Non-Hispanic Asians had greater median usual weekly earnings
In 2022, median usual weekly earnings for full-time wage and salary workers were highest for workers in government ($1,168) and private nonprofits ($1,163). Median weekly earnings in the private for-profit sector were $1,016. Among the major race and ethnicity groups, median usual weekly earnings of non-Hispanic Asians were highest—$1,548 in government, $1,439 in the private nonprofit sector, and $1,403 in the private for-profit sector. Earnings for non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics or Latinos were considerably lower in the private for-profit sector, at $825 and $796, respectively. In private nonprofit organizations, median earnings for non-Hispanic Blacks were $949 and $1,006 for Hispanics or Latinos. Non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic or Latino government workers, with median usual weekly earnings of $1,037 and $1,070, respectively, also earned less than their non-Hispanic White and non-Hispanic Asian counterparts.