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Table 6. Private sector gross job gains and losses by state, seasonally adjusted Gross job gains Gross job losses State 3 months ended 3 months ended June Sept. Dec. Mar. June June Sept. Dec. Mar. June 2023 2023 2023 2024 2024 2023 2023 2023 2024 2024 United States(1).... 8,129,000 7,700,000 7,902,000 7,608,000 7,591,000 7,784,000 7,758,000 7,499,000 7,115,000 7,754,000 Alabama............. 102,681 102,525 105,481 97,926 95,330 96,418 101,092 98,028 94,618 96,686 Alaska.............. 27,478 21,287 25,419 26,560 25,867 22,214 26,295 24,585 21,647 24,387 Arizona............. 193,152 187,565 179,807 235,926 157,818 174,195 156,859 184,201 177,592 190,055 Arkansas............ 64,041 61,366 67,364 60,550 58,006 64,817 61,852 54,535 57,049 64,586 California.......... 1,039,377 980,219 989,074 901,094 947,453 1,003,771 1,001,105 992,517 859,064 1,058,196 Colorado............ 176,914 132,528 199,676 155,829 156,577 157,983 148,362 184,285 189,072 150,359 Connecticut......... 91,954 84,094 81,927 82,391 84,522 82,001 90,637 83,179 75,630 81,499 Delaware............ 25,805 24,368 24,771 24,458 24,091 23,209 26,026 23,563 20,535 26,580 District of Columbia 28,248 28,355 27,126 26,690 26,758 27,819 28,127 29,050 25,610 31,369 Florida............. 579,538 564,003 522,115 502,352 525,051 500,994 504,260 511,720 468,811 506,987 Georgia............. 262,324 253,474 259,589 251,318 239,513 265,285 251,559 236,746 236,982 239,487 Hawaii.............. 29,286 27,047 31,427 28,206 26,588 27,279 35,242 25,549 26,471 27,880 Idaho............... 55,694 51,259 61,176 57,320 54,946 52,514 56,682 41,703 60,854 54,254 Illinois............ 284,509 250,297 257,689 265,871 272,769 275,623 282,780 264,465 254,116 273,224 Indiana............. 154,911 157,233 151,352 146,170 143,472 160,863 156,332 142,846 138,756 154,540 Iowa................ 79,331 73,525 79,668 80,687 72,286 77,980 76,218 75,075 74,669 74,255 Kansas.............. 71,528 66,797 68,723 67,587 68,607 69,821 70,581 63,206 65,919 67,960 Kentucky............ 93,641 95,598 95,856 97,949 88,544 98,508 92,584 87,816 83,470 99,857 Louisiana........... 96,049 97,519 101,138 99,148 91,781 102,368 95,262 92,509 91,885 101,154 Maine............... 40,923 37,509 39,721 39,538 39,918 41,268 42,012 37,744 33,379 38,552 Maryland............ 145,566 137,001 136,697 126,204 157,499 143,399 139,447 126,936 125,028 144,265 Massachusetts....... 188,649 174,818 172,906 168,574 180,080 180,189 189,824 176,465 162,277 179,585 Michigan............ 227,572 200,421 207,909 207,857 217,106 204,482 225,394 210,627 198,797 211,860 Minnesota........... 152,628 83,684 172,857 147,189 145,354 139,937 108,074 173,549 145,765 137,582 Mississippi......... 59,432 57,864 57,103 53,493 53,402 60,477 57,529 52,763 56,662 59,048 Missouri............ 144,612 138,211 146,769 143,939 139,204 146,316 144,299 138,564 133,471 143,983 Montana............. 32,887 32,252 36,942 34,688 34,086 35,720 35,092 30,420 32,351 32,579 Nebraska............ 52,096 51,123 50,016 49,388 46,138 48,047 49,837 47,749 43,759 47,711 Nevada.............. 87,792 87,797 91,350 80,893 78,551 79,148 75,937 74,522 85,249 78,922 New Hampshire....... 40,297 34,830 37,421 39,118 37,146 38,061 40,096 35,364 35,326 36,583 New Jersey.......... 237,500 219,139 215,567 204,533 216,712 218,679 222,354 214,035 198,422 198,464 New Mexico.......... 44,582 42,983 47,356 41,391 40,841 42,338 46,079 39,377 41,064 43,179 New York............ 508,264 473,385 461,485 488,342 482,351 471,042 488,435 459,785 409,509 458,336 North Carolina...... 248,920 236,764 261,585 226,681 235,180 236,074 252,527 203,579 226,676 238,434 North Dakota........ 24,058 23,159 23,549 24,451 23,370 23,535 22,901 22,048 21,536 23,336 Ohio................ 267,782 248,820 254,665 263,201 249,753 267,638 264,283 247,346 228,393 260,330 Oklahoma............ 83,811 84,727 82,628 76,918 76,038 81,668 80,262 77,515 71,037 86,024 Oregon.............. 109,006 101,949 104,824 107,689 103,160 113,616 113,756 104,873 103,780 108,998 Pennsylvania........ 279,643 273,967 277,807 272,677 262,548 289,708 271,715 257,613 244,174 274,960 Rhode Island........ 29,039 27,420 28,835 29,862 28,453 29,333 28,999 27,265 24,846 29,251 South Carolina...... 119,860 124,869 118,122 123,861 114,024 123,341 106,590 100,598 120,378 122,940 South Dakota........ 25,446 23,680 25,014 24,201 22,857 22,861 24,063 22,271 22,300 24,131 Tennessee........... 163,383 156,864 173,332 157,457 156,914 153,178 161,268 155,145 137,922 162,432 Texas............... 677,532 662,610 677,439 638,289 636,642 628,833 643,975 609,870 610,710 624,731 Utah................ 99,142 98,829 95,280 95,737 92,068 90,825 95,522 93,465 86,315 96,024 Vermont............. 18,937 16,263 18,369 18,497 17,149 19,204 20,076 16,626 16,093 19,330 Virginia............ 200,818 195,386 199,237 191,176 190,520 192,946 199,133 183,131 174,641 189,462 Washington.......... 182,877 171,735 178,596 172,535 172,461 170,039 180,958 162,462 160,252 160,867 West Virginia....... 34,051 35,632 35,511 38,745 37,030 35,607 36,423 32,129 31,878 38,023 Wisconsin........... 144,437 133,161 138,483 140,097 135,842 149,574 147,352 130,816 124,737 141,043 Wyoming............. 18,024 17,591 19,120 17,964 17,535 18,474 17,550 17,843 18,063 19,341 Puerto Rico......... 43,671 43,090 36,870 40,330 42,167 36,890 40,034 36,472 34,865 37,153 Virgin Islands...... 1,856 2,058 1,521 1,423 1,087 1,614 1,705 1,471 1,140 1,292 (1) The sum of the states will not necessarily add to the U.S. total because of the independent seasonal adjustment of each state. NOTE: Totals for the United States do not include data for Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands.