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The R-CPI-U-G and R-CPI-U-L, which have been available on request, will be discontinued with the release of June 2024 CPI data on July 11, 2024.
Since 1999, the CPI has used two different formulas in computing basic indexes. A geometric means formula is used for most items, reflecting that consumers may substitute within CPI categories as relative prices change. However, for some goods and services, such substitution isn't realistic. For these, a Laspeyres formula is still used. The R-CPI-U-G differs from the official CPI-U in that a geometric means formula is used for all categories.
In conjunction with the R-CPI-U-L, the R-CPI-U-G is used by researchers to understand consumer substitution and the impact of the geometric means formula.
The R-CPI-U-G data are unofficial and designed for research purposes.
Monthly R-CPI-U-G data are available from 1999 forward.
Additional information is available in the CPI research series using current methods, 1978–98 Monthly Labor Review article.
Last Modified Date: April 15, 2024