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Producer Price Indexes

SIC to NAICS Concordance

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SIC IndustrySIC ProductSIC TitleNAICS Product
28122812Alkalies and chlorine325181
2812PPrimary products325181P
28123Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)3251813
28125Other alkalies3251815
2812SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325181SM
2812MMiscellaneous receipts325181M
2812SSecondary products325181S
2812SSSecondary products
28132813Industrial gases
2813PPrimary products325120P
28133Carbon dioxide3251204
28137Other industrial gases, nec325120D
2813MMiscellaneous receipts
2813MMMiscellaneous receipts
28162816Inorganic pigments325131
2816PPrimary products325131P
28161Titanium dioxide3251311
28162White opaque inorganic pigments3251312
28163Chrome colors and other inorganic pigments3251313
2816311Chrome colors325131311
2816331Iron oxide pigments325131331
2816399All other inorganic pigments nec325131399
2816SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325131SM
2816MMiscellaneous receipts325131M
2816SSecondary products325131S
2816SSSecondary products
28192819Industrial inorganic chemicals, nec325188
2819PPrimary products325188P
28193Sulfuric acid (new and fortified)3251881
28194Other inorganic acids (except sulfuric, nitric, and phosphoric)3251884
28195Aluminum oxide, except natural alumina3313111
28196Other aluminum compounds, nec3251887
28197Potassium and sodium compounds (except bleaches, alkalies and alums)325188A
28198Inorganic chemical catalytic preparations, nec325188D
28199Other industrial inorganic chemicals, nec
2819SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325188SM
2819MMiscellaneous receipts
2819MMMiscellaneous receipts325188SS
2819SSecondary products
2819SSSecondary products
28212821Plastic materials and resins325211
2821PPrimary products325211P
28213Thermoplastic resins3252111
2821301Acrylic resins
2821321Polyester resins saturated
2821332Polyethylene resins
2821351Polypropylene resins
2821361Styrene plastics materials
2821371Vinyl and vinylidene resins
2821389Other thermoplastic resins
28214Thermosetting resins3252114
2821SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325211SM
2821MMiscellaneous receipts325211M
2821SSecondary products325211S
2821SSSecondary products
28222822Synthetic rubber325212
2822PPrimary products325212P
28229Synthetic rubber, inc. SBR, ethylene propylene, & all other synthetic elastomers3252129
2822SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325212SM
2822MMiscellaneous receipts325212M
2822SSecondary products325212S
2822SSSecondary products
28232823Cellulosic manmade fibers325221
2823PPrimary products325221P
28233Rayon and acetate fibers3252213
2823SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325221SM
2823MMiscellaneous receipts325221M
2823SSecondary products325221S
28242824Noncellulosic manmade fibers325222
2824PPrimary products325222P
28241Nylon and other polyamide fibers3252221
2824311Yarn, except producer textured (industrial and textile)325222311
2824332Staple, tow and waste (fiberfill and other)325222332
28245Other noncellulosic manmade fibers (except glass, carbon, and graphite)3252225
28246Producer textured noncellulosic manmade fibers3252226
2824SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325222SM
2824MMiscellaneous receipts325222M
2824SSecondary products325222S
28332833Medicinal chemicals and botanical products (in bulk)325411
2833PPrimary products325411P
28331Synthetic organic medicinal chemicals, in bulk3254111
28333Other medicinal chemicals and botanical products, in bulk, nec3254113
2833SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325411SM
2833MMiscellaneous receipts325411M
2833SSecondary products325411S
2833SSSSecondary products
28342834Pharmaceutical preparations325412
2834PPrimary products325412P
2834ANeoplasms, endocrine system, and metabolic diseases3254121
2834A11Cancer therapy products3254121111
2834A12Insulin/anti-diabetes products3254121112
2834A13Other neoplasms, endocrine system, and metabolic diseases, including hormones3254121113
2834BCentral nervous system and sense organs3254124
2834B1111Analgesics, prescription32541241111
2834B1112Analgesics, non-prescription32541241112
2834B1213Other psychotherapeutics, including tranquilizers32541241123
2834B13Other central nervous system and sense organs3254124113
2834CCardiovascular system3254127
2834C12ACE Inhibitors3254127112
2834C13Other cardiovascular preparations3254127113
28344Respiratory system325412A
2834411Bronchial therapy325412A111
2834412Other respiratory preparations325412A112
283441211Other respiratory preparations, prescription325412A1121
283441212Other respiratory preparations, non-prescription325412A1122
28345Digestive and genito-urinary systems325412D
2834512Other digestive and genito-urinary preparations325412D112
283451211Other digestive and genito-urinary preparations, prescription325412D1121
283451212Other digestive and genito-urinary preparations, non-prescription325412D1122
28346Skin preparations325412G
2834611Skin preparations, prescription325412G111
2834612Skin preparations, non-prescription325412G112
28347Vitamins, nutrients and hematinic preparations325412L
2834721Other vitamins and nutrients325412L112
283472111Other vitamins and nutrients, prescription325412L1121
283472112Other vitamins and nutrients, non-prescription325412L1122
2834761Hospital solutions
28348Parasitic and infective diseases325412Q
2834811Broad and medium spectrum antibiotics325412Q111
2834867Systemic antivirals325412Q112
2834869Other parasitic and infective diseases325412Q113
28349Veterinary preparations325412T
2834SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325412SM
2834MMiscellaneous receipts325412M
2834MMMiscellaneous receipts
2834SSecondary products325412S
2834SSSecondary products
28352835In vitro and in vivo diagnostics325413
2835PPrimary Products325413P
28351In vitro diagnostic substances3254131
2835115Standards and controls3254131221
2835131Blood bank, hematology, and coagulation products3254131399
2835135Microbiology, serology, histology, virology, and cytology products3254131461
2835199Other in vitro diagnostics, including culture media
28352In vivo diagnostic substances, including contrast media and radioactive reagents
2835SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325413SM
2835MMiscellaneous receipts325413M
2835MMMiscellaneous receipts
2835SSecondary products325413S
2835SSSecondary products
28362836Biological products, except diagnostics325414
2836PPrimary products325414P
28361Blood and blood derivatives, for human use3254141
2836115Human blood plasma325414115
2836121Other blood and blood derivatives, except those used for passive immunization325414121
28362Vaccines, toxoids, and antigens for human use3254142
28363Other biologics for human use3254143
2836311Antitoxins, antivenoms, immune globulins and similar blood derivatives325414311
2836321Allergenic extracts for human use, excluding diagnostic allergens325414321
28364Biologics for veterinary, industrial and other uses3254144
2836411Veterinary vaccines325414411
2836415Bacterins, toxoids, and other antigens for active immunization325414415
2836431Biologics for industrial and other uses325414431
2836499Other biologics: incl. antitoxins, immune serums, blood, and allergens, except diagnostics325414499
2836SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325414SM
2836MMiscellaneous receipts325414M
2836SSecondary products325414S
2834SPharmaceutical preparations325412S
2836SSSSecondary products except pharmaceutical preparations
28412841Soaps and other detergents325611
2841PPrimary products325611P
28411Soaps and detergents, commercial, industrial, and institutional3256111
2841171Alkaline detergents, commercial, industrial, and institutional
2841172Synthetic organic detergents, commercial, industrial, and institutional
2841178All other commercial, industrial, institutional type cleaners and soaps
28412Household detergents3256114
2841262Household dry laundry detergents
2841273Household liquid detergents, light duty
2841274Household liquid detergents, heavy duty
2841275Other household detergents
28413Household soaps, except specialty cleaners and medicated soaps3256117
2841SMSecondary and miscellaneous receipts325611SM
2841MMiscellaneous receipts325611M
2841MMMiscellaneous receipts
2841SSecondary products325611S
2841SSSecondary products
28422842Specialty cleaning, polishing, and sanitation preparations325612
2842PPrimary products325612P
28422Household bleaches (chlorine and nonchlorine)3256122
28423Specialty cleaning and sanitation products3256123
2842332Disinfectants, nonagricultural325612332
2842343Household laundry aids, incl. fabric softeners and rinses325612343
2842383Air and room fresheners325612383
2842399Other spec. cleaning prods., incl. glass window preps., toilet bowl clnrs., rug clnrs., etc325612399
28424Polishing preparations and related products3256124
2842SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325612SM
2842MMiscellaneous receipts325612M
2842MMMiscellaneous receipts
2842SSecondary products325612S
2842SSSecondary products
28432843Surface-active agents325613
2843PPrimary products325613P
28431Textile and leather assistants and finishes3256131
28435Bulk surface-active agents (surfactants)3256135
2843SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325613SM
2843MMiscellaneous receipts325613M
2843SSecondary products325613S
28442844Perfumes, cosmetics, and other toilet preparations325620
2844PPrimary products325620P
28441Shaving preparations3256201
28442Perfume, toilet water, and cologne3256204
28443Hair preparations (including shampoos, except medicated)3256207
