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Docket No. 08-0362 requested splitting 31-1012 Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants into two detailed occupations: (1) Nursing Aides and (2) Orderlies and Attendants. The SOCPC accepted a modified version of this proposal, recommending a title change for 31-1012 to "Nursing Assistants" to reflect the most common job title used. As required by Classification Principle 2, this occupation will continue to include Nursing Aides, Nursing Attendants, and Nursing Care Attendants because they perform work that is too similar to distinguish the occupations from Nursing Assistants. The SOCPC also recommended a new detailed occupation, 31-1014 "Orderlies" because the work performed is sufficiently distinct to reliably collect data, as required by Classification Principle 9.
The SOCPC reviewed proposed titles and definitions for 31-1011 Home Health Aides and 39-9021 Personal and Home Care Aides, as also requested in this docket. Modifications were recommended to clarify distinctions between these occupations.
Last Modified Date: March 12, 2009