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NAICS Industry | NAICS Product | NAICS Title | SIC Product |
311611 | 311611 | Animal (except poultry) slaughtering | 2011 |
311611P | Primary products | 2011P | |
3116111 | Fresh and frozen beef, not canned or made into sausage; mitse | 20111 | |
31161111 | Whole or half carcass & primal beef cuts not canned or made into sausage; mitse | 2011112 | |
31161112 | Subprimal & fabricated beef cuts however packed incl. plastic lined boxes; mitse | 2011116 | |
31161113 | Fresh/frozen boneless beef incl hamburger, not canned/made into sausage; mitse | 2011131 | |
31161114 | Other fresh/frozen beef incl. corned or organ cuts, not canned or sausage; mitse | 2011181 | |
3116114 | Fresh and frozen veal not canned or made into sausage; mitse | 20112 | |
3116117 | Fresh and frozen lamb or mutton, not canned or made into sausage; mitse | 20113 | |
311611A | Fresh and frozen pork, not canned or made into sausage; mitse | 20114 | |
311611D | Lard; mitse | 20115 | |
311611G | Pork, processed or cured, but not canned or made into sausage; mitse | 20116 | |
311611J | Sausages and similar products, but not canned; mitse | 20117 | |
311611N | Canned meats (except dog, cat, and baby food); mitse | 20118 | |
311611Q | Hides, skins, and pelts; mitse | 20119 | |
311611T | Miscellaneous by-products of meat packing; mitse | 2011C | |
311611SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2011SM | |
311611M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2011M | |
311611S | Secondary products | 2011S | |
311612 | 311612 | Meat processed from carcasses | 2013 |
311612P | Primary products | 2013P | |
3116121 | Pork, processed or cured, including frozen not canned or made into sausage | 20136 | |
3116124 | Sausage and similar products, except canned, not made in meat packing plants | 20137 | |
31161241 | Fresh sausage (pork sausage, breakfast links etc.), except canned | 2013711 | |
31161242 | Dry or semidry sausage and similar products (pepperoni, summer sausage, etc.) | 2013717 | |
31161243 | Frankfurters, including wieners, except canned, not made in meat packing plants | 2013721 | |
31161244 | Other sausage, smoked or cooked, and jellied goods and similar preparations | 2013736 | |
3116127 | Canned meats (except dog, cat, and baby food) containing 20 percent or more meat | 20138 | |
311612A | Other processed meats not made in meat packing plants, including boxed meats | 2013B | |
311612A1 | Boxed meat (beef, pork, lamb etc.) not made in slaughtering plants | ||
311612A2 | Frozen ground meat patties (processed, frozen, or cooked) | 2013B11 | |
311612A3 | Frozen portion control meats (processed, frozen, or cooked) | 2013B13 | |
311612A4 | Other processed, frozen, or cooked meats, not made in meat packing plants | 2013B19 | |
311612SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2013SM | |
311612M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2013M | |
311612S | Secondary products | 2013S | |
311613 | 311613 | Rendering and meat byproduct processing | 2077 |
311613P | Primary products | 2077P | |
3116131 | Animal & marine grease, incl. lard, except canned | 20771 | |
3116134 | Animal and marine feed and fertilizer byproducts | 20772 | |
31161341 | Meat and bone meal feed and fertilizer byproducts | 2077211 | |
31161342 | Other feed and fertilizer byproducts | 2077298 | |
311613SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2077SM | |
311613M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2077M | |
311613S | Secondary products | 2077S | |
311615 | 311615 | Poultry processing | 2015 |
311615P | Primary products | 2015P | |
3116151 | Young chickens (usually under 20 weeks of age), whole or parts | 20151 | |
3116151111 | Bulk wet ice pack broilers and fryers | 2015133 | |
3116151221 | Bulk dry ice packed broilers and fryers, and roasters, and capons incl. frozen | 2015134 | |
3116151331 | Tray pack broilers and fryers (consumer packaged), chilled | 2015136 | |
3116151441 | Other broilers and fryers, including frozen | 2015139 | |
3116157 | Turkeys (including frozen whole or parts) | 20153 | |
311615D | Processed poultry & small game (has 20 percent or more poultry/meat) excl. soups | 20155 | |
311615SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2015SM | |
311615M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2015M | |
311615S | Secondary products | 2015S | |
311711 | 311711 | Seafood canning | 2091 |
311711P | Primary products | 2091P | |
3117111 | Canned and cured fish and seafoods, incl soup (except frozen) | 20911 | |
31171111 | Canned fish and seafood (except frozen), incl salmon, sardines and tuna | 2091118 | |
31171116 | Canned seafood soups, stews, and chowders | 2091131 | |
31171117 | Smoked, salted, pickled and cured fish and seafood | 2091161 | |
311711SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2091SM | |
311711M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2091M | |
311711S | Secondary products | 2091S | |
311712 | 311712 | Fresh & frozen seafood processing | 2092 |
311712P | Primary products | 2092P | |
3117121 | Prepared fresh fish and other fresh seafood | 20922 | |
3117122 | Prepared frozen fish, excluding shellfish | 20923 | |
3117123 | Prepared frozen shellfish | 20925 | |
31171231 | Prepared frozen shrimp | 2092521 | |
31171232 | Other prepared frozen shellfish, incl crabs, lobster tails, oysters & clams | 2092536 | |
3117124 | Other prepared frozen seafoods, nec | 20926 | |
311712SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2092SM | |
311712M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2092M | |
311712S | Secondary products | 2092S | |
311811 | 311811 | Retail bakeries | |
311811P | Primary products | 5461P | |
3118110 | Retail bakery products | 54611 | |
311811SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 5461SM | |
311811M | Miscellaneous receipts | 5461M | |
311811S | Secondary products | 5461S | |
311812 | 311812 | Commercial bakeries | 2051 |
311812P | Primary products | 2051P | |
3118121 | Bread | 20511 | |
3118124 | Bread type rolls, muffins, bagels and croissants | 20512 | |
3118127 | Soft cakes, except frozen, incl fruit, pound, layer, etc. | 20514 | |
311812A | Pies, except frozen, including fruit, cream and custard | 20515 | |
311812D | Other sweet goods, except frozen, incl doughnuts, pastries, etc. | 20513 | |
311812SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2051SM | |
311812M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2051M | |
311812S | Secondary products | 2051S | |
311813 | 311813 | Frozen cakes, pies, & other pastries mfg | 2053 |
311813P | Primary products | 2053P | |
3118131 | Frozen bakery products, incl. pies, cakes, sweet yeast goods, pastries, etc. | 20531 | |
311813SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2053SM | |
311813M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2053M | |
311813S | Secondary products | 2053S | |
311821 | 311821 | Cookie and cracker manufacturing | 2052 |
311821P | Primary products | 2052P | |
3118211 | Crackers, soft pretzels, biscuits, and related products | 20521 | |
3118214 | Cookies, wafers, and ice cream cones and cups, except frozen | 20522 | |
311821SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2052SM | |
311821M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2052M | |
311821S | Secondary products | 2052S | |
311822 | 311822 | Flour mixes & dough mfg from purch flour | 2045 |
311822P | Primary products | 2045P | |
3118226 | Flour mixes and refrigerated and frozen doughs and batters, made from purchased | 20456 | |
31182261 | Flour mixes | 204561 | |
311822611 | Cake mixes, including gingerbread | 2045611 | |
311822613 | All other flour based mixes, except cake mixes | 2045613 | |
31182264 | Refrigerated doughs and batters incl bread, bread-type rolls, and biscuit dough | 204564 | |
31182266 | Frozen doughs and batters | 204566 | |
311822661 | Frozen bread and bread-type-roll doughs, all sizes | 2045661 | |
311822662 | All other frozen doughs and batters, incl. cookie, pizza, coffee cake, etc. | 2045662 | |
311822SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2045SM | |
311822M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2045M | |
311822S | Secondary products | 2045S | |
311823 | 311823 | Dry pasta manufacturing | 2098 |
311823P | Primary products | 2098P | |
3118233 | Macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli, and noodles | 20983 | |
311823SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2098SM | |
311823M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2098M | |
311823S | Secondary products | 2098S | |
311830 | 311830 | Tortilla manufacturing | |
311830P | Primary products | 2099C43 | |
3118301 | Tortillas, not frozen | 2099C43 | |
311830SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | ||
311830M | Miscellaneous receipts | ||
311830S | Secondary products | ||
311911 | 311911 | Roasted nuts & peanut butter mfg | |
311911P | Primary products | ||
3119111 | Nuts and seeds (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched) | 2068P | |
31191111 | Processed nuts, sold in bulk | 206811 | |
31191112 | Canned nuts | 206813 | |
31191113 | Other packaged nuts, and all seeds | 206815 | |
3119114 | Peanut butter | 2099F | |
311911SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2068SM | |
311911M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2068M | |
311911S | Secondary products | 2068S | |
311919 | 311919 | Other snack food manufacturing | 2096 |
311919P | Primary products | 2096P | |
3119191 | Potato chops and sticks, plain and flavored | 20961 | |
3119194 | Corn chips and related products | 20962 | |
31191943 | Corn curls and related products | 2096299 | |
31191949 | Corn and tortilla chips | 2096213 | |
3119197 | Other chips, sticks (hard pretzels, bacon rinds, popcorn (except candied), etc.) | ||
311919SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2096SM | |
311919M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2096M | |
311919S | Secondary products | 2096S | |
311920 | 311920 | Coffee and tea manufacturing | 2095 |
311920P | Primary products | 2095P | |
3119201 | Roasted coffee | 20951 | |
31192011 | Whole bean roasted coffee | 2095111 | |
31192019 | Ground roasted coffee | 2095116 | |
3119204 | Coffee, concentrated (including extracts or mixes) | 20952 | |
3119207 | Tea in consumer packages | 2099D | |
311920SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2095SM | |
311920M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2095M | |
311920S | Secondary products | 2095S | |
311930 | 311930 | Flavoring syrup and concentrate mfg | 2087 |
311930P | Primary products | 2087P | |
3119301 | Liquid beverage bases not for use by soft drink bottlers incl cocktail mixes | 20872 | |
3119304 | Liquid beverage bases for use by soft drink bottlers | 20873 | |
3119307 | Other flavoring agents (except chocolate syrup) | 20874 | |
311930SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2087SM | |
311930M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2087M | |
311930S | Secondary products | 2087S | |
311941 | 311941 | Mayonnaise, dressing, & other sauces mfg | |
311941P | Primary products | 2035P | |
3119411 | Vinegar and cider | 20996 | |
3119414 | Prepared sauces (except tomato) | 20353 | |
3119417 | Mayonnaise, salad dressings and sandwich spreads | 20354 | |
311941SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2035SM | |
311941M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2035M | |
311941S | Secondary products | 2035S | |
311942 | 311942 | Spice and extracts manufacturing | |
311942P | Primary products | ||
3119421 | Table salt, pepper and other spices | 28991 | |
3119424 | Flavoring extracts, emulsions, and other liquid flavors | 20871 | |
3119427 | Dry mix food preparations, incl. dip, salad dressing and seasoning mixes | 2099B | |
311942SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | ||
311942M | Miscellaneous receipts | ||
311942S | Secondary products | ||
311991 | 311991 | Perishable prepared food manufacturing | |
311991P | Primary products | 2099C | |
3119911 | Perishable prepared food sold in bulk or packages, not frozen or canned | 2099C | |
3119911111 | Salads | 2099C21 | |
3119911221 | Sandwiches made from bread | 2099C31 | |
3119911331 | Vegetables and potatoes, peeled or cut for the trade | 2099C35 | |
3119911441 | Tamales and other Mexican food specialties | 2099C45 | |
3119911591 | Other perishable prepared food, including tofu, pizza, and meat pies | 2099C59 | |
311991SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | ||
311991M | Miscellaneous receipts | ||
311991S | Secondary products | ||
311999 | 311999 | All other miscellaneous food mfg | |
311999P | Primary products | ||
3119991 | Desserts (ready-to-mix) | 20991 | |
3119994 | Sweetening syrups and molasses | 20993 | |
3119997 | Baking powder and yeast | 20994 | |
311999A | Macaroni & noodle products packaged with other ingredients not canned or frozen | 2099H | |
311999D | Dried & dehydrated products, except pasta, packaged with other ingredients | ||
311999G | Liquid, dried, and frozen eggs | 20159 | |
311999J | Flavoring powders, tablets, and paste, including dry mix cocktails | ||
311999N | Other food preparations, not elsewhere classified | 2099G | |
311999SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | ||
311999M | Miscellaneous receipts | ||
311999S | Secondary products | ||
312111 | 312111 | Soft drinks manufacturing | 2086 |
312111P | Primary products | 2086P | |
3121111 | Bottled carbonated soft drinks | 2086B | |
3121114 | Canned carbonated soft drinks | 2086C | |
3121117 | Soft drink flavoring syrup sold in bulk | 2086D | |
312111A | Noncarbonated soft drinks, incl fruit drinks, cocktails and ades | 2086619 | |
312111SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2086SM | |
312111M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2086M | |
312111S | Secondary products | 2086S | |
312112 | 312112 | Bottled water manufacturing | |
312112P | Primary products | ||
3121121 | Bottled water | 2086608 | |
312112SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | ||
312112M | Miscellaneous receipts | ||
312112S | Secondary products | ||
312113 | 312113 | Ice mfg | 2097 |
312113P | Primary products | 2097P | |
31211301 | Ice manufacturing | ||
312113SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2097SM | |
312113M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2097M | |
312113S | Secondary products | 2097S | |
312120 | 312120 | Breweries | 2082 |
312120P | Primary products | 2082P | |
3121201 | Canned beer and ale case goods | 20821 | |
3121202 | Bottled beer and ale case goods | 20822 | |
3121203 | Beer and ale in barrels and kegs | 20823 | |
3121204 | All other malt beverages and brewing products | 20824 | |
312120SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2082SM | |
312120M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2082M | |
312120S | Secondary products | 2082S | |
312130 | 312130 | Wineries | 2084 |
312130P | Primary products | 2084P | |
3121308 | Wines, brandy, and brandy spirits | 20848 | |
312130883 | Beverage brandy, neutral fruit spirits, and neutral brandy spirits | 2084883 | |
312130A | Wines | 2084A | |
31213081 | Grape wine with 14 percent or less alcohol content | 208481 | |
312130812 | White grape wine with 14 percent or less alcohol content | 2084812 | |
312130814 | Red grape wine with 14 percent or less alcohol content | 2084814 | |
312130816 | Rose grape wine with 14 percent or less alcohol content | 2084816 | |
312130825 | Dessert wines | 2084825 | |
312130831 | Effervescent wines | 2084831 | |
312130841 | Non-grape fruit/berry wines, fortified wines (non-dessert), and specialty wines | 2084841 | |
312130SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2084SM | |
312130M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2084M | |
312130S | Secondary products | 2084S | |
312140 | 312140 | Distilleries | 2085 |
312140P | Primary products | 2085P | |
3121407 | Bulk distilled liquors, except brandy, and distillers' dried grains | 20857 | |
3121408 | Bottled liquor, except brandy | 20858 | |
312140801 | Whiskey, including bottled in bond | 2085801 | |
312140822 | Gin | 2085822 | |
312140825 | Cordials, liqueurs | 2085825 | |
312140831 | Vodka | 2085831 | |
312140899 | Other bottled liquors, except brandy | 2085899 | |
312140SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2085SM | |
