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For release 10:00 a.m. (EDT) Friday, July 25, 2014 USDL-14-1348 Technical information: (202) 691-6199 ncsinfo@bls.gov www.bls.gov/ebs Media contact: (202) 691-5902 pressoffice@bls.gov (NOTE: Some estimates that include access to paid sick leave benefits were corrected in the BLS database on November 6, 2017. For additional information about this correction, see www.bls.gov/bls/errata/ebs-errata-07212017.htm.) EMPLOYEE BENEFITS IN THE UNITED STATES - MARCH 2014 Employer-provided medical care was available to 86 percent of full-time private industry workers in the United States in March 2014, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. By contrast, only 23 percent of part-time workers had medical care benefits available. Access, or availability, also varied by establishment size: 57 percent for workers in small establishments (those with fewer than 100 employees), compared with 84 percent in medium and large establishments (those with 100 employees or more). (See charts 1 and 2 and table 2.) Retirement benefits followed a similar pattern as medical care benefits. In private industry, 74 percent of full-time workers had access to a retirement plan, significantly higher than 37 percent of part-time workers. Retirement benefits were available to 50 percent of workers in small establishments and 82 percent of workers in medium and large establishments. A worker with access to a medical or retirement plan is defined as having an employer-provided plan available for use, regardless of the decision to enroll or participate in the plan. (See charts 1 and 2 and table 1.) Paid sick leave benefits were also more commonly offered to full-time workers and those in medium and large establishments in private industry. Plans were offered to 74 percent of full-time workers and 24 percent of part-time workers. Similarly, 52 percent of workers in small establishments and 72 percent in medium and large establishments had access to a paid sick leave benefit. (See charts 1 and 2 and table 6.) These data are from the National Compensation Survey (NCS), which provides comprehensive measures of compensation cost levels and trends as well as incidence and provisions of employee benefit plans. Additional findings include: * In private industry, 65 percent of employees had access to retirement benefits and 48 percent of employees participated in retirement plans. In state and local government, 89 percent of employees had access and 81 percent participated in retirement plans. (See table 1.) * Almost all full-time workers in state and local government (99 percent) had access to retirement and medical care benefits. For state and local government part-time workers, 38 percent had access to retirement benefits and 24 percent had access to medical care benefits. (See tables 1 and 2.) * For private industry employees in the lowest 10 percent of average earnings, employers paid 70 percent of the single coverage medical plan premium. For employees in the highest 10 percent of average earnings, the employer share of the premium was 81 percent. For family coverage, the employer share of the premium was 57 percent for employees in the lowest 10 percent of earnings, significantly less than the 72 percent for employees in the highest 10 percent of earnings. (See tables 3 and 4.) * Access and participation in life insurance benefits varied significantly for full-time and part-time workers. In private industry, 72 percent of full-time workers had access to life insurance benefits. In contrast, only 13 percent of part-time workers in private industry had access. For state and local government workers, 90 percent of full-time workers and 22 percent of part-time workers had access. Most workers who had access participated in life insurance benefits. (See table 5.) * Paid holidays were provided to 90 percent of full-time and 37 percent of part-time workers in private industry. In state and local government 74 percent of full-time workers and 30 percent of part-time workers had access. (See table 6.) More information can be obtained by calling (202) 691-6199, sending e-mail to ncsinfo@bls.gov, or by visiting www.bls.gov/ebs. NOTE More information will be published in September 2014 on the incidence and provisions of health care benefits, retirement benefits, life insurance, short-term and long-term disability benefits, paid holidays and vacations, and other selected benefits. For the latest benefit publications see www.bls.gov/ebs.
TECHNICAL NOTE Data in this release are from the National Compensation Survey (NCS), conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This release contains March 2014 data on civilian, private industry, and state and local government workers in the United States. Excluded are federal government workers, the military, agricultural workers, private household workers, and the self- employed. This news release provides data on the incidence of (access to and participation in) selected benefits and the share of premiums paid by employers and employees for medical care. Calculation details ------------------- Average hourly earnings from sampled occupations within an establishment were used to produce estimates for worker groups within six earnings categories: the lowest 10 percent, the lowest 25 percent, the second 25 percent, the third 25 percent, the highest 25 percent, and the highest 10 percent. The categories are based on unpublished March 2014 wages and salaries from the Employer Costs for Employee Compensation. The percentiles were computed using earnings and scheduled hours of work reported for individual workers in sampled establishment jobs. Establishments in the survey are asked to report only individual worker earnings for each sampled job. For the calculation of the hourly percentile values, the individual worker hourly earnings are weighted and arrayed from lowest to highest. The values corresponding to the percentiles are: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Characteristics Hourly wage percentiles 10 25 50 (median) 75 90 Civilian workers $8.99 $11.75 $17.64 $28.13 $42.90 Private industry workers $8.65 $11.15 $16.82 $26.67 $41.46 State and local government $12.16 $16.03 $23.34 $34.91 $48.49 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The lowest 10-percent and 25-percent wage categories include those occupations with an average hourly wage less than the 10th percentile value and 25th percentile value, respectively. The second 25-percent category includes those occupations that earn at or above the 25th percentile value but less than the 50th percentile value. The third 25-percent category includes those occupations that earn at or above the 50th percentile value but less than the 75th percentile value. Finally, the highest 25- and 10-percent wage categories include those occupations with an average wage value greater than or equal to the 75th and 90th percentile value, respectively. (Note: Individual workers can fall into an earnings category different from the average for the occupation into which they are classified because average hourly earnings for the occupation are used to produce the benefit estimates.) The tables on employer and employee medical premiums (tables 3 and 4) include participants in all medical plans, with calculations for both single and family coverage. The calculations are not based on actual decisions regarding medical coverage made by employees within the occupations. Rather, the premium calculations are based on the assumption that all employees in the occupation can opt for either single or family coverage. Medical care ------------ Medical care plans provide services or payments for services rendered in the hospital or by a qualified medical care provider. Retirement plans ---------------- Differences in retirement plan participation are influenced by type of plan offered. In defined benefit plans participation is often mandatory, after meeting eligibility requirements, while participation in defined contribution plans is often voluntary. Take-up rates ------------- Take-up rates are the percentage of workers with access to a plan who participate in the plan. They are computed by using the number of workers participating in a plan divided by the number of workers with access to the plan, multiplied by 100, and rounded to the nearest one percent. Since the computation of take-up rates is based on the number of workers collected rather than rounded percentage estimates, the take-up rates in the tables may not equal the ratio of participation to access estimates. Comparing private and public sector data ---------------------------------------- Incidence of employee benefits in state and local government should not be directly compared to private industry. Differences between these sectors stem from factors such as variation in work activities and occupational structures. Manufacturing and sales, for example, make up a large part of private industry work activities but are rare in state and local government. Professional and administrative support occupations (including teachers) account for two-thirds of the state and local government workforce, compared with one-half of private industry. Leave benefits for teachers --------------------------- Primary, secondary, and special education teachers typically have a work schedule of 37 or 38 weeks per year. Because of this work schedule, they are generally not offered vacation or holidays. In many cases, the time off during winter and spring breaks during the school year are not considered vacation days for the purposes of this survey. Sample size ----------- Data for the March 2014 reference period were collected from a probability sample of about 9,600 establishments in private industry and approximately 1,500 establishments in state and local government. Survey scope ------------ The March 2014 NCS benefits survey represented approximately 128 million civilian workers; of this number, about 109 million were private industry workers and nearly 19 million were state and local government workers. Introduction of 2010 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) --------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning with this release, Employee Benefits in the United States are based on 2010 SOC. No substantive changes occurred in occupational coverage for about 90 percent of the detailed occupations in the 2010 SOC. However the detailed occupation Registered Nurses, for which data are shown separately in this release, did undergo classification changes. For information about this and other changes see www.bls.gov/soc. Obtaining information --------------------- For research articles on employee benefits, see the Monthly Labor Review at www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/home.htm and Beyond the Numbers: Pay and Benefits at www.bls.gov/opub/btn. For further technical information, see Chapter 8, "National Compensation Measures," of the BLS Handbook of Methods at www.bls.gov/opub/hom/pdf/homch8.pdf.