28444Dentifrices, mouthwashes, gargles, and rinses
28446Creams, lotions, oils (ex. shaving, hair deodorant, eye, manicuring and bath)325620D
28447Other cosmetics and toilet preparations, nece325620G
2844SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325620SM
2844MMiscellaneous receipts325620M
2844MMMiscellaneous receipts
2844SSecondary products325620S
2844SSSecondary products
28512851Paints and allied products325510
2851PPrimary products325510P
28511Architectural coatings, including architectural lacquers3255101
2851112Paints and tinting bases, including barn and roof paints
2851115Enamels and tinting bases, including interior-exterior floor enamels
2851125Undercoaters and primers
2851135Clear finishes
2851137Stains, including shingle and shake
2851139Other exterior solvent coatings, including bituminous paints
2851141Paints and tinting bases, including barn and roof paints
2851144Undercoaters and primers
2851155Other exterior water thinned coatings
2851163Flat wall paints and tinting bases, including mill white paints
2851169Semigloss, eggshell and satin paints and tinting bases
2851175Clear finishes
2851181Flat paints and tinting bases
2851183Semigloss, eggshell and satin paints and tinting bases
2851186Undercoaters and primers
2851188Other interior water thinned coatings
28512Product finishes for original equipment manufacturers (OEM), excluding marine coatings3255102
28512ATransportation finishes, except powdered and high-solids coatings
2851222Automobile finishes
2851225Other transportation equipment finishes, including aircraft and railroad
28512BWood finishes
2851237Wood furniture, cabinet, and fixture finishes
2851239Wood and composition board flat stock finishes
2851235Appliance, heating and air conditioner finishes
2851241Sheet, strip and coil coatings, including sidings, excluding containers
2851243Container and closure finishes
2851247Machinery and equipment finishes, including road building and farm implement
2851249Metal furniture and fixture finishes
2851254High-solids finishes (over 62.5 percent solids)
2851255Powdered coatings
2851267Other product finishes, except semi-manufactured (e.g. pigment dispersions, and ink vehicles)
28513Special purpose coatings, including all marine coatings3255103
28513AIndustrial maintenance paints (specially formulated)
28513BAAutomotive and machinery refinish coatings
2851314Paints and enamels, except laquers
2851316Primers and undercoaters
2851311Traffic marking paints, all types (shelf goods and highway department sales)
2851315Marine paints and enamels (shelf goods and specially formulated, excluding spar varnish)
285133Aerosol paints
2851398Other special purpose coatings
28515Miscellaneous allied paint products3255105
2851523Paint and varnish removers
2851531Thinners for dopes & lacquers & oleoresinous thinners, inc. mixtures & proprietary thinners
2851533Pigment dispersions
2851598Misc. related products, inc. brush cleaners, nonpressure wood preservatives, putty, etc
2851SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325510SM
2851MMiscellaneous receipts325510M
2851SSecondary products325510S
2821SPlastic materials and resins325211S
2851SSSSSOther secondary products
2891SAdhesives and sealants325520S
28612861Gum and wood chemicals325191
2861PPrimary products325191P
28611Softwood distillation products
28612Other gum and wood chemicals
286125Hardwood distillation products
2861255Charcoal and charcoal briquets, including blends with lignite or other materials
286129Tall oils
2861294Refined (contains less than 90% free fatty acid, inc. tall oil resins other than rosin)
2861298Other tall oil derivatives, including rosin acid salts, except tall oil fatty acids
2861SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325191SM
2861MMiscellaneous receipts325191M
2861SSecondary products325191S
28652865Cyclic crudes and intermediates
2865PPrimary products
28651Cyclic intermediates3251921
28652Synthetic organic dyes3251321
28653Synthetic organic pigments, lakes, and toners3251324
28656Aromatics, not made in a refinery3251101
28657Tars, tar crudes, and tar pitches
2865MMiscellaneous receipts
2865MMMiscellaneous receipts
2865SSecondary products
28692869Industrial organic chemicals, nec
2869PPrimary products325199P
28691Liquid refinery gases (aliphatics), not made in a refinery3251104
28692Ethyl alcohol325193P
28693Synthetic organic chemicals, nec
28694Bulk pesticides and other bulk synthetic organic agricultural chemicals3251994
28696Miscellaneous end-use chemicals and chemical products325199T
28697Miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products325199U
2869MMiscellaneous receipts
2869MMMiscellaneous receipts325199MM
2869SSecondary products325199SS
2821SSecondary products, plastic materials and resins325211S
2869SSSOther secondary products
28732873Nitrogenous fertilizers325311
