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Producer Price Indexes

NAICS to SIC Concordance

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NAICS IndustryNAICS ProductNAICS TitleSIC Product
531120531120Lessors of nonres bldg (exc miniwarehouse)6512
531120PPrimary services6512P
5311201Lessors of shopping centers and retail stores65121
531120104Leasing of open shopping centers6512104
531120105Leasing of enclosed shopping centers6512105
5311202Lessors of professional and office buildings65122
5311203Lessors of manufacturing and industrial buildings65123
5311207Lessors of other nonresidential buildings and facilities65127
531120SMOther receipts6512SM
531130531130Lessors of miniwarehouse and self storage units
531130PPrimary services42252
5311301Lessors of miniwarehouses and self storage units42252
531130SMOther receipts
531210531210Offices of real estate agents and brokers
531210PPrimary services
5312101Residential property sales, brokerage fees, and commissions653111
5312102Residential property rental, brokerage fees, and commissions
5312103Nonresidential property sales, brokerage fees, and commissions653113
5312104Nonresidential property rental, brokerage fees, and commissions653114
5312105Other real estate agent & broker services, incl fees from land sales & rental
531210SMOther receipts
531311531311Residential property managers
531311PPrimary services
5313111Residential property managers653121
531311SMOther receipts
531312531312Nonresidential property managers
531312PPrimary services
5313121Nonresidential property managers653122
531312SMOther receipts
531320531320Offices of real estate appraisers
531320PPrimary services
5313201Offices of real estate appraisers65313
531320SMOther receipts
531390531390Other activities related to real estate
531390PPrimary services
5313901Other activities related to real estate
531390SMOther receipts
532111532111Passenger car rental7514
532111PPrimary services7514P
5321112Car rental, standard75142
532111211Business travel7514211
532111221Leisure travel7514221
5321113Car rental, replacement75143
532111SMOther receipts7514SM
532120532120Truck, utility trailer and RV rental and leasing7513
532120PPrimary services7513P
5321201Truck and utility trailer rental75131
5321202Truck, truck tractor and truck trailer leasing75132
532120211Truck leasing7513211
532120212Truck tractor leasing7513212
532120213Truck trailer leasing7513213
5321203Recreational vehicle rental75133
532120SMOther receipts7513SM
541110541110Offices of lawyers8111
541110PPrimary services8111P
5411102Real estate81112
5411103Civil negligence81113
5411104Banking and commercial81114
5411106Wills, estate planning, and probate81116
5411107Other legal services81117
541110SMOther receipts8111SM
541211541211Offices of certified public accountants
541211PPrimary services
5412115Tax preparation and planning87215
5412116Compilation and review87216
5412117Bookkeeping and billing services87217
5412118Multiple services transactions and other accounting services87218
541211SMOther receipts
541219541219Other accounting services
541219PPrimary services
5412191Other accounting services
541219SMOther receipts
541310541310Architectural services8712
541310PPrimary services8712P
5413101Residential dwelling architecture87121
5413102Commercial and industrial architecture87122
5413103Public and institutional facility architecture87123
5413105Architectural advisory and predesign services87125
5413106Other architectural services87126
541310SMOther receipts8712SM
541330541330Engineering services8711
541330PPrimary services8711P
5413301Building-related engineering87111
5413302Nonbuilding-related engineering87112
541330SMOther receipts8711SM
541619541619Retained executive recruiting
541619PPrimary services73615
5416195Retained executive recruiting73615
541619SMOther receipts
541810541810Advertising agencies7311
541810PPrimary services7311P
5418101Ad creation, billed separately73111
5418102Media placement, incl. ad creation not billed separately73112
541810204Radio, Internet, and other media placements7311204
541810SMOther receipts7311SM
561310561310Employment placement agencies
561310PPrimary services
5613101Contingency payment recruiting73614
561310111Information technology7361411
561310121Engineering, manufacturing, and technology7361412
561310131Accounting and financial7361413
561310141Sales and marketing7361415
561310151Operations, administration, and human resources7361416
561310161Other occupations7361417
5613102Internet recruiting services73616
561310SMOther receipts
561320561320Temporary help services
561320PPrimary services73631
5613201Office and clerical occupations7363101
5613202Light and heavy industrial occupations7363102
5613203Technical and professional occupations7363103
5613204Medical personnel occupations7363104
5613205Other temporary help supply services7363105
561320SMOther receipts
561330561330Employee leasing services
561330PPrimary services73632
5613301Employee leasing services73632
561330SMOther receipts
561510561510Travel agencies4724
561510PPrimary services4724P
5615101Airline arrangements47241
561510111Domestic flights4724111
56151011101Business domestic airline bookings472411101
56151011102Leisure domestic airline bookings472411102
561510112International flights4724112
56151011201Business international airline bookings472411201
56151011202Leisure international airline bookings472411202
5615102Other travel arrangements, except airline47242
561510211Hotel and car rental bookings4724211
561510222Cruise and tour bookings4724222
561510233Other travel arrangements and service fees4724233
561510SMOther receipts4724SM
561720561720Janitorial services7349
561720PPrimary services7349P
5617203Nonresidential cleaning services73493
5617204Residential cleaning services73494
561720SMOther receipts7349SM
562111562111Solid waste collection
562111PPrimary services42122
5621112Solid waste collection42122
562111SMOther receipts


Last Modified Date: March 04, 2004