Oklahoma |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1790 | 3120 | 6217 |
Oklahoma |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 3910 | 6580 | 11853 |
Oklahoma |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 915 | 1696 | 3694 |
Oklahoma |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1477 | 2590 | 5210 |
Oklahoma |
Construction | 20000000 | 1160 | 1957 | 3674 |
Oklahoma |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1010 | 1740 | 3392 |
Oklahoma |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 783 | 1344 | 2639 |
Oklahoma |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 638 | 1105 | 2131 |
Oklahoma |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1548 | 2615 | 4816 |
Oklahoma |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 889 | 1489 | 2886 |
Oklahoma |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 936 | 1491 | 2617 |
Oklahoma |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 854 | 1548 | 2832 |
Oklahoma |
Information | 50000000 | 287 | 502 | 937 |
Oklahoma |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 765 | 1314 | 2698 |
Oklahoma |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1986 | 3394 | 6012 |
Oklahoma |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1139 | 1935 | 3614 |
Oklahoma |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 212 | 397 | 898 |
Oklahoma |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1613 | 2760 | 4720 |
Oklahoma |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1449 | 2371 | 4091 |
Oklahoma |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 839 | 1435 | 1860 |
Oklahoma |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1182 | 1888 | 3644 |
Oklahoma |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1989 | 3447 | 6549 |
Oklahoma |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 1008 | 1945 | 3678 |
Oklahoma |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1647 | 2701 | 5052 |
Oklahoma |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1490 | 2337 | 3656 |
Oregon |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 4426 | 7501 | 13691 |
Oregon |
Total Private | 05000000 | 4330 | 7339 | 13387 |
Oregon |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 1769 | 3016 | 5774 |
Oregon |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 3952 | 6690 | 12077 |
Oregon |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 189 | 350 | 763 |
Oregon |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1321 | 2232 | 4208 |
Oregon |
Construction | 20000000 | 1307 | 2204 | 4138 |
Oregon |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1177 | 2028 | 3954 |
Oregon |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 915 | 1571 | 3085 |
Oregon |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 741 | 1283 | 2473 |
Oregon |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1577 | 2671 | 4875 |
Oregon |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 728 | 1219 | 2363 |
Oregon |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1025 | 1633 | 2867 |
Oregon |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 952 | 1726 | 3156 |
Oregon |
Information | 50000000 | 682 | 1195 | 2229 |
Oregon |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 804 | 1381 | 2837 |
Oregon |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1838 | 3145 | 5647 |
Oregon |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1142 | 1940 | 3624 |
Oregon |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 329 | 616 | 1393 |
Oregon |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1402 | 2398 | 4101 |
Oregon |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1603 | 2645 | 4368 |
Oregon |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 1081 | 1849 | 2397 |
Oregon |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1184 | 1891 | 3651 |
Oregon |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 2201 | 3792 | 7120 |
Oregon |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 1144 | 2207 | 4174 |
Oregon |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1880 | 3083 | 5768 |
Oregon |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1110 | 1741 | 2724 |
Pennsylvania |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 11940 | 20239 | 36091 |
Pennsylvania |
Total Private | 05000000 | 11799 | 19998 | 35629 |
Pennsylvania |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 3892 | 6657 | 12802 |
Pennsylvania |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 11138 | 18858 | 33250 |
Pennsylvania |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 438 | 813 | 1771 |
Pennsylvania |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 2543 | 4303 | 8126 |
Pennsylvania |
Construction | 20000000 | 2505 | 4225 | 7931 |
Pennsylvania |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 2947 | 5079 | 9893 |
Pennsylvania |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 2178 | 3739 | 7343 |
Pennsylvania |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1985 | 3438 | 6629 |
Pennsylvania |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 4514 | 7757 | 14272 |
Pennsylvania |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 2308 | 3868 | 7495 |
Pennsylvania |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 2372 | 3778 | 6633 |
Pennsylvania |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 3069 | 5562 | 10174 |
Pennsylvania |
Information | 50000000 | 1579 | 2768 | 5162 |
Pennsylvania |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1817 | 3122 | 6412 |
Pennsylvania |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 5425 | 9285 | 16366 |
Pennsylvania |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 2623 | 4457 | 8325 |
Pennsylvania |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 767 | 1437 | 3249 |
Pennsylvania |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 4686 | 8017 | 13711 |
Pennsylvania |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 6080 | 10048 | 16458 |
Pennsylvania |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 4193 | 7175 | 9300 |
Pennsylvania |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 4403 | 7035 | 13579 |
Pennsylvania |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 4673 | 8192 | 15402 |
Pennsylvania |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 2849 | 5495 | 10393 |
Pennsylvania |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 3704 | 6076 | 11367 |
Pennsylvania |
Other Services | 80000000 | 3108 | 4874 | 7625 |
Rhode Island |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 1953 | 3292 | 5928 |
Rhode Island |
Total Private | 05000000 | 1872 | 3154 | 5663 |
Rhode Island |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 581 | 988 | 1884 |
Rhode Island |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 1780 | 2995 | 5341 |
Rhode Island |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 4 | 7 | 15 |
Rhode Island |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 447 | 754 | 1416 |
Rhode Island |
Construction | 20000000 | 447 | 754 | 1416 |
Rhode Island |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 371 | 638 | 1243 |
Rhode Island |
Durable Goods | 31000000[1] | 284 | 487 | 956 |
Rhode Island |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 238 | 412 | 795 |
Rhode Island |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 512 | 851 | 1577 |
Rhode Island |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 341 | 571 | 1106 |
Rhode Island |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 323 | 514 | 902 |
Rhode Island |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000[1] | 203 | 367 | 672 |
Rhode Island |
Information | 50000000 | 109 | 191 | 356 |
Rhode Island |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 325 | 558 | 1146 |
Rhode Island |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 890 | 1495 | 2623 |
Rhode Island |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 475 | 807 | 1507 |
Rhode Island |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000[1] | 107 | 201 | 454 |
Rhode Island |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 681 | 1164 | 1992 |
Rhode Island |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 822 | 1362 | 2204 |
Rhode Island |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 586 | 1002 | 1299 |