2873PPrimary products325311P
28731Synthetic ammonia, nitric acid, and ammonium compounds3253111
28733Nitrogenous fertilizer materials of organic origin3253113
2873SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325311SM
2873MMiscellaneous receipts325311M
2873MMMiscellaneous receipts
2873SSecondary products325311S
2873SSSecondary products
28742874Phosphatic fertilizers325312
2874PPrimary products325312P
28741Phosphoric acid3253121
28742Superphosphate and other phosphatic fertilizer materials3253122
28744Mixed fertilizers, made by plants which manufacture fertilizer materials3253124
2874SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325312SM
2874MMiscellaneous receipts325312M
2874MMMiscellaneous receipts
2874SSecondary products325312S
2874SSSecondary products
28752875Fertilizers, mixing only325314
2875PPrimary products325314P
28751Fertilizers, mixing only3253141
2875125Mixed fertilizers, solid325314125
2875131Mixed fertilizers, liquid325314131
2875SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325314SM
2875MMiscellaneous receipts325314M
2875MMMiscellaneous receipts
2875SSecondary products325314S
2875SSSecondary products
28792879Pesticides and other agricultural chemicals325320
2879PPrimary products325320P
2879AAgricultural and commercial insecticides and chemicals325320A
2879BLawn and garden pesticides and chemicals325320B
2879CHousehold and institutional pesticides and chemicals325320C
2879SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325320SM
2879MMiscellaneous receipts325320M
2879MMMiscellaneous receipts
2879SSecondary products325320S
2879SSSecondary products
28912891Adhesives and sealants325520
2891PPrimary products325520P
28913Natural base glues and adhesives3255203
28914Synthetic resin and rubber adhesives, including cellulose, nitrocellulose, etc3255204
289144Vinyl type adhesives32552044
2891465Hot melt adhesives, including nylon, polyolefin, and other hot melts325520465
2891478Rubber and synthetic resin combinations325520478
2891498Other synthetic resin & rubber adhesives325520498
28916Structural sealants (load bearing)3255206
28917Nonstructural sealants and caulks3255207
2891SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325520SM
2891MMiscellaneous receipts325520M
2891MMMiscellaneous receipts
2891SSecondary products325520S
2891SSSecondary products
2892PPrimary products325920P
28921Explosives, propellants, and blasting accessories (not manufactured in GOCOs)3259201
289211Industrial explosives
2892113Permissibles, including permissible slurries
2892117ANFO, except slurry
2892118Water gel and slurries, except permissible slurries
2892121Noncap sensitive
2892127Other industrial explosives
289215Blasting accessories
2892157Other blasting accessories (squibs, ignitors, fuse, other blasting caps, nec.)
2892171Other explosives (military detonators, jet starters, fuse and explosive assemblies, etc.)
2892SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325920SM
2892MMiscellaneous receipts325920M
2892XY9Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts
2892Y66Contract work performed by government owned company operated establishments (GOCOs)
2892SSecondary products325920S
2892SSSSecondary products
28932893Printing ink325910
2893PPrimary products325910P
28931Letterpress ink (black and color)3259101
28932Lithographic and offset ink (black and color)3259102
2893231News and nonheat web ink325910231
2893233Publication and commercial web ink325910233
2893234Sheet-fed packaging ink325910234
2893244Sheet-fed general printing ink325910244
2893245Other lithographic and offset ink325910245
28933Gravure ink3259103
28934Flexographic ink3259104
2893481Packaging ink325910481
289348182Solvent types32591048182
289348183Water types32591048183
2893484Other flexographic ink325910484
28935Printing ink, nec3259105
2893SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325910SM
2893MMiscellaneous receipts325910M
2893MMMiscellaneous receipts
2893SSecondary products325910S
2893SSSecondary products
28952895Carbon black325182
2895PPrimary products325182P
28951Carbon black3251821
2895SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325182SM
2895MMiscellaneous receipts325182M
2895SSecondary products325182S
28992899Chemicals and chemical preparations, nec325998
2899PPrimary products325998P
28991Salt, evaporated and solar3119421
28992Fatty acids (produced for sale as such)3251991
28994Gelatin, except ready to eat desserts
28995Chemical preparations, nec, including essential oils
289957Water treating compounds325998A
289959Chemical preparations, nec, including essential oils and automotive chemicals325998H
2899SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts325998SM
2899MMiscellaneous receipts
2899MMMiscellaneous receipts
2899SSecondary products325998S
2899SSSecondary products


Last Modified Date: January 04, 2019