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For release 10:00 a.m. (EDT) Thursday, June 20, 2013 USDL-13-1178 Technical information: (202) 691-6339 * atusinfo@bls.gov * www.bls.gov/tus Media contact: (202) 691-5902 * PressOffice@bls.gov AMERICAN TIME USE SURVEY -- 2012 RESULTS In 2012, on days they worked, 23 percent of employed persons did some or all of their work at home, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Among workers age 25 and over, those with a bachelor's degree or higher were more likely to work at home than were persons with less education--38 percent of those with a bachelor's degree or higher performed some work at home on days worked compared with 5 percent of those with less than a high school diploma. These and other results from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) were released today. These data include the average amount of time per day in 2012 that individuals worked, did household activities, and engaged in leisure and sports activities. Additionally, measures of the average time per day spent providing childcare--both as a primary (or main) activity and while doing other things-- for the combined years 2008-12 are provided. For a further description of ATUS data and methodology, see the Technical Note. Working (by Employed Persons) in 2012 --Employed persons worked an average of 7.7 hours on the days they worked. More hours were worked, on average, on weekdays than on weekend days--8.0 hours compared with 5.7 hours. (See table 4.) --On the days they worked, employed men worked 55 minutes more than employed women. This difference partly reflects women's greater likelihood of working part time. However, even among full-time workers (those usually working 35 hours or more per week), men worked longer than women--8.5 hours compared with 7.9 hours. (See table 4.) --Many more people worked on weekdays than on weekend days--83 percent of employed persons worked on an average weekday, compared with 34 percent on an average weekend day. (See table 4.) --On the days they worked, 85 percent of employed persons did some or all of their work at their workplace and 23 percent did some or all of their work at home. They spent more time working at the workplace than at home--7.9 hours compared with 3.0 hours. (See table 6.) --Multiple jobholders were more likely to work on an average day than were single jobholders--83 percent compared with 67 percent. (For a definition of average day, see the Technical Note.) Multiple jobholders also were more likely to work at home than were single jobholders--34 percent compared with 22 percent. (See table 6.) --Self-employed workers were nearly three times more likely than wage and salary workers to have done some work at home on days worked--56 percent compared with 20 percent. Self-employed workers also were more likely to work on weekend days than were wage and salary workers--42 percent compared with 31 percent. (See tables 5 and 7.) --On the days they worked, 38 percent of employed people age 25 and over with a bachelor's degree or higher did some work at home, compared with only 5 percent of those with less than a high school diploma. (See table 6.) Household Activities in 2012 --On an average day, 82 percent of women and 65 percent of men spent some time doing household activities such as housework, cooking, lawn care, or financial and other household management. (See table 1.) --On the days they did household activities, women spent an average of 2.6 hours on such activities, while men spent 2.0 hours. (See table 1.) --On an average day, 20 percent of men did housework--such as cleaning or doing laundry--compared with 48 percent of women. Thirty-nine percent of men did food preparation or cleanup, compared with 65 percent of women. (See table 1.) Leisure Activities in 2012 --On an average day, nearly everyone age 15 and over (96 percent) engaged in some sort of leisure activity, such as watching TV, socializing, or exercising. Of those who engaged in leisure activities, men spent more time in these activities (6.0 hours) than did women (5.2 hours). (See table 1.) --Watching TV was the leisure activity that occupied the most time (2.8 hours per day), accounting for about half of leisure time, on average, for those age 15 and over. Socializing, such as visiting with friends or attending or hosting social events, was the next most common leisure activity, accounting for nearly three-quarters of an hour per day. (See table 1.) --Men were more likely than women to participate in sports, exercise, or recreation on any given day--22 percent compared with 17 percent. On the days that they participated, men also spent more time in these activities than did women--1.9 hours compared with 1.4 hours. (See table 1.) --On an average day, adults age 75 and over spent 7.7 hours engaged in leisure activities--more than any other age group; 25- to 34-year- olds spent 4.4 hours and 35- to 44-year-olds spent 4.3 hours engaged in leisure and sports activities--less than other age groups. (See table 11.) --Time spent reading for personal interest and playing games or using a computer for leisure varied greatly by age. Individuals age 75 and over averaged 1.0 hour of reading per weekend day and 20 minutes playing games or using a computer for leisure. Conversely, individuals ages 15 to 19 read for an average of 7 minutes per weekend day while spending 1.0 hour playing games or using a computer for leisure. (See table 11.) --Employed adults living in households with no children under age 18 engaged in leisure activities for 4.7 hours per day, about an hour more than employed adults living with a child under age 6. (See table 8.) Care of Household Children (by Adults in Households with Children) for the period 2008-12 --Adults living in households with children under age 6 spent an average of 2.0 hours per day providing primary childcare to household children. Adults living in households where the youngest child was between the ages of 6 and 17 spent less than half as much time providing primary childcare to household children--47 minutes per day. Primary childcare is childcare that is done as a main activity, such as physical care of children and reading to or talking with children. (See table 9.) --On an average day, among adults living in households with children under age 6, women spent 1.1 hours providing physical care (such as bathing or feeding a child) to household children; by contrast, men spent 26 minutes providing physical care. (See table 9.) --Adults living in households with at least one child under age 6 spent an average of 5.4 hours per day providing secondary childcare--that is, they had at least one child in their care while doing activities other than primary childcare. Secondary childcare provided by adults living in households with children under age 6 was most commonly provided while doing leisure activities (2.1 hours) or household activities (1.3 hours). (See table 10.) --Adults living in households with children under age 6 spent more time providing primary childcare on an average weekday (2.1 hours) than on an average weekend day (1.7 hours). However, they spent less time providing secondary childcare on weekdays than on weekend days--4.5 hours compared with 7.6 hours. (See tables 9 and 10.) Additional Data ATUS 2012 data files are available for users to do their own tabulations and analyses. In accordance with BLS and Census Bureau policies that protect survey respondents' privacy, identifying information was removed from the data files and some responses have been edited. The 2012 data files are available on the BLS website at www.bls.gov/tus/data.htm.
Technical Note The estimates in this release are based on annual average data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS). The ATUS, which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), is a continuous survey about how individuals age 15 and over spend their time. Information in this release will be made available to sensory impaired individuals upon request. Voice phone: (202) 691-5200; Federal Relay Service: (800) 877-8339. Survey methodology Data collection for the ATUS began in January 2003. Sample cases for the survey are selected monthly, and interviews are conducted continuously throughout the year. In 2012, approximately 12,500 individuals were interviewed. Estimates are released annually. ATUS sample households are chosen from the households that completed their eighth (final) interview for the Current Population Survey (CPS), the nation's monthly household labor force survey. ATUS sample households are selected to ensure that estimates will be nationally representative. One individual age 15 or over is randomly chosen from each sampled household. This "designated person" is interviewed by telephone once about his or her activities on the day before the interview--the "diary day." All ATUS interviews are conducted using Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing. Procedures are in place to collect information from the small number of households that did not provide a telephone number during the CPS interview. ATUS designated persons are preassigned a day of the week about which to report. Preassignment is designed to reduce variability in response rates across the week and to allow oversampling of weekend days so that accurate weekend day measures can be developed. Interviews occur on the day following the assigned day. For example, a person assigned to report about a Monday would be contacted on the following Tuesday. Ten percent of designated persons are assigned to report about each of the five weekdays. Twenty-five percent are assigned to report about each weekend day. Households are called for up to 8 consecutive weeks (for example, 8 Tuesdays) in order to secure an interview. About the questionnaire In the time diary portion of the ATUS interview, survey respondents sequentially report activities they did between 4 a.m. on the day before the interview ("yesterday") until 4 a.m. on the day of the interview. For each activity, respondents are asked how long the activity lasted. For activities other than personal care activities (such as sleeping and grooming), interviewers also ask respondents where they were and who was in the room with them (if at home) or who accompanied them (if away from home). If respondents report doing more than one activity at a time, they are asked to identify which one was the "main" (primary) activity. If none can be identified, then the interviewer records the first activity mentioned. After completing the time diary, interviewers ask respondents additional questions to clearly identify work, volunteering, and secondary childcare activities. Secondary childcare is defined as having a child under age 13 in one's care while doing other activities. Questions to identify eldercare providers and activities done as eldercare were added to the survey in 2011. In addition, the ATUS includes an update of the household composition information from the last CPS interview (2 to 5 months prior to the ATUS interview) and the employment status information of the respondent and his or her spouse or unmarried partner. For respondents who became employed or changed jobs between the last CPS interview and the ATUS interview, information also is collected on industry, occupation, class of worker, and earnings. For those who are unemployed or on layoff, CPS questions on job search activities are asked. Those who report being on layoff are asked if or when they expect to be recalled to work. Finally, a question about current school enrollment status is asked of all respondents ages 15 to 49. After completing the interview, primary activity descriptions are assigned a single 6-digit code using the ATUS Coding Lexicon. The 3- tier coding system consists of 17 major activity categories, each with multiple second- and third-tier subcategories. These coding lexicon categories are then combined into composite categories for publication, such as in this news release. Descriptions of categories shown in this release can be found in the Major activity category definitions section of this Technical Note. The 2012 ATUS Coding Lexicon can be accessed at www.bls.gov/tus/lexicons.htm. Concepts and definitions Average day. The average day measure reflects an average distribution across all persons in the reference population and all days of the week. Average day measures for the entire population provide a mechanism for seeing the overall distribution of time allocation for society as a whole. The ATUS collects data about daily activities from all segments of the population age 15 and over, including persons who are employed and not employed. Activity profiles differ based upon age, employment status, gender, and other characteristics. On an average day in 2012, persons in the U.S. age 15 and over did work and work-related activities for 3.5 hours, slept 8.7 hours, spent 5.4 hours doing leisure and sports activities, and spent 1.7 hours doing household activities. The remaining 4.7 hours were spent doing a variety of other activities, including eating and drinking, attending school, and shopping. (See table 1.) By comparison, an average weekday for persons employed full time on days that they worked included 9.4 hours doing work and work-related activities, 7.6 hours sleeping, 2.9 hours doing leisure and sports activities, and 0.8 hour doing household activities. The remaining 3.3 hours were spent in other activities, such as those described above. (These estimates include related travel time.) Many activities typically are not done on a daily basis, and some activities only are done by a subset of the population. For example, only 42 percent of all persons age 15 years and over worked on an average day in 2012 because some were not employed and those who were employed did not work every day. (See table 1.) Average hours per day. The average number of hours spent in a 24- hour day (between 4 a.m. on the diary day and 4 a.m. on the interview day) doing a specified activity. --Average hours per day, population. The average number of hours per day is computed using all responses from a given population, including those of respondents who did not do a particular activity on their diary day. These estimates reflect how many population members engaged in an activity and the amount of time they spent doing it. --Average hours per day, persons who did the activity. The average number of hours per day is computed using only responses from those who engaged in a particular activity on their diary day. Diary day. The diary day is the day about which the respondent reports. For example, the diary day of a respondent interviewed on Tuesday is Monday. Earnings --Usual weekly earnings. Estimates represent the earnings of full- time wage and salary workers with one job only (both incorporated and unincorporated self-employed are excluded), before taxes and other deductions. They include any overtime pay, commissions, or tips usually received. Usual weekly earnings are only updated in ATUS for about a third of employed respondents--if the respondent changed jobs or employment status between the CPS and ATUS interviews or if the CPS weekly earnings value was imputed. This means that the earnings information could be out of date because the CPS interview was done 2 to 5 months prior to the ATUS interview. Respondents are asked to identify the easiest way for them to report earnings (hourly, weekly, biweekly, twice monthly, annually, or other) and how much they usually earn in the reported time period. Earnings reported on a basis other than weekly are converted to a weekly equivalent. The term "usual" is as perceived by the respondent. If the respondent asks for a definition of usual, interviewers are instructed to define the term as more than half the weeks worked during the past 4 or 5 months. --Weekly earnings ranges. The ranges used represent approximately 25 percent of full-time wage and salary workers (both incorporated and unincorporated self-employed are excluded) who held only one job. For example, 25 percent of full-time wage and salary workers with one job only had weekly earnings of $530 or less. These dollar values vary from year to year. Employment status --Employed. All persons who, at any time during the 7 days prior to the interview: --1) Did any work at all as paid employees; worked in their own business, profession, or on their own farm; or usually worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in a family-operated enterprise; or --2) Were not working but had jobs or businesses from which they were temporarily absent due to illness, bad weather, vacation, childcare problems, labor-management disputes, maternity or paternity leave, job training, or other family or personal reasons, whether or not they were paid for the time off or were seeking other jobs. --Employed full time. Full-time workers are those who usually worked 35 hours or more per week at all jobs combined. --Employed part time. Part-time workers are those who usually worked fewer than 35 hours per week at all jobs combined. --Not employed. Persons are not employed if they do not meet the conditions for employment. The not employed include those classified as unemployed as well as those classified as not in the labor force (using CPS definitions). The numbers of employed and not employed persons in this report do not correspond to published totals from the CPS for several reasons. First, the reference population for the ATUS is age 15 years and over, whereas it is age 16 years and over for the CPS. Second, ATUS data are collected continuously, the employment reference period being the 7 days prior to the interview. By contrast, CPS data are usually collected during the week including the 19th of the month and refer to employment during the week containing the 12th of the month. Finally, the CPS accepts answers from household members about other household members whereas such proxy responses are not allowed in the ATUS. One consequence of the difference in proxy reporting is that a significantly higher proportion of teenagers report employment in the ATUS than in the CPS. While the information on employment from the ATUS is useful for assessing work in the context of other daily activities, the employment data are not intended for analysis of current employment trends. Compared with the CPS and other estimates of employment, the ATUS estimates are based on a much smaller sample and are only available with a substantial lag since ATUS data and estimates are published during the year following data collection. Household children. Household children are children under age 18 residing in the household of the ATUS respondent. The children may be related to the respondent (such as his or her own children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews, or siblings) or not related (such as foster children or children of roommates). Primary activity. A primary activity is the main activity a respondent was doing at a specified time. With the exception of secondary childcare in table 10, the estimates presented in this release reflect time spent in primary activities only. Secondary activities. A secondary (or simultaneous) activity is an activity done at the same time as a primary activity. With the exception of the care of children under age 13, information on secondary activities is not systematically collected in the ATUS. Secondary childcare. Secondary childcare is care for children under age 13 that is done while doing an activity other than primary childcare, such as cooking dinner. Secondary childcare estimates are derived by summing the durations of activities during which respondents had a household child or their own nonhousehold child under age 13 in their care while doing activities other than primary childcare. It is restricted to times the respondent was awake. Secondary childcare time for household children is further restricted to the time between when the first household child under age 13 woke up and the last household child under age 13 went to bed. If respondents report providing both primary and secondary care at the same time, the time is attributed to primary care only. Weekday, weekend, and holiday estimates. Estimates for weekdays are an average of reports about Monday through Friday. Estimates for weekend days and holidays are an average of reports about Saturdays, Sundays, and the following holidays: New Year's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. In 2012, the telephone call center was closed the day after New Year's Day, so data were not collected about this holiday. Data were not collected about Christmas Day in 2008 and 2011, and the Fourth of July in 2010. Major activity category definitions The following definitions describe the activity categories shown in this report. All major time-use categories in Tables 1-12 include related travel time and waiting time. For example, time spent "driving to the stadium" and time spent "waiting to get into the stadium to play ball" are included in Leisure and sports. Personal care activities. Personal care activities include sleeping, grooming (such as bathing or dressing), health-related self- care, and personal or private activities. Receiving unpaid personal care from others (for example, "my sister put polish on my nails") also is captured in this category. In general, respondents are not asked who they were with or where they were for personal care activities, as such information can be sensitive. Eating and drinking. All time spent eating or drinking (except eating and drinking done as part of a work or volunteer activity), whether alone, with others, at home, at a place of purchase, or somewhere else, is classified here. Household activities. Household activities are those done by persons to maintain their households. These include housework; cooking; lawn and garden care; pet care; vehicle maintenance and repair; home maintenance, repair, decoration, and renovation; and household management and organizational activities (such as filling out paperwork or planning a party). Food preparation, whether or not reported as done specifically for another household member, is always classified as a household activity unless it was done as a volunteer, work, or income-generating activity. For example, "making breakfast for my son" is coded as a household activity, not as childcare. Purchasing goods and services. This category includes purchases of consumer goods, professional and personal care services, household services, and government services. Consumer purchases include most purchases and rentals of consumer goods, regardless of the mode or place of purchase or rental (in person, via telephone, over the Internet, at home, or in a store). Gasoline, grocery, other food purchases, and all other shopping are further broken out in subcategories. Time spent obtaining, receiving, and purchasing professional and personal care services provided by someone else also is classified in this category. Professional services include childcare, financial services and banking, legal services, medical and adult care services, real estate services, and veterinary services. Personal care services include day spas, hair salons and barbershops, nail salons, and tanning salons. Activities classified here include time spent paying, meeting with, or talking to service providers, as well as time spent receiving the service or waiting to receive the service. Time spent arranging for and purchasing household services provided by someone else also is classified here. Household services include housecleaning; cooking; lawn care and landscaping; pet care; tailoring, laundering, and dry cleaning; vehicle maintenance and repairs; and home repairs, maintenance, and construction. This category also captures the time spent obtaining government services--such as applying for food stamps--and purchasing government- required licenses or paying fines or fees. Caring for and helping household members. Time spent doing activities to care for or help any child (under age 18) or adult in the household, regardless of relationship to the respondent or the physical or mental health status of the person being helped, is classified here. Caring for and helping activities for household children and adults are coded separately in subcategories. Primary childcare activities include time spent providing physical care; playing with children; reading to children; assistance with homework; attending children's events; taking care of children's health needs; and dropping off, picking up, and waiting for children. Passive childcare done as a primary activity (such as "keeping an eye on my son while he swam in the pool") also is included. A child's presence during the activity is not enough in itself to classify the activity as childcare. For example, "watching television with my child" is coded as a leisure activity, not as childcare. Secondary childcare occurs when persons have a child under age 13 "in their care" while doing activities other than primary childcare. For a complete definition, see the Concepts and definitions section of this Technical Note. Caring for and helping household members also includes a range of activities done to benefit adult members of households, such as providing physical and medical care or obtaining medical services. Doing something as a favor for or helping another household adult does not automatically result in classification as a helping activity. For example, a report of "helping my spouse cook dinner" is considered a household activity (food preparation), not a helping activity, because cooking dinner benefits the household as a whole. By contrast, doing paperwork for another person usually benefits the individual, so a report of "filling out an insurance application for my spouse" is considered a helping activity. Caring for and helping nonhousehold members. Caring for and helping nonhousehold members includes activities persons do to care for or help those--either children (under age 18) or adults--who do not live with them. When done for or through an organization, time spent helping nonhousehold members is classified as volunteering, rather than as helping nonhousehold members. Care of nonhousehold children, even when done as a favor or helping activity for another adult, is always classified as caring for and helping nonhousehold children, not as helping another adult. Working and work-related activities. This category includes time spent working, doing activities as part of one's job, engaging in income-generating activities (not as part of one's job), and job search activities. "Working" includes hours spent doing the specific tasks required of one's main or other job, regardless of location or time of day. "Work-related activities" include activities that are not obviously work but are done as part of one's job, such as having a business lunch or playing golf with clients. "Other income-generating activities" are those done "on the side" or under informal arrangement and are not part of a regular job. Such activities might include selling homemade crafts, babysitting, maintaining a rental property, or having a yard sale. These activities are those that persons "are paid for or will be paid for." Travel time related to working and work-related activities includes time spent traveling to and from work, as well as time spent traveling for work-related, income-generating, and job search activities. Educational activities. Educational activities include taking classes (including Internet and other distance-learning courses) for a degree as well as for personal interest; doing research and homework; and taking care of administrative tasks related to education, such as registering for classes or obtaining a school ID. For high school students, before- and after-school extracurricular activities (except sports) also are classified as educational activities. Educational activities do not include time spent for classes or training received as part of a job. Time spent helping others with their education- related activities is classified in the Caring for and helping categories. Organizational, civic, and religious activities. This category captures time spent volunteering for or through an organization, performing civic obligations, and participating in religious and spiritual activities. Civic obligations include government-required duties, such as serving jury duty or appearing in court, and activities that assist or influence government processes, such as voting or attending town hall meetings. Religious activities include those normally associated with membership in or identification with specific religions or denominations, such as attending religious services; participating in choirs, youth groups, orchestras, or unpaid teaching (unless identified as volunteer activities); and engaging in personal religious practices, such as praying. Leisure and sports. The leisure and sports category includes sports, exercise, and recreation; socializing and communicating; and other leisure activities. Sports, exercise, and recreation activities include participating in--as well as attending or watching--sports, exercise, and recreational activities. Recreational activities are leisure activities that are active in nature, such as yard games like croquet or horseshoes. Socializing and communicating includes face-to- face social communication and hosting or attending social functions. Leisure activities include watching television; reading; relaxing or thinking; playing computer, board, or card games; using a computer or the Internet for personal interest; playing or listening to music; and other activities, such as attending arts, cultural, and entertainment events. Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail. This category captures telephone communication and handling household or personal mail or e- mail. Telephone and Internet purchases are classified in Purchasing goods and services. Telephone calls, mail, or e-mail identified as related to work or volunteering are classified as work or volunteering. Other activities, not elsewhere classified. This residual category includes security procedures related to traveling, traveling not associated with a specific activity category, ambiguous activities that could not be coded, and missing activities. Missing activities result when respondents did not remember what they did for a period of time, or when they considered an activity too private or personal to report. Processing and estimation After ATUS data are collected, they go through an editing and imputation procedure. Responses to CPS questions that are re-asked in the ATUS go through the regular CPS edit and imputation procedures. Some item nonresponses for questions unique to the ATUS (such as where an activity took place or how much time was spent doing secondary childcare) also are imputed. Missing activities and missing values for who was present during an activity are never imputed. ATUS records are weighted quarterly to reduce bias in the estimates due to differences in sampling and response rates across subpopulations and days of the week. Specifically, the data are weighted to ensure the following: --Weekdays represent about 5/7 of the weighted data, and weekend days represent about 2/7 of the weighted data for the population as a whole. The actual proportions depend on the number of weekdays and weekend days in a given quarter. --The sum of the weights is equal to the number of person-days in the quarter for the population as a whole and for selected subpopulations. Reliability of the estimates Statistics based on the ATUS are subject to both sampling and nonsampling error. When a sample, rather than the entire population, is surveyed, estimates differ from the true population values they represent. The component of this difference that occurs because samples differ by chance is known as sampling error, and its variability is measured by the standard error of the estimate. Sample estimates from a given survey design are unbiased when an average of the estimates from all possible samples would yield, hypothetically, the true population value. In this case, the sample estimate and its standard error can be used to construct approximate confidence intervals, or ranges of values that include the true population value with known probabilities. If the process of selecting a sample from the population were repeated many times, an estimate made from each sample, and a suitable estimate of its standard error calculated for each sample, then approximately 90 percent of the intervals from 1.645 standard errors below the estimate to 1.645 standard errors above the estimate would include the true population value. BLS analyses are generally conducted at the 90-percent level of confidence. The ATUS data also are affected by nonsampling error, which is the average difference between population and sample values for samples generated by a given process. Nonsampling error can occur for many reasons, including the failure to sample a segment of the population, inability to obtain information for all respondents in the sample, inability or unwillingness of respondents to provide correct information, and errors made in the collection or processing of the data. Errors also could occur if non-response is correlated with time use. Publication requirements Estimates of average hours per day and participation rates are not published unless there are a minimum number of respondents representing the given population. Additional publication criteria are applied that include the number of respondents who reported doing a specified activity and the standard error or coefficient of variation for the estimate. Estimates that are considered "close to zero" or that round to 0.00, are published as approximately zero or "~0." For a detailed description of the statistical reliability criteria necessary for publication, please contact ATUS staff at ATUSinfo@bls.gov.
Table 1. Time spent in primary activities (1) and percent of the civilian population engaging in each activity, averages per day by sex, 2012 annual averages Average hours per day, Average percent engaged Average hours per day civilian population in the activity per day for persons who engaged Activity in the activity Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total, all activities (2).............................. 24.00 24.00 24.00 --- --- --- --- --- --- Personal care activities............................. 9.49 9.22 9.74 100.0 99.9 100.0 9.49 9.22 9.74 Sleeping.......................................... 8.73 8.60 8.86 99.9 99.9 99.9 8.74 8.61 8.86 Eating and drinking.................................. 1.25 1.30 1.20 96.0 95.9 96.0 1.30 1.35 1.25 Household activities................................. 1.74 1.29 2.17 73.7 64.5 82.3 2.36 1.99 2.63 Housework......................................... .60 .28 .90 34.6 19.8 48.4 1.73 1.40 1.86 Food preparation and cleanup...................... .53 .28 .75 52.5 39.2 64.9 1.00 .72 1.16 Lawn and garden care.............................. .18 .25 .12 9.8 11.7 8.0 1.87 2.11 1.53 Household management.............................. .13 .10 .15 16.3 13.6 18.8 .78 .77 .79 Purchasing goods and services........................ .72 .60 .84 41.4 37.2 45.3 1.74 1.60 1.85 Consumer goods purchases.......................... .35 .27 .43 37.5 34.0 40.8 .94 .80 1.05 Professional and personal care services........... .08 .06 .10 7.4 5.6 9.0 1.10 1.05 1.13 Caring for and helping household members............. .51 .35 .66 24.5 19.7 28.9 2.09 1.79 2.27 Caring for and helping household children......... .40 .27 .53 20.4 15.6 24.8 1.98 1.71 2.14 Caring for and helping nonhousehold members.......... .18 .16 .20 11.2 9.9 12.3 1.62 1.59 1.64 Caring for and helping nonhousehold adults........ .06 .06 .05 7.3 7.0 7.5 .80 .91 .70 Working and work-related activities.................. 3.53 4.17 2.94 43.9 48.8 39.3 8.05 8.54 7.49 Working........................................... 3.19 3.74 2.67 41.8 46.5 37.4 7.63 8.05 7.13 Educational activities............................... .50 .53 .47 8.5 8.8 8.2 5.87 6.01 5.73 Attending class................................... .28 .30 .26 5.4 5.8 5.1 5.16 5.17 5.14 Homework and research............................. .17 .18 .16 6.2 6.1 6.2 2.75 2.89 2.63 Organizational, civic, and religious activities...... .32 .26 .38 13.8 10.9 16.6 2.33 2.42 2.27 Religious and spiritual activities................ .15 .12 .18 9.0 6.7 11.1 1.66 1.72 1.63 Volunteering (organizational and civic activities) .13 .11 .15 6.0 5.0 7.0 2.13 2.21 2.08 Leisure and sports................................... 5.37 5.79 4.97 96.2 96.9 95.6 5.58 5.98 5.20 Socializing and communicating..................... .74 .72 .76 37.2 35.4 38.9 2.00 2.04 1.96 Watching television............................... 2.83 3.07 2.61 80.1 80.9 79.3 3.54 3.80 3.29 Participating in sports, exercise, and recreation .32 .41 .24 19.3 21.7 17.0 1.67 1.90 1.39 Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail.................... .16 .11 .20 19.8 15.7 23.6 .78 .70 .84 Other activities, not elsewhere classified........... .24 .23 .25 14.1 12.8 15.3 1.69 1.80 1.60 1 A primary activity refers to an individual's main activity. Other activities done simultaneously are not included. 2 All major activity categories include related travel time. See Technical Note for activity category definitions. - Not applicable. NOTE: Data refer to persons 15 years and over.