Rhode Island |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 577 | 922 | 1780 |
Rhode Island |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1052 | 1811 | 3401 |
Rhode Island |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 541 | 1044 | 1975 |
Rhode Island |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 902 | 1480 | 2769 |
Rhode Island |
Other Services | 80000000 | 463 | 726 | 1136 |
South Carolina |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 5420 | 9178 | 16533 |
South Carolina |
Total Private | 05000000 | 5278 | 8937 | 16075 |
South Carolina |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2053 | 3502 | 6694 |
South Carolina |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 4863 | 8223 | 14614 |
South Carolina |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 72 | 133 | 291 |
South Carolina |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1476 | 2490 | 4675 |
South Carolina |
Construction | 20000000 | 1474 | 2486 | 4666 |
South Carolina |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1428 | 2462 | 4791 |
South Carolina |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1023 | 1757 | 3450 |
South Carolina |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 996 | 1725 | 3325 |
South Carolina |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1926 | 3267 | 5973 |
South Carolina |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 903 | 1513 | 2932 |
South Carolina |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1224 | 1949 | 3423 |
South Carolina |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1182 | 2142 | 3919 |
South Carolina |
Information | 50000000 | 416 | 730 | 1361 |
South Carolina |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 783 | 1345 | 2762 |
South Carolina |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 2521 | 4309 | 7584 |
South Carolina |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1318 | 2239 | 4183 |
South Carolina |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 222 | 416 | 941 |
South Carolina |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2138 | 3658 | 6256 |
South Carolina |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 2016 | 3336 | 5426 |
South Carolina |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 1418 | 2426 | 3145 |
South Carolina |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1433 | 2290 | 4421 |
South Carolina |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 2514 | 4357 | 8185 |
South Carolina |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1384 | 2669 | 5049 |
South Carolina |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2099 | 3444 | 6442 |
South Carolina |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1551 | 2432 | 3805 |
South Dakota |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 1679 | 2828 | 5167 |
South Dakota |
Total Private | 05000000 | 1643 | 2765 | 5049 |
South Dakota |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 626 | 1065 | 2027 |
South Dakota |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 1518 | 2552 | 4625 |
South Dakota |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 25 | 46 | 100 |
South Dakota |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 509 | 858 | 1612 |
South Dakota |
Construction | 20000000 | 508 | 857 | 1609 |
South Dakota |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 366 | 630 | 1228 |
South Dakota |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 285 | 490 | 962 |
South Dakota |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 229 | 396 | 764 |
South Dakota |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 603 | 1012 | 1865 |
South Dakota |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 360 | 604 | 1170 |
South Dakota |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 381 | 607 | 1066 |
South Dakota |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 298 | 540 | 987 |
South Dakota |
Information | 50000000[1] | 120 | 211 | 393 |
South Dakota |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 268 | 461 | 947 |
South Dakota |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 630 | 1058 | 1856 |
South Dakota |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 656 | 1074 | 1856 |
South Dakota |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 377 | 645 | 836 |
South Dakota |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 537 | 859 | 1657 |
South Dakota |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 884 | 1533 | 2913 |
South Dakota |
Other Services | 80000000[1] | 497 | 779 | 1218 |
Tennessee |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 6607 | 11204 | 20296 |
Tennessee |
Total Private | 05000000 | 6496 | 11015 | 19939 |
Tennessee |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2480 | 4233 | 8121 |
Tennessee |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 6004 | 10169 | 18210 |
Tennessee |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 110 | 205 | 446 |
Tennessee |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1666 | 2810 | 5281 |
Tennessee |
Construction | 20000000 | 1662 | 2803 | 5262 |
Tennessee |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1837 | 3165 | 6170 |
Tennessee |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1414 | 2427 | 4767 |
Tennessee |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1173 | 2032 | 3917 |
Tennessee |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 2606 | 4459 | 8189 |
Tennessee |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1297 | 2173 | 4212 |
Tennessee |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1467 | 2337 | 4103 |
Tennessee |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1719 | 3115 | 5699 |
Tennessee |
Information | 50000000[1] | 920 | 1612 | 3006 |
Tennessee |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1188 | 2041 | 4192 |
Tennessee |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 2699 | 4617 | 8169 |
Tennessee |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1442 | 2450 | 4577 |
Tennessee |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 356 | 668 | 1511 |
Tennessee |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2254 | 3856 | 6595 |
Tennessee |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 2678 | 4417 | 7316 |
Tennessee |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 1789 | 3061 | 3967 |
Tennessee |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1993 | 3184 | 6147 |
Tennessee |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 3020 | 5244 | 9853 |
Tennessee |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1698 | 3274 | 6192 |
Tennessee |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2497 | 4097 | 7664 |
Tennessee |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1851 | 2902 | 4541 |
Texas |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 21795 | 37267 | 68607 |
Texas |
Total Private | 05000000 | 21300 | 36430 | 67053 |
Texas |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 8714 | 15260 | 30644 |
Texas |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 19436 | 33080 | 59641 |
Texas |
Mining and Logging | 10000000 | 5004 | 9278 | 20211 |
Texas |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 7731 | 13597 | 27508 |
Texas |
Construction | 20000000 | 5893 | 9940 | 18661 |
Texas |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 4020 | 6927 | 13503 |
Texas |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 3128 | 5371 | 10547 |
Texas |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 2525 | 4374 | 8432 |
Texas |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 8961 | 15702 | 28699 |
Texas |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 2976 | 4987 | 9665 |
Texas |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 4164 | 6631 | 11642 |
Texas |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 7355 | 13331 | 24386 |
Texas |
Information | 50000000 | 2734 | 4792 | 8936 |
Texas |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 3884 | 6672 | 13705 |
Texas |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 10303 | 17613 | 30934 |
Texas |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 5086 | 8640 | 16140 |
Texas |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 976 | 1829 | 4135 |
Texas |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 8907 | 15239 | 26064 |
