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Table 8. Average plan limits for full-time employees participating in medical plans other than health maintenance organizations, small private establishments, 1996 Professional, All technical, Clerical Blue-collar Average Limit full-time and and sales and service employees related employees(2) employees(3) employees(1) Annual deductible(4) Individual...................... $306 $318 $298 $304 Family.......................... 744 782 717 746 Annual out-of-pocket expense maximum(5) ($ in thousands) Individual...................... 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.4 Family.......................... 3.2 3.5 3.4 3.0 Lifetime Maximum(6) ($ in millions)...................... 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Includes professional, technical, executive, and administrative occupations. 2 Includes clerical, administrative support, and sales occupations. 3 Includes production, craft, repair, laborer, and service occupations. 4 Amount of covered expenses that an individual or family must pay before any changes are paid by the plan. Further deductibles for specific medical services are excluded. 5 Amount of covered expenses that an individual or family must pay, exclusive of deductibles, before the plan pays 100 percent of additional expenses. Expenses for certain medical services, such as mental health care, may not be subject to this limit. 6 Total amount of covered expenses the plan will pay for each individual. When the amount varied for employees and dependants, the employee amount was used. NOTE: Average limits are calculated only for participants in plans that specify the limit(s).