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Learn about the potential uses of skills data available as part of the BLS Employment Projections (EP) program. Each year, the EP program prepares 10-year employment projections for more than 800 detailed occupations. Beginning with the 2023–33 employment projections, the EP program provides information about which skills are most relevant for those occupations.
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Learn what seasonal adjustment is and why we adjust data for seasonal variations.
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Learn how we measure unit labor costs and what they mean for our economy.
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BLS estimates the wages of occupations across over 500 metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas to cover the entire United States.
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Explore the meaning of productivity with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and learn how productivity growth can lead to improvements in our lives and the well-being of our nation.
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Learn how we measure total factor productivity, which compares changes in output over time to changes in a combination of inputs, including capital, labor, energy, materials, and purchased services.
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Learn about the features of the BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook to help you find the career that's right for you.
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Learn about how we protect the confidentiality of the people and businesses that participate in Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys.
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Learn about the importance of participating in BLS surveys to help provide an accurate, complete, and unbiased picture of the U.S. economy.
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An overview of what the Consumer Price Index measures, how it is used, and why it is so important to participate in the survey.
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Career Outlook helps students, career counselors, or anyone else who is interested in career planning.
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Ever wonder how your paycheck stacks up to people with similar jobs? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has many sources of data on pay and benefits.
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Learn about the different types of jobs covered in BLS data on contingent and alternative employment arrangements.
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This video discusses BLS projections of occupational openings from workers who leave an occupation permanently.
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Learn about what the Producer Price Index is and how businesses and policymakers use the data.
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Learn how buyers and sellers use the Producer Price Index to adjust prices in sales contracts.
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Learn how the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates the unemployment rate.
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Learn the terms and ideas that can help you understand employment projections data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
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The Employment Cost Index, or ECI, measures changes in the cost of employees to employers over time. In the private sector, business owners and human resources professionals can use the ECI to make decisions about pay adjustments to help them stay competitive. In the public sector, the Federal Reserve and others use the ECI to gauge the health of the labor market, adjust contracts, and research the labor market.
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The Employment Cost Index, or ECI, is a Principal Federal Economic Indicator that provides data on how labor costs are changing and how the economy is performing. The ECI measures changes in labor costs by tracking the cost of employees to employers.
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The safety of America's workers depends on understanding hazards in the workplace. Here at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics we help provide the data to understand those hazards. Our role is to collect, estimate, and publish statistics on workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities.
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This video looks at the different types of jobs people have, from the largest groups to the smallest.
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No matter what stage you are in your life, "there's a stat for that." At the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics our job is to collect, analyze and disseminate essential economic information to help people make better decisions.
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The Chained CPI is a relatively new measure of inflation. This video provides an overview of the chained CPI and its advantages and limitations in comparison to other measures.
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Check out the highlights of the 2023–33 projections, including the fastest growing occupations overall, the occupations expected to have the most new jobs, the fastest growing occupations that require a bachelor's degree or more, and the fastest growing occupations that require some postsecondary education. (This video has background music but no spoken words.)
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Check out the highlights of the 2022–32 projections, including the fastest growing occupations overall, the occupations expected to have the most new jobs, the fastest growing occupations that require a bachelor's degree or more, and the fastest growing occupations that require some postsecondary education. (This video has background music but no spoken words.)
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Check out the highlights of the 2021–31 projections, including the fastest growing occupations overall, the occupations expected to have the most new jobs, the fastest growing occupations that require a bachelor's degree or more, and the fastest growing occupations that require some postsecondary education. (This video has background music but no spoken words.)
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Check out the highlights of the 2020–30 projections, including the fastest growing occupations overall, the occupations expected to have the most new jobs, the fastest growing occupations that require a bachelor's degree or more, and the fastest growing occupations that require some postsecondary education.
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The Bureau of Labor Statistics Celebrates World Statistics Day 2020! A few of our fans discuss the importance of reliable, objective statistics from BLS and other organizations.
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Check out the highlights of the 2019–29 projections, including the fastest growing occupations overall, the occupations expected to have the most new jobs, the fastest growing occupations that require a bachelor's degree or more, and the fastest growing occupations that require some postsecondary education.
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Every year, the Occupational Employment Statistics program publishes data on the types of jobs people have, the industries where they work, and the wages they earn. Can you guess the answers to these questions?
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Let's look at price changes for common school items from 2009 to 2019.
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Learn about 5 creative careers projected to have the most job opportunities in the next decade.
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Learn how much millennials and baby boomers spent on gifts, jewelry, and other items in 2017.
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See how costs for common Thanksgiving items have changed from 2008 to 2018.
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A look at how American mothers spend their time on an average weekday.
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Check out how consumer prices have changed for some of your favorite holiday items from 2007 to 2017.
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How much did prices change for common holiday items from 2006 to 2016? Learn more from the Consumer Price Index (This video is not closed captioned because the audio does not include spoken words).
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As more millennials enter the workforce, they are also spending more. Learn more about how their spending habits compare with those of older generations (This video is not closed captioned because the audio does not include spoken words).
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Learn more about how Americans spend their time with data from the American Time Use Survey (This video is not closed captioned because the audio does not include spoken words).
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Learn about the establishment survey's revisions and benchmarking.
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A closer look at Rent and Owners' Equivalent Rent (OER) differentials.
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Harvard Professor Dr. Gita Gopinath presents on her paper "The International Price System."
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Instead of just a snapshot in time, the National Longitudinal Surveys track the same respondents over the course of their life. Researchers, statisticians, and policymakers gathered at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics headquarters in Washington, DC, on September 17, 2015, to mark the 50th anniversary of this rich data resource. BLS Commissioner Erica L. Groshen provided opening remarks.
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Michael Horrigan presents "Understanding 50 Years of Contributions from the NLS and Envisioning Its Future" at the National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) 50th Anniversary Conference. September 17, 2015.
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Dan Black of the University of Chicago takes a look back at 50 years of National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) research at the NLS 50th Anniversary Conference.
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Katharine Abraham at the National Longitudinal Surveys 50th Anniversary Conference.
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Elizabeth Peters of the Urban Institute at the National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) 50th Anniversary Conference.
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Rebecca Clark of the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development discusses the National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) 1979 cohort at the NLS 50th Anniversary Conference.
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Howard Snyder of the Bureau of Justice Statistics presents "The Infrastructure for the Largest National Study of Self-Reported Juvenile Offending in the U.S." at the National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) 50th Anniversary Conference.
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Brian Harris-Kojetin of the National Academy of Sciences discusses government and private sector uses of National Longitudinal Survey (NLS) data at the NLS 50th Anniversary Conference. September 17, 2015.
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Katharine Abraham answers questions at the National Longitudinal Surveys 50th Anniversary Conference.
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Current Employment Statistics - 100 Years of CES Symposium. October 19, 2015
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