Texas |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 8409 | 13715 | 24086 |
Texas |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 4489 | 7681 | 9956 |
Texas |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 7111 | 11362 | 21932 |
Texas |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 8544 | 14848 | 27897 |
Texas |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 4832 | 9319 | 17624 |
Texas |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 7047 | 11560 | 21625 |
Texas |
Other Services | 80000000 | 5001 | 7841 | 12267 |
Utah |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 4568 | 7798 | 14155 |
Utah |
Total Private | 05000000 | 4450 | 7598 | 13777 |
Utah |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2028 | 3448 | 6573 |
Utah |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 3961 | 6770 | 12108 |
Utah |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 235 | 436 | 951 |
Utah |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1674 | 2828 | 5331 |
Utah |
Construction | 20000000 | 1657 | 2794 | 5245 |
Utah |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1145 | 1973 | 3846 |
Utah |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 880 | 1511 | 2968 |
Utah |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 732 | 1269 | 2446 |
Utah |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 1455 | 2438 | 4455 |
Utah |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 739 | 1238 | 2398 |
Utah |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1000 | 1592 | 2796 |
Utah |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 756 | 1370 | 2506 |
Utah |
Information | 50000000 | 824 | 1445 | 2694 |
Utah |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 716 | 1230 | 2527 |
Utah |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 2210 | 3777 | 6666 |
Utah |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1195 | 2030 | 3792 |
Utah |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 219 | 410 | 928 |
Utah |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1846 | 3159 | 5403 |
Utah |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1595 | 2645 | 4265 |
Utah |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 1147 | 1963 | 2545 |
Utah |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1109 | 1773 | 3422 |
Utah |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1980 | 3535 | 6655 |
Utah |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 1373 | 2649 | 5010 |
Utah |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 1427 | 2341 | 4380 |
Utah |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1015 | 1591 | 2490 |
Vermont |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 1138 | 1924 | 3464 |
Vermont |
Total Private | 05000000 | 1096 | 1852 | 3327 |
Vermont |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 449 | 767 | 1470 |
Vermont |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 999 | 1686 | 2984 |
Vermont |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 23 | 43 | 94 |
Vermont |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 307 | 518 | 974 |
Vermont |
Construction | 20000000 | 306 | 516 | 969 |
Vermont |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 328 | 565 | 1101 |
Vermont |
Durable Goods | 31000000[1] | 240 | 411 | 808 |
Vermont |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 224 | 388 | 748 |
Vermont |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 350 | 574 | 1050 |
Vermont |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 199 | 333 | 645 |
Vermont |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 266 | 423 | 743 |
Vermont |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 110 | 200 | 366 |
Vermont |
Information | 50000000[1] | 86 | 151 | 281 |
Vermont |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 148 | 255 | 524 |
Vermont |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 469 | 787 | 1380 |
Vermont |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 283 | 481 | 899 |
Vermont |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 314 | 537 | 918 |
Vermont |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 441 | 739 | 1102 |
Vermont |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 371 | 634 | 822 |
Vermont |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 238 | 380 | 734 |
Vermont |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 599 | 1038 | 1972 |
Vermont |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 266 | 512 | 969 |
Vermont |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 424 | 696 | 1302 |
Vermont |
Other Services | 80000000 | 271 | 426 | 666 |
Virginia |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 8633 | 14573 | 26002 |
Virginia |
Total Private | 05000000 | 8340 | 14071 | 25039 |
Virginia |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2721 | 4618 | 8756 |
Virginia |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 7883 | 13292 | 23458 |
Virginia |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 130 | 240 | 523 |
Virginia |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 2351 | 3966 | 7451 |
Virginia |
Construction | 20000000 | 2347 | 3959 | 7433 |
Virginia |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1371 | 2366 | 4598 |
Virginia |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 907 | 1557 | 3059 |
Virginia |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1028 | 1781 | 3433 |
Virginia |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 2456 | 4182 | 7603 |
Virginia |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 934 | 1566 | 3034 |
Virginia |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1598 | 2545 | 4468 |
Virginia |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1614 | 2926 | 5352 |
Virginia |
Information | 50000000 | 1118 | 1959 | 3653 |
Virginia |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1543 | 2650 | 5443 |
Virginia |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 4587 | 7841 | 13919 |
Virginia |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 2680 | 4554 | 8507 |
Virginia |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 539 | 1010 | 2283 |
Virginia |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 3683 | 6302 | 10778 |
Virginia |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 3553 | 5877 | 9583 |
Virginia |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 2480 | 4244 | 5501 |
Virginia |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 2544 | 4065 | 7847 |
Virginia |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 3322 | 5758 | 10817 |
Virginia |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1836 | 3541 | 6698 |
Virginia |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2768 | 4540 | 8494 |
Virginia |
Other Services | 80000000 | 2792 | 4378 | 6849 |
Washington |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 7179 | 12232 | 22199 |
Washington |
Total Private | 05000000 | 7055 | 12020 | 21801 |
Washington |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 2626 | 4457 | 8463 |
Washington |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 6548 | 11164 | 20091 |
Washington |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 130 | 240 | 524 |
Washington |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 2224 | 3752 | 7050 |
Washington |
Construction | 20000000 | 2220 | 3744 | 7030 |
Washington |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 1396 | 2406 | 4683 |
Washington |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1006 | 1726 | 3390 |
Washington |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 968 | 1676 | 3231 |
Washington |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 2486 | 4256 | 7773 |
Washington |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1058 | 1773 | 3435 |
Washington |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1489 | 2371 | 4163 |
Washington |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1687 | 3058 | 5594 |
Washington |
Information | 50000000 | 2132 | 3737 | 6968 |
Washington |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1168 | 2006 | 4120 |
Washington |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 3396 | 5826 | 10473 |
Washington |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1923 | 3267 | 6103 |