Table 2. Time spent in primary activities (1) and percent of the civilian population engaging in each activity, averages per day on weekdays and weekends, 2012 annual averages Average hours per Average percent Average hours per day, civilian engaged in the day for persons who population activity per day engaged in the activity Activity Weekends Weekends Weekends Weekdays and Weekdays and Weekdays and holidays holidays holidays Total, all activities (2)......................... 24.00 24.00 --- --- --- --- Personal care activities........................ 9.21 10.13 100.0 99.9 9.21 10.13 Sleeping..................................... 8.45 9.39 99.9 99.9 8.45 9.41 Eating and drinking............................. 1.19 1.39 96.0 95.8 1.24 1.45 Household activities............................ 1.59 2.08 73.0 75.3 2.19 2.77 Housework.................................... .54 .74 33.4 37.5 1.62 1.96 Food preparation and cleanup................. .51 .56 53.4 50.5 .96 1.11 Lawn and garden care......................... .16 .23 9.5 10.5 1.71 2.19 Household management......................... .12 .15 16.2 16.5 .72 .91 Purchasing goods and services................... .68 .81 40.9 42.5 1.67 1.91 Consumer goods purchases..................... .30 .48 36.0 41.2 .83 1.16 Professional and personal care services...... .10 .03 9.1 3.3 1.13 .92 Caring for and helping household members........ .54 .44 26.3 20.4 2.06 2.15 Caring for and helping household children.... .42 .37 21.7 17.3 1.93 2.12 Caring for and helping nonhousehold members..... .17 .21 10.9 11.8 1.55 1.76 Caring for and helping nonhousehold adults... .05 .07 7.1 7.8 .75 .90 Working and work-related activities............. 4.49 1.29 53.3 21.9 8.43 5.91 Working...................................... 4.06 1.15 51.1 20.2 7.95 5.69 Educational activities.......................... .63 .20 9.9 5.3 6.36 3.72 Attending class.............................. .39 .02 7.5 .6 5.24 2.81 Homework and research........................ .17 .16 6.8 4.7 2.54 3.47 Organizational, civic, and religious activities .22 .55 11.3 19.7 1.98 2.79 Religious and spiritual activities........... .07 .33 6.1 15.9 1.23 2.05 Volunteering (organizational and civic activities).................................... .12 .15 6.0 6.1 1.97 2.50 Leisure and sports.............................. 4.85 6.57 96.0 96.9 5.06 6.78 Socializing and communicating................ .61 1.05 35.8 40.4 1.71 2.61 Watching television.......................... 2.58 3.42 79.3 81.8 3.26 4.18 Participating in sports, exercise, and recreation..................................... .30 .37 20.0 17.7 1.50 2.11 Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail............... .16 .13 21.2 16.5 .78 .81 Other activities, not elsewhere classified...... .25 .21 14.7 12.7 1.71 1.64 1 A primary activity refers to an individual's main activity. Other activities done simultaneously are not included. 2 All major activity categories include related travel time. See Technical Note for activity category definitions. - Not applicable. NOTE: Data refer to persons 15 years and over.
Table 3. Time spent in primary activities (1) for the civilian population by age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, marital status, and educational attainment, 2012 annual averages Average hours per day spent in primary activities (2) Caring Organiza- Other Characteristic Personal Purchas- Caring for and Working Educa- tional, Telephone activi- care Eating Household ing goods for and helping and work- tional civic, Leisure calls, ties, not activi- and activi- and helping non- related activi- and and mail, and elsewhere ties drinking ties services household household activi- ties religious sports e-mail classi- members members ties activi- fied ties Total, 15 years and over........ 9.49 1.25 1.74 0.72 0.51 0.18 3.53 0.50 0.32 5.37 0.16 0.24 15 to 19 years................ 10.44 1.00 .67 .55 .13 .18 1.05 3.35 .27 5.86 .19 .31 20 to 24 years................ 9.82 1.20 .85 .54 .58 .14 3.61 1.09 .18 5.55 .19 .26 25 to 34 years................ 9.46 1.23 1.49 .71 1.03 .13 4.59 .40 .19 4.42 .11 .24 35 to 44 years................ 9.21 1.20 1.82 .73 1.05 .12 4.82 .21 .30 4.27 .09 .18 45 to 54 years................ 9.20 1.19 1.87 .70 .39 .20 4.92 .06 .33 4.81 .12 .22 55 to 64 years................ 9.27 1.31 2.07 .86 .15 .27 3.68 .03 .39 5.59 .17 .22 65 to 74 years................ 9.41 1.41 2.53 .85 .11 .25 1.39 .01 .49 7.10 .20 .26 75 years and over............. 9.89 1.52 2.42 .73 .12 .17 .31 ~0 .52 7.68 .30 .33 Men, 15 years and over......... 9.22 1.30 1.29 .60 .35 .16 4.17 .53 .26 5.79 .11 .23 15 to 19 years................ 10.09 1.04 .58 .37 .10 .19 .86 3.53 .25 6.55 .16 .28 20 to 24 years................ 9.42 1.17 .64 .47 (3) .15 3.51 1.02 .22 6.63 .16 .32 25 to 34 years................ 9.17 1.24 1.06 .56 .62 .13 5.39 .42 .15 4.93 .09 .25 35 to 44 years................ 8.94 1.28 1.20 .62 .74 .09 6.02 .19 .24 4.45 .06 .18 45 to 54 years................ 9.01 1.25 1.34 .58 .34 .15 5.65 .05 .26 5.09 .08 .21 55 to 64 years................ 8.95 1.36 1.65 .72 .11 .23 4.43 (3) .28 5.97 .12 .16 65 to 74 years................ 9.22 1.56 2.06 .72 .09 .23 1.72 ~0 .46 7.64 .11 .19 75 years and over............. 9.77 1.66 1.89 .67 .10 .16 .55 ~0 .42 8.11 .25 .43 Women, 15 years and over....... 9.74 1.20 2.17 .84 .66 .20 2.94 .47 .38 4.97 .20 .25 15 to 19 years................ 10.81 .96 .76 .73 .17 .17 1.25 3.15 .29 5.14 .23 .34 20 to 24 years................ 10.21 1.23 1.06 .61 .86 .13 3.70 1.16 .14 4.48 .23 .20 25 to 34 years................ 9.74 1.21 1.92 .85 1.42 .12 3.81 .39 .24 3.93 .13 .24 35 to 44 years................ 9.48 1.13 2.40 .84 1.34 .15 3.67 .24 .35 4.09 .13 .18 45 to 54 years................ 9.38 1.14 2.37 .81 .44 .25 4.22 .06 .39 4.55 .16 .23 55 to 64 years................ 9.57 1.25 2.46 .99 .18 .31 2.98 .03 .49 5.24 .22 .27 65 to 74 years................ 9.57 1.28 2.95 .97 .13 .26 1.09 ~0 .51 6.61 .28 .31 75 years and over............. 9.97 1.42 2.78 .77 .13 .18 .15 ~0 .60 7.39 .34 .25 White, 15 years and over....... 9.43 1.27 1.82 .72 .51 .19 3.59 .49 .30 5.30 .15 .23 Men........................... 9.18 1.32 1.36 .59 .35 .16 4.26 .51 .25 5.69 .11 .22 Women......................... 9.67 1.23 2.26 .84 .66 .21 2.96 .46 .36 4.94 .19 .23 Black or African American, 15 years and over............... 9.83 0.92 1.32 0.82 0.44 0.18 3.01 0.45 0.46 6.06 0.20 0.30 Men........................... 9.52 .93 .96 .70 .28 .16 3.37 .42 .37 6.87 .13 .31 Women......................... 10.09 .92 1.62 .92 .57 .19 2.71 .48 .53 5.40 .27 .30 Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, 15 years and over............ 9.83 1.18 1.79 .67 .68 .15 3.51 .77 .29 4.76 .11 .27 Men........................... 9.58 1.20 1.14 .57 .44 .13 4.11 .81 .21 5.49 .08 .25 Women......................... 10.07 1.15 2.43 .78 .93 .17 2.90 .73 .37 4.03 .14 .30 Marital status and sex: Married, spouse present........ 9.21 1.34 2.07 .78 .73 .18 3.94 .08 .38 4.95 .11 .23 Men........................... 8.97 1.39 1.51 .67 .54 .14 4.79 .05 .33 5.30 .08 .23 Women......................... 9.45 1.28 2.64 .89 .93 .22 3.06 .12 .42 4.59 .15 .24 Other marital statuses......... 9.78 1.15 1.40 .66 .28 .18 3.11 .94 .26 5.80 .20 .24 Men........................... 9.50 1.19 1.03 .51 .14 .18 3.45 1.08 .18 6.36 .15 .24 Women......................... 10.02 1.12 1.71 .78 .39 .18 2.82 .81 .33 5.34 .24 .25 Educational attainment, 25 years and over: Less than a high school diploma 10.13 1.12 2.10 .59 .55 .14 2.53 ~0 .30 6.23 .07 .19 High school graduates, no college..................... 9.50 1.21 2.11 .69 .39 .25 3.39 .07 .30 5.78 .13 .19 Some college or associate degree...................... 9.27 1.23 1.95 .82 .56 .18 3.84 .20 .36 5.17 .17 .26 Bachelor's degree and higher... 9.01 1.43 1.74 .83 .67 .15 4.54 .20 .39 4.61 .18 .26 1 A primary activity refers to an individual's main activity. Other activities done simultaneously are not included. 2 All major activity categories include related travel time. See Technical Note for activity category definitions. 3 Estimate is suppressed because it does not meet the American Time Use Survey publication standards. ~0 Estimate is approximately zero. NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, data refer to persons 15 years and over. Persons of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity may be of any race.
Table 4. Employed persons working (1) and time spent working on days worked by full- and part-time status and sex, jobholding status, educational attainment, and day of week, 2012 annual averages (Numbers in thousands) Employed persons who worked Employed persons who worked Employed persons who worked on an average day on an average weekday on an average Saturday, Sunday, and holiday Characteristic Total employed Percent Average Percent Average Percent Average Number of hours of Number(2) of hours of Number(3) of hours of employed work employed work employed work Full- and part-time status and sex Total, 15 years and over (4).............. 150,877 102,817 68.1 7.65 124,530 82.5 7.97 50,621 33.6 5.71 Full-time workers...................... 114,136 83,117 72.8 8.22 101,844 89.2 8.60 38,813 34.0 5.86 Part-time workers...................... 36,741 19,701 53.6 5.24 22,832 62.1 5.26 11,783 32.1 5.18 Men(4)................................... 79,458 55,361 69.7 8.07 67,033 84.4 8.44 27,368 34.4 5.90 Full-time workers...................... 66,470 48,759 73.4 8.46 59,467 89.5 8.87 23,541 35.4 6.02 Part-time workers...................... 12,988 6,602 50.8 5.16 7,675 59.1 5.18 3,773 29.0 5.05 Women(4)................................. 71,419 47,456 66.4 7.16 57,499 80.5 7.44 23,251 32.6 5.48 Full-time workers...................... 47,666 34,358 72.1 7.87 42,378 88.9 8.21 15,265 32.0 5.61 Part-time workers...................... 23,754 13,099 55.1 5.29 15,164 63.8 5.30 7,993 33.6 5.23 Jobholding status Single jobholders......................... 138,106 92,250 66.8 7.65 113,179 82.0 7.95 42,361 30.7 5.74 Multiple jobholders....................... 12,771 10,567 82.7 7.60 11,328 88.7 8.19 8,559 67.0 5.55 Educational attainment, 25 years and over Less than a high school diploma........... 9,879 6,563 66.4 7.76 8,099 82.0 8.05 3,337 33.8 6.30 High school graduates, no college......... 36,749 24,589 66.9 7.97 30,220 82.2 8.15 10,893 29.6 6.76 Some college or associate degree.......... 33,843 22,569 66.7 7.86 27,596 81.5 8.14 10,493 31.0 6.08 Bachelor's degree and higher.............. 49,670 36,252 73.0 7.57 44,128 88.8 8.09 16,996 34.2 4.21 1 Includes work at main and other job(s), and excludes travel related to work. 2 Number was derived by multiplying the "Total employed" by the percent of employed persons who worked on an average weekday. 3 Number was derived by multiplying the "Total employed" by the percent of employed persons who worked on an average Saturday, Sunday, and holiday. 4 Includes workers whose hours vary. NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, data refer to persons 15 years and over.
Table 5. Employed persons working (1) on main job and time spent working on days worked by class of worker, occupation, earnings, and day of week, 2012 annual averages (Numbers in thousands) Employed persons who worked Employed persons who worked Employed persons who worked on an average day on an average weekday on an average Saturday, Sunday, and holiday Characteristic Total employed Percent Average Percent Average Percent Average Number of hours of Number(2) of hours of Number(3) of hours of employed work employed work employed work Class of worker (main job only) Wage and salary workers................... 139,487 93,584 67.1 7.65 114,995 82.4 7.94 42,631 30.6 5.74 Self-employed workers (4)................. 11,135 7,611 68.4 6.87 8,686 78.0 7.11 4,694 42.2 5.66 Occupation (main job only) (5) Management, business, and financial operations............................. 23,190 16,964 73.2 7.86 20,835 89.8 8.38 7,751 33.4 4.53 Professional and related.................. 36,444 24,962 68.5 7.31 30,225 82.9 7.68 11,265 30.9 4.72 Service................................... 25,770 15,576 60.4 7.45 18,265 70.9 7.57 9,627 37.4 6.93 Sales and related......................... 15,798 10,493 66.4 7.29 11,744 74.3 7.58 7,210 45.6 6.04 Office and administrative support......... 18,628 12,087 64.9 7.49 15,815 84.9 7.68 3,340 17.9 5.36 Farming, fishing, and forestry............ (7) (7) (7) 6.92 (7) (7) 6.94 (7) (7) 6.86 Construction and extraction............... 6,802 4,653 68.4 7.74 5,940 87.3 8.00 1,680 24.7 5.60 Installation, maintenance, and repair..... 5,395 3,627 67.2 8.35 4,815 89.2 8.59 1,277 23.7 6.58 Production................................ 8,159 5,593 68.6 7.97 7,208 88.3 8.14 1,954 23.9 6.57 Transportation and material moving........ 8,825 6,036 68.4 8.27 7,563 85.7 8.42 2,487 28.2 7.22 Earnings of full-time wage and salary workers (single jobholders only) (6) $0 - $530................................. 23,959 17,024 71.1 8.10 20,962 87.5 8.23 7,646 31.9 7.26 $531 - $830............................... 23,397 15,694 67.1 8.20 20,606 88.1 8.37 5,989 25.6 7.02 $831 - $1,290............................. 23,405 15,959 68.2 8.39 20,504 87.6 8.73 5,660 24.2 5.52 $1,291 and higher......................... 23,554 17,968 76.3 8.31 21,688 92.1 8.96 7,959 33.8 3.60 1 Includes work at main job only and excludes travel related to work. 2 Number was derived by multiplying the "Total employed" by the percent of employed persons who worked on an average weekday. 3 Number was derived by multiplying the "Total employed" by the percent of employed persons who worked on an average Saturday, Sunday, and holiday. 4 Includes self-employed workers whose businesses are unincorporated. Self-employed workers whose businesses are incorporated are classified as wage and salary workers. 5 These values were generated using the 2010 Census occupational classification system which was introduced with the 2011 estimates. Estimates are not strictly comparable to those from earlier years. 6 These values are based on usual weekly earnings. The earnings data are limited to wage and salary workers (both incorporated and unincorporated self-employed workers are excluded). Each earnings range represents approximately 25 percent of full-time wage and salary workers who held only one job. 7 Estimate is suppressed because it does not meet the American Time Use Survey publication standards. NOTE: Data refer to persons 15 years and over.
Table 6. Employed persons working (1) at home and at their workplace and time spent working at each location by full- and part-time status and sex, jobholding status, and educational attainment, 2012 annual averages (Numbers in thousands) Employed persons who worked Employed persons who worked Employed persons who worked on an average day at their workplace on an at home on an average average day(2) day(2)(3) Total Characteristic employed Percent Average Percent Average Percent Average Number of hours of Number of those hours of Number of those hours of employed work who work at who work at worked workplace worked home Full- and part-time status and sex Total, 15 years and over (4).............. 150,877 102,817 68.1 7.65 86,857 84.5 7.92 23,878 23.2 3.01 Full-time workers...................... 114,136 83,117 72.8 8.22 72,115 86.8 8.35 18,502 22.3 3.19 Part-time workers...................... 36,741 19,701 53.6 5.24 14,742 74.8 5.81 5,376 27.3 2.38 Men (4).................................. 79,458 55,361 69.7 8.07 47,369 85.6 8.27 12,828 23.2 3.07 Full-time workers...................... 66,470 48,759 73.4 8.46 42,695 87.6 8.56 10,828 22.2 3.12 Part-time workers...................... 12,988 6,602 50.8 5.16 4,673 70.8 5.63 2,000 30.3 2.83 Women (4)................................ 71,419 47,456 66.4 7.16 39,488 83.2 7.50 11,050 23.3 2.93 Full-time workers...................... 47,666 34,358 72.1 7.87 29,419 85.6 8.05 7,674 22.3 3.30 Part-time workers...................... 23,754 13,099 55.1 5.29 10,069 76.9 5.89 3,377 25.8 2.11 Jobholding status Single jobholders......................... 138,106 92,250 66.8 7.65 78,770 85.4 7.92 20,242 21.9 3.02 Multiple jobholders....................... 12,771 10,567 82.7 7.60 8,087 76.5 7.91 3,636 34.4 2.96 Educational attainment, 25 years and over Less than a high school diploma........... 9,879 6,563 66.4 7.76 6,141 93.6 7.90 357 5.4 3.18 High school graduates, no college......... 36,749 24,589 66.9 7.97 22,285 90.6 8.04 3,118 12.7 3.56 Some college or associate degree.......... 33,843 22,569 66.7 7.86 19,032 84.3 8.18 4,769 21.1 3.17 Bachelor's degree and higher.............. 49,670 36,252 73.0 7.57 28,069 77.4 7.98 13,914 38.4 2.87 1 Includes work at main and other job(s) and at locations other than home or workplace. Excludes travel related to work. 2 Individuals may have worked at more than one location. 3 "Working at home" includes any time persons did work at home and is not restricted to persons whose usual workplace is their home. 4 Includes workers whose hours vary. NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, data refer to persons 15 years and over.
