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The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has developed new data on how U.S. businesses changed operations since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. These data are from the 2021 Business Response Survey (BRS) to the Coronavirus Pandemic. BRS data were collected from private-sector establishments from July 27, 2021 through September 30, 2021. Total U.S. estimates include the 50 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Additional information about the sample, questionnaire, and estimation can be found in the Technical Note.
Topics covered include telework, workplace flexibilities, changes in pay, COVID-19 workplace requirements, establishment space size, relocation, supplementing workforce, automation, drug and alcohol testing, and COVID-19 loans or grants.
Detailed results by topic are available in the tables and maps and charts.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, 24% of establishments increased pay or gave bonuses
Data are available on how businesses changed operations since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nationwide, 34.5 percent of establishments increased telework for some or all employees, 14.5 percent increased base wages, and 17.5 percent required COVID-19 vaccinations for some or all employees.
As a result of the pandemic, 24.6 percent of establishments (2.1 million, with 33.9 percent of all private-sector employment) started to offer flexible or staggered work hours to employees.
See 2021 BRS National Data Table (XLSX)