312140M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2085M | |
312140MM | Miscellaneous receipts | 2085M | |
312140S | Secondary products | 2085S | |
312210 | 312210 | Tobacco stemming & redrying | 2141 |
312210P | Primary products | 2141P | |
3122104 | Tobacco, stemmed | 21412 | |
312210SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2141SM | |
312210M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2141M | |
312210S | Secondary products | 2141S | |
312221 | 312221 | Cigarette mfg | 2111 |
312221P | Primary products | 2111P | |
3122211 | Filter tip | 21111 | |
312221113 | 80 mm long or less | 2111113 | |
312221116 | 81 to 95 mm long | 2111116 | |
312221118 | Greater than 95 mm | 2111118 | |
3122213 | Nonfilter tip | 21113 | |
312221SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2111SM | |
312221M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2111M | |
312221S | Secondary products | 2111S | |
312229 | 312229 | Other tobacco product mfg | |
312229P | Primary products | ||
3122291 | Cigars | 21214 | |
3122294 | Chewing and smoking tobacco | 2131P | |
3122294111 | Other chewing & smoking tobacco, incl fine cut, twist & plug | 2131019 | |
3122294121 | Looseleaf chewing tobacco | 2131013 | |
3122294131 | Dry and moist snuff | 2131015 | |
3122297 | Reconstituted tobacco (processed sheet and homogenized) | 21413 | |
312229SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | ||
312229M | Miscellaneous receipts | ||
312229S | Secondary products | ||
313111 | 313111 | Yarn spinning mills | 2281 |
313111P | Primary products | 2281P | |
3131111 | Carded cotton yarns | 22811 | |
3131113 | Combed cotton yarns | 22812 | |
3131115 | Rayon, acetate, and/or lyocell spun yarns | 22813 | |
3131117 | Spun noncellulosic fiber and silk yarns | 22817 | |
3131117551 | Polyester spun yarn | 2281723 | |
3131117661 | All other spun noncellulosic fiber and silk yarns | 2281781 | |
3131119 | Wool yarns | 22818 | |
313111C | Scouring and combing mill products | ||
313111SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2281SM | |
313111M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2281M | |
313111S | Secondary products | 2281S | |
313112 | 313112 | Yarn texturing, throwing, & twisting mills | 2282 |
313112P | Primary products | 2282P | |
3131123 | Thrown filament yarns, except textured | 22823 | |
3131125 | Textured, crimped, or bulked filament yarns, made from purchased yarn | 22825 | |
3131127 | Commission receipts for throwing or texturing of filament yarns | 22829 | |
313112SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2282SM | |
313112M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2282M | |
313112S | Secondary products | 2282S | |
313113 | 313113 | Thread mills | |
313113P | Primary products | 2284P | |
3131131 | Thread | 2284A | |
313113SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2284SM | |
313113M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2284M | |
313113S | Secondary products | 2284S | |
313210 | 313210 | Broadwoven fabric mills | |
313210P | Primary products | ||
3132101 | Cotton broadwoven plain weave fabrics, exc. pile, gray goods | 2211A1 | |
3132103 | Cotton broadwoven twill weave fabrics, exc. pile, gray goods | 2211A2 | |
3132105 | Cotton broadwoven fabrics, weaves other than plain, twill, and pile, gray goods | 2211A3 | |
3132107 | Cotton broadwoven pile fabrics, gray goods | 2211A4 | |
3132109 | Finished cotton broadwoven fabrics, finished in weaving mills | 2211B | |
313210B | Cotton towels and washcloths, made in weaving mills | 2211F | |
313210D | Manmade fiber broadwoven fabrics, comb. of spun/filament yarns, gray goods | 222116 | |
313210E | Manmade fiber broadwoven fabrics, rayon/acetate/lyocell filament yarns, gray | 2221111 | |
313210G | Manmade fiber broadwoven fabrics, other filament yarns, gray | 2221112 | |
313210H | Manmade fiber broadwoven plain weave fabrics, 85% or more spun yarns, gray | 22211391 | |
313210J | Manmade fiber broadwoven twill fabrics, 85% or more spun yarns, gray | 22211392 | |
313210K | Finished manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics, finished in weaving mills | 22212 | |
313210L | Manmade fiber broadwoven fabrics, other weaves, 85% or more spun yarn, gray | 22211393 | |
313210N | Other broadwoven fabrics of manmade, silk, or natural fiber exc. cotton, gray | 222117 | |
313210T | Wool broadwoven fabrics, gray goods | 22312 | |
313210U | Finished wool broadwoven fabrics and felts, finished in weaving mills | 22316 | |
313210SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | ||
313210M | Miscellaneous receipts | ||
313210S | Secondary products | ||
313221 | 313221 | Narrow fabric mills | 2241 |
313221P | Primary Products | 2241P | |
3132211 | Woven narrow fabrics (12 inches or less in width) | 22411 | |
3132213 | Braided narrow fabrics (12 inches or less in width) | 22414 | |
3132215 | Covered rubber thread, made in narrow fabric mills | 22415 | |
313221SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2241SM | |
313221M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2241M | |
313221S | Secondary products | 2241S | |
313222 | 313222 | Schiffli machine embroidery | 2397 |
313222P | Primary products | 2397P | |
3132221 | Schiffli machine embroideries | 23971 | |
313222SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2397SM | |
313222M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2397M | |
313222S | Secondary products | 2397S | |
313230 | 313230 | Nonwoven fabric mills | 2297 |
313230P | Primary products | 2297P | |
3132301 | Nonwoven fabrics | 22971 | |
3132301131 | Nonwoven fabrics, wet laid | 229712 | |
3132301191 | Nonwoven fabrics, except wet laid | 229713 | |
3132303 | Fabricated nonwoven products | 22972 | |
3132305 | Pressed, punched, or needled felts (except hats) | 22991 | |
313230SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2297SM | |
313230M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2297M | |
313230S | Secondary products | 2297S | |
313241 | 313241 | Weft knit fabric mills | |
313241P | Primary products | 2257P | |
3132411 | Weft (circular) knit fabrics greige goods, except hoisery | 22571 | |
3132413 | Finished weft (circular) knit fabrics, except hoisery, finished in knitting mill | 22573 | |
3132415 | Contract and commission receipts for knitting/finishing weft knit fabrics | 22579 | |
313241SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2257SM | |
313241M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2257M | |
313241S | Secondary products | 2257S | |
313249 | 313249 | Other knit fabric & lace mills | |
313249P | Primary products | 2258P | |
3132493 | Finished warp knit fabrics, finished in knitting mills | ||
3132499 | Nonapparel knit end products made in knitting mills, including towels/washcloths | ||
313249SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2258SM | |
313249M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2258M | |
313249S | Secondary products | 2258S | |
313311 | 313311 | Broadwoven fabric finishing mills | |
313311P | Primary products | ||
3133111 | Finished cotton broadwoven fabrics (not finished in weaving mills) | 22617 | |
3133113 | Job or commission finishing of cotton broadwoven fabrics | 22619 | |
3133115 | Finished manmade fiber & silk broadwoven fabrics (not finished in weaving mills) | 22628 | |
3133117 | Job or commission finishing of manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics | 22629 | |
3133119 | Finished broadwoven wool fabrics and felts (not finished in weaving mills) | ||
313311SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | ||
313311M | Miscellaneous receipts | ||
313311S | Secondary products | ||
313312 | 313312 | Textile/fabric finishing (exc broadwoven) mills | |
313312P | Primary products | ||
3133121 | Finished fabrics (except broadwoven) and other finished textiles | ||
313312SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | ||
313312M | Miscellaneous receipts | ||
313312S | Secondary products | ||
313320 | 313320 | Fabric coating mills | 2295 |
313320P | Primary products | 2295P | |
3133201 | Vinyl coated fabrics, including expanded vinyl coated | 22952 | |
3133203 | Rubber coated fabrics | ||
3133205131 | Pyroxylin and polyurethane coated fabrics | 2295316 | |
3133205491 | Other coated or laminated fabrics, excluding rubberized fabrics | 2295322 | |
313320SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2295SM | |
313320M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2295M | |
313320S | Secondary products | 2295S | |
314110 | 314110 | Carpet & rug mills | 2273 |
314110P | Primary products | 2273P | |
3141101 | Woven carpet and rugs | 22731 | |
3141102 | Tufted carpet and rugs | 22732 | |
314110215 | Nylon | 2273215 | |
314110217 | Polypropylene | 2273217 | |
314110219 | Polyester and other carpet and rugs | 2273219 | |
314110288 | Finishing only | 2273288 | |
3141103 | Other carpet and rugs | 22733 | |
314110SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2273SM | |
314110M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2273M | |
314110S | Secondary products | 2273S | |
314121 | 314121 | Curtain and drapery mills | 2391 |
314121P | Primary products | 2391P | |
3141211111 | Curtains and draperies, knit except lace | 239113 | |
3141211261 | Woven window curtains, all fabrics | 2391111 | |
3141211399 | Woven draperies, all fabrics | 2391121 | |
314121SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2391SM | |
314121M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2391M | |
314121S | Secondary products | 2391S | |
314129 | 314129 | Other household textile product mills | 2392 |
314129P | Primary products | 2392P | |
3141291 | Bedspreads and bedsets | 2392A | |
3141293 | Sheets and pillowcases | 23922 | |
3141295 | Towels and washcloths | 23923 | |
3141297 | Other household furnishings | 23924 | |
31412971 | Shower bath curtains | 2392424 | |
31412972 | Comforters and quilts | 2392423 | |
31412973 | Pillows, including bed, fancy, and cushions, including foam | 2392451 | |
31412974 | Blankets, mattress protectors, table linen, and slip covers | 2392424 | |
314129SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2392SM | |
314129M | Miscellaneous products | 2392M | |
314129S | Secondary products | 2392S | |
314911 | 314911 | Textile bag mills | 2393 |
314911P | Primary products | 2393P | |
3149110 | Textile bags | ||
31491101 | Duffle bags and knapsacks, all materials | 2393A | |
31491102 | All other textile bags | 23932 | |
314911SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2393SM | |
314911M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2393M | |
314911S | Secondary products | 2393S | |
314912 | 314912 | Canvas & related product mills | 2394 |
314912P | Primary products | 2394P | |
3149121 | Canvas and related products | 23941 | |
314912SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2394SM | |
314912M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2394M | |
314912S | Secondary products | 2394S | |
314991 | 314991 | Rope, cordage, and twine mills | 2298 |
314991P | Primary products | 2298P | |
3149911 | Cordage and twine, hard fiber | 22981 | |
3149913 | Cordage and twine, soft fiber (except cotton) | 22982 | |
3149915 | Cotton cordage and twine | 22983 | |
314991SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2298SM | |
314991M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2298M | |
314991S | Secondary products | 2298S | |
314992 | 314992 | Tire cord & tire fabric mills | 2296 |
314992P | Primary products | 2296P | |
3149921 | Tire cord and tire fabrics | 22961 | |
314992SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | 2296SM | |
314992M | Miscellaneous receipts | 2296M | |
314992S | Secondary products | 2296S | |
314999 | 314999 | All other miscellaneous textile product mills | |
314999P | Primary products | ||
3149991 | Recovered fibers, processed mill waste, and related products | 22994 | |
3149993 | Paddings & upholstery filling, batting & wadding (except foam rubber & plastics) | 22997 | |
3149995 | Embroideries (except Schiffli machine products) | 23951 | |
3149997 | Other trimmings and findings | ||
3149999 | Fabricated textile products, nec | ||
314999SM | Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts | ||
314999M | Miscellaneous receipts | ||
314999S | Secondary products |
Last Modified Date: March 04, 2004