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Compensation Cost Trends related articles are available through the Monthly Labor Review, Beyond the Numbers, The Economics Daily, and the Office of Survey Methods Research research papers page.
The National Compensation Measures section of the BLS Handbook of Methods contains some articles organized by topic.
Transitional Employment Cost Indexes for seasonal adjustment by E. Raphael Branch, James A. Buszuwski, Albert E. Schwenk, and Mark Gough, April 2008.
"Changes affecting the Employment Cost Index: an overview, " by Richard E. Caroll, MLR, April 2006.
"Employment Cost Index publication plans," by Fehmida Sleemi, MLR, April 2006.
"Seasonal adjustments in the Employment Cost Index," by E. Raphael Branch and Lowell Mason, MLR, April 2006.
"Accounting for missing data in the Employment Cost Index," by Song Yi, MLR, April 2006.
"Introducing 2002 weights in the Employment Cost Index," by Stephanie L. Costo, MLR, April 2006.
"The Employment Cost Index: What is it?," by John W. Ruser, MLR, September 2001.
"The Cost and Incidence of Referral, Hiring, and Retention Bonuses," by Thomas G. Moehrle, CWC, Winter 2000.
"Compensation Cost Trends in Private Industry and State and local Governments," by Albert E. Schwenk, CWC, Fall 1999.
"Explaining the Differential Growth Rates of the ECI and ECEC," by Michael K. Lettau, Mark A. Loewenstein, and Aaron T. Cushner, CWC, Summer 1997.
"Employer costs for employee compensation to include information on part-time and full-time workers," by Mark A. Brinkley, CWC, June 1994.
"Cost of employee compensation in public and private sectors," by Bradley R. Braden and Stephanie L. Hyland, MLR, May 1993
"Employee compensation reports to include detail by type of insurance," by Albert E. Schwenk, MLR , Technical Note, May 1992
"Employment Cost Index Becoming Versatile Tool for Data Users," by Pam Ginsbach, Daily Labor Report , November 18, 1991
"Compensation cost levels by establishment size," by Wayne Shelly, CWC, August 1991
"Measuring union-nonunion earnings differences," by Kay E. Anderson, Philip M. Doyle, and Albert E. Schwenk, MLR, June 1990
"Employment Cost Index rebased to June 1989," by Albert E. Schwenk, MLR, Technical Note, April 1990
"Measuring the precision of the Employment Cost Index" by Karen O'Conor and William Wong, MLR, Technical Note, March 1989
"Measuring the cost and incidence of employee benefits," by Janet L. Norwood, MLR, August 1988
"Employment Cost Index series to replace Hourly Earnings Index," by G. Donald Wood, Jr., MLR, April 1988
"Analyzing employers' costs for wages, salaries, and benefits," by Felicia Nathan, MLR, October 1987
"Introducing new weights for the Employment Cost Index," by Albert E. Schwenk, MLR, June 1985
Last Modified Date: February 7, 2020