An official website of the United States government
In addition to official indexes, the BLS provides journal publications, working papers, and articles that research the methodology, measurement, and trends found in the Employment Cost Index.
The Compensation Research and Program Development Group (CRPDG) carries out research that addresses methodological, conceptual, and technical issues of concern for all programs of the Office of Compensation and Working Conditions (OCWC). CRPDG provides technical assistance to OCWC program offices, initiates the development of new program activities, contributes to BLS and program office teams, and performs self-directed research in the broad field of labor economics. In addition, the group serves as reviewers and project coordinators to outside researchers in academia, non-profits, and other government agencies who are interested in accessing OCWC micro data to work on their own research projects.
Established in 1915, the Monthly Labor Review (MLR) is the principal journal of fact, analysis, and research from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Through MLR articles, economists, statisticians, and experts from BLS join with private sector professionals and federal, state, and local government specialists to provide a wealth of research in a wide variety of fields. Articles on the National Compensation Survey (NCS) and the Employment Cost Index (ECI) are available, including:
The Office of Survey Methods Research (OSMR) plans and directs activities for evaluating and improving BLS programs, and conducts primary research on statistical and behavioral science issues relevant to the BLS mission. Research papers on the National Compensation Survey (NCS) and the Employment Cost Index (ECI) are available, including: