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For release 10:00 a.m. (ET) Wednesday, December 4, 2024 USDL-24-2365 Technical information: (202) 691-5606 • • Media contact: (202) 691-5902 • TOTAL FACTOR PRODUCTIVITY FOR MAJOR INDUSTRIES – 2023 Total factor productivity (TFP) increased in 12 out of 21 major industries in 2023, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today, led by the mining and retail trade industries. The TFP increases in 2023 were driven by output growth outpacing the growth in combined inputs of capital, labor, and the intermediate inputs of energy, materials, and services. Output increased in 16 of 21 major industries in 2023. Among the top 4 TFP growth industries, output grew while combined inputs declined. Within these four industries (mining; retail trade; agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; and utilities) intermediate inputs drove the combined inputs decline. (See table 1.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Methodology Change Regarding Taxes and Subsidies in TFP Related Measures Data in this release reflect an improved treatment of taxes and subsidies in TFP related measures. New source data and methods have been introduced to improve the removal of net taxes on product from measured output and improve the allocation of net taxes on production to measured capital and labor inputs. Background on the method can be found at total-factor-productivity.htm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the current 2019-23 business cycle, 12 of 21 industries experienced TFP growth, while TFP declined in 9 industries. Output growth was positive in 18 of 21 industries over the period, indicating that output is above its 2019 level. Output in the remaining 3 industries (manufacturing, durable manufacturing, and nondurable manufacturing) is still below pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels. Labor input has grown in 17 of 21 industries during the 2019-23 cycle, demonstrating that these industries have recovered from labor losses in 2020. (See table 3.) TFP is defined as output per unit of combined inputs. TFP shows the relationship between changes in real sectoral output and changes in the combined inputs of capital input (K), labor input (L), and intermediate inputs (energy (E), materials (M), and services (S)) used in production of final goods and services. It reflects economic growth that is not due to growth in measured KLEMS inputs, including technological change, organizational changes in the production process, and other efficiency improvements. Total factor productivity and KLEMS as sources of labor productivity growth Labor productivity increased in 16 of 21 industries in 2023 as output growth outpaced the growth of hours worked. Labor productivity can be expressed as the sum of six components: TFP growth and the contributions of capital intensity, labor composition, energy intensity, materials intensity, and services intensity. The contribution of each KLEMS input is defined as the ratio of the services provided by that input to hours worked in the production process, weighted by its share of sectoral output. Examining input contributions and TFP changes reveals the substitution effect of increased use of an input relative to labor on an industry’s labor productivity. (See table 5.) Of the 16 industries with labor productivity growth in 2023, TFP was the largest contributor in 8 industries. TFP’s contribution to labor productivity growth was particularly strong in mining and retail trade industries. Service intensity made a significant contribution to the 6.4 percent growth in labor productivity for the educational services industry. Service intensity also made notable positive contributions to labor productivity growth in the finance and insurance and other services, except government industries. The labor composition index estimates the effect of shifts in the composition of the workforce on hours worked, using information on age, education, gender, and relative wages as a proxy for experience. In 2023, 14 of the 21 industries measured had negative or no contribution from labor composition. TFP and input contributions to output The nation's private business sector output growth can be viewed as the sum of three components: total factor productivity, contribution of capital input, and contribution of labor input. The driver of output growth for the private business sector in 2023 was capital with a 1.1-percentage-point contribution. TFP and labor input each contributed 0.7-percentage-point. Productivity growth is often viewed as a long run measure, encompassing many economic shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic. While TFP growth and contributions of capital and labor have been volatile over the last 4 years, the current business cycle of 2019-23 shows similar contributions to aggregate output growth as the previous 2007-19 business cycle. The private business sector can be divided into four broad sectors: goods producing; information and communication technology (ICT); finance, insurance, and real estate (FIRE); and service providing. Looking at these sectors provides further insights into how different sectors of the economy contribute to output. (See technical notes for industry makeup of each sector.) TFP’s contribution to output Total factor productivity’s contribution to private business output rebounded from a negative 1.6-percentage-point contribution in 2022 to a positive 0.7-percentage-point contribution to output growth in 2023. The 2.3-percentage- point change in TFP’s contribution to output is due in large part to service-providing industries, as their contribution increased from negative 0.4-percentage-point in 2022 to positive 0.9-percentage-point in 2023. The strong service-providing sector upturn was driven by the retail trade industry (0.8-percentage-point). TFP in the goods-producing sector had a negative contribution (-0.3-percentage-point) to private business output in 2023 and is the only sector with a negative contribution in the 2019-23 business cycle. (See tables 6-11.) Labor’s contribution to output Labor’s significant decrease in contribution to private business output growth from 2.5-percentage-points in 2022 to 0.7-percentage-point in 2023 was due to contribution declines in all four sectors. The service-providing sector contribution declined from 1.6-percentage-points in 2022 to 0.5-percentage-point in 2023 due to large declines in contributions from the professional and technical services industry (0.3-percentage-point in 2022 to 0.1- percentage-point in 2023). Looking at the business cycle of 2019-23, labor’s 0.7-percentage-point contribution in 2023 is in line with the current business cycle’s contribution. (See tables 6-11.) Capital’s contribution to output All sectors experienced positive capital contributions to private business output growth in 2023 (1.1-percentage- point). The service-providing sector made the largest positive contribution (0.5-percentage-point), led by wholesale trade (0.1-percentage-point) and retail trade (0.1-percentage-point) industries. Capital had similar positive contributions for the years 2020 to 2023 and the two most recent business cycles. The slight increase in capital contribution from the service-providing sector from the 2007-19 business cycle to the 2019-23 business cycle (0.3-percentage-point to 0.4-percentage-point, respectively) was driven by the retail trade industry (0.0-percentage point to 0.1-percentage-point, respectively). (See tables 6-11.)