Table 1. Retirement benefits:(1) Access, participation, and take-up rates,(2) National Compensation Survey, March 2014 (All workers = 100 percent) Civilian(3) Private industry State and local government Characteristics Access Particip- Take-up Access Particip- Take-up Access Particip- Take-up ation rate ation rate ation rate All workers.............. 68 53 78 65 48 75 89 81 91 Worker characteristics Management, professional, and related.............. 83 71 86 80 67 84 92 83 90 Management, business, and financial.......... 85 75 88 84 74 87 – – – Professional and related................ 82 70 85 77 63 82 92 83 90 Teachers............. 86 76 89 – – – 91 82 90 Primary, secondary, and special education school teachers........... 95 86 90 – – – 99 90 91 Registered nurses.... 79 65 83 – – – – – – Service.................. 44 29 65 38 21 56 84 76 91 Protective service..... 79 61 77 62 28 45 91 85 93 Sales and office......... 71 52 74 69 49 71 89 82 92 Sales and related...... 67 39 59 67 39 59 – – – Office and administrative support 73 59 81 70 56 79 90 83 92 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance.............. 70 56 81 67 53 79 95 86 90 Construction, extraction, farming, fishing, and forestry.. 64 51 80 60 47 78 – – – Installation, maintenance, and repair 75 60 81 73 58 80 – – – Production, transportation, and material moving.......... 71 54 76 70 53 75 85 74 87 Production............. 75 59 79 75 59 78 – – – Transportation and material moving........ 67 49 73 65 47 72 – – – Full time................ 78 64 81 74 58 79 99 90 91 Part time................ 37 21 56 37 19 52 38 33 86 Union.................... 94 86 91 92 83 91 97 89 92 Nonunion................. 64 48 74 62 45 72 83 74 89 Average wage within the following categories(4): Lowest 25 percent...... 41 22 53 38 18 48 73 66 90 Lowest 10 percent.... 29 12 41 27 11 39 59 52 89 Second 25 percent...... 70 52 75 67 47 71 93 84 91 Third 25 percent....... 81 67 83 76 62 81 95 86 91 Highest 25 perecent.... 88 79 89 85 75 88 98 89 91 Highest 10 percent... 90 81 90 88 79 89 98 90 92 Establishment characteristics Goods-producing industries............... 76 62 82 76 62 82 – – – Service-providing industries............... 67 52 77 63 46 73 89 81 91 Education and health services............... 77 63 82 69 53 77 90 81 90 Educational services 87 77 89 72 61 85 91 81 90 Elementary and secondary schools.. 91 81 89 – – – 92 83 90 Junior colleges, colleges, and universities....... 87 76 88 89 78 88 86 76 88 Health care and social assistance.... 70 54 77 69 52 76 89 79 89 Hospitals.......... 90 78 86 – – – 95 83 87 Public administration.. 91 84 92 – – – 91 84 92 1 to 99 workers.......... 51 36 71 50 35 70 77 69 89 1 to 49 workers........ 46 33 72 45 32 71 68 60 87 50 to 99 workers....... 65 45 70 63 43 68 90 81 90 100 workers or more...... 85 69 81 82 64 78 91 83 91 100 to 499 workers..... 79 58 74 78 55 71 88 80 92 500 workers or more.... 90 79 88 89 77 86 92 84 91 Geographic areas Northeast................ 68 55 82 64 51 80 90 81 91 New England............ 66 53 80 63 49 77 86 80 93 Middle Atlantic........ 68 56 82 64 52 81 91 82 90 South.................... 69 51 75 65 46 71 91 80 89 South Atlantic......... 69 52 75 65 47 72 91 80 88 East South Central..... 70 52 74 64 45 70 92 80 87 West South Central..... 68 50 74 64 44 69 89 81 91 Midwest.................. 72 57 78 70 53 76 87 80 92 East North Central..... 71 56 78 69 52 75 84 78 92 West North Central..... 74 59 79 71 54 76 91 83 91 West..................... 64 51 79 60 45 75 90 83 93 Mountain............... 63 46 74 59 42 71 88 76 86 Pacific................ 65 53 81 60 46 77 91 86 95 1 Includes defined benefit pension plans and defined contribution retirement plans. Workers are considered as having access or as participating if they have access to or are participating in at least one of these plan types. 2 The take-up rate is an estimate of the percentage of workers with access to a plan who participate in the plan, rounded for presentation. See Technical Note for more details. 3 Includes workers in the private nonfarm economy except those in private households, and workers in the public sector, except the federal government. See Technical Note for further explanation. 4 Surveyed occupations are classified into wage categories based on the average wage for the occupation, which may include workers with earnings both above and below the threshold. The categories were formed using percentile estimates generated using ECEC data for March 2014. Note: Dash indicates no workers in this category or data did not meet publication criteria. For definitions of major plans, key provisions, and related terms, see the "Glossary of Employee Benefit Terms" at www.bls.gov/ncs/ebs/glossary20122013.htm.
Table 2. Medical care benefits: Access, participation, and take-up rates,(1) National Compensation Survey, March 2014 (All workers = 100 percent) Civilian(2) Private industry State and local government Characteristics Access Particip- Take-up Access Particip- Take-up Access Particip- Take-up ation rate ation rate ation rate All workers.............. 72 53 74 69 50 72 87 73 83 Worker characteristics Management, professional, and related.............. 88 68 78 87 66 76 89 74 83 Management, business, and financial.......... 94 73 77 95 72 76 – – – Professional and related................ 85 66 78 83 63 76 89 73 82 Teachers............. 85 69 81 – – – 88 73 82 Primary, secondary, and special education school teachers........... 97 79 81 – – – 98 80 82 Registered nurses.... 82 62 75 – – – – – – Service.................. 46 30 65 40 23 59 81 69 85 Protective service..... 69 57 82 43 28 65 89 78 88 Sales and office......... 72 52 72 71 50 71 87 73 84 Sales and related...... 61 41 67 61 41 67 – – – Office and administrative support 78 58 74 77 56 73 88 74 84 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance.............. 78 61 78 76 59 77 95 82 86 Construction, extraction, farming, fishing, and forestry.. 72 58 81 69 54 80 – – – Installation, maintenance, and repair 84 65 77 83 63 76 – – – Production, transportation, and material moving.......... 77 57 75 76 57 75 81 66 82 Production............. 85 64 76 84 64 76 – – – Transportation and material moving........ 69 51 74 69 50 73 – – – Full time................ 88 66 76 86 63 74 99 83 84 Part time................ 23 13 56 23 12 54 24 17 74 Union.................... 94 79 83 94 78 83 95 80 84 Nonunion................. 68 49 72 67 47 71 81 67 83 Average wage within the following categories(3): Lowest 25 percent...... 38 22 59 34 20 57 68 55 80 Lowest 10 percent.... 22 12 54 20 10 51 53 42 78 Second 25 percent...... 77 56 73 74 52 70 92 78 86 Third 25 percent....... 88 69 79 86 66 77 94 78 84 Highest 25 perecent.... 94 74 79 93 71 77 97 81 83 Highest 10 percent... 95 75 80 94 74 78 97 82 84 Establishment characteristics Goods-producing industries............... 86 67 78 86 67 78 – – – Service-providing industries............... 70 51 73 66 47 71 87 73 83 Education and health services............... 80 60 75 75 53 71 88 71 81 Educational services 86 69 80 78 59 76 88 71 81 Elementary and secondary schools.. 88 69 79 – – – 88 70 80 Junior colleges, colleges, and universities....... 86 72 83 90 70 78 84 73 87 Health care and social assistance.... 76 54 71 74 52 70 88 71 81 Hospitals.......... 89 69 77 – – – 94 78 82 Public administration.. 88 77 88 – – – 88 77 88 1 to 99 workers.......... 58 41 72 57 41 71 74 63 85 1 to 49 workers........ 54 38 71 53 38 71 65 54 84 50 to 99 workers....... 70 51 72 69 49 71 87 75 86 100 workers or more...... 85 64 76 84 61 73 89 74 83 100 to 499 workers..... 80 58 72 80 56 71 86 71 83 500 workers or more.... 90 71 79 89 68 77 90 75 83 Geographic areas Northeast................ 72 54 75 69 51 73 86 75 87 New England............ 70 50 71 68 47 69 86 70 82 Middle Atlantic........ 72 55 76 70 52 74 86 76 88 South.................... 73 53 73 70 49 71 90 75 83 South Atlantic......... 73 53 73 70 50 71 89 73 82 East South Central..... 74 55 74 70 49 69 92 81 87 West South Central..... 73 53 73 70 49 71 91 74 82 Midwest.................. 72 52 72 71 50 71 82 65 80 East North Central..... 73 53 72 72 51 70 80 63 80 West North Central..... 71 52 73 68 49 72 85 68 80 West..................... 70 54 78 67 51 76 87 74 85 Mountain............... 67 51 76 65 48 75 86 72 84 Pacific................ 71 56 78 68 52 77 88 75 86 1 The take-up rate is an estimate of the percentage of workers with access to a plan who participate in the plan, rounded for presentation. See Technical Note for more details. 2 Includes workers in the private nonfarm economy except those in private households, and workers in the public sector, except the federal government. See Technical Note for further explanation. 3 Surveyed occupations are classified into wage categories based on the average wage for the occupation, which may include workers with earnings both above and below the threshold. The categories were formed using percentile estimates generated using ECEC data for March 2014. Note: Dash indicates no workers in this category or data did not meet publication criteria. For definitions of major plans, key provisions, and related terms, see the "Glossary of Employee Benefit Terms" at www.bls.gov/ncs/ebs/glossary20122013.htm.
Table 3. Medical plans: Share of premiums paid by employer and employee for single coverage, National Compensation Survey, March 2014 (In percent) Civilian(1) Private industry State and local government Characteristics Employer Employee Employer Employee Employer Employee share of share of share of share of share of share of premium premium premium premium premium premium All workers participating in single coverage medical plans............ 81 19 79 21 87 13 Worker characteristics Management, professional, and related.............. 83 17 81 19 87 13 Management, business, and financial.......... 81 19 79 21 – – Professional and related................ 83 17 81 19 87 13 Teachers............. 87 13 – – 87 13 Primary, secondary, and special education school teachers........... 87 13 – – 87 13 Registered nurses.... 80 20 – – – – Service.................. 80 20 77 23 87 13 Protective service..... 85 15 77 23 87 13 Sales and office......... 78 22 77 23 88 12 Sales and related...... 73 27 73 27 – – Office and administrative support 81 19 79 21 88 12 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance.............. 80 20 79 21 88 12 Construction, extraction, farming, fishing, and forestry.. 82 18 80 20 – – Installation, maintenance, and repair 79 21 78 22 – – Production, transportation, and material moving.......... 80 20 79 21 87 13 Production............. 79 21 79 21 – – Transportation and material moving........ 80 20 79 21 – – Full time................ 81 19 79 21 88 12 Part time................ 74 26 72 28 82 18 Union.................... 87 13 86 14 87 13 Nonunion................. 79 21 78 22 88 12 Average wage within the following categories(2): Lowest 25 percent...... 76 24 74 26 87 13 Lowest 10 percent.... 71 29 70 30 89 11 Second 25 percent...... 80 20 78 22 88 12 Third 25 percent....... 81 19 79 21 88 12 Highest 25 perecent.... 83 17 81 19 87 13 Highest 10 percent... 83 17 81 19 88 12 Establishment characteristics Goods-producing industries............... 80 20 80 20 – – Service-providing industries............... 81 19 79 21 87 13 Education and health services............... 83 17 80 20 87 13 Educational services 86 14 81 19 87 13 Elementary and secondary schools.. 86 14 – – 86 14 Junior colleges, colleges, and universities....... 85 15 80 20 88 12 Health care and social assistance.... 81 19 80 20 88 12 Hospitals.......... 82 18 – – 88 12 Public administration.. 88 12 – – 88 12 1 to 99 workers.......... 79 21 79 21 91 9 1 to 49 workers........ 80 20 79 21 92 8 50 to 99 workers....... 78 22 77 23 91 9 100 workers or more...... 81 19 79 21 87 13 100 to 499 workers..... 79 21 78 22 88 12 500 workers or more.... 83 17 80 20 87 13 Geographic areas Northeast................ 82 18 80 20 88 12 New England............ 78 22 77 23 84 16 Middle Atlantic........ 83 17 81 19 89 11 South.................... 79 21 77 23 87 13 South Atlantic......... 79 21 77 23 88 12 East South Central..... 79 21 75 25 88 12 West South Central..... 80 20 78 22 87 13 Midwest.................. 80 20 78 22 89 11 East North Central..... 80 20 78 22 87 13 West North Central..... 81 19 78 22 91 9 West..................... 82 18 81 19 86 14 Mountain............... 82 18 80 20 89 11 Pacific................ 82 18 81 19 85 15 1 Includes workers in the private nonfarm economy except those in private households, and workers in the public sector, except the federal government. See Technical Note for further explanation. 2 Surveyed occupations are classified into wage categories based on the average wage for the occupation, which may include workers with earnings both above and below the threshold. The categories were formed using percentile estimates generated using ECEC data for March 2014. Note: Dash indicates no workers in this category or data did not meet publication criteria. For definitions of major plans, key provisions, and related terms, see the "Glossary of Employee Benefit Terms" at www.bls.gov/ncs/ebs/glossary20122013.htm.
Table 4. Medical plans: Share of premiums paid by employer and employee for family coverage, National Compensation Survey, March 2014 (In percent) Civilian(1) Private industry State and local government Characteristics Employer Employee Employer Employee Employer Employee share of share of share of share of share of share of premium premium premium premium premium premium All workers participating in family coverage medical plans............ 69 31 68 32 71 29 Worker characteristics Management, professional, and related.............. 70 30 70 30 69 31 Management, business, and financial.......... 70 30 69 31 – – Professional and related................ 70 30 71 29 69 31 Teachers............. 68 32 – – 67 33 Primary, secondary, and special education school teachers........... 67 33 – – 66 34 Registered nurses.... 70 30 – – – – Service.................. 65 35 62 38 73 27 Protective service..... 75 25 66 34 78 22 Sales and office......... 67 33 66 34 72 28 Sales and related...... 63 37 63 37 – – Office and administrative support 69 31 68 32 72 28 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance.............. 67 33 67 33 73 27 Construction, extraction, farming, fishing, and forestry.. 68 32 67 33 – – Installation, maintenance, and repair 67 33 66 34 – – Production, transportation, and material moving.......... 72 28 72 28 72 28 Production............. 73 27 73 27 – – Transportation and material moving........ 72 28 72 28 – – Full time................ 69 31 69 31 71 29 Part time................ 64 36 63 37 69 31 Union.................... 81 19 84 16 77 23 Nonunion................. 66 34 66 34 64 36 Average wage within the following categories(2): Lowest 25 percent...... 58 42 58 42 63 37 Lowest 10 percent.... 57 43 57 43 56 44 Second 25 percent...... 67 33 66 34 73 27 Third 25 percent....... 70 30 70 30 71 29 Highest 25 perecent.... 73 27 72 28 74 26 Highest 10 percent... 74 26 72 28 79 21 Establishment characteristics Goods-producing industries............... 73 27 72 28 – – Service-providing industries............... 68 32 67 33 71 29 Education and health services............... 67 33 68 32 67 33 Educational services 66 34 67 33 66 34 Elementary and secondary schools.. 64 36 – – 64 36 Junior colleges, colleges, and universities....... 71 29 69 31 73 27 Health care and social assistance.... 68 32 68 32 71 29 Hospitals.......... 74 26 – – 71 29 Public administration.. 77 23 – – 77 23 1 to 99 workers.......... 63 37 62 38 71 29 1 to 49 workers........ 62 38 62 38 73 27 50 to 99 workers....... 64 36 63 37 69 31 100 workers or more...... 72 28 73 27 71 29 100 to 499 workers..... 70 30 70 30 69 31 500 workers or more.... 74 26 76 24 71 29 Geographic areas Northeast................ 76 24 74 26 85 15 New England............ 74 26 73 27 79 21 Middle Atlantic........ 77 23 74 26 87 13 South.................... 63 37 63 37 60 40 South Atlantic......... 64 36 63 37 67 33 East South Central..... 61 39 64 36 55 45 West South Central..... 61 39 64 36 54 46 Midwest.................. 71 29 70 30 77 23 East North Central..... 73 27 72 28 81 19 West North Central..... 66 34 65 35 70 30 West..................... 70 30 69 31 72 28 Mountain............... 69 31 70 30 63 37 Pacific................ 70 30 69 31 75 25 1 Includes workers in the private nonfarm economy except those in private households, and workers in the public sector, except the federal government. See Technical Note for further explanation. 2 Surveyed occupations are classified into wage categories based on the average wage for the occupation, which may include workers with earnings both above and below the threshold. The categories were formed using percentile estimates generated using ECEC data for March 2014. Note: Dash indicates no workers in this category or data did not meet publication criteria. For definitions of major plans, key provisions, and related terms, see the "Glossary of Employee Benefit Terms" at www.bls.gov/ncs/ebs/glossary20122013.htm.
Table 5. Life insurance benefits: Access, participation, and take-up rates,(1) National Compensation Survey, March 2014 (All workers = 100 percent) Civilian(2) Private industry State and local government Characteristics Access Particip- Take-up Access Particip- Take-up Access Particip- Take-up ation rate ation rate ation rate All workers.............. 60 59 97 57 55 97 79 78 98 Worker characteristics Management, professional, and related.............. 78 77 99 78 77 99 80 78 97 Management, business, and financial.......... 86 86 99 87 86 99 – – – Professional and related................ 75 74 98 73 72 99 79 77 97 Teachers............. 74 72 98 – – – 78 76 97 Primary, secondary, and special education school teachers........... 82 80 98 – – – 86 84 98 Registered nurses.... 76 75 99 – – – – – – Service.................. 34 33 94 27 26 93 76 74 98 Protective service..... 70 67 96 48 42 89 86 85 99 Sales and office......... 59 57 97 57 55 97 79 78 98 Sales and related...... 46 44 95 46 44 95 – – – Office and administrative support 66 64 98 64 62 98 80 78 98 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance.............. 60 59 98 57 55 98 91 89 98 Construction, extraction, farming, fishing, and forestry.. 53 52 98 48 47 98 – – – Installation, maintenance, and repair 66 65 98 64 63 98 – – – Production, transportation, and material moving.......... 66 64 97 66 63 97 76 76 99 Production............. 74 72 97 74 71 97 – – – Transportation and material moving........ 59 57 97 58 56 97 – – – Full time................ 75 74 98 72 71 98 90 88 98 Part time................ 14 12 88 13 11 87 22 21 96 Union.................... 86 84 98 86 84 98 86 85 98 Nonunion................. 56 54 97 54 53 97 74 72 97 Average wage within the following categories(3): Lowest 25 percent...... 26 23 91 22 20 89 61 60 97 Lowest 10 percent.... 14 12 88 13 11 87 47 45 96 Second 25 percent...... 62 61 98 58 57 97 84 83 98 Third 25 percent....... 76 75 98 73 71 98 84 83 98 Highest 25 perecent.... 86 84 99 84 84 99 89 87 97 Highest 10 percent... 89 88 99 89 89 99 89 86 96 Establishment characteristics Goods-producing industries............... 73 71 97 73 71 97 – – – Service-providing industries............... 58 57 97 54 52 97 79 77 98 Education and health services............... 68 67 98 62 61 99 79 77 97 Educational services 76 74 98 66 66 100 79 77 97 Elementary and secondary schools.. 76 75 98 – – – 78 76 98 Junior colleges, colleges, and universities....... 83 80 97 86 86 100 81 77 95 Health care and social assistance.... 63 61 98 61 60 98 81 78 96 Hospitals.......... 87 85 98 – – – 90 87 97 Public administration.. 83 81 99 – – – 83 81 99 1 to 99 workers.......... 41 40 97 40 39 97 62 61 98 1 to 49 workers........ 36 35 97 35 34 97 60 59 97 50 to 99 workers....... 55 53 96 55 52 96 65 64 99 100 workers or more...... 78 76 98 77 75 98 82 80 98 100 to 499 workers..... 71 68 97 70 68 97 74 73 98 500 workers or more.... 85 84 98 86 85 99 84 82 98 Geographic areas Northeast................ 59 58 99 56 55 99 81 79 98 New England............ 59 57 98 56 56 99 73 67 91 Middle Atlantic........ 59 58 99 55 54 99 84 84 100 South.................... 63 61 96 60 57 96 82 79 97 South Atlantic......... 62 60 97 58 56 97 83 81 98 East South Central..... 65 63 96 60 58 97 85 79 93 West South Central..... 64 61 95 62 58 95 78 76 98 Midwest.................. 63 61 97 61 59 97 79 77 98 East North Central..... 65 63 97 62 61 97 79 76 97 West North Central..... 60 59 98 57 55 98 78 78 99 West..................... 54 53 98 50 49 98 75 74 99 Mountain............... 58 57 97 55 54 97 79 78 99 Pacific................ 52 51 98 48 47 98 73 72 99 1 The take-up rate is an estimate of the percentage of workers with access to a plan who participate in the plan, rounded for presentation. See Technical Note for more details. 2 Includes workers in the private nonfarm economy except those in private households, and workers in the public sector, except the federal government. See Technical Note for further explanation. 3 Surveyed occupations are classified into wage categories based on the average wage for the occupation, which may include workers with earnings both above and below the threshold. The categories were formed using percentile estimates generated using ECEC data for March 2014. Note: Dash indicates no workers in this category or data did not meet publication criteria. For definitions of major plans, key provisions, and related terms, see the "Glossary of Employee Benefit Terms" at www.bls.gov/ncs/ebs/glossary20122013.htm.
Table 6. Selected paid leave benefits: Access, National Compensation Survey, March 2014 (All workers = 100 percent) Civilian(1) Private industry State and local government Characteristics Paid sick Paid Paid Paid sick Paid Paid Paid sick Paid Paid leave vacation holidays leave vacation holidays leave vacation holidays All workers.............. 65 74 75 61 77 76 89 59 67 Worker characteristics Management, professional, and related.............. 84 76 80 82 88 89 90 43 55 Management, business, and financial.......... 89 94 95 88 96 97 – – – Professional and related................ 82 68 73 78 83 85 90 36 50 Teachers............. 85 17 36 – – – 89 12 31 Primary, secondary, and special education school teachers........... 96 13 31 – – – 96 9 27 Registered nurses.... 81 83 85 – – – – – – Service.................. 46 58 55 40 55 51 85 76 78 Protective service..... 71 80 82 46 68 75 90 89 87 Sales and office......... 66 79 79 63 78 79 89 84 85 Sales and related...... 51 68 68 51 68 68 – – – Office and administrative support 74 85 86 71 85 86 90 84 85 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance.............. 58 82 84 54 81 83 95 95 96 Construction, extraction, farming, fishing, and forestry.. 44 69 74 38 66 72 – – – Installation, maintenance, and repair 70 94 93 67 93 93 – – – Production, transportation, and material moving.......... 57 82 84 56 82 84 88 63 72 Production............. 59 91 92 58 91 92 – – – Transportation and material moving........ 55 73 76 53 74 77 – – – Full time................ 78 87 87 74 91 90 98 66 74 Part time................ 25 34 36 24 35 37 41 21 30 Union.................... 83 75 81 70 91 91 97 57 69 Nonunion................. 62 74 74 60 75 75 82 61 66 Average wage within the following categories(2): Lowest 25 percent...... 34 51 50 30 49 48 74 55 62 Lowest 10 percent.... 21 39 36 20 39 34 61 40 48 Second 25 percent...... 68 82 83 64 83 83 93 84 87 Third 25 percent....... 78 89 90 73 90 90 93 65 73 Highest 25 perecent.... 87 79 83 84 91 92 97 37 50 Highest 10 percent... 90 79 82 87 93 93 98 37 47 Establishment characteristics Goods-producing industries............... 59 89 90 59 89 90 – – – Service-providing industries............... 66 71 73 61 74 74 89 59 67 Education and health services............... 80 66 72 74 80 81 90 42 55 Educational services 87 40 53 75 55 65 90 35 50 Elementary and secondary schools.. 90 27 42 – – – 91 26 41 Junior colleges, colleges, and universities....... 85 67 78 81 73 81 88 64 77 Health care and social assistance.... 75 84 84 74 84 84 88 88 89 Hospitals.......... 86 91 91 – – – 92 94 94 Public administration.. 89 89 88 – – – 89 89 88 1 to 99 workers.......... 53 69 68 52 69 68 79 65 68 1 to 49 workers........ 51 66 67 50 66 67 70 64 67 50 to 99 workers....... 58 75 73 56 76 73 90 66 70 100 workers or more...... 76 79 81 72 85 86 91 58 67 100 to 499 workers..... 68 79 79 65 82 81 88 60 64 500 workers or more.... 85 78 83 81 91 92 92 58 68 Geographic areas Northeast................ 69 73 75 65 76 77 89 56 60 New England............ 67 69 72 63 73 75 88 47 53 Middle Atlantic........ 69 74 76 66 77 78 90 59 63 South.................... 66 76 77 61 78 78 90 62 69 South Atlantic......... 67 76 78 62 78 78 92 65 77 East South Central..... 63 74 76 57 76 78 90 64 71 West South Central..... 66 76 76 62 80 79 88 54 56 Midwest.................. 61 74 76 57 78 77 87 55 67 East North Central..... 61 75 76 57 78 77 86 53 66 West North Central..... 63 74 76 58 77 77 90 58 69 West..................... 64 71 72 60 73 72 89 63 69 Mountain............... 61 72 69 57 75 71 83 53 58 Pacific................ 66 71 73 61 72 73 91 66 73 1 Includes workers in the private nonfarm economy except those in private households, and workers in the public sector, except the federal government. See Technical Note for further explanation. 2 Surveyed occupations are classified into wage categories based on the average wage for the occupation, which may include workers with earnings both above and below the threshold. The categories were formed using percentile estimates generated using ECEC data for March 2014. Note: Dash indicates no workers in this category or data did not meet publication criteria. For definitions of major plans, key provisions, and related terms, see the "Glossary of Employee Benefit Terms" at www.bls.gov/ncs/ebs/glossary20122013.htm.