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Table 2. Duration of employment relationships with a single employer for all jobs started from ages 18 through 56 in 1978-2020 by age at start of job, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity Cumulative percent distribution of duration Percent of completed employment relationships of jobs Age at the start of job ongoing and characteristic Less than Less than Less than Less than Less than in 2020 1 year 2 years 5 years 10 years 15 years Ages 18 to 24 (1)....... 60.8 74.5 86.8 92.3 94.6 1.7 Men .................. 60.8 74.5 86.4 92.1 94.4 1.8 Women ................ 60.8 74.6 87.2 92.6 94.9 1.6 White non-Hispanic ... 60.0 73.8 86.2 91.8 94.3 1.9 Black non-Hispanic ... 65.8 79.1 90.3 95.0 96.3 1.0 Hispanic or Latino ... 60.2 73.3 86.2 93.1 95.2 1.3 Ages 25 to 34 .......... 41.5 57.1 74.0 84.3 88.8 5.1 Men .................. 39.7 55.1 71.3 81.7 86.7 6.2 Women ................ 43.3 59.2 76.8 86.8 91.1 3.8 White non-Hispanic ... 40.0 55.5 72.8 83.3 88.2 5.5 Black non-Hispanic ... 48.4 64.8 80.0 88.5 91.9 2.9 Hispanic or Latino ... 44.0 59.5 75.3 85.9 90.1 4.8 Ages 35 to 44 .......... 25.2 40.0 60.5 75.6 (*) 12.0 Men .................. 22.7 38.0 58.7 73.7 (*) 13.3 Women ................ 27.7 42.0 62.2 77.3 (*) 10.7 White non-Hispanic ... 24.0 38.4 58.6 74.0 (*) 13.0 Black non-Hispanic ... 30.3 47.3 68.6 82.2 (*) 8.0 Hispanic or Latino ... 27.8 42.2 64.3 78.3 (*) 9.2 Ages 45 to 56 (2)....... 21.4 34.9 (*) (*) (*) 27.7 Men .................. 18.4 32.5 (*) (*) (*) 29.8 Women ................ 24.3 37.2 (*) (*) (*) 25.7 White non-Hispanic ... 20.8 34.0 (*) (*) (*) 28.9 Black non-Hispanic ... 24.5 39.0 (*) (*) (*) 22.9 Hispanic or Latino ... 21.6 36.0 (*) (*) (*) 24.4 (*) Estimates are not presented for these categories because most sample members were not yet old enough at the time of the 2020-21 survey to have completed jobs of these durations. (1) This category excludes individuals who turned age 18 before January 1, 1978. (2) This category excludes individuals who had not yet turned age 57 when interviewed in 2020-21. Note: The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 consists of men and women who were born in the years 1957-64 and were ages 14 to 22 when first interviewed in 1979. These individuals were ages 55 to 64 in 2020-21. Race and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity groups are mutually exclusive but not exhaustive. Other race groups, which are included in the overall totals, are not shown separately because their representation in the survey sample is not sufficiently large to provide statistically reliable estimates.