Washington |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 755 | 1416 | 3200 |
Washington |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2695 | 4611 | 7887 |
Washington |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 2689 | 4447 | 7263 |
Washington |
Educational Services | 65610000 | 1869 | 3198 | 4145 |
Washington |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 1933 | 3090 | 5964 |
Washington |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 3024 | 5267 | 9898 |
Washington |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1745 | 3365 | 6365 |
Washington |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2470 | 4052 | 7580 |
Washington |
Other Services | 80000000 | 1695 | 2658 | 4158 |
West Virginia |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 2124 | 3610 | 6733 |
West Virginia |
Total Private | 05000000 | 2029 | 3448 | 6437 |
West Virginia |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 874 | 1536 | 3100 |
West Virginia |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 1831 | 3087 | 5641 |
West Virginia |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 517 | 959 | 2089 |
West Virginia |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 744 | 1317 | 2690 |
West Virginia |
Construction | 20000000 | 535 | 903 | 1694 |
West Virginia |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 459 | 791 | 1541 |
West Virginia |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 352 | 605 | 1188 |
West Virginia |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 294 | 509 | 982 |
West Virginia |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 649 | 1079 | 1964 |
West Virginia |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 318 | 532 | 1031 |
West Virginia |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 476 | 759 | 1332 |
West Virginia |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 305 | 552 | 1010 |
West Virginia |
Information | 50000000[1] | 160 | 281 | 524 |
West Virginia |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 285 | 490 | 1006 |
West Virginia |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 831 | 1419 | 2511 |
West Virginia |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 472 | 802 | 1499 |
West Virginia |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 73 | 137 | 310 |
West Virginia |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 680 | 1163 | 1990 |
West Virginia |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 747 | 1211 | 2188 |
West Virginia |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 337 | 577 | 748 |
West Virginia |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 667 | 1065 | 2056 |
West Virginia |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 1124 | 1948 | 3701 |
West Virginia |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 468 | 903 | 1707 |
West Virginia |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 872 | 1430 | 2675 |
West Virginia |
Other Services | 80000000 | 560 | 879 | 1375 |
Wisconsin |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 6861 | 11606 | 21032 |
Wisconsin |
Total Private | 05000000 | 6786 | 11477 | 20788 |
Wisconsin |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 3008 | 5144 | 9888 |
Wisconsin |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 6083 | 10260 | 18286 |
Wisconsin |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 97 | 179 | 390 |
Wisconsin |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 1827 | 3081 | 5787 |
Wisconsin |
Construction | 20000000 | 1824 | 3076 | 5774 |
Wisconsin |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 2389 | 4120 | 8017 |
Wisconsin |
Durable Goods | 31000000 | 1706 | 2928 | 5751 |
Wisconsin |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 1673 | 2898 | 5586 |
Wisconsin |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 2310 | 3931 | 7210 |
Wisconsin |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 1165 | 1952 | 3784 |
Wisconsin |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 1385 | 2206 | 3873 |
Wisconsin |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 1436 | 2603 | 4761 |
Wisconsin |
Information | 50000000 | 744 | 1304 | 2432 |
Wisconsin |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 1102 | 1893 | 3888 |
Wisconsin |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 2772 | 4748 | 8386 |
Wisconsin |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 1320 | 2243 | 4190 |
Wisconsin |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000 | 449 | 842 | 1903 |
Wisconsin |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 2396 | 4099 | 7010 |
Wisconsin |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 2613 | 4286 | 7316 |
Wisconsin |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 1578 | 2700 | 3500 |
Wisconsin |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 2083 | 3328 | 6424 |
Wisconsin |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 3022 | 5315 | 9996 |
Wisconsin |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000 | 1891 | 3647 | 6898 |
Wisconsin |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 2357 | 3867 | 7235 |
Wisconsin |
Other Services | 80000000 | 2500 | 3920 | 6132 |
Wyoming |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 1121 | 1902 | 3517 |
Wyoming |
Total Private | 05000000 | 1101 | 1869 | 3455 |
Wyoming |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 544 | 963 | 1971 |
Wyoming |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 958 | 1601 | 2837 |
Wyoming |
Mining and Logging | 10000000 | 378 | 700 | 1526 |
Wyoming |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 523 | 929 | 1909 |
Wyoming |
Construction | 20000000 | 362 | 611 | 1147 |
Wyoming |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 147 | 253 | 492 |
Wyoming |
Durable Goods | 31000000[1] | 95 | 163 | 320 |
Wyoming |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000[1] | 112 | 194 | 374 |
Wyoming |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 333 | 564 | 1025 |
Wyoming |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000[1] | 135 | 227 | 439 |
Wyoming |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 224 | 357 | 626 |
Wyoming |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 206 | 373 | 683 |
Wyoming |
Information | 50000000[1] | 65 | 114 | 212 |
Wyoming |
Financial Activities | 55000000 | 154 | 265 | 545 |
Wyoming |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 374 | 628 | 1101 |
Wyoming |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 217 | 368 | 688 |
Wyoming |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 60550000[1] | 19 | 36 | 81 |
Wyoming |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 293 | 501 | 857 |
Wyoming |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 351 | 581 | 935 |
Wyoming |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 254 | 434 | 563 |
Wyoming |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 242 | 387 | 746 |
Wyoming |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 582 | 998 | 1873 |
Wyoming |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 70710000[1] | 283 | 545 | 1031 |
Wyoming |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 509 | 836 | 1564 |
Wyoming |
Other Services | 80000000[1] | 420 | 659 | 1031 |
Puerto Rico |
Total Nonfarm | 00000000 | 2538 | 4277 | 7547 |
Puerto Rico |
Total Private | 05000000 | 2476 | 4171 | 7342 |
Puerto Rico |
Goods Producing | 06000000 | 922 | 1573 | 2996 |
Puerto Rico |
Private Service Providing | 08000000 | 2298 | 3863 | 6702 |
Puerto Rico |
Mining and Logging | 10000000[1] | 13 | 24 | 52 |
Puerto Rico |
Mining, Logging, and Construction | 15000000 | 676 | 1140 | 2140 |
Puerto Rico |
Construction | 20000000 | 676 | 1140 | 2139 |
Puerto Rico |
Manufacturing | 30000000 | 627 | 1084 | 2097 |
Puerto Rico |
Durable Goods | 31000000[1] | 278 | 478 | 938 |
Puerto Rico |
Non-Durable Goods | 32000000 | 562 | 973 | 1876 |
Puerto Rico |
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 40000000 | 946 | 1552 | 2814 |
Puerto Rico |
Wholesale Trade | 41000000 | 457 | 765 | 1483 |
Puerto Rico |
Retail Trade | 42000000 | 759 | 1209 | 2123 |
Puerto Rico |
Transportation and Utilities | 43000000 | 332 | 602 | 1100 |
Puerto Rico |
Information | 50000000[1] | 208 | 364 | 680 |
Puerto Rico |
