An official website of the United States government
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is looking to understand the situations your business and employees have encountered during the time of the Coronavirus pandemic. This information is critical as policymakers, government officials, and businesses like yours look to understand changes in business operations, employment, and workplace flexibilities and benefits.
We know your business is likely facing challenges, and we appreciate your response to this important survey. Please answer the short survey about this business location’s experience beginning January 1, 2020.
Please answer the following questions for this business location only.
1. As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, which of the following did this business location experience? (select all that apply)
2. As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, what changes, if any, were made to employment or payroll at this business location? (select all that apply)
3. Did this business location continue to pay some or all employees who were told not to work as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic while they were not working?
4. Did this business location continue to pay a portion of health insurance premiums for some or all employees who were told not to work as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic?
5. Did this business location offer more opportunities for employees to telework (work remotely) as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic? (mark all that apply)
6. As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, did this business location increase the amount of paid sick leave provided to employees? (mark all that apply)
Federal and state governments have created loans and grants to help businesses that have been hurt by the Coronavirus pandemic. Sources of these loans and grants, some of which were created under the CARES Act, include the Paycheck Protection Program, Main Street Lending Program, Economic Injury Disaster Loan, and Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility.
7. Did this business location receive a Coronavirus-related loan or grant tied to re-hiring or maintaining employees on the payroll?
8. Would you like to provide any information about changes affecting employment that this business location made in response to the Coronavirus pandemic?
Last Modified Date: July 17, 2020