An official website of the United States government
The NLS were begun in the mid-1960s with the drawing of four samples of men and women. Surveys of the four Original Cohorts have, over the years, collected two basic types of information: (1) Core data on each respondent's work experience, education and training, family income, household composition, marital status, and health; (2) Supplementary data specific to the age, sex, and stage of life or labor market attachment of each cohort.
The National Longitudinal Survey of Mature and Young Women, a two-cohort survey, is part of the NLS Original Cohort project. The Mature Women's cohort includes 5,083 women who were ages 30-44 when first interviewed in 1967, while the Young Women's cohort includes 5,159 women who were ages 14-24 when first interviewed in 1968. Data for both cohorts are available through 2003, when active surveying was discontinued.
The National Longitudinal Survey of Older and Young Men, a two-cohort survey, is part of the NLS Original Cohort project. The Older Men's cohort includes 5,020 men ages 45-59 in 1966, with data available through the 1990 survey year, the final year the Older Men were interviewed. The Young Men's cohort includes 5,225 men who were ages 14-24 when first interviewed in 1966, with data available through 1981, when active surveying was discontinued.
Last Modified Date: April 28, 2020