Financial Activities | 55000000[1] | 427 | 734 | 1507 |
Puerto Rico |
Professional and Business Services | 60000000 | 1340 | 2249 | 3947 |
Puerto Rico |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 60540000 | 670 | 1138 | 2127 |
Puerto Rico |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 60560000 | 1213 | 2074 | 3548 |
Puerto Rico |
Education and Health Services | 65000000 | 1062 | 1794 | 2575 |
Puerto Rico |
Educational Services | 65610000[1] | 945 | 1618 | 2097 |
Puerto Rico |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 65620000 | 485 | 775 | 1495 |
Puerto Rico |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70000000 | 978 | 1695 | 3221 |
Puerto Rico |
Accommodation and Food Services | 70720000 | 867 | 1423 | 2662 |
Puerto Rico |
Other Services | 80000000[1] | 529 | 830 | 1298 |
Footnotes: |
State | MSA | Area | Standard Error 1-Month Change | Standard Error 3-Month Change | Standard Error 12-Month Change | Sample Based % [1] |
Alabama |
11500 | Anniston-Oxford-Jacksonville, AL | 352 | 591 | 1077 | 34 |
Alabama |
12220 | Auburn-Opelika, AL | 637 | 1076 | 1954 | 31 |
Alabama |
13820 | Birmingham-Hoover, AL | 2134 | 3578 | 6441 | 94 |
Alabama |
19300 | Daphne-Fairhope-Foley, AL | 1929 | 3375 | 6585 | 33 |
Alabama |
19460 | Decatur, AL | 617 | 1044 | 1935 | 29 |
Alabama |
20020 | Dothan, AL | 491 | 815 | 1454 | 33 |
Alabama |
22520 | Florence-Muscle Shoals, AL | 442 | 743 | 1364 | 35 |
Alabama |
23460 | Gadsden, AL | 325 | 543 | 988 | 28 |
Alabama |
26620 | Huntsville, AL | 1319 | 2214 | 3976 | 67 |
Alabama |
33660 | Mobile, AL | 1044 | 1741 | 3103 | 50 |
Alabama |
33860 | Montgomery, AL | 927 | 1547 | 2776 | 59 |
Alabama |
46220 | Tuscaloosa, AL | 763 | 1287 | 2373 | 35 |
Alaska |
11260 | Anchorage, AK | 760 | 1281 | 2329 | 92 |
Alaska |
21820 | Fairbanks, AK | 266 | 449 | 822 | 16 |
Arizona |
22380 | Flagstaff, AZ | 592 | 1008 | 1861 | 38 |
Arizona |
29420 | Lake Havasu City-Kingman, AZ | 467 | 784 | 1423 | 41 |
Arizona |
38060 | Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, AZ | 5612 | 9508 | 17132 | 99 |
Arizona |
39140 | Prescott, AZ | 663 | 1113 | 2004 | 38 |
Arizona |
43420 | Sierra Vista-Douglas, AZ | 339 | 572 | 1039 | 39 |
Arizona |
46060 | Tucson, AZ | 1781 | 2989 | 5394 | 84 |
Arizona |
49740 | Yuma, AZ | 443 | 740 | 1331 | 42 |
Arkansas |
22220 | Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR-MO | 1368 | 2300 | 4204 | 63 |
Arkansas |
22900 | Fort Smith, AR-OK | 690 | 1160 | 2130 | 46 |
Arkansas |
26300 | Hot Springs, AR | 967 | 1692 | 3299 | 31 |
Arkansas |
27860 | Jonesboro, AR | 1191 | 2084 | 4067 | 39 |
Arkansas |
30780 | Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway, AR | 1704 | 2846 | 5115 | 72 |
Arkansas |
38220 | Pine Bluff, AR | 657 | 1152 | 2260 | 34 |
California |
11244 | Anaheim-Santa Ana-Irvine, CA Metropolitan Division | 4895 | 8245 | 14982 | 96 |
California |
12540 | Bakersfield, CA | 1182 | 1999 | 3698 | 76 |
California |
17020 | Chico, CA | 532 | 884 | 1586 | 35 |
California |
20940 | El Centro, CA | 402 | 667 | 1183 | 37 |
California |
23420 | Fresno, CA | 1428 | 2410 | 4469 | 82 |
California |
25260 | Hanford-Corcoran, CA | 259 | 433 | 792 | 33 |
California |
31080 | Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA | 10097 | 17148 | 31211 | 99 |
California |
31084 | Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA Metropolitan Division | 8831 | 15035 | 27381 | 100 |
California |
31460 | Madera, CA | 363 | 611 | 1118 | 38 |
California |
32900 | Merced, CA | 516 | 861 | 1556 | 32 |
California |
33700 | Modesto, CA | 1089 | 1824 | 3403 | 43 |
California |
34900 | Napa, CA | 649 | 1095 | 2019 | 32 |
California |
36084 | Oakland-Hayward-Berkeley, CA Metropolitan Division | 3393 | 5733 | 10455 | 94 |
California |
37100 | Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA | 1343 | 2263 | 4133 | 70 |
California |
39820 | Redding, CA | 594 | 984 | 1749 | 34 |
California |
40140 | Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA | 4561 | 7750 | 14200 | 96 |
California |
40900 | Sacramento--Roseville--Arden-Arcade, CA | 3205 | 5394 | 9861 | 93 |
California |
41500 | Salinas, CA | 864 | 1453 | 2643 | 63 |
California |
41740 | San Diego-Carlsbad, CA | 3996 | 6750 | 12358 | 94 |
California |
41860 | San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA | 5242 | 8871 | 16204 | 93 |
California |
41884 | San Francisco-Redwood City-South San Francisco, CA Metropolitan Division | 3903 | 6617 | 12107 | 94 |
California |
41940 | San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA | 3253 | 5537 | 10143 | 98 |
California |
42020 | San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles-Arroyo Grande, CA | 861 | 1456 | 2656 | 35 |
California |
42034 | San Rafael, CA Metropolitan Division | 855 | 1431 | 2578 | 61 |
California |
42100 | Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA | 837 | 1407 | 2572 | 29 |
California |
42200 | Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA | 1001 | 1674 | 3103 | 44 |
California |
42220 | Santa Rosa, CA | 1251 | 2093 | 3781 | 56 |
California |
44700 | Stockton-Lodi, CA | 1254 | 2137 | 3916 | 78 |
California |
46700 | Vallejo-Fairfield, CA | 821 | 1379 | 2529 | 71 |
California |
47300 | Visalia-Porterville, CA | 770 | 1285 | 2299 | 36 |
California |
49700 | Yuba City, CA | 418 | 700 | 1278 | 34 |
Colorado |
14500 | Boulder, CO | 1456 | 2443 | 4389 | 62 |
Colorado |
17820 | Colorado Springs, CO | 1713 | 2867 | 5171 | 60 |
Colorado |
19740 | Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO | 4874 | 8263 | 15011 | 99 |
Colorado |
22660 | Fort Collins, CO | 1404 | 2365 | 4309 | 58 |
Colorado |
24300 | Grand Junction, CO | 543 | 911 | 1663 | 30 |
Colorado |
24540 | Greeley, CO | 949 | 1605 | 2978 | 33 |
Colorado |
39380 | Pueblo, CO | 453 | 763 | 1403 | 35 |
Connecticut |
71950 | Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, CT NECTA | 1852 | 3115 | 5629 | 78 |
Connecticut |
72850 | Danbury, CT NECTA | 1997 | 3508 | 6915 | 38 |
Connecticut |
73450 | Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, CT NECTA | 2119 | 3576 | 6479 | 87 |
Connecticut |
75700 | New Haven, CT NECTA | 1582 | 2683 | 4562 | 68 |
Connecticut |
76450 | Norwich-New London-Westerly, CT-RI NECTA | 761 | 1283 | 2336 | 66 |
Connecticut |
78700 | Waterbury, CT NECTA | 563 | 940 | 1678 | 35 |
Delaware |
20100 | Dover, DE | 413 | 688 | 1232 | 45 |
Delaware |
41540 | Salisbury, MD-DE | 995 | 1687 | 3121 | 66 |
Delaware |
48864 | Wilmington, DE-MD-NJ Metropolitan Division | 1593 | 2701 | 4913 | 82 |
District of Columbia |
47894 | Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV Metropolitan Division | 6732 | 11349 | 20206 | 99 |
District of Columbia |
47900 | Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV | 7296 | 12290 | 21895 | 97 |
Florida |
15980 | Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL | 1715 | 2889 | 5265 | 83 |
Florida |
18880 | Crestview-Fort Walton Beach-Destin, FL | 943 | 1596 | 2924 | 53 |
Florida |
19660 | Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach, FL | 1263 | 2120 | 3851 | 71 |
Florida |
22744 | Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach-Deerfield Beach, FL Metropolitan Division | 3477 | 5849 | 10531 | 97 |
Florida |
23540 | Gainesville, FL | 975 | 1611 | 2845 | 38 |
Florida |
26140 | Homosassa Springs, FL | 1145 | 2013 | 3981 | 34 |
Florida |
27260 | Jacksonville, FL | 3055 | 5135 | 9250 | 94 |
Florida |
29460 | Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL | 1283 | 2174 | 3975 | 72 |
Florida |
33100 | Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach, FL | 6458 | 10866 | 19542 | 96 |
Florida |
33124 | Miami-Miami Beach-Kendall, FL Metropolitan Division | 4566 | 7708 | 13921 | 99 |
Florida |
34940 | Naples-Immokalee-Marco Island, FL | 1163 | 1955 | 3561 | 53 |
Florida |
35840 | North Port-Sarasota-Bradenton, FL | 1817 | 3049 | 5518 | 84 |
Florida |
36100 | Ocala, FL | 788 | 1313 | 2359 | 42 |
Florida |
36740 | Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, FL | 4458 | 7469 | 13365 | 99 |
Florida |
37340 | Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, FL | 1275 | 2137 | 3873 | 57 |
Florida |
37460 | Panama City, FL | 658 | 1110 | 2038 | 40 |
Florida |
37860 | Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent, FL | 1090 | 1827 | 3303 | 58 |
Florida |
38940 | Port St. Lucie, FL | 1018 | 1704 | 3074 | 54 |
Florida |
39460 | Punta Gorda, FL | 494 | 825 | 1489 | 40 |
Florida |
42680 | Sebastian-Vero Beach, FL | 580 | 967 | 1726 | 36 |
Florida |
42700 | Sebring, FL | 802 | 1406 | 2751 | 35 |
Florida |
45220 | Tallahassee, FL | 1070 | 1804 | 3280 | 55 |
Florida |
45300 | Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL | 4934 | 8272 | 14862 | 99 |
Florida |
45540 | The Villages, FL | 975 | 1708 | 3335 | 36 |
Florida |
48424 | West Palm Beach-Boca Raton-Delray Beach, FL Metropolitan Division | 2961 | 4943 | 8787 | 91 |
Georgia |
10500 | Albany, GA | 1332 | 2336 | 4572 | 38 |
Georgia |
12020 | Athens-Clarke County, GA | 1827 | 3204 | 6294 | 34 |
Georgia |
12060 | Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell, GA | 6837 | 11652 | 21105 | 100 |
Georgia |
12260 | Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC | 1204 | 2014 | 3621 | 73 |
Georgia |
15260 | Brunswick, GA | 1227 | 2156 | 4254 | 35 |
Georgia |
17980 | Columbus, GA-AL | 744 | 1249 | 2264 | 36 |
Georgia |
19140 | Dalton, GA | 1620 | 2851 | 5653 | 51 |
Georgia |
23580 | Gainesville, GA | 2642 | 4650 | 9210 | 43 |
Georgia |
25980 | Hinesville, GA | 373 | 652 | 1266 | 33 |
Georgia |
31420 | Macon-Bibb County, GA | 1660 | 2894 | 5584 | 43 |
Georgia |
40660 | Rome, GA | 1176 | 2067 | 4079 | 24 |
Georgia |
42340 | Savannah, GA | 1067 | 1806 | 3294 | 67 |
Georgia |
46660 | Valdosta, GA | 1239 | 2173 | 4270 | 41 |
Georgia |
47580 | Warner Robins, GA | 1104 | 1919 | 3683 | 43 |
Hawaii |
27980 | Kahului-Wailuku-Lahaina, HI | 658 | 1115 | 1996 | 30 |
Hawaii |
46520 | Urban Honolulu, HI | 1682 | 2833 | 5156 | 93 |
Idaho |
14260 | Boise City, ID | 1746 | 2938 | 5337 | 92 |
Idaho |
17660 | Coeur d'Alene, ID | 585 | 984 | 1793 | 20 |
Idaho |
26820 | Idaho Falls, ID | 563 | 944 | 1716 | 56 |
Idaho |
30300 | Lewiston, ID-WA | 311 | 520 | 947 | 16 |
Idaho |
38540 | Pocatello, ID | 333 | 557 | 1013 | 17 |
Idaho |
46300 | Twin Falls, ID | 1409 | 2476 | 4887 | 33 |
Illinois |
14010 | Bloomington, IL | 630 | 1063 | 1944 | 33 |
Illinois |
16060 | Carbondale-Marion, IL | 1327 | 2329 | 4587 | 34 |
Illinois |
16580 | Champaign-Urbana, IL | 652 | 1090 | 1966 | 32 |
Illinois |
16974 | Chicago-Naperville-Arlington Heights, IL Metropolitan Division | 7737 | 13221 | 23903 | 100 |
Illinois |
16980 | Chicago-Naperville-Elgin, IL-IN-WI | 8194 | 13979 | 25292 | 95 |
Illinois |
19180 | Danville, IL | 206 | 343 | 620 | 27 |
Illinois |
19340 | Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, IA-IL | 995 | 1675 | 3100 | 52 |
Illinois |
19500 | Decatur, IL | 360 | 601 | 1083 | 26 |
Illinois |
20994 | Elgin, IL Metropolitan Division | 1256 | 2114 | 3846 | 81 |
Illinois |
28100 | Kankakee, IL | 339 | 571 | 1053 | 29 |
Illinois |
29404 | Lake County-Kenosha County, IL-WI Metropolitan Division | 1807 | 3048 | 5554 | 78 |
Illinois |
37900 | Peoria, IL | 845 | 1417 | 2573 | 66 |
Illinois |
40420 | Rockford, IL | 768 | 1294 | 2393 | 38 |
Illinois |
44100 | Springfield, IL | 692 | 1162 | 2096 | 53 |
Indiana |
14020 | Bloomington, IN | 563 | 942 | 1703 | 29 |
Indiana |
18020 | Columbus, IN | 461 | 778 | 1456 | 41 |
Indiana |
21140 | Elkhart-Goshen, IN | 923 | 1563 | 2960 | 42 |
Indiana |
21780 | Evansville, IN-KY | 1072 | 1796 | 3251 | 38 |
Indiana |
23060 | Fort Wayne, IN | 1208 | 2028 | 3699 | 51 |
Indiana |
23844 | Gary, IN Metropolitan Division | 1561 | 2620 | 4764 | 58 |
Indiana |
26900 | Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson, IN | 4028 | 6773 | 12273 | 95 |
Indiana |
29020 | Kokomo, IN | 427 | 723 | 1304 | 24 |
Indiana |
29200 | Lafayette-West Lafayette, IN | 726 | 1213 | 2197 | 33 |
Indiana |
33140 | Michigan City-La Porte, IN | 537 | 908 | 1711 | 35 |
Indiana |
34620 | Muncie, IN | 543 | 919 | 1618 | 37 |
Indiana |
43780 | South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI | 895 | 1494 | 2719 | 37 |
Indiana |
45460 | Terre Haute, IN | 592 | 998 | 1855 | 34 |
Iowa |
11180 | Ames, IA | 985 | 1729 | 3398 | 33 |
Iowa |
16300 | Cedar Rapids, IA | 839 | 1417 | 2608 | 46 |
Iowa |
19780 | Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA | 1580 | 2663 | 4871 | 88 |
Iowa |
20220 | Dubuque, IA | 1487 | 2610 | 5129 | 32 |
Iowa |
26980 | Iowa City, IA | 1404 | 2453 | 4764 | 33 |
Iowa |
43580 | Sioux City, IA-NE-SD | 2192 | 3857 | 7637 | 36 |
Iowa |
47940 | Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA | 2032 | 3579 | 7104 | 45 |
Kansas |
29940 | Lawrence, KS | 1019 | 1778 | 3434 | 25 |
Kansas |
31740 | Manhattan, KS | 953 | 1668 | 3257 | 22 |
Kansas |
45820 | Topeka, KS | 677 | 1132 | 2044 | 33 |
Kansas |
48620 | Wichita, KS | 1358 | 2300 | 4231 | 74 |
Kansas |
92812 | Kansas City, KS | 1944 | 3290 | 5964 | 90 |
Kentucky |
14540 | Bowling Green, KY | 744 | 1260 | 2240 | 36 |
Kentucky |
21060 | Elizabethtown-Fort Knox, KY | 639 | 1082 | 1931 | 31 |
Kentucky |
30460 | Lexington-Fayette, KY | 1572 | 2629 | 4723 | 53 |
Kentucky |
31140 | Louisville/Jefferson County, KY-IN | 2562 | 4291 | 7734 | 93 |
Kentucky |
36980 | Owensboro, KY | 447 | 753 | 1380 | 31 |
Louisiana |
10780 | Alexandria, LA | 1129 | 1968 | 3797 | 34 |
Louisiana |
12940 | Baton Rouge, LA | 1877 | 3160 | 5799 | 80 |
Louisiana |
25220 | Hammond, LA | 1488 | 2615 | 5167 | 28 |
Louisiana |
26380 | Houma-Thibodaux, LA | 1963 | 3447 | 6790 | 32 |
Louisiana |
29180 | Lafayette, LA | 1161 | 1948 | 3526 | 47 |
Louisiana |
29340 | Lake Charles, LA | 951 | 1608 | 2843 | 32 |
Louisiana |
33740 | Monroe, LA | 1726 | 3023 | 5909 | 36 |
Louisiana |
35380 | New Orleans-Metairie, LA | 2466 | 4175 | 7350 | 87 |
Louisiana |
43340 | Shreveport-Bossier City, LA | 926 | 1555 | 2848 | 47 |
Maine |
70750 | Bangor, ME NECTA | 380 | 640 | 1171 | 38 |
Maine |
74650 | Lewiston-Auburn, ME NECTA | 381 | 640 | 1163 | 35 |
Maine |
76750 | Portland-South Portland, ME NECTA | 1007 | 1697 | 3113 | 81 |
Maryland |
12580 | Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD | 5047 | 8543 | 15354 | 96 |
Maryland |
15680 | California-Lexington Park, MD | 807 | 1392 | 2627 | 39 |
Maryland |
19060 | Cumberland, MD-WV | 1174 | 2063 | 4062 | 32 |
Maryland |
25180 | Hagerstown-Martinsburg, MD-WV | 689 | 1160 | 2118 | 46 |
Maryland |
43524 | Silver Spring-Frederick-Rockville, MD Metropolitan Division | 2813 | 4716 | 8433 | 89 |
Maryland |
92581 | Baltimore City, MD | 2312 | 3923 | 6963 | 66 |
Maryland |
94781 | Calvert-Charles-Prince George's, MD | 2232 | 3739 | 6756 | 80 |
Massachusetts |
70900 | Barnstable Town, MA NECTA | 759 | 1285 | 2366 | 70 |
Massachusetts |
71650 | Boston-Cambridge-Nashua, MA-NH NECTA | 5376 | 9135 | 16246 | 88 |
Massachusetts |
71654 | Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA NECTA Division | 4965 | 8453 | 14964 | 100 |
Massachusetts |
72104 | Brockton-Bridgewater-Easton, MA NECTA Division | 552 | 927 | 1695 | 43 |
Massachusetts |
73104 | Framingham, MA NECTA Division | 1027 | 1726 | 3140 | 76 |
Massachusetts |
73604 | Haverhill-Newburyport-Amesbury Town, MA-NH NECTA Division | 540 | 910 | 1671 | 43 |
Massachusetts |
74204 | Lawrence-Methuen Town-Salem, MA-NH NECTA Division | 635 | 1057 | 1891 | 61 |
Massachusetts |
74500 | Leominster-Gardner, MA NECTA | 410 | 688 | 1258 | 42 |
Massachusetts |
74804 | Lowell-Billerica-Chelmsford, MA-NH NECTA Division | 931 | 1568 | 2878 | 64 |
Massachusetts |
74854 | Lynn-Saugus-Marblehead, MA NECTA Division | 372 | 625 | 1134 | 36 |
Massachusetts |
75550 | New Bedford, MA NECTA | 508 | 851 | 1551 | 41 |
Massachusetts |
76524 | Peabody-Salem-Beverly, MA NECTA Division | 637 | 1072 | 1959 | 63 |
Massachusetts |
76600 | Pittsfield, MA NECTA | 321 | 539 | 988 | 36 |
Massachusetts |
78100 | Springfield, MA-CT NECTA | 1328 | 2238 | 4007 | 70 |
Massachusetts |
78254 | Taunton-Middleborough-Norton, MA NECTA Division | 439 | 742 | 1367 | 49 |
Massachusetts |
79600 | Worcester, MA-CT NECTA | 1237 | 2083 | 3677 | 75 |
Michigan |
11460 | Ann Arbor, MI | 1376 | 2298 | 4085 | 50 |
Michigan |
12980 | Battle Creek, MI | 387 | 653 | 1194 | 38 |
Michigan |
13020 | Bay City, MI | 317 | 530 | 958 | 38 |
Michigan |
19804 | Detroit-Dearborn-Livonia, MI Metropolitan Division | 2943 | 4972 | 8983 | 93 |
Michigan |
19820 | Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI | 4916 | 8280 | 15012 | 92 |
Michigan |
22420 | Flint, MI | 768 | 1292 | 2364 | 39 |
Michigan |
24340 | Grand Rapids-Wyoming, MI | 2149 | 3614 | 6591 | 82 |
Michigan |
27100 | Jackson, MI | 713 | 1194 | 2131 | 34 |
Michigan |
28020 | Kalamazoo-Portage, MI | 872 | 1470 | 2653 | 34 |
Michigan |
29620 | Lansing-East Lansing, MI | 1171 | 1966 | 3543 | 47 |
Michigan |
33220 | Midland, MI | 1030 | 1809 | 3567 | 34 |
Michigan |
33780 | Monroe, MI | 540 | 908 | 1630 | 16 |
Michigan |
34740 | Muskegon, MI | 556 | 933 | 1711 | 40 |
Michigan |
35660 | Niles-Benton Harbor, MI | 516 | 872 | 1607 | 34 |
Michigan |
40980 | Saginaw, MI | 573 | 959 | 1746 | 37 |
Michigan |
47664 | Warren-Troy-Farmington Hills, MI Metropolitan Division | 3937 | 6621 | 12028 | 92 |
Minnesota |
20260 | Duluth, MN-WI | 859 | 1442 | 2618 | 38 |
Minnesota |
31860 | Mankato-North Mankato, MN | 1509 | 2654 | 5247 | 33 |
Minnesota |
33460 | Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI | 5214 | 8813 | 16069 | 99 |
Minnesota |
40340 | Rochester, MN | 663 | 1097 | 1936 | 38 |
Minnesota |
41060 | St. Cloud, MN | 702 | 1184 | 2192 | 38 |
Mississippi |
25060 | Gulfport-Biloxi-Pascagoula, MS | 922 | 1554 | 2824 | 65 |
Mississippi |
25620 | Hattiesburg, MS | 1279 | 2234 | 4345 | 37 |
Mississippi |
27140 | Jackson, MS | 1304 | 2183 | 3925 | 69 |
Missouri |
16020 | Cape Girardeau, MO-IL | 951 | 1652 | 3156 | 34 |
Missouri |
17860 | Columbia, MO | 1599 | 2774 | 5287 | 22 |
Missouri |
27620 | Jefferson City, MO | 1519 | 2662 | 5218 | 27 |
Missouri |
27900 | Joplin, MO | 1940 | 3411 | 6743 | 36 |
Missouri |
28140 | Kansas City, MO-KS | 3474 | 5839 | 10509 | 93 |
Missouri |
41140 | St. Joseph, MO-KS | 1525 | 2677 | 5270 | 32 |
Missouri |
41180 | St. Louis, MO-IL | 4013 | 6820 | 12286 | 98 |
Missouri |
44180 | Springfield, MO | 1184 | 1983 | 3583 | 70 |
Missouri |
92811 | Kansas City, MO | 2879 | 4824 | 8653 | 95 |
Montana |
13740 | Billings, MT | 1745 | 3056 | 5978 | 54 |
Montana |
24500 | Great Falls, MT | 834 | 1461 | 2857 | 38 |
Montana |
33540 | Missoula, MT | 1223 | 2131 | 4102 | 41 |
Nebraska |
24260 | Grand Island, NE | 998 | 1753 | 3453 | 41 |
Nebraska |
30700 | Lincoln, NE | 879 | 1480 | 2691 | 69 |
Nebraska |
36540 | Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA | 1959 | 3334 | 6058 | 84 |
Nevada |
16180 | Carson City, NV | 854 | 1498 | 2944 | 29 |
Nevada |
29820 | Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise, NV | 4784 | 8217 | 14788 | 94 |
Nevada |
39900 | Reno, NV | 1467 | 2479 | 4516 | 57 |
New Hampshire |
73050 | Dover-Durham, NH-ME NECTA | 458 | 765 | 1379 | 32 |
New Hampshire |
74950 | Manchester, NH NECTA | 705 | 1184 | 2158 | 73 |
New Hampshire |
75404 | Nashua, NH-MA NECTA Division | 770 | 1295 | 2371 | 71 |
New Hampshire |
76900 | Portsmouth, NH-ME NECTA | 697 | 1175 | 2153 | 61 |
New Jersey |
12100 | Atlantic City-Hammonton, NJ | 907 | 1526 | 2759 | 42 |
New Jersey |
15804 | Camden, NJ Metropolitan Division | 2297 | 3861 | 6932 | 96 |
New Jersey |
35084 | Newark, NJ-PA Metropolitan Division | 3638 | 6151 | 11197 | 98 |
New Jersey |
36140 | Ocean City, NJ | 1174 | 2053 | 3992 | 12 |
New Jersey |
45940 | Trenton, NJ | 1834 | 3105 | 5298 | 62 |
New Jersey |
47220 | Vineland-Bridgeton, NJ | 488 | 811 | 1459 | 46 |
New Jersey |
93563 | Bergen-Hudson-Passaic, NJ | 3273 | 5527 | 9928 | 96 |
New Jersey |
93565 | Middlesex-Monmouth-Ocean, NJ | 3413 | 5759 | 10346 | 97 |
New Mexico |
10740 | Albuquerque, NM | 1523 | 2557 | 4645 | 91 |
New Mexico |
22140 | Farmington, NM | 1332 | 2345 | 4657 | 32 |
New Mexico |
29740 | Las Cruces, NM | 497 | 829 | 1494 | 35 |
New Mexico |
42140 | Santa Fe, NM | 486 | 820 | 1488 | 32 |
New York |
10580 | Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY | 1742 | 2943 | 5068 | 82 |
New York |
13780 | Binghamton, NY | 571 | 953 | 1730 | 35 |
New York |
15380 | Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Niagara Falls, NY | 2171 | 3665 | 6597 | 78 |
New York |
20524 | Dutchess County-Putnam County, NY Metropolitan Division | 862 | 1461 | 2486 | 52 |
New York |
21300 | Elmira, NY | 335 | 560 | 1017 | 29 |
New York |
24020 | Glens Falls, NY | 504 | 849 | 1555 | 29 |
New York |
27060 | Ithaca, NY | 473 | 780 | 1370 | 36 |
New York |
28740 | Kingston, NY | 436 | 737 | 1351 | 36 |
New York |
35004 | Nassau County-Suffolk County, NY Metropolitan Division | 4244 | 7193 | 12802 | 97 |
New York |
35614 | New York-Jersey City-White Plains, NY-NJ Metropolitan Division | 11594 | 19675 | 34861 | 98 |
New York |
35620 | New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA | 12900 | 21881 | 38868 | 97 |
New York |
40380 | Rochester, NY | 1887 | 3192 | 5587 | 74 |
New York |
45060 | Syracuse, NY | 1301 | 2203 | 3942 | 73 |
New York |
46540 | Utica-Rome, NY | 638 | 1068 | 1949 | 44 |
New York |
48060 | Watertown-Fort Drum, NY | 299 | 504 | 919 | 43 |
New York |
93561 | New York City, NY | 10262 | 17442 | 30814 | 99 |
New York |
93562 | Orange-Rockland-Westchester, NY | 2596 | 4376 | 7757 | 93 |
North Carolina |
11700 | Asheville, NC | 1173 | 1959 | 3529 | 76 |
North Carolina |
15500 | Burlington, NC | 647 | 1084 | 1960 | 36 |
North Carolina |
16740 | Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC | 4095 | 6971 | 12599 | 96 |
North Carolina |
20500 | Durham-Chapel Hill, NC | 1674 | 2807 | 5016 | 75 |
North Carolina |
22180 | Fayetteville, NC | 812 | 1361 | 2466 | 55 |
North Carolina |
24140 | Goldsboro, NC | 890 | 1562 | 3070 | 40 |
North Carolina |
24660 | Greensboro-High Point, NC | 1555 | 2618 | 4782 | 73 |
North Carolina |
24780 | Greenville, NC | 559 | 940 | 1724 | 39 |
North Carolina |
25860 | Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton, NC | 836 | 1404 | 2571 | 35 |
North Carolina |
27340 | Jacksonville, NC | 1155 | 2021 | 3945 | 33 |
North Carolina |
35100 | New Bern, NC | 900 | 1573 | 3066 | 33 |
North Carolina |
39580 | Raleigh, NC | 2778 | 4673 | 8434 | 89 |
North Carolina |
40580 | Rocky Mount, NC | 560 | 948 | 1723 | 32 |
North Carolina |
48900 | Wilmington, NC | 916 | 1541 | 2811 | 62 |
North Carolina |
49180 | Winston-Salem, NC | 1418 | 2371 | 4276 | 75 |
North Dakota |
13900 | Bismarck, ND | 451 | 756 | 1372 | 53 |
North Dakota |
22020 | Fargo, ND-MN | 763 | 1277 | 2321 | 62 |
North Dakota |
24220 | Grand Forks, ND-MN | 411 | 688 | 1250 | 33 |
Ohio |
10420 | Akron, OH | 1687 | 2835 | 5176 | 70 |
Ohio |
15940 | Canton-Massillon, OH | 1118 | 1863 | 3391 | 36 |
Ohio |
17140 | Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN | 3486 | 5939 | 10836 | 97 |
Ohio |
17460 | Cleveland-Elyria, OH | 3517 | 5949 | 10603 | 94 |
Ohio |
18140 | Columbus, OH | 4183 | 7040 | 12692 | 92 |
Ohio |
19380 | Dayton, OH | 1732 | 2914 | 5289 | 79 |
Ohio |
30620 | Lima, OH | 554 | 937 | 1665 | 30 |
Ohio |
31900 | Mansfield, OH | 475 | 794 | 1437 | 38 |
Ohio |
44220 | Springfield, OH | 478 | 802 | 1445 | 17 |
Ohio |
45780 | Toledo, OH | 1635 | 2739 | 4947 | 70 |
Ohio |
48260 | Weirton-Steubenville, WV-OH | 445 | 754 | 1371 | 36 |
Ohio |
49660 | Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA | 1285 | 2151 | 3915 | 72 |
Oklahoma |
21420 | Enid, OK | 1129 | 1993 | 3975 | 35 |
Oklahoma |
30020 | Lawton, OK | 413 | 686 | 1227 | 18 |
Oklahoma |
36420 | Oklahoma City, OK | 2655 | 4451 | 8010 | 87 |
Oklahoma |
46140 | Tulsa, OK | 1960 | 3292 | 6012 | 82 |
Oregon |
10540 | Albany, OR | 397 | 659 | 1182 | 27 |
Oregon |
13460 | Bend-Redmond, OR | 647 | 1092 | 2003 | 35 |
Oregon |
18700 | Corvallis, OR | 800 | 1342 | 2368 | 30 |
Oregon |
21660 | Eugene, OR | 854 | 1434 | 2616 | 70 |
Oregon |
24420 | Grants Pass, OR | 263 | 438 | 785 | 22 |
Oregon |
32780 | Medford, OR | 521 | 877 | 1607 | 40 |
Oregon |
38900 | Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA | 3344 | 5683 | 10388 | 100 |
Oregon |
41420 | Salem, OR | 910 | 1528 | 2773 | 69 |
Pennsylvania |
10900 | Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ | 1802 | 3035 | 5459 | 79 |
Pennsylvania |
11020 | Altoona, PA | 609 | 1008 | 1803 | 42 |
Pennsylvania |
14100 | Bloomsburg-Berwick, PA | 560 | 947 | 1661 | 36 |
Pennsylvania |
16540 | Chambersburg-Waynesboro, PA | 638 | 1080 | 1922 | 28 |
Pennsylvania |
20700 | East Stroudsburg, PA | 622 | 1053 | 1864 | 32 |
Pennsylvania |
21500 | Erie, PA | 842 | 1402 | 2525 | 38 |
Pennsylvania |
23900 | Gettysburg, PA | 417 | 706 | 1269 | 24 |
Pennsylvania |
25420 | Harrisburg-Carlisle, PA | 1572 | 2642 | 4785 | 80 |
Pennsylvania |
27780 | Johnstown, PA | 516 | 857 | 1515 | 39 |
Pennsylvania |
29540 | Lancaster, PA | 1458 | 2450 | 4462 | 64 |
Pennsylvania |
30140 | Lebanon, PA | 1280 | 2250 | 4435 | 35 |
Pennsylvania |
33874 | Montgomery County-Bucks County-Chester County, PA Metropolitan Division | 4249 | 7170 | 12974 | 94 |
Pennsylvania |
37964 | Philadelphia, PA Metropolitan Division | 4102 | 6895 | 12079 | 71 |
Pennsylvania |
37980 | Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD | 6534 | 11007 | 19658 | 85 |
Pennsylvania |
38300 | Pittsburgh, PA | 4161 | 7027 | 12419 | 95 |
Pennsylvania |
39740 | Reading, PA | 1001 | 1678 | 3030 | 38 |
Pennsylvania |
42540 | Scranton--Wilkes-Barre--Hazleton, PA | 1451 | 2437 | 4444 | 50 |
Pennsylvania |
44300 | State College, PA | 1396 | 2428 | 4688 | 36 |
Pennsylvania |
48700 | Williamsport, PA | 1398 | 2455 | 4828 | 36 |
Pennsylvania |
49620 | York-Hanover, PA | 1123 | 1890 | 3497 | 61 |
Pennsylvania |
97961 | Philadelphia City, PA | 3781 | 6359 | 11109 | 79 |
Pennsylvania |
97962 | Delaware County, PA | 1591 | 2665 | 4743 | 44 |
Puerto Rico |
10380 | Aguadilla-Isabela, PR | 1148 | 2012 | 3937 | 50 |
Puerto Rico |
11640 | Arecibo, PR | 921 | 1618 | 3191 | 44 |
Puerto Rico |
25020 | Guayama, PR | 345 | 604 | 1182 | 38 |
Puerto Rico |
32420 | Mayagüez, PR | 586 | 1029 | 2022 | 48 |
Puerto Rico |
38660 | Ponce, PR | 299 | 503 | 929 | 67 |
Puerto Rico |
41900 | San Germán, PR | 597 | 1049 | 2074 | 44 |
Puerto Rico |
41980 | San Juan-Carolina-Caguas, PR | 2134 | 3597 | 6372 | 87 |
Rhode Island |
77200 | Providence-Warwick, RI-MA NECTA | 2146 | 3614 | 6513 | 98 |
South Carolina |
16700 | Charleston-North Charleston, SC | 2034 | 3434 | 6227 | 78 |
South Carolina |
17900 | Columbia, SC | 1726 | 2894 | 5209 | 79 |
South Carolina |
22500 | Florence, SC | 1661 | 2901 | 5637 | 34 |
South Carolina |
24860 | Greenville-Anderson-Mauldin, SC | 2116 | 3560 | 6419 | 79 |
South Carolina |
25940 | Hilton Head Island-Bluffton-Beaufort, SC | 2000 | 3495 | 6795 | 28 |
South Carolina |
34820 | Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach, SC-NC | 1279 | 2164 | 3959 | 63 |
South Carolina |
43900 | Spartanburg, SC | 1070 | 1801 | 3290 | 34 |
South Carolina |
44940 | Sumter, SC | 1010 | 1777 | 3513 | 33 |
South Dakota |
39660 | Rapid City, SD | 565 | 947 | 1728 | 33 |
South Dakota |
43620 | Sioux Falls, SD | 912 | 1522 | 2743 | 66 |
Tennessee |
16860 | Chattanooga, TN-GA | 1378 | 2305 | 4135 | 72 |
Tennessee |
17300 | Clarksville, TN-KY | 731 | 1231 | 2244 | 53 |
Tennessee |
17420 | Cleveland, TN | 429 | 722 | 1314 | 31 |
Tennessee |
27180 | Jackson, TN | 471 | 790 | 1451 | 32 |
Tennessee |
27740 | Johnson City, TN | 674 | 1130 | 2036 | 35 |
Tennessee |
28700 | Kingsport-Bristol-Bristol, TN-VA | 781 | 1310 | 2376 | 49 |
Tennessee |
28940 | Knoxville, TN | 1546 | 2596 | 4725 | 80 |
Tennessee |
32820 | Memphis, TN-MS-AR | 2309 | 3899 | 7078 | 95 |
Tennessee |
34100 | Morristown, TN | 408 | 689 | 1283 | 31 |
Tennessee |
34980 | Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN | 3715 | 6289 | 11462 | 94 |
Texas |
10180 | Abilene, TX | 618 | 1040 | 1897 | 35 |
Texas |
11100 | Amarillo, TX | 839 | 1419 | 2617 | 37 |
Texas |
12420 | Austin-Round Rock, TX | 4973 | 8347 | 15004 | 95 |
Texas |
13140 | Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX | 1108 | 1858 | 3389 | 49 |
Texas |
15180 | Brownsville-Harlingen, TX | 1211 | 2008 | 3539 | 38 |
Texas |
17780 | College Station-Bryan, TX | 1065 | 1791 | 3246 | 34 |
Texas |
18580 | Corpus Christi, TX | 1299 | 2185 | 3994 | 55 |
Texas |
19100 | Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX | 9186 | 15488 | 27927 | 99 |
Texas |
19124 | Dallas-Plano-Irving, TX Metropolitan Division | 8190 | 13783 | 24813 | 100 |
Texas |
21340 | El Paso, TX | 1680 | 2826 | 5105 | 65 |
Texas |
23104 | Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Division | 4161 | 7065 | 12814 | 97 |
Texas |
26420 | Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, TX | 8480 | 14459 | 26443 | 98 |
Texas |
28660 | Killeen-Temple, TX | 1304 | 2145 | 3754 | 36 |
Texas |
29700 | Laredo, TX | 818 | 1398 | 2522 | 51 |
Texas |
30980 | Longview, TX | 756 | 1272 | 2348 | 36 |
Texas |
31180 | Lubbock, TX | 1024 | 1715 | 3100 | 38 |
Texas |
32580 | McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, TX | 1511 | 2511 | 4452 | 69 |
Texas |
33260 | Midland, TX | 1213 | 2054 | 3846 | 45 |
Texas |
36220 | Odessa, TX | 962 | 1629 | 3044 | 37 |
Texas |
41660 | San Angelo, TX | 595 | 991 | 1763 | 27 |
Texas |
41700 | San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX | 3823 | 6413 | 11678 | 94 |
Texas |
43300 | Sherman-Denison, TX | 521 | 879 | 1626 | 31 |
Texas |
45500 | Texarkana, TX-AR | 520 | 871 | 1587 | 32 |
Texas |
46340 | Tyler, TX | 802 | 1337 | 2389 | 37 |
Texas |
47020 | Victoria, TX | 466 | 783 | 1437 | 35 |
Texas |
47380 | Waco, TX | 1144 | 1892 | 3366 | 36 |
Texas |
48660 | Wichita Falls, TX | 569 | 944 | 1684 | 30 |
Utah |
30860 | Logan, UT-ID | 572 | 963 | 1782 | 33 |
Utah |
36260 | Ogden-Clearfield, UT | 1425 | 2396 | 4373 | 77 |
Utah |
39340 | Provo-Orem, UT | 1703 | 2871 | 5100 | 69 |
Utah |
41100 | St. George, UT | 724 | 1219 | 2220 | 37 |
Utah |
41620 | Salt Lake City, UT | 2737 | 4641 | 8495 | 98 |
Vermont |
72400 | Burlington-South Burlington, VT NECTA | 612 | 1029 | 1888 | 73 |
Virginia |
13980 | Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford, VA | 1937 | 3407 | 6740 | 32 |
Virginia |
16820 | Charlottesville, VA | 831 | 1398 | 2532 | 34 |
Virginia |
25500 | Harrisonburg, VA | 1833 | 3226 | 6394 | 36 |
Virginia |
31340 | Lynchburg, VA | 776 | 1294 | 2325 | 36 |
Virginia |
40060 | Richmond, VA | 2945 | 4966 | 8885 | 89 |
Virginia |
40220 | Roanoke, VA | 1093 | 1814 | 3218 | 50 |
Virginia |
44420 | Staunton-Waynesboro, VA | 1442 | 2540 | 5044 | 33 |
Virginia |
47260 | Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC | 2768 | 4668 | 8376 | 90 |
Virginia |
49020 | Winchester, VA-WV | 1575 | 2768 | 5462 | 30 |
Virginia |
94783 | Northern Virginia, VA | 5128 | 8652 | 15590 | 97 |
Washington |
13380 | Bellingham, WA | 914 | 1547 | 2741 | 35 |
Washington |
14740 | Bremerton-Silverdale, WA | 883 | 1495 | 2651 | 39 |
Washington |
28420 | Kennewick-Richland, WA | 876 | 1475 | 2684 | 52 |
Washington |
31020 | Longview, WA | 474 | 805 | 1446 | 30 |
Washington |
34580 | Mount Vernon-Anacortes, WA | 556 | 941 | 1686 | 28 |
Washington |
36500 | Olympia-Tumwater, WA | 790 | 1329 | 2392 | 48 |
Washington |
42644 | Seattle-Bellevue-Everett, WA Metropolitan Division | 4434 | 7578 | 13889 | 100 |
Washington |
42660 | Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA | 4724 | 8053 | 14722 | 97 |
Washington |
44060 | Spokane-Spokane Valley, WA | 1252 | 2099 | 3790 | 80 |
Washington |
45104 | Tacoma-Lakewood, WA Metropolitan Division | 1631 | 2727 | 4881 | 80 |
Washington |
47460 | Walla Walla, WA | 269 | 458 | 770 | 33 |
Washington |
48300 | Wenatchee, WA | 632 | 1069 | 1892 | 27 |
Washington |
49420 | Yakima, WA | 830 | 1404 | 2478 | 40 |
West Virginia |
13220 | Beckley, WV | 1041 | 1825 | 3572 | 33 |
West Virginia |
16620 | Charleston, WV | 635 | 1066 | 1935 | 48 |
West Virginia |
26580 | Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH | 722 | 1218 | 2237 | 75 |
West Virginia |
34060 | Morgantown, WV | 1160 | 2021 | 3894 | 40 |
West Virginia |
37620 | Parkersburg-Vienna, WV | 1019 | 1791 | 3537 | 34 |
West Virginia |
48540 | Wheeling, WV-OH | 1355 | 2375 | 4654 | 37 |
Wisconsin |
11540 | Appleton, WI | 787 | 1324 | 2427 | 33 |
Wisconsin |
20740 | Eau Claire, WI | 884 | 1471 | 2624 | 32 |
Wisconsin |
22540 | Fond du Lac, WI | 544 | 901 | 1625 | 17 |
Wisconsin |
24580 | Green Bay, WI | 1228 | 2043 | 3632 | 30 |
Wisconsin |
27500 | Janesville-Beloit, WI | 701 | 1164 | 2082 | 20 |
Wisconsin |
29100 | La Crosse-Onalaska, WI-MN | 518 | 876 | 1621 | 32 |
Wisconsin |
31540 | Madison, WI | 2113 | 3532 | 6335 | 61 |
Wisconsin |
33340 | Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis, WI | 3288 | 5517 | 9884 | 78 |
Wisconsin |
36780 | Oshkosh-Neenah, WI | 678 | 1136 | 2084 | 23 |
Wisconsin |
39540 | Racine, WI | 802 | 1337 | 2409 | 21 |
Wisconsin |
43100 | Sheboygan, WI | 484 | 819 | 1519 | 21 |
Wisconsin |
48140 | Wausau, WI | 593 | 983 | 1784 | 27 |
Wyoming |
16220 | Casper, WY | 294 | 495 | 907 | 29 |
Wyoming |
16940 | Cheyenne, WY | 298 | 504 | 923 | 53 |
Footnotes: |
Last Modified Date: March 11, 2024