An official website of the United States government
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has developed new data on telework, hiring, and vacancies at private-sector establishments. These data are from the 2022 Business Response Survey (BRS) on Telework, Hiring, and Vacancies. BRS data were collected from private-sector establishments from August 1 to September 30, 2022. Total U.S. estimates include the 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Additional information about the sample, questionnaire, and estimation can be found in the Technical Note.
Topics covered include telework at establishments in August–September 2022, and before the COVID–19 pandemic began (February 2020); hiring in July 2022, and methods establishments used to attract applicants to newly filled positions; vacancies in August–September 2022; and establishments’ advertising methods for vacant positions August 2021–September 2022.
Detailed results by topic are available in the tables and maps and charts.
Nationwide, in August–September 2022, 11.1 percent of private-sector establishments had all of their employees teleworking all the time, and 16.4 percent had some of their employees teleworking some of the time. In July 2022, 22.4 percent of private-sector establishments hired new employees, and 2.4 percent hired at least one full-time teleworker (remote worker). In August–September 2022, 20.9 percent of private-sector establishments had vacancies they were trying to fill, and 12.3 percent had at least one vacant position that had been open for more than 30 days.
See 2022 BRS National Data Table (XLSX)
Last Modified Date: March 22, 2023