Table 7. Employed persons working on main job (1) at home and at their workplace and time spent working at each location by class of worker, occupation, and earnings, 2012 annual averages (Numbers in thousands) Employed persons who worked Employed persons who worked Employed persons who worked on an average day at their workplace on an at home on an average average day (2) day (2)(3) Total Characteristic employed Percent Average Percent Average Percent Average Number of hours of Number of those hours of Number of those hours of employed work who work at who work at worked workplace worked home Class of worker (main job only) Wage and salary workers................... 139,487 93,584 67.1 7.65 81,764 87.4 7.91 18,428 19.7 2.58 Self-employed workers (4)................. 11,135 7,611 68.4 6.87 4,047 53.2 7.08 4,270 56.1 4.86 Occupation (main job only) (5) Management, business, and financial operations............................. 23,190 16,964 73.2 7.86 13,107 77.3 8.19 6,028 35.5 3.70 Professional and related.................. 36,444 24,962 68.5 7.31 19,248 77.1 7.85 9,226 37.0 2.58 Service................................... 25,770 15,576 60.4 7.45 13,849 88.9 7.52 1,571 10.1 4.01 Sales and related......................... 15,798 10,493 66.4 7.29 9,008 85.8 7.54 2,245 21.4 3.20 Office and administrative support......... 18,628 12,087 64.9 7.49 11,338 93.8 7.63 1,123 9.3 2.13 Farming, fishing, and forestry............ (7) (7) (7) 6.92 (7) (7) 8.71 (7) (7) 3.12 Construction and extraction............... 6,802 4,653 68.4 7.74 4,139 89.0 7.92 743 16.0 2.50 Installation, maintenance, and repair..... 5,395 3,627 67.2 8.35 3,424 94.4 8.29 534 14.7 (7) Production................................ 8,159 5,593 68.6 7.97 5,439 97.2 8.08 348 6.2 (7) Transportation and material moving........ 8,825 6,036 68.4 8.27 5,472 90.7 8.51 432 7.2 1.98 Earnings of full-time wage and salary workers (single jobholders only)(6) $0 - $530................................. 23,959 17,024 71.1 8.10 16,164 94.9 8.17 1,139 6.7 (7) $531 - $830............................... 23,397 15,694 67.1 8.20 14,894 94.9 8.20 1,381 8.8 2.36 $831 - $1,290............................. 23,405 15,959 68.2 8.39 14,194 88.9 8.55 3,188 20.0 2.53 $1,291 and higher......................... 23,554 17,968 76.3 8.31 14,872 82.8 8.59 6,075 33.8 2.92 1 Includes work at main job only and at locations other than home or workplace. Excludes travel related to work. 2 Individuals may have worked at more than one location. 3 "Working at home" includes any time persons did work at home and is not restricted to persons whose usual workplace is their home. 4 Includes self-employed workers whose businesses are unincorporated. Self-employed workers whose businesses are incorporated are classified as wage and salary workers. 5 These values were generated using the 2010 Census occupational classification system which was introduced with the 2011 estimates. Estimates are not strictly comparable to those from earlier years. 6 These values are based on usual weekly earnings. The earnings data are limited to wage and salary workers (both incorporated and unincorporated self-employed workers are excluded). Each earnings range represents approximately 25 percent of full-time wage and salary workers who held only one job. 7 Estimate is suppressed because it does not meet the American Time Use Survey publication standards. NOTE: Data refer to persons 15 years and over.
Table 8. Time spent in primary activities (1) for the civilian population 18 years and over by employment status, presence and age of youngest household child, and sex, 2012 annual averages Total Average hours per day spent in primary activities Activity Youngest household Youngest household No household child under 6 child 6-17 children under 18 Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total, all activities (2).............................. 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 Personal care activities............................. 9.30 8.92 9.60 9.38 9.06 9.66 9.48 9.23 9.73 Sleeping.......................................... 8.67 8.36 8.92 8.61 8.43 8.77 8.70 8.60 8.81 Eating and drinking.................................. 1.14 1.19 1.09 1.19 1.21 1.18 1.31 1.38 1.25 Household activities................................. 1.77 1.11 2.28 1.90 1.27 2.43 1.79 1.41 2.17 Housework......................................... .69 .29 1.00 .71 .30 1.05 .58 .28 .88 Food preparation and cleanup...................... .70 .33 1.00 .64 .31 .93 .48 .29 .67 Lawn and garden care.............................. .08 .13 .04 .17 .24 .11 .22 .29 .15 Household management.............................. .10 .08 .12 .11 .06 .15 .15 .13 .17 Purchasing goods and services........................ .72 .59 .82 .72 .57 .84 .75 .64 .85 Consumer goods purchases.......................... .37 .30 .43 .37 .28 .44 .36 .28 .43 Professional and personal care services........... .07 .03 .10 .05 .03 .07 .10 .08 .11 Caring for and helping household members............. 2.09 1.51 2.54 .82 .62 .99 .06 .05 .06 Caring for and helping household children......... 1.87 1.34 2.28 .62 .45 .76 --- --- --- Caring for and helping nonhousehold members.......... .09 .07 .11 .10 .07 .13 .23 .20 .25 Caring for and helping nonhousehold adults........ .04 .04 .03 .04 .03 .04 .07 .08 .06 Working and work-related activities.................. 4.05 5.33 3.04 4.34 5.43 3.42 3.44 3.94 2.95 Working........................................... 3.68 4.80 2.80 3.93 4.89 3.12 3.09 3.53 2.66 Educational activities............................... .21 .23 .20 .36 .31 .41 .28 .28 .27 Attending class................................... .09 .15 .05 .15 .12 .17 .11 .09 .13 Homework and research............................. .09 .06 .12 .17 .14 .19 .13 .14 .12 Organizational, civic, and religious activities...... .27 .28 .27 .36 .28 .43 .33 .26 .39 Religious and spiritual activities................ .14 .14 .15 .15 .13 .16 .15 .11 .20 Volunteering (organizational and civic activities) .09 .11 .08 .16 .11 .20 .13 .12 .15 Leisure and sports................................... 4.04 4.49 3.69 4.47 4.90 4.11 5.92 6.26 5.58 Socializing and communicating..................... .76 .81 .72 .68 .73 .64 .74 .70 .77 Watching television............................... 2.08 2.26 1.93 2.37 2.63 2.16 3.23 3.46 3.00 Participating in sports, exercise, and recreation .26 .31 .22 .29 .35 .23 .30 .39 .21 Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail.................... .07 .05 .09 .11 .08 .13 .19 .13 .25 Other activities, not elsewhere classified........... .25 .22 .27 .25 .20 .28 .24 .23 .24 Employed Total, all activities (2).............................. 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 Personal care activities............................. 8.98 8.75 9.24 9.18 8.90 9.46 9.15 8.93 9.40 Sleeping.......................................... 8.31 8.17 8.48 8.39 8.25 8.53 8.39 8.30 8.50 Eating and drinking.................................. 1.17 1.24 1.08 1.20 1.23 1.17 1.29 1.35 1.22 Household activities................................. 1.38 1.04 1.77 1.58 1.16 2.00 1.41 1.18 1.69 Housework......................................... .51 .26 .78 .52 .26 .79 .45 .26 .67 Food preparation and cleanup...................... .52 .31 .76 .52 .28 .78 .37 .25 .51 Lawn and garden care.............................. .09 .13 .04 .16 .24 .07 .15 .19 .10 Household management.............................. .10 .09 .10 .10 .06 .15 .12 .11 .15 Purchasing goods and services........................ .67 .56 .80 .68 .52 .83 .68 .57 .80 Consumer goods purchases.......................... .36 .28 .45 .35 .26 .44 .34 .27 .41 Professional and personal care services........... .05 .02 .07 .05 .02 .07 .07 .04 .10 Caring for and helping household members............. 1.77 1.40 2.18 .72 .54 .91 .04 .05 .03 Caring for and helping household children......... 1.55 1.24 1.89 .54 .40 .68 --- --- --- Caring for and helping nonhousehold members.......... .06 .06 .07 .10 .07 .13 .21 .17 .25 Caring for and helping nonhousehold adults........ .02 .03 .01 .03 .02 .04 .07 .07 .07 Working and work-related activities.................. 5.74 6.30 5.10 5.74 6.55 4.92 5.78 6.12 5.39 Working........................................... 5.27 5.72 4.75 5.25 5.96 4.53 5.29 5.57 4.97 Educational activities............................... .11 .08 .14 .23 .21 .26 .21 .17 .25 Attending class................................... .04 (4) .04 .09 .07 .10 .07 .05 .10 Homework and research............................. .06 .04 .08 .11 .11 .12 .11 .09 .13 Organizational, civic, and religious activities...... .24 .27 .21 .33 .28 .39 .25 .20 .31 Religious and spiritual activities................ .13 .14 .12 .13 .12 .14 .11 .08 .14 Volunteering (organizational and civic activities) .08 .09 .06 .15 .12 .19 .11 .09 .13 Leisure and sports................................... 3.60 4.06 3.09 3.97 4.29 3.65 4.67 5.01 4.26 Socializing and communicating..................... .74 .80 .66 .63 .67 .59 .65 .61 .69 Watching television............................... 1.87 2.14 1.57 2.08 2.30 1.87 2.44 2.71 2.12 Participating in sports, exercise, and recreation .23 .27 .19 .28 .34 .22 .26 .31 .20 Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail.................... .05 .04 .07 .08 .05 .10 .14 .10 .18 Other activities, not elsewhere classified........... .23 .20 .25 .19 .19 .19 .18 .15 .21 Not employed Total, all activities (2).............................. 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 Personal care activities............................. 10.03 9.80 10.10 9.99 9.79 10.09 9.95 9.74 10.11 Sleeping.......................................... 9.48 9.30 9.53 9.29 9.29 9.29 9.14 9.11 9.17 Eating and drinking.................................. 1.07 .94 1.11 1.17 1.11 1.20 1.34 1.42 1.29 Household activities................................. 2.64 1.50 2.99 2.86 1.76 3.39 2.32 1.81 2.72 Housework......................................... 1.10 (4) 1.30 1.25 .50 1.62 .77 .32 1.12 Food preparation and cleanup...................... 1.11 .38 1.33 1.00 .48 1.26 .64 .36 .85 Lawn and garden care.............................. .07 .14 .05 .22 .27 .19 .32 .45 .22 Household management.............................. .12 (4) .15 .12 .09 .14 .18 .17 .19 Purchasing goods and services........................ .83 .75 .85 .85 .81 .87 .84 .76 .91 Consumer goods purchases.......................... .40 .41 .40 .42 .37 .44 .39 .30 .45 Professional and personal care services........... .11 (4) .13 .07 (4) .08 .14 .14 .13 Caring for and helping household members............. 2.81 2.06 3.05 1.09 .97 1.15 .08 .05 .10 Caring for and helping household children......... 2.59 1.82 2.82 .86 .72 .92 --- --- --- Caring for and helping nonhousehold members.......... .17 (4) .17 .13 .10 .15 .25 .25 .26 Caring for and helping nonhousehold adults........ .07 (4) .06 .05 .05 .05 .07 .09 .05 Working and work-related activities (3).............. .25 (4) (4) .15 .28 .08 .15 .17 .14 Working(3)........................................ (4) (4) (4) ~0 (4) ~0 .02 ~0 ~0 Educational activities............................... .44 (4) (4) .74 (4) .74 .37 .46 .30 Attending class................................... .21 (4) .06 .34 (4) .32 .16 .17 .16 Homework and research............................. .16 (4) .16 .32 (4) .33 .16 .23 .11 Organizational, civic, and religious activities...... .34 (4) .35 .45 (4) .51 .44 .38 .49 Religious and spiritual activities................ .17 (4) .18 .19 .15 .21 .22 .15 .27 Volunteering (organizational and civic activities) .13 (4) .12 .19 (4) .24 .17 .17 .17 Leisure and sports................................... 5.01 6.67 4.51 5.96 7.68 5.12 7.67 8.41 7.09 Socializing and communicating..................... .81 .86 .79 .83 1.01 .75 .86 .85 .86 Watching television............................... 2.53 2.85 2.43 3.24 4.15 2.79 4.33 4.75 4.00 Participating in sports, exercise, and recreation .33 .54 .27 .31 .39 .26 .36 .51 .23 Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail.................... .11 .10 .11 .20 (4) .19 .27 .19 .32 Other activities, not elsewhere classified........... .30 (4) .30 .41 (4) .50 .32 .38 .27 1 A primary activity refers to an individual's main activity. Other activities done simultaneously are not included. 2 All major activity categories include related travel time. See Technical Note for activity category definitions. 3 Estimates include a small amount of work time done by persons who do not meet the American Time Use Survey definition for employed. 4 Estimate is suppressed because it does not meet the American Time Use Survey publication standards. ~0 Estimate is approximately zero. --- Not applicable.
Table 9. Time spent caring for household children under 18 by sex of adult (1) and age of youngest child by day of week, average for the combined years 2008-12 Average hours per day spent caring for household children Childcare activities Total Weekdays Weekends and holidays Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Persons in households with children under 18 years, total: Caring for household children as a primary activity...... 1.33 0.91 1.69 1.42 0.92 1.85 1.13 0.89 1.32 Physical care........................................... .43 .24 .60 .46 .25 .64 .37 .22 .50 Education-related activities............................ .10 .06 .14 .13 .08 .18 .03 .02 .04 Reading to/with children................................ .04 .03 .04 .04 .03 .05 .03 .02 .04 Talking to/with children................................ .05 .03 .06 .05 .03 .07 .03 .02 .04 Playing/doing hobbies with children..................... .29 .27 .32 .27 .24 .30 .34 .34 .34 Looking after children.................................. .08 .06 .09 .07 .05 .09 .09 .09 .10 Attending children's events............................. .06 .05 .07 .05 .04 .06 .08 .08 .09 Travel related to care of household children............ .17 .12 .22 .21 .14 .27 .09 .07 .10 Other childcare activities.............................. .11 .06 .15 .13 .07 .18 .06 .03 .07 Persons in households with youngest child 6 to 17 years: Caring for household children as a primary activity.... .79 .55 1.01 .87 .57 1.13 .61 .49 .72 Physical care......................................... .15 .08 .20 .17 .09 .23 .10 .05 .13 Education-related activities.......................... .12 .07 .16 .15 .09 .21 .04 .03 .05 Reading to/with children.............................. .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .02 Talking to/with children.............................. .06 .03 .08 .07 .04 .09 .04 .02 .05 Playing/doing hobbies with children................... .07 .09 .06 .06 .08 .05 .10 .11 .08 Looking after children................................ .05 .04 .06 .04 .03 .06 .06 .05 .07 Attending children's events........................... .08 .06 .09 .06 .05 .07 .12 .10 .13 Travel related to care of household children.......... .16 .11 .20 .19 .13 .24 .09 .08 .10 Other childcare activities............................ .09 .05 .13 .11 .06 .15 .05 .03 .07 Persons in households with youngest child under 6 years: Caring for household children as a primary activity.... 1.98 1.37 2.47 2.08 1.36 2.66 1.74 1.39 2.03 Physical care......................................... .78 .43 1.05 .81 .44 1.10 .70 .42 .92 Education-related activities.......................... .09 .05 .11 .11 .07 .15 .02 .01 .03 Reading to/with children.............................. .06 .05 .07 .06 .05 .07 .05 .04 .06 Talking to/with children.............................. .03 .02 .04 .03 .02 .04 .02 .01 .03 Playing/doing hobbies with children................... .56 .50 .61 .52 .44 .59 .63 .62 .64 Looking after children................................ .11 .09 .13 .11 .08 .13 .13 .13 .13 Attending children's events........................... .04 .03 .04 .03 .02 .05 .05 .06 .04 Travel related to care of household children.......... .19 .13 .24 .24 .15 .30 .08 .06 .09 Other childcare activities............................ .13 .07 .18 .16 .09 .22 .06 .03 .08 1 Persons 18 years and over living in households with children under 18, whether or not they provided childcare.
Table 10. Time spent providing secondary childcare for household children under 13 by sex of adult(1) and age of youngest child by day of week, average for the combined years 2008-12 Average hours per day spent caring for household children (3) Childcare activities (2) Total Weekdays Weekends and holidays Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Persons in households with children under 13 years, total........ 5.16 4.15 6.00 4.19 3.06 5.13 7.44 6.69 8.07 Caring for household children as a secondary activity in conjunction with: Personal care activities...................................... .25 .16 .33 .22 .14 .29 .33 .22 .42 Household activities.......................................... 1.19 .68 1.61 1.01 .48 1.45 1.61 1.15 2.00 Purchasing goods and services................................. .35 .26 .42 .27 .17 .35 .53 .46 .59 Working and work-related activities........................... .20 .19 .21 .23 .20 .25 .14 .15 .12 Eating and drinking........................................... .65 .58 .71 .53 .44 .60 .93 .89 .97 Leisure and sports............................................ 2.08 1.95 2.19 1.59 1.39 1.76 3.22 3.25 3.20 Other activities.............................................. .44 .34 .53 .34 .24 .43 .68 .56 .77 Persons in households with youngest child 6 to 12 years, total 4.78 4.02 5.46 3.72 2.97 4.38 7.26 6.47 7.96 Caring for household children as a secondary activity in conjunction with: Personal care activities.................................... .23 .16 .30 .20 .14 .26 .30 .20 .39 Household activities........................................ 1.07 .66 1.43 .83 .44 1.17 1.62 1.17 2.03 Purchasing goods and services............................... .28 .22 .34 .20 .14 .25 .49 .40 .57 Working and work-related activities......................... .21 .20 .22 .23 .21 .25 .16 .17 .15 Eating and drinking......................................... .58 .52 .64 .46 .40 .51 .87 .80 .93 Leisure and sports.......................................... 1.99 1.94 2.03 1.51 1.43 1.57 3.11 3.14 3.08 Other activities............................................ .42 .33 .51 .30 .22 .37 .71 .58 .83 Persons in households with youngest child under 6 years, total 5.42 4.24 6.37 4.52 3.12 5.62 7.56 6.85 8.14 Caring for household children as a secondary activity in conjunction with: Personal care activities.................................... .27 .17 .35 .24 .14 .31 .34 .23 .44 Household activities........................................ 1.28 .70 1.74 1.14 .51 1.64 1.60 1.13 1.98 Purchasing goods and services............................... .39 .29 .47 .32 .19 .42 .56 .51 .60 Working and work-related activities......................... .19 .18 .20 .22 .20 .24 .12 .14 .10 Eating and drinking......................................... .70 .62 .76 .58 .48 .65 .98 .95 1.00 Leisure and sports.......................................... 2.14 1.95 2.30 1.65 1.35 1.89 3.30 3.33 3.28 Other activities............................................ .46 .34 .55 .37 .25 .47 .66 .56 .74 1 Persons 18 years and over living in households with children under 13 years, whether or not they provided childcare. 2 All major activity categories include related travel time. See Technical Note for activity category definitions. 3 Secondary childcare time is defined as time one has a child under 13 years "in his or her care" while doing something else as a main activity; information on secondary childcare is not collected for children over 12 years. Estimates include a small amount of care provided to own, nonhousehold children.
Table 11. Time spent in leisure and sports activities for the civilian population by selected characteristics, 2012 annual averages Average hours per day spent in leisure and sports activities Participating in sports, Relaxing/ Playing games and computer Other leisure and sports Total, all leisure and sports activities exercise, and recreation Socializing and communicating Watching TV Reading thinking use for leisure activities, including travel(1) Characteristic Week- Week- Week- Week- Week- Week- Week- Week- Total, all Week- ends Week- ends Week- ends Week- ends Week- ends Week- ends Week- ends Week- ends days days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and holi- holi- holi- holi- holi- holi- holi- holi- days days days days days days days days Sex Men..................................... 5.79 5.15 7.28 0.36 0.54 0.60 1.00 2.71 3.93 0.25 0.29 0.33 0.33 0.49 0.55 0.41 0.64 Women................................... 4.97 4.57 5.90 .25 .21 .62 1.10 2.47 2.94 .36 .44 .24 .29 .32 .36 .32 .56 Age Total, 15 years and over................ 5.37 4.85 6.57 .30 .37 .61 1.05 2.58 3.42 .31 .37 .28 .31 .41 .45 .36 .60 15 to 19 years....................... 5.86 5.25 7.26 .73 .71 .84 1.34 1.98 2.99 .11 .12 .17 .17 .77 1.01 .65 .92 20 to 24 years....................... 5.55 5.19 6.40 .34 .48 1.01 1.24 2.12 2.91 .16 .13 .16 .22 .87 .78 .54 .64 25 to 34 years....................... 4.42 3.82 5.82 .27 .36 .46 1.20 2.10 2.81 .12 .19 .21 .21 .37 .47 .29 .59 35 to 44 years....................... 4.27 3.59 5.85 .24 .37 .49 1.08 1.98 3.05 .17 .25 .21 .24 .26 .33 .24 .54 45 to 54 years....................... 4.81 4.19 6.26 .19 .38 .53 .93 2.37 3.43 .25 .31 .25 .36 .29 .31 .30 .56 55 to 64 years....................... 5.59 5.02 6.94 .23 .26 .52 .93 2.92 4.08 .42 .45 .34 .36 .25 .33 .35 .52 65 to 74 years....................... 7.10 6.94 7.47 .36 .31 .76 .81 3.92 4.25 .63 .81 .43 .39 .43 .34 .41 .57 75 years and over.................... 7.68 7.54 8.04 .27 .18 .69 .98 4.25 4.26 .94 1.03 .61 .62 .39 .34 .38 .62 Race and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity White................................... 5.30 4.78 6.55 .31 .40 .62 1.06 2.50 3.34 .34 .40 .26 .28 .38 .45 .37 .61 Black or African American............... 6.06 5.63 7.01 .21 .19 .62 1.08 3.38 4.23 .17 .17 .43 .48 .46 .35 .35 .52 Hispanic or Latino ethnicity............ 4.76 4.20 6.06 .32 .41 .52 1.16 2.29 3.27 .09 .15 .35 .29 .30 .29 .33 .48 Employment status Employed................................ 4.34 3.68 5.92 .23 .36 .51 1.04 1.94 3.01 .21 .28 .21 .24 .28 .39 .30 .60 Full-time workers.................... 4.09 3.34 5.87 .22 .40 .43 1.01 1.82 3.05 .19 .28 .20 .25 .21 .33 .26 .56 Part-time workers.................... 5.11 4.72 6.08 .26 .25 .75 1.16 2.31 2.89 .28 .27 .23 .22 .48 .57 .43 .72 Not employed............................ 6.97 6.72 7.53 .41 .38 .78 1.07 3.61 4.03 .47 .50 .39 .41 .61 .54 .46 .60 Earnings of full-time wage and salary workers (single jobholders only)(2) $0 - $530............................... 4.41 3.82 5.80 0.16 0.19 0.46 0.96 2.36 3.22 0.17 0.18 0.25 0.31 0.17 0.39 0.26 0.55 $531 - $830............................. 4.33 3.39 6.17 .17 .41 .47 1.14 1.81 3.21 .15 .24 .23 .32 .26 .36 .30 .49 $831 - $1,290........................... 4.18 3.36 6.04 .27 .46 .47 .97 1.74 3.19 .20 .28 .18 .24 .22 .34 .28 .58 $1,291 and higher....................... 3.82 3.00 6.02 .29 .54 .37 1.07 1.51 2.93 .23 .36 .12 .14 .24 .30 .24 .68 Presence and age of children No household children under 18.......... 5.93 5.46 7.03 .29 .37 .64 .98 2.96 3.76 .40 .48 .32 .37 .46 .48 .40 .58 Household children under 18............. 4.45 3.86 5.82 .32 .37 .57 1.17 1.97 2.86 .15 .18 .22 .21 .32 .39 .31 .63 Children 13 to 17 years, none younger 5.00 4.48 6.31 .43 .51 .61 1.26 2.19 3.06 .21 .23 .25 .17 .37 .34 .42 .74 Children 6 to 12 years, none younger 4.44 3.82 5.90 .32 .32 .51 1.04 1.95 2.96 .16 .21 .24 .22 .35 .47 .30 .67 Youngest child under 6 years......... 4.12 3.51 5.48 .25 .33 .60 1.22 1.84 2.68 .11 .13 .18 .23 .27 .36 .25 .53 Marital status and sex Married, spouse present................. 4.95 4.43 6.18 .26 .34 .55 1.02 2.42 3.27 .36 .40 .27 .28 .29 .33 .30 .55 Men.................................. 5.30 4.68 6.79 .27 .43 .58 .96 2.63 3.88 .32 .34 .30 .29 .26 .35 .32 .54 Women................................ 4.59 4.19 5.54 .24 .25 .53 1.07 2.20 2.63 .40 .47 .23 .27 .31 .30 .27 .55 Other marital statuses.................. 5.80 5.30 6.97 .34 .41 .67 1.09 2.76 3.57 .25 .34 .29 .34 .53 .57 .44 .65 Men.................................. 6.36 5.71 7.82 .45 .67 .63 1.04 2.80 3.98 .18 .23 .36 .37 .77 .76 .52 .76 Women................................ 5.34 4.95 6.24 .25 .18 .71 1.13 2.72 3.22 .32 .42 .24 .30 .34 .41 .37 .56 Educational attainment, 25 years and over Less than a high school diploma......... 6.23 5.85 7.03 .14 .21 .66 1.00 3.72 4.38 .18 .19 .64 .66 .26 .22 .26 .36 High school graduates, no college....... 5.78 5.27 7.01 .19 .30 .53 .98 3.26 4.06 .29 .38 .40 .41 .29 .33 .31 .56 Some college or associate degree........ 5.17 4.64 6.38 .24 .34 .55 1.03 2.61 3.44 .35 .39 .21 .27 .37 .39 .31 .53 Bachelor's degree and higher............ 4.61 4.05 5.95 .35 .39 .52 1.00 1.88 2.74 .45 .57 .18 .17 .33 .41 .35 .67 1 Includes other leisure and sports activities, not elsewhere classified, and travel related to leisure and sports activities. 2 These values are based on usual weekly earnings. The earnings data are limited to wage and salary workers (both incorporated and unincorporated self-employed workers are excluded). Each earnings range represents approximately 25 percent of full-time wage and salary workers who held only one job. NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, data refer to persons 15 years and over. Persons of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity may be of any race.
Table 12. Average hours per day spent in primary activities (1) for the civilian population, 2012 quarterly and annual averages (Not seasonally adjusted) 2012 Activity Quarterly averages Annual average I II III IV Total, all activities (2).............................. 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 Personal care activities............................. 9.62 9.52 9.41 9.40 9.49 Sleeping.......................................... 8.88 8.73 8.67 8.65 8.73 Eating and drinking.................................. 1.24 1.26 1.25 1.24 1.25 Household activities................................. 1.67 1.74 1.77 1.79 1.74 Housework......................................... .63 .54 .59 .64 .60 Food preparation and cleanup...................... .52 .49 .51 .59 .53 Lawn and garden care.............................. .10 .27 .25 .12 .18 Household management.............................. .13 .13 .13 .12 .13 Purchasing goods and services........................ .75 .63 .71 .79 .72 Consumer goods purchases.......................... .35 .31 .33 .42 .35 Professional and personal care services........... .10 .06 .09 .07 .08 Caring for and helping household members............. .52 .49 .47 .56 .51 Caring for and helping household children......... .42 .38 .37 .44 .40 Caring for and helping nonhousehold members.......... .19 .19 .19 .16 .18 Caring for and helping nonhousehold adults........ .06 .07 .06 .05 .06 Working and work-related activities.................. 3.52 3.70 3.54 3.38 3.53 Working........................................... 3.17 3.34 3.20 3.05 3.19 Educational activities............................... .57 .46 .36 .61 .50 Attending class................................... .35 .28 .17 .31 .28 Homework and research............................. .18 .13 .14 .23 .17 Organizational, civic, and religious activities...... .33 .36 .30 .30 .32 Religious and spiritual activities................ .15 .16 .16 .13 .15 Volunteering (organizational and civic activities) .13 .15 .10 .13 .13 Leisure and sports................................... 5.17 5.28 5.63 5.37 5.37 Socializing and communicating..................... .66 .82 .78 .71 .74 Watching television............................... 2.78 2.60 2.97 2.99 2.83 Participating in sports, exercise, and recreation .32 .37 .37 .23 .32 Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail.................... .16 .13 .14 .18 .16 Other activities, not elsewhere classified........... .26 .25 .22 .22 .24 1 A primary activity refers to an individual's main activity. Other activities done simultaneously are not included. 2 All major activity categories include related travel time. See Technical Note for activity category definitions. NOTE: Data refer to persons 15 years and over.