Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Women in the Labor Force: A Databook (2011 Edition) U.S. Department of Labor U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics December 2011 Report 1034 (PDF , 101 printed pages) Links to files of individual sections and tables from the report are listed below. Introduction and Highlights (PDF ) Technical Note (PDF ) Statistical Tables
Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population by age and sex, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years and over by sex, 1970–2010 annual averages (PDF ) Employment status by race, age, sex, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Employment status by marital status and sex, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Employment status by sex, presence and age of children, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, March 2010 (PDF ) Employment status of women by presence and age of youngest child, marital status, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, March 2010 (PDF ) Employment status of women by presence and age of youngest child, March 1975–2010 (PDF ) Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 25 to 64 years of age by educational attainment and sex, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Percent distribution of the civilian labor force 25 to 64 years of age by educational attainment and sex, 1970–2010 (PDF ) Employed persons by major occupation and sex, 2009 and 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Employed persons by detailed occupation and sex, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Employed women by occupation, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Employed persons by industry and sex, 2009 and 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Employed persons by detailed industry and sex, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Employed women by industry, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers in current dollars by race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and sex, 1979–2010 annual averages (PDF ) Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers 25 years of age and over by educational attainment and sex, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by detailed occupation and sex, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by industry and sex, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Employed persons by full- and part-time status and sex, 1970–2010 annual averages (PDF ) Average weekly hours at work in all industries and in nonagricultural industries by sex, 1976–2010 annual averages (PDF ) Work experience of the population by sex and full- and part-time status, selected years, 1970–2009 (PDF ) Married-couple families by number and relationship of earners, 1967–2009 (PDF ) Contribution of wives' earnings to family income, 1970–2009 (PDF ) Wives who earn more than their husbands, 1987–2009 (PDF ) Wage and salary workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage by selected characteristics, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Working poor: Poverty status of people in the labor force for 27 weeks or more by age, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, 2009 (PDF ) Displaced workers by age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and employment status in January 2010 (PDF ) Median years of tenure with current employer for employed wage and salary workers by age and sex, selected years, 1996–2010 (PDF ) Labor force status of 2010 high school graduates and 2009–10 high school dropouts 16 to 24 years old by school enrollment and sex, October 2010 (PDF ) Labor force status of people 16 to 24 years old by school enrollment, sex, and educational attainment, October 2010 (PDF ) Multiple jobholders and multiple jobholding rates by sex and race, 1994–2010 annual averages (PDF ) Unincorporated self-employed persons in nonagricultural industries by sex, 1976–2010 annual averages (PDF ) Employment status of the native-born and foreign-born civilian noninstitutional population by age and sex, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Union affiliation of employed wage and salary workers by sex, annual averages, 1983–2010 (PDF ) Employment status of veterans 18 years of age and over by sex and period of service, 2010 annual averages (PDF ) Employment status of persons with disabilities by sex and age, 2010 annual averages (PDF )
Last Modified Date: December